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I have undying love for Resto Shaman, which is probably the closest to Holy Priest in how reactive it is, so maybe you would like it. That said, the Mistweaver is a blast. I generally Brewmaster on my Monk, but I've been doing more and more Mistweaver, because it's just a lot of fun. Their style of doing maintenance healing by beating people to death really can't be beat, and the throughput in general is great! There are no "meh" buttons on the MW.


Mist Weaver is incredibly fun. You get good mobility, which is fun. It does what I wish disc would do. If I heal I've gained priest mostly, and I think it is also very good, but for fun factor, I'd say monk takes the cake. I love the idea of shaman but I was never able to perform as high as priest or monk. Do you have any general tips for shammy heals?


I love this input! Thank you!! Had a laugh at the beat to death to heal line hahaha!


Imagining a zen Pandaren punching enemies to heal on the battlefield is really fun. The most passive agressive form of healing done by the chilliest race


Yes!! Hahaha perfectly said! I love the mebtal image šŸ˜€


I desperately want to love Resto Shaman, and it's sort of getting there now that I am leveling an old school Shaman on Classic. The issue is, it still feels like a gimped Ele Shaman when attacking while stuff like Cloudburst Totem puts me off due to its delayed nature. Honestly, I assume it's more of a pre-emptive cooldown but Cloudburst just feels so weird considering I might as well heal everyone up with my other abilities by the time I've stored enough juice to trigger it!


Thereā€™s an add on you can get for m+ that gives you a warning when to drop it


Ah, fair play! I'll have a look. That'll probably cover the main outlier for me not liking Resto Shaman at the moment then. I'd love to just know what to do and I know that will come naturally eventually but it still feels a bit weird for now.


Im with you. I always underutilize my CB totem and by the time it goes off everyone is either dead or full. Make me miss my hpal sometimes. See health go down -> press divine toll. Easy for my smooth brain to comprehend


> Honestly, I assume it's more of a pre-emptive cooldown but Cloudburst just feels so weird considering I might as well heal everyone up with my other abilities by the time I've stored enough juice to trigger it! If you don't like Cloudburst just play HST. It got massively buffed this last season and it absolutely cranks in heroic raids as well as keys that most people are doing to a point to where it's pretty hard to get solid value out of cloudburst instead in that content. Ends up doing like 20% of my healing even in 20-22 keys easily and probably 15-20% in heroic raids. At this point I'd only really use cloudburst on keys in the 25ish or higher range simply for the predictable burst healing and on harder mythic bosses. The tier set they are getting back is also going to favor HST due to much higher uptime. The only issue currently is there's a bug that prevents the totems from extending the buff if you put one down before the last one expires so it can tank your uptime to CBT levels of uptime if you don't track it properly unless they fix it.


SG being a party-wide lay on hands every 40seconds is hard to pass up.


I play every single healer. S2 was Resto Shaman to 3200, S3 was Disc Priest to 3300. All done via pugs. In terms of fun and dynamic gameplay, it's Mistweaver followed by Preservation Evoker. Unfortunately Pres has that range issue and past certain key level Pres starts requiring brain power disproportionate to it's output. Shame cause it's just so fun. In terms of being able to influence pulls, hands down Resto Shaman. Double mass stuns, interrupt, slows, knock back... I feel like a Tank 2.0. Practically unkillable as well.


Thank you for that! Would you say rolling a Shaman would generally require more brain power over Monk? Im a casual player at best, not elite but also not lazy, i do research and such but not gutsy enough to join higher pugs.


Depends on what you want to do. All healers past a certain content level go from reactive or proactive. By far the most meaningful difference between RSham and MW Monk is... the range. You can't do anything on Monk unless you are in range. Now MW survivability is better than it used to be but there's definitely lower risk threshold on RSham.


Gotcha. And thanks for that follow up reply.


Shaman main since Bc so take this opinion with the bias that can entail. This list is also based on this current content as the positions change around based on how fun specific builds are. 1. Resto Shaman 2. Resto Duid 3. Mw Monk 4. Pres Evoker 5. Holy Priest 6. Disc Priest 7. Holy paladin


Cries in hpal


Like I said, that is my personal opinion. I've honestly not enjoyed hpally since they changed the mastery to the range finder that it is now. On top of the recent play style changes.


I appreciate your list and input, would you go as far as to say that shaman needs a bit of finesse and game understanding over monk, like how hunter needs more training over ret pally slashing? (Sorry if in bot making much sense, i somehow feel that shaman has a higher learning curve, do you think so?)


I'd say Shaman is more straightforward than monk. Monks primarily heal by doing damage, commonly called fistweaving. While the rotation isn't complex, it changes the calculus compared against a traditional reactive healer. While comparing Monk to disc Priest, the closest analog for damage to healing. The main difference is for Monks to output healing they maintain a buff on themselves. While disc has to maintain a buff on everyone else. I chose monk cause that is easier for me to maintain. Shaman might look daunting or complex from the outside, but once you understand the tool kit, they really are a healer that has a lot of answers to most problems. They have solid single target healing, strong aoe when grouped, excellent cooldowns, and amazing mobility. They have a toolkit full of utility plus bring one of the "required", though no longer as unique as it used to be, buffs that any raid or dungeon team wants in the form of Heroism / Bloodlust Right now, my biggest complaint is the button bloat. Which I solve on pretty much all my healers by combining offensive and healing spells with heal,/ harm macros, and using the in-game mouseover cast features.


Thank you for that detailed answer, i shall keep that in mind. With this thread in as much as im leaning towards monk, i also am beginning to feel that a boost would be better spent on a shaman and then level a monk to learn it properly. Thanks again for the second reply


I would agree with that. I didn't really start appreciating monk healing until this expansion. As I wasn't able to understand it till I leveled the character. My only prior frame of reference was og monk healing in Mists, which is just completely different than what the class is now. Feel free to DM me if you have specific questions, I'm happy to share what info i can.


Shaman also has the benefit that if you pug you feel like you matter a lot. They have good interups, knockup/knockback aoe stun, lust and niche totems that actually help the group. So in a pugging situation you can almost carry the group like no other healer. I tried shaman this tier and was/am amazed at how great they are in a pug. I started out with the simple talent options and build on with cloudburst as i got to know the class and dungeons. So they can be really simple but gradually more complex


I really miss that one skill from Shadowlands (Venthyr covenant I think) where it was just a big combination of chain heal and chain lightning.


