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I'm guessing these are the outdoor sets, so if that's the case expect multiple colour variations similar to Dragonflight. There is hope! Although comparing it to DF outdoor sets, I'd be shocked if they only changed the red cloth bits.


Yeah, one of my issues with wow is while they do variations of armor they unfortunately never just take the lazy route, sometimes I do just want the same armor with a different color, cuz I’m pretty sure if they do a blue version it’s gonna be like let’s make it entirely different with making it blue and black or something


This annoys me so much as well! Though i get why they do it


like dont get me wrong its weird to be like "i wish game company was lazy" but i guess i just wish the game had a proper dye system so i wasnt so reliant on the wow team making more dynamic interesting color variants like that new judgement armor variant that should be so cool and yet they said "nah... lets make it a shitty shade of blue and puke green with the brightest piss yellow ive ever seen"


Not doubting or arguing with you, but can I get source pls I want to see the info thanks if possible.


I assume you mean the "outdoor sets" bit, in which case it's more of an educated guess as they fit the 4 armor classes (cloth, leather, mail, plate) like we've seen with DF world sets. I did try to find a source specifying the source of the set, but I couldn't find one. I may have imagined it so I'll edit my word choice for now. The sets are seen here though if it helps: [https://youtu.be/tMDQzaRsVqc?si=WDiXKCM20N9fI-Gr&t=738](https://youtu.be/tMDQzaRsVqc?si=WDiXKCM20N9fI-Gr&t=738)


With tier sets making a return, and the first raid being Nerubian its probably not a raid set these can come from a few sources; Quest rewards for questing in the Arathi zone - unlikely since each zone usually is a recolor of a base questing set and these wouldn't match the other three zones. Dungeon/Delve quest set - might come in 1-3 colors depending on dungeon/delve or difficulty. Or finally these could be the Profession/World Quest/War Mode/X.1 catchup gear sets. Like the Red/Blue/Green/Yellow sets for Dragonflight. I believe they are called like Primal Molten/Lifebound. Had a scale+fur look to them.


Tier sets have been a thing since Sepulcher (9.2) Quest (Campaign)/Delve/World Quests/Warmode/Professions/(insert world event here) would fall under what I mean by "world/outdoor sets". More so the end-game of world content. Examples: (leather) [10.0 world set](https://imgur.com/a/ZxGSySZ) & [10.1 world set](https://imgur.com/a/FeTDgql) & [10.2 world set](https://imgur.com/a/U4bVj2F) That doesn't mean there couldn't be other quest sets in the level-up process for example, like [this from 10.0](https://imgur.com/a/ebIDg27)


Wtf that’s legit the dopest armour in the game. 


I know right it’s so fucking cool, the rest of the arathi armor looks badass as well


For real, this is almost like a judgment set remake


All those gold rings on the armor makes me think it's gonna match with the shoulder cloaks really well either way.


Why did you have to say you would give them money? Now it will be only available in a micro transaction…


On one hand I’m sorry if that comes to pass, however if they do give it to me as I’ve shown with that darker alliance blue and they don’t drastically change the rest of it, they’ve earned the money out of my pocket, just me though the rest of y’all should wait for it to come to the trading post


Haha fair enough it is a really nice looking set!


They look sick. Even closer to the perfect space marine transmog.


This series of armor sets is really going to make me have a human alt for each armor type. Maybe I can get away with a female evoker for mail...


Where did you find these?


War within preview, one on the left is real the one on the right is my shitty edit to ask for what I want


I have no idea why the image is so greyed out


what set is this


Arathi plate set from war within thats coming up, the one on the left is real, the one on the right is my shitty edit of what i hope to see


that's awesome


Wait. This set, even in red, is confirmed ?!


Yes the set in red is confirmed look up war within arathi set, it was shown in the war within preview panel at blizzcon


Honestly I would appretiate if they added some human transmog that does not have gold in it. Like let me have white and red armor like Stromgarde has it, there is nothing like this available except classic low res pieces. Or red and black, blue and white, just don't slap gold trim everywhere for once please.


On one hand I agree but I’m a gold trim enjoyer so I’m happy


WoW has been a thing for 20 years. Other MMOs have implemented armor dyeing. Why can't Blizzard?


Because theyre lazy and would rather come up with excuses like “that’s just not how we have it set up right now it’s more complicated than that” than to take the time to revamp things if that’s really the case, because if they let players sue their armors how they want they’d have to change their reward structure of having to farm out 4 raid difficulties and 2 pvp variants as your reward


I thought this was an NPC appearance, not necessarily the plate set. If it is the plate set then that's dope


I would like to take a quick moment to say Hi, thank you for the upvotes and attention [https://imgur.com/a/QZez5U3](https://imgur.com/a/QZez5U3) here should be the image with the correct colors, Krita can be a pain in the ass sometimes with color management Blizz if you do see this, while i do want the set on the right (same one with just dark blue where the red is), i also would urge you to think of making a dye system in your game and simply rethink your customization reward structure with 4 raid difficulties and 2 pvp sets, you could lock those colors behind those content acquisitions if you want, but i think its high time to give some player agency when other games have been able to do this for ages, and if its so hard to give lots of variants of one armor set when fan creators can do it easily, id either hire more people or redo the clunky system that makes you unable to do so. i want to say that so far you've created a fantastic expansion with dragonflight and im excited to see what war within holds with Delves, the new retuned mythic system which we'll get a preview of next season, and of course hero talents which are either going to be awesome or just a clunky addition, but hopefully its cool ~~(please let Herald of the Sun be good for ret, i like Templar but Herald really fits my personal class fantasy better and id hate to hear that for good dps i have to go hammers hammers and more hammers)~~


Are these real ? How can i get them ?


The first one will be real with the war within the one on the right is my request for a color variation


We just got WoD Grommashs armor in the shop if you want a rough timeline on this


Ackshully it's Lo'gosh's (aka Varian's) armour from his time as a gladiator.


This is leveling armor for the next expansion