I mean, evokers have living flame, which is an either or by default l. Why can't I gently splash people with healing water or use that same water to violently whip my enemies?


Great post. Yeah, Rsham is one that I want to absorb and become good with, but it's a lot to take in. I am still working on it :P My background is mostly playing a resto druid though, so I am used to the button bloat maybe.


It's also a different style, Druids cast ahead of the damage. When I'm playing my druid, I'm almost always throwing HoTs out, never resting. On my shaman, I'll set up with riptide and totems. Healing stream or cloudburst as the fight demands, but i dont start casting till I know I'm going to hit someone missing a chunk of health. I'm always happy to share macros and answer questions. If you want some help, feel free to dm me.


Heck yeah, much appreciated, will do. A question I imagine others might ask at times though: objectively speaking, do you think it's easier to heal proactively like a druid or reactively like a shaman?


I use help/harm macros on all of my healers. Was amazing to reduce button bloat!


I think my shaman, druid, and Monk benefitted the most once I learned about these macros. It makes playing a healer in mythic plus so much more fun and just cleans up my ui for Raids.


Shaman is as straight forward a healer as you can get, besides maybe Holy Priest. Monk you need a good understanding of it, especially if you're fist-weaving. Shaman is historically the easiest healer to get into. You just react to the health bars and watch them go back up. Monk is a proactive healer where you need to have your hots out prior to the damage coming in and know when things are coming so you can be ready for it. Shaman you just hit a cooldown and chain heal through most things.


>Shaman you just hit a cooldown and chain heal through most things. *nods* This guy gets it


Shaman has SO MANY cooldowns to remember and master. I mained it for season 2, coming from a holy priest, and I felt like I could never remember to use all my cooldowns on each encounter. I would inevitably forget to use one or two. It also has even more needed keybinds than holy priest which is saying something.


I know! So many cooldowns. Like cloudburst totem, which does an aoe heal. or Ancestral Guidance which does an aoe heal or Ascendance which does an aoe heal or Healing tide totem that does an aoe heal or Downpour that has an aoe heal or the buff that makes your aoe heal, aoe heal even more. High Tide. All jokes aside the cooldowns are very straightforward even if there is a lot! It's still almost always 'drop this to aoe heal' with a few 'drop this to take less damage' I still love my resto shaman but after a few months or raid healing the same tier I tend to get bored and want a more complex healer. I prefer mistweaver/resto druid/disc priest in the long run just because they're more interesting


Yes theyā€™re all similar but I have actual cognitive damage due to migraines and the medication I take for migraines so itā€™s hard for me to keep track of them all. Whereas Iā€™ve mained holy priest since OG wrath (my raid lead was an idiot who didnā€™t understand shields didnā€™t show on meters at the time and made me switch to holy bc my hps on the meter was low as disc šŸ™„) and the class hasnā€™t changed significantly, or rather Iā€™ve played it through all the changes, so I know the cooldowns and can keep up with them.


I came back 2 weeks ago. I mained a Holy pally during BFA and loved it. First dungeon I ran as a HP felt terrible but I pushed through acouple LFR and my numbers were miserable. Swapped to Resto Shammy and started loving life along with sitting in the 1-2 spot on heals. They feel awesome to me.


This whole expansion I've been getting sat on by holy priests, and it feels like no matter what I do, I can't beat their output. I have come to accept that it's my style of healing, which is very old school and amounts to don't push a button if you don't need to. Rather than what I see a lot of, which is spam heals even if people are topped up.


I normally sit on heals until like 55% for tank or 65 or squishy. My shammy heals just feel like nukes on a single target with strong fallout to everyone around them. With cool downs rolling other heals may as well just sit on their hands. When I play holy pally I felt like I was struggling to move a single bar. Maybe I just blow and resto is broken šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I know this season, in particular, paladins got shafted. I don't really know how as I don't play holy paladin outside of heroic dungeons on tine walking weeks. I have seen some paladins putting out numbers on fights in amirdrassil, but they were all very well geared, and taking advantage of the grouped targeting and the groups I ran with were very melee heavy. Eta: And yeah, shamans mastery has always made me feel like a healing nuke, and with my main tank being a dk, I've literally topped from 1% to full with a healing surge crit.


Thanks for that inputšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


* Monk * Druid And that concludes my list.


Thank you! I appreciate it just the samešŸ‘šŸ¾ If you were to get a third healing toon what would you choose?


A priest. I'd lean towards Disc because of how much I like Monk, but I'd want to try Holy too. No real reason other than it's something new I've wanted to try for a while. To add more context, in season 2 I healed M+ for the first time, exclusively pugging up to 20. And it was stressful AF. I played a little monk at the end of season 2 and then carried that forward into season 3, and I felt so much more confidence healing consistent moderate damage and occasional heavy damage while contributing to DPS without even thinking about it. Resto druid is great when the rest of the group is great, but in pugs I felt like I couldn't keep up, and then adding on the brain bandwidth to shift and DPS was overwhelming. I main a arms/fury warrior and also played some VDH last season. Healing is something fun to do on the side that scratches a different part of the brain and gives me perspective as primarily a DPS player.


Thanks for that!


I have spent the past 10 years maining healer and being a big multiclasser and here is my opinions on them over the past 10 years of balance imo. 1. My favorite is holy priest because itā€™s super straight forward and saves people from near death mistakes the most effectively. The biggest issue is that it is much worse historically the higher the content that you want to do. Basically the better the people you play with, the worse the pros of hpriest become usually. 2. The healer I find the most success with usually is rdruid. It has options to basically be another dps when your team doesnā€™t need a healer but also has options to just dump mass healing when itā€™s needed. It also brings external DR ability and 3% vers buff and in general just feels like it does everything I want my hpriest to do when I get higher level content. My only issue with it is that in raiding itā€™s super super boring imo. 3. MW is a blast to play in any content in my opinion right now. In keys with Fistweaving I just feel like a dps player while healing and in raid I can just pump and dump and feel like I have infinite healing for everything. Thereā€™s 2 different styles completely and imo I feel like theyā€™re both fun yo play. Fundamentally itā€™s just a lot of fun to play, but it just usually falls short imo in the ā€œbrings stuff that other healers donā€™t that isnā€™t fun / big numberā€ categories. 4. Resto shaman feels like Hpriest to me but has a lot more mob control and brings lust so thatā€™s super nice but the bigger issue to me is that when I really want to save a single target like priest sometimes it just falls short, while it also just sometimes it falls short on being able to pump and dump mass healing like rdruid and mw. The main pros are that it can basically deal with everything from kicks, aoe stops and slows, afflicted affix, etc. it can basically solo anything you would be worried about that isnā€™t healing on every other healer. 5. Disc priest is usually a blast to play with mass ramps in raids and has the opposite issue from hpriest where it is very good the better the people you play with are. Personally I really love the concept of dosing to heal but for some reason I get really stressed out playing the spec for long periods of time due to not feeling like I have much control over if people live or die and canā€™t kick / lust / BR / etc that the other healers can. Most of the time Iā€™m playing it, I just wish I was playing holy. 6. Preservation I tried a bit at the start of the expansion and I didnā€™t really vibe with it. I donā€™t have much to say now. I respect those who play it and it does really large burst healing. I think theyā€™re really cool in theory but I just didnā€™t like it in practice likely due to range limitations and being rather cd reliant. 7. Hpally just isnā€™t it for me. I havenā€™t liked them now, I didnā€™t like them before, Iā€™ve never liked playing them. I donā€™t really know why. Probably just because when theyā€™re good enough at doing the big number healing then their external defensive utility completely blocks every other healer in the game, and if theyā€™re balanced around their utility then they canā€™t do the big number and feel useless when they have to heal. Idk.


Wow. Thank you for this highly detailed insight/response. I enjoyed reading it and i have learned quite a bit from it. I appreciate the time you put into it. I agree with a lot and on some i cant relate as i havent really gone too high in mythic runs to notice a class deterioration, but these things are always good to know. Thank you.


Damn as a Holy Paladin main these comments make me feel crazy for enjoying the spec. Donā€™t get me wrong, they really messed holy up and itā€™s not near as fun as SL or the rework power spike. But Iā€™m still very attached the the class fantasy, so Iā€™ll always find enjoyment with it


lol Iā€™ve been playing H Pally for the first time this season, with no knowledge of how they worked in previous seasons. And Iā€™m loving it.


Im glad! I like it too even with the changes.


In SL our dps was competitive with tanks and low dps. It truly felt like that martial healer fantasy I personally feel holy should be. Less overall hps but providing good dps and utility. Sadly holy doesnā€™t really do any of those aside from good utility. But I think the voice is loud enough that changes arenā€™t a matter of if but when


I enjoyed that too but i dont really mind the new setting, but i guess its really a big change for those that min HpallyšŸ‘šŸ¾


Donā€™t worry i have nothing but love for all my pally specs, and altho i put Hpriest as my top 1 i do enjoy my holy pallyšŸ’“


Rankings as in fun? For season 3 1. Monk 2. Holy priest 3. Evoker 4. Disc priest 5. Shaman 6. Druid 7. Paladin I enjoy melee healers more than range, but they screwed up paladin too much with having to cast.


1. Monk 2. H Priest / D Priest 3. Shaman 4. Evoker 5. Paladin (was my main, but damn he doesn't move bars with the spenders) 6. Druid <-- For the life of me I can't play this char...


Hahaha i hear your woes, and thank you for your input. I am leaning towards a Monk. But got curious about Disc as well.


For me it's similar, except I don't play RDruid and I hate how Evoker requires cooperation from the group, and we always seem to have at least one Hunter... 1. Monk 2. Priest (D) - only with friends though 3. Priest (H) 4. Shaman 5. Evoker 6. Paladin I used to be a Paladin main, but they really fucked the spec up with DF from a "fun to play" perspective. Completely inconsistent and incoherent


Thank you for your list! I am now also considering exploring Disc šŸ‘šŸ¾


Word of caution, Disc can be a lot of fun with a coordinated group, but if you run with a lot of PuGs it can be a source of frustration as much as joy. Disc depends on your group doing well to a certain degree, so when grouping options are limited I'd stick with the safer Holy. HPriest is still lots of fun, mind you, and you can heal from a safe distance. Some bosses are a pain in the backside on Monk, when you are forced out of melee range but Chi-Ji requires you to hit stuff. If you like to hit stuff with your fists, Monk is lots of fun. I've been maining the class even when it was objectively shit tier, and still enjoyed it enough. But you do have to really want to live with the downside of having to be in melee all the time. For a close second place, Priest is the slightly safer option. 2 specs means you can switch depending on mood. Disc is very strong, but has a higher skill floor than done of the other healers. It's going to be more frustrating before it finally clicks. Holy is a "safe" spec. Damage and healing are strictly split categories and you have enough tools at your disposal even when your group eats damage they shouldn't. Shadow feels very good this expansion IMO. Even if you don't plan on paying DPS, you can still quest well/fast enough in Shadow spec. Having a tank spec available is an obvious bonus for Monk, but you will need at least a different weapon. Priest can play all specs with the same set of gear. I tried to like Shaman, but it feels bloated somehow. I don't like how you seem to have 3 buttons where one would've been enough. On the other hand, Shamans seem to have a button for every situation, so there's that.


Thanks for that insight and warningšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Thank you for sharing, i appreciate it. I am leaning towards Monk. I agree with the pally comment, but since i dont know any different i dont mind it at low level runs haha Yes a list just for fun thanks Edited to add that the list was for fun


Shaman is looking very good for season 4 m+. Insane healing output, simple rotation and a fair amount of utility. That being said Monk is in my opinion the most fun and uncontested best healer for pug content. On top of having endless healing capability monk has 3 forms of hard cc and a low cd interrupt, some of the best defensives in the game and a personal lay on hands in expel harm. The only issue with Monk is the sheer volume of key bindings required to get full usage out of the spec. If you want to backline and get an occasional kick/stun go shaman, if you want to be in melee stopping and kicking everything, play monk.


Thank you for that! I am interested in both and am rethinking my strategy moving forward.


If you want fun then definitely monk


Everyone is telling you monk because it is fotm. It is really strong and will likely be strong. But monk has been far and away the lowest played class and MW one of the lowest played specs since forever. And if they nerf some things (which seems unlikely), then everyone will leave monk again. You will likely have a good time but you need to understand the different playstyles. At low levels you should really just play what you have an affinity for as terms of mog and races and class identity. Then decide do you want to be more of a melee healer, a dps healer, or a caster healer. if you're not pushing the S4 equivalent of 24+ literally play what you like, they're all good.


I've played MW since S1 and have all the dungeon portals, FWIW Monk was tons of fun even before we became FotM.


Yes, I enjoy it as well and have played it for SL/DF. But it is a very unique type of healing. And it is not what most folks think of when he's talking about healers. Honestly, if i was him i would just level via dungeon finder and get a feel instead of being dropped into MW on a boost


That makes sense. I would also get a feel for it before hitting endgame dungeons, it's not like leveling takes a lot of time these days anyway.


Thanks! I just commented as much about giving boost to shaman and learning the monk by leveling, i appreciate your input


Dont forget this 10.2.7 panda remix thing, if you decide to do that, thats fast leveling supposedly. And also you have a cloak for 325% xp gains so any 2nd characters level super fast, and those characters can be moved over to war within. But that doesnt help you much for S4


Thank you! Still leaning towards Monk šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


Thank you for that! Yes not elite level but i try to get my toons decent gear, but i dont run 20ā€™s, my main ret is just at 470 now. It actually does seem like a good idea to play both at low levels and see, thanks for that.


True, MW was pretty muchbone of the worst healers many times in the past. Doesn't change the fact that anytime I played it, it was also the most fun healer apart from maybe HPal before the rework.


for sure, and then they broke hpal in 1 patch and turned it into a FoL spam instead of melee. Which is another reason this guy should just pick on class fantasy and playstyle because blizzard can build or break a spec in a handful of balance patches


1. I like Evoker the most because they also have a support dps spec when my guild has too many healers. 2. Shaman cause chain heal and I get a shield. 3. Mistweaver because it can do 3 roles and I am good at it 4. Paladin because shield, and it can fulfill 3 of the roles. 5. Holy Priest because I like how it flows 6. Druid because it can fulfill so many roles 7. Disc Priest because I'm bad.


Thanks for this! Clear and concise, straight to to the point šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


Druid is my favourite followed by holy priest. I've played some mistweaver too and really enjoyed that. haven't tried pally this expansion but probably wouldn't like it cause it's a caster now. i really enjoy Preservation but can't get past the look of a Dracthyr. Shaman is fu n, I might play one next xpac and I don't enjoy disc


Thank you for this! High respect for your choice, as i find that its harder for me to maintain a druid but i still use it actively and try to level it up as much as i can. Agree on the evoker look so i keep it in human form as much as i can hahah.


I play Monk, Rsham, and Disc priest. Holy Priest has too many buttons, Hpal heals mobs too, pres is fun in an all melee group but ranged classes are dumb, and i don't play druid because cat weaving is so much work. Monk is the best imo (and it's not really close) but Rsham is my favorite ranged healer. Shaman has a simple healing kit and a strong active damage profile, so when I want to play a ranged healer, that's usually where I go. Weaving in lava bursts and chain lightning in keys is really fun for me, and I wish healer specs did better active damage like Rsham. Also a 12 second kick is crazy good. I threw disc in there because it's pretty good too, even though Holy does seem to be better after the little mini rework I'm not sold yet. Disc is not as hard or complicated as some people say it is, but it doesn't have great mobility, a strong defensive, or a kick.


Thank you for your input, and i just learned that hpall healed mobs! Ack! This thread does make me want to explore both but will most likely go with Monk still For the boost. But because of this thread i now added disc to explore alongside shaman


I'm memeing about hpal lol it's just sad that it does no damage when like all the other healers can do at least some damage if they try to. I'm glad you're going to check out Disc and shaman! They're both pretty good.


Ah hahahah!! I missed that sorry šŸ˜† And thank you, this thread helped a lot.


What's that about hpal healing mobs??


Lol. They just do zero damage.


Yeah that is true haha


I misunderstood hahaha he/she was referencing how hpal has no dps at all šŸ˜†


Yeah same I was like what but then it got to me hehe. It is true, they do miserable damage if you compare it to priest or mist or catweaving druid.


1. Holy priest 2. Evoker 3. Holy paladin 4. monk 5. shaman


Thank you for your list! I appreciate itšŸ‘šŸ¾


My personal list would look something like this : 1 holy priest 2 holy paladin 3 mistweaver 4 resto shaman and resto druid I haven't played evoker much at all to have opinion and last time I tried discipline was in wotlk so can't comment on that either. Holy paladin is certainly not in a great spot but I love the class fantasy and I'm still having fun with mine although it's so much harder compared to other healers (due to spenders healing like wet noodle). I'm hoping they do something about hpal going into tww as I'd like it to be my main with ret offspec.


Thank you for your input, i also enjoy my hpal offspec but yea i can bring it to serious runs hahaha just TW for now and maybe a +2 hahaha


1. Rsham 2. Rdruid 3. Holy Priest 4. Disc Priest 5. Pres 6. MW 7. Hpal


Thanks for your list! šŸ‘šŸ¾


1. Holy/Disc priest (I love them both, just depends on the mood I'm in. I love doing easier content with disc.) 2. Preservation Evoker 3. Resto druid 4. Holy paladin Haven't played resto shaman or mistweaver monk in a hot minute so I can't say for certain.


No worries, I appreciate this list as i havent event thought about disc and now its got me thinkingšŸ‘šŸ¾ thank you!


Using the boost on a priest gets you Holy + Disc remember, which is nice. I enjoy the different healing specs I play in different scenario's. Running high key pugs I'm currently preferring Holy, running with my usual group I mix a few specs but play disc, pres and mistweaver much more. Have basically given up on Resto after season 2, druid just not doing it for me anymore but it's still really good.


Thanks! I already have a maxxed holy priest, this thread made me wanna check out the disc spec, so should be fun while it lasts decide on my next healing character. I actually agree with the druif bit, somehow i find it a bit harder to manage, i mean no obvious reason but i feel that it makes me work harder than evoker even. Thanks for your input!


I have played Mistweaver, Resto Shaman, and Prevoker in all content. Resto Shaman is a very straight forward healer with no healing gimmicks. It lacks a bit in throughput but it has excellent and fun utility especially in PvP / M+. Damage (only matters in M+) is so so. Prevoker is very quirky. It has very strong heals and damage. However, it has smaller range (very annoying in raids), CDs on all its abilities, empower spells, skillshots, and very specialized utility e.g. Overpowering Roar. Also you are stuck staring at at a lizard (NOT DRAGON). I think if the lack of xmog and range don't bother you then you will have a lot of fun. Monk has two completely different styles. They both have very strong heals (absolutely crushes other healers in HPS). Fistweaver has good consistent damage but no burst. Caster mistweaver has almost no damage but really really strong heals which can top someone in 2 GCDs with regular rotation abilities.


Thank you for this input, i was worried that rolling a Shaman would take more effort in terms of brain power, glad to see that it is straightforward. Still leaning towards a monk at the moment but will most likely have a shaman right behind it hahaha thanks!


I never got into holy (priest & pal) or sham, so my ranking will not include every healer. Also, I like "difficult" healers (meaning the kind you need 36 weakauras to keep track of when to what), which is why I never got far with a pal, priest or sham. 1. Monk (fistweaver) : never played a funnier spec, very forgiving and quite strong, plus a lot of utility spells including a kick which, as a healer, is priceless and gives you so much control over a fight. Plus insane mobility. 2. Druid : my main since forever, easy to play hard to master but really rewarding once you understand it. It has the strongest healing output to me, but requires a perfect knowledge of every fight and good teamwork in terms of CDs. Absolutely not forgiving in case of "surprise we did not kick the deadly spell", and even if it has a strong DPS output RN, you still have to know when it's time for pewpew, and when you have to ramp up for incoming damage - assuming your team does what they have to because you're really reliant on them (we deeply lack a kick and that's why even if it's my main, I only rank it #2). Lots of CC and mobility, BR, stealth... 3. Disc priest : same as the druid, requires a lot of knowledge, easier to master, but even less forgiving. Can go from giga fun to meh depending on patches. 4. Prevoker : Fun. Just fun. Also requires a bit of planning, and not even worth playing if your team doesn't understand they must stack in front of you.


Thank you for this! Albeit it got me a bit worried about the brain power needed for Monk hahaha. But i appreciate it still, i play casually but i also enjoy researching a spec, i hope i do it (monk) justice.


When it comes to fun, as it was for season 3: Good: Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman Decent: Dull: Discipline, Mistweaver, Holy Priest, Resto Druid Didn't play: Preservation A shame that Disc and MW felt so uninteresting to play, as they are the specs I engage the most with when it comes to their core concepts. Holy Paladin felt good, but I'll miss their only HoT going into s4, so I'm making the switch to Resto Shaman.


Thank you for this insight. I appreciate it. This thread has gotten me curious about Disc but also a but scared of it and the brain power needed hahaha


But of course! It's a shame what they've done to Disc: they've baked Shadow Covenant, a previously active ability, into Mindbender; rendered Mindgames suboptimal because of the aforementioned change and made Schism a guaranteed proc off Mind Blast. Essentially, Disc rotation, especially with tier set, is super dull compared to what it was before. Not too mentally engaging, in my opinion, as it boils down to Smite spam which now keeps Atonement up. Don't be discouraged to play Disc because you think it's hard, it really isn't anymore!


Got that! Thank you!


~1:. Holy paladin - Pros: good AOE healing, a button for everything - Cons: bad single target, casting is dumb ~2: Monk - Pros: fun to DMG and heal, good AOE - Cons: not as much utility as I'm used to from holy paladin ~3: Evoker - Pros: spells are fun/versatile - Cons: range is ass ~4: Holy priest - Pros: easy - Cons: been a while so I don't remember ~5: Disc priest - Pros: healing with damage - Cons: very proactive playstyle ~6:. Druid - Pros: hots - Cons: hots


> 1:. Holy paladin - Pros: good AOE healing ...Cons: bad single target..." Goodness, times change.


Druid pro/con cracked me up


Thank you for that ranking and for the details! I appreciate itšŸ‘šŸ¾


1. Shaman, 2. paladin, 3 holy priest, 4 evoker 5 monk 6 disc proest 7 druid


Thanks you for thisšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Currently play 3 healers at 2.8k [r.io](http://r.io) score, and two of them I've healed mythic raid and one I did heroic. M+ rankings: Holy Pala > Holy Priest > Resto Druid Raid rankings: Resto Druid > Holy Priest >>>> Literally any other class and spec > Holy Paladin


Copy this and thanks for sharing this with mešŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


1. Holy Paladin. I love the sword and shield fantasy, holy warrior theme and instant cast heals. It breaks my heart to not play the spec in Season 4 due to tuning. It is with holy paladin,that I hope to start War Within expansion 2. Discipline. I started playing M+ in shadowlands Season 2 and I 've always wondered how a then F-ranked spec can heal 20s.I got KSH in DF S2/S3 and aotc and a few portals in DF S3.Again I love the fantasy,weaving shadow,light spells to heal. It was a blast learning how to ramp in raids. 3. Holy Priest. Unfortunately Disc Pug life is not easy. Some raid bosses are annoying and I have trouble healing pugs on Fortified Weeks above +18.For these cases I reroll to holy.I dont enjoy it as much but it gets the job done RIP healers Resto druid. It was my main, all of Shadowlands and DF S1, but as soon as I hit ksm on hpal and disc in S1, it became my alt. I hit ksh in DF S3,but it was starting to get really stressful/unfun for me to heal pugs above +18. Resto shammy. It was my 3rd alt in Shadowlands. It feels so clunky and slow in DF. I dont like having to spread riptides,cast healing rain.I guess I miss SL S3 instant heal,vesper totem and earth ele leggo. I dont like dragons or ninjas so I dont play evoker or monk So for War within, my plans are to play only paladin and priest and hope to God they are properly tuned :)


Thanks for sharing your preferences, i do find the druid more challenging than my other heal specs šŸ˜­


Almost exclusively from an m+ standpoint (have done 20s+ on all)Ā  1) Resto Druid (high dps, high throughput, ok-good util) 2) Mistweaver (ok dps, very high throughput, great util)Ā  3) Disc priest (high dps, ok throughput, weak util)Ā  4) Preservation (high dps, inconsistent/low throughput, great util) 5) Resto shaman (ok dps, ok throughput, great util)Ā  6) Holy paladin (poor dps, good throughput, ok-good util) Ā Bottom two have very annoying mana issues. Resto Druid, Mistweaver and Preservation Evoker are skill testing and more satisfying to play. Disc and Pres are reliant on a competent group to play to their fullest capacity. Disc and Shaman have very high floors.Ā  I really need to play the Hpriest rework, I will probably focus on this in s4!


Thanks for sharing!! I am planning to explore Disc too, based on this thread. It wasnt even on my radar haha


My personal opinions: 1. MW Monk (Been maining this since SoO, through the good and the bad.) - It's in a really strong place right now. 2. Resto Shaman - Easy toolkit, good feedback when you press buttons, great utility. 3. Holy Priest - Playing pinball with PoM, has some good synergies and combos. 4. Resto Druid - Always beating me on meters, great healing in capable hands. 5. Disc Priest - I know it's always top tier, but I find the micromanagement too much for me. 6. Holy Pally - One of the classes I know the least about, but they seem fun. 7. Preservation Evoker - Have barely touched it. I do hear a lot of guildies complain about the 20yd range. Combo blossoms are cute.


Thanks you for this personal ranking i appreciate the descriptions. I feel the same way about my ret pally main as you with yours, just really through thick and thin hahaha


As someone who played all healers. 1. Resto Druid all the different things you can use in a m+ fight is great, go bear for aoe, go kitty or boomy for some extra dps. 2. MW Monk i love how it feels and heals, lots of fun also lots of toolkits to use. 3. Resto Shaman easy healing also lots of toolkits and Ā survivability. 4. Presevation Evoker, love the burst healing, lots of good damage also great toolkit to use i dont like the shortrange that is a cumberstone in a lot of dungeons. 5. Holy Priest its the easiest healer to play does great healing but to me lacks some stuff i like in other healers. 6. Disc Priest that one isnt easy for pugs, its simpler as it was before but still requires a good group you know you can heal. 7. Holy Paladin how i loved it in S2 and it was way to overpowered and how they nerfed it so much it isnt fun anymore it's a shame i really liked how they revamped it in S2 and yet they thrown it to the wolfs. I always play what i feel like but i prefer ranged healers because some dungeons are no fun for melee at all and i find that frustrating.


1. Disc - really fun to play once it clicked for me. Hard to go back to reactive healing because of this and my number 2. 2. Mistweaver - honestly it's 1A and 1B with my disc priest. I had *so* much fun in a challenging way with MW it's making me consider a switch for the next expansion. 3. Holy - Fun, warm fuzzy standard reactive healing 4. Resto Shaman - Similar to Holy Priest but not as much fun for some reason, debating going back to it to see if it clicks more 5. Resto Druid - Played this for a long time but it just feels kind of bad for some reason. HoT healing is fun, need to spend more time with it. 6. Preservation Evoker - No idea how to play it. It's been super hard for me to wrap my head around it. I know it can hump, but I feel like something is missing while playing. 7. Holy Paladin - What have they done to my boy!? I was a paladin main for years until the last couple of expansions. It just feels BAD. I wish they would make it closer to MW. I would switch in a heartbeat.


Monk is the funniest heal, the funniest tank and also the funniest dps (yes, I main monk since Legion)


Thank you for that! I am still leaning into that for now, tbh it got me nostalgic about Pandaria, it was the expansion i left without having plyed it fully, life happened. I got partially back in Legion amd didnt last bec of life again, then I got back and it was BFA and was able to palu consistently (yet still casually) since then. I think a fun toon is indeed next.


You can experience Pandaria soon with the Timerunning Pandamonium coming with the next patch :)


Yes! I am now considering giving my xpac boost to shaman and leveling a monk hahaha


Shaman is really fun too, Iā€™ve boosted a shaman for dragonflight season 3 and I enjoyed it with all 3 specs




Obligatory I'm not very good at this game at all and I mostly pug, so take this with that pinch of salt! 1. Monk 2. Holy Priest 3. Druid 4. Shaman 5. Disc Priest (I can see it being better for organised groups but lacks too much for pugs) 6. Evoker 7. Paladin


Thanks for sharing this list, casual player myself. I appreciate this.


I was a boomkin main who switched to mistweaver monk for heroic raid and m+. My list is just based on how fun each class is and how efficient they are with dealing with different high dmg situations. 1. Mistweaver monkĀ  2. Resto shaman 3. Preservation evoker 4. Resto druid 5. Disc priest All these classes I have played in raid and in m+, I'm not familiar enough with holy priest and holy paladin to rank them.Ā 


Thanks you for sending in your personal ranking of heals, i appreciate it, ive been getting a lot of Monk being funšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š




Nice! Thanks for that! Seriously thinking of giving boost to shaman and leveling a monk after posting this thread


I am in the process of changing from Ret to Hpal. I also played resto druid and for me that was nicer to play but Iā€™m a pally main and donā€™t like shapeshift forms as a druid. So for me so far itā€™s 1 hpal and 2 resto druid. Sorry to all my fellow druid players but I really donā€™t like all the forms. Good thereā€™s a glyph that keeps me in my nelf form


Thanks for sharing, druid so far is my least fave but i still play it, just find it a bit more challenging somehow, cant put a pin on it tho


I always liked a resto shammy and a disc priest. A heal-a-din wasn't my thing anymore after the holy power change (no idea anymore which expansion, but old). A Resto druid I just considered annoying with the hot management. The holy priest had way too many spells and choices. The other ones I never played I think


Thank you for sharing your insight šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Purely in Terms of fun and mostly with a focus on m+ MW >>> Hpal before casting became a thing again > RSham > RDruid and both Priest specs >>> HPal now Never played Prevoker really, so I can't form an opinion beyond "short range bad"


Thank you for sharing your input!


Right now I like monk > evoker > Druid > holy priest > disc. I have a shaman too but donā€™t have a ton of experience to rate it yet, but itā€™ll prob be above holy. Having an interrupt and stop are super valuable, and as much as I love my Druid, Iā€™m just not in love with Grove Guardians pet healing style. Monk has been a blast this patch


Thank you for sharing! Was leaning towards monk for my boost but based on the insight i just might give my boost to the shaman and level a monk foe better understanding šŸ‘šŸ¾


Iā€™ve played every heals role hardcore except for the evoker one but the priest has been my favorite since TBC. Priest is my #1 preferred for mythics pvp raid. Holy pally is my least favorite I never liked the feel of it. Iā€™d have to say second right now is my shaman and then Druid, monk.


Thanks for weighing inšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


I main Restro shaman and I have a Restro Druid and holy priest. The shaman is my main but I really love all three and switching between them. Didnā€™t like preservation evoker at all? Havenā€™t got around to trying monk or paladin yet. Restro shaman is fun spamming riptides and chain heals but has a big tool kit of other totems and cools downs. The hot play of Druid is fun and once you ramp up feels great. Holy priest is straight forward but refreshing and just feels good.


Thank you for your input! I hope to learn to love my druid, im not giving it justice atm šŸ˜€


I'm at 3100io as a hpal I've leveled every other healer to 70 and done m+ up to ten with each. And holy paladin is the most fun for me.


Thank you for that! I like running my Hpal off spec and i think in the future i shall level one specifically for holy šŸ‘šŸ¾


Depends on whether you're in an organized group. For Pugging? S - Holy Priest S - Mistweaver S - R. Druid A - Prevoker A - Pally B - Sham B - Disc For organized groups? S - Mistweaver S - Prevoker S - R Druid A - Disc A - Holy A - Sham A - Pally All specs honestly feel quite strong. In terms of enjoyment in PUGs, I dislike playing both Disc and Prevoker because both specs require some set up to perform optimally... But if you're reasonably competent getting to 3k on any healer in PUGs is very doable.


Thank you for this list and for your input, i appreciate itšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


I got 2k rating on all healers this season, my highest (and most fun) being mistweaver which I hit 3k on. All portals on my HPal and Priest. They're all good and viable, just depends on the playstyle you like. Mistweaver and Hpal are my favourite but Holy priest is a blast now after the rework (literally), I can do insane damage, keeping up with and overtaking the tank in overall in lower keys where healing is as needed.


Nice! Thank you for this insightšŸ’“


Preservation is definitely my favourite at the moment; Holy Priest and Resto Shammy are tied for second then Holy Paladin, Mistweaver, Resto Druid, and lastly Disc Priest. Ever since they changed Disc back in Legion Iā€™ve hated playing it.


Thanks for your input!


I've been a resto druid main basically since I started wow. Spent a ton of time playing resto shaman in SL. Dabbled in Holy priest on and off. Recently picked up evoker and giving it a shot. All around solid at all content: R druid Cool factor/fun: Evoker Button for everything: R shaman I'd also rank them in that order. I have a hard time getting away from my r druid. But I'm having a lot of fun with the evoker.


Thank you for that! Mad respect for the druid top one, i can seem to properly give mine justice, but i soldier on with mine. I also love my evokeršŸ’“


I have played most healer at a heroic raid/ M+15 level; except shaman so i will exclude it. Echo Presvoker Melee HPaladin Mistweaver Resto druid Holy Priest Fistweaver Caster Hpal Emerald Blossom Presvoker Disc Priest. I enjoy interactive ramping playing styles that Echo/Renewing Mist/Glimmer plays around with, where as things like Discpriest atonement spreading/resto druid hots don't feel as dynamic and involved, just sort of mindlessly ramping hots/buffs out. But "ramping" like disc priest atonement which is largely just pressing Radiance, and then tagging one or two more folks with atonement as needed (generalizing gameplay here) I find boring. Older versions of Melee hpaladin (especially things like ineffable truth 8.3 paladin) where you get to have a meaningful DPS rotation playing into the holy shock ramp which then allowed you to ramp out more Glimmers for more spread healing was some of my favorite healing ever, but has largely been removed/nerfed each time it starts to get strong. Straight throughput healers like Holy Priest, my limited play with rSham, emerald blossom evoker where you just sorta spam your heals regardless of the situation, and focus towards whichever healthbar isn't full I find boring, but thats personal preference.


Thank you for this detailed insight, i appreciate itšŸ‘šŸ¾


I absolutely love HPal below +20 keys. After that, Im personally not good enough to heal through most things but some are. I really like healing through damage so MW and Disc priests are great, though I like the kit of MW slightly more. I personally dont care for hots or totems so Resto druid and Shaman are out. Though i really wish I did like druid.


Thank you for your input! I also wish i like the druid more. Will check out Disc on my priest as wellšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


By far the ā€˜easiestā€™ is rshaman. Youā€™ve got an answer for literally everything and can carry pugs. There are some sweet hps combos you can do and the upcoming tier set in S4 is incredible. Itā€™s also very easy to dps while healing. Rdruid is hard. Itā€™s a lot of hot maintenance and you canā€™t dps unless your group is good. As a pure healer itā€™s fine, but there are a lot of interactions between your hots that take time to understand and can go to shit in a hectic situation. That said, if you take the time to learn it, itā€™s almost always one of the best healers. Youā€™re just gonna have a bad time if youā€™re not playing it well. I played disc priest a bit towards the end of s2 and thought it was pretty easy. That said, I havenā€™t played it at all S3 but the biggest issue itā€™s had is lack of utility. You basically only have PI and mass dispel. No CC. No stuns. No kicks. Youā€™re gonna depend on the group to do all that shit. I donā€™t think the healing part is hard, but the lack of utility will show in a bad group. Pres Evoker is fun but that range limitation sucks. They do have a lot of utility and do good damage, and I think they are easy to play besides the range issue. IIRC, they also get the S1 bonus which was OP. Of these 4, Iā€™d rank them 1 - rshaman 2- prevoker (* banking on them returning to s1 form in s4, otherwise Iā€™d rank them tied with rdruid) 3 - disc 4 - rdruid


Thanks for that insight, very helpfulšŸ‘šŸ¾


From my limited experience healing (off and on for YEARS) I prefer Mistweaver first. Monk being my main (most time spent on Brew), I just vibe with MW so well! Soothing Mist into instant Enveloping/Vivify is just SO SATISFYING to perform, Renewing is just clutch, Jadefire Stomp is visually SO cool and resets so often, stomping the ground, spinning my legs, ferocious kicks, RSK is DAMAGING and Sheilun left us a special not so little gift lol :) Resto Shaman was a favorite for a while, those healing, graceful waters are just so sick visually, Healing/Acid Rain is cool, and Ghost Wolf is super nice to have! Totem play style is fun as well. Finally we have Holy Priest. Holy is easy, straightforward, and powerful. A little boring to play, but easily one of the best. Holy Nova is fun af and freaking YANKING people to you? Bro.


Hahaha thanks! I can never get that pulling a player to me in a smooth cool manner, its always ā€œhold up lemme find the keyā€ hahaha Thanks for your input!


Npnp happy hunting!


I'm not playing some +30 M+, so it'll be from experience of someone playing casual +20s. Resto shaman is boring. All you do is spamming riptide and chain heal. You lack of ohshit buttons. Your main CD is rather weak. Mana management is easy. Overall very easy and straightforward healer. Holy paladin requires you to be in melee and it's a big downside. On the other hand most heals are rather strong. After rework this spec feels like it was designed for M+. You spread light and heal passively by healing actively. Lot's of clicking, lot's of buff tracking on party. Mana was easy for me, but some people whine on it. I would not recommend it as first healer, but it's fun. Resto druid is just strong. I never was able to pop so much heals on any other healer as on resto druid. BUT. You need to be prepared for pumping. It takes some time until you are up and running. Heals are not instant like for hpal or rsham and it's weird that you must believe in hots. Mana department is not easy to manage. You can drain yourself very fast if you are reckless in casting. Strong healer but rather hard. My newest healer and main for S4 - priest. I tried only holy so far. Healing is pretty straightforward. You click heal and you heal. You have panic buttons, which you recharge by casting other spells. I can pump heals with it, but encounter requires specific dmg profile as you have to get back charges of strong spells. I'm having a bit of a problem with AoE healing while group is spread up. You basically need to heal each person one by one. TBH you can be fine pressing only Heal for the entire dungeon, making it easy healer. With more experience you are adding more spells to your toolkit thus becoming more mana efficient. For the rest: I heard disco became easier to play. Evoker is still in beta and is very dependant on tierset. And mistweaver is clunky and mana hungry.


Thanj you for this inputšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


Personal ranking as someone that has all healers at atleast 2.5k score this season: 1. Resto Sham - my main for the past 2 expansions so a bit biased, but I feel like resto sham still shines especially in m+. Really high healing output and dmg at the same time. 2. Pres Evoker - co-main. Been co-maining it with resto sham since evokers came out, and while I feel like s1 pres was peak, it was still really fun this season as well. 3. Holy Priest - the reason Hpriest is so high is solely because of the tier set. The spam of holy words is extremely fun to play with and makes the spec really bursty as far as healing goes. Really enjoy this one. 4. Resto Druid - really fun and feels omega op. I think resto druid was in a really good spot even if not truly meta. 5. MW Monk - not really feeling it this season for some reason even tho its been at its personal peak as far as MW performance usually is. And I say this as someone that has played MW every season/tier since they released back in mop. 6. Holy Pala - they just ruined it imo after the 10.1.5 changes 7. Disc Priest - never really enjoyed disc after legion Overall quite a fun season to heal imo. Even tho the healing changes were a bit too much it didn't feel that bad in practice.


Thank you for taking the time to share this. I appreciate it. Would you be able to weigh in if i ask if the shaman spec can be played effectively by a casual player? I mean i do enough research and use the right sites for talents rotations and such, but i am by no means an elite player, would i still be able to enjoy it? Or should i got with hit and healing? I know ultimately its a personal choice but somehow in my brain i treat the shaman spec like the hunter spec in that i probably would just botch it up and waste my boost hahaha I hope that makes sensešŸ˜†


Resto Sham is either the easiest healing spec or second after Holy priest in my personal opinion. It is a very rewarding spec. With a good comp (or pug group) you don't need to do much besides cast riptide and a healing surge or 2. Resto has an abundance of CDs as well, so you basically always have a cd up for certain healing mechanics. On top of that rsham dmg is just unparalleled in my experience compared to the other healers. It is just very easy to output huge dps numbers and that's obv the most important thing in m+ less so in raids. So imo you should do completely fine once you get a bit of practice in and learn your cds and what your buttons do :D


Between 3k-3.5kio on all healers: pug group 1. Mw monk 2. Pres evoker 3. Resto sham 4. Holy priest 5. Resto Druid 6. Holy Pala 7. Disc priest


Thanks for sharing your personal rankingšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


Healer main Here. I have every healer max level. Holy Priest is my favorite healer personally. Iā€™ve mained my Priest almost the entire 12 years Iā€™ve played. My Top favorites Are Holy Priest, Monk, and Evoker. Followed by Shaman then Druid. With Disc Priest 2nd to last and Holy Paladin as my least favorite atm. But thatā€™s my personal choice of how fun I find them. All healers are viable and good when played right. Shaman and Monk are both fun healers imo and you can go either or for your next healer!


Thank you for sharing your preference! I am leaning towards monk for the boost, but also interested to have all healers in my rosters. This thread is helping a lot. Thanks again!


Healers and their playability change a lot from expantion to expantion, this makes it hard to make a real ranking. Retoshaman is my ultimate healing love, it used to be such a stoner healing class. And well, i used to be such a stoner lol. Played it for quite a while, than did a paladin fase during Legion (their sanctuary was an obvious win) and later a restodruid fase during BFA. But went back to restoshaman in shadowlands and dragon flight. O and i played priest for a bit some where in cata as well. Monk never made it further than life timewalkers. So to recap: 1. Shaman 2. Restodruid 3. Paladin 5. Blood deathknight ;) 4. Priest 5. Monk 6. Evoker


My fun ranking and as mainly a paladin + mistweaver enjoyer throughout different expansions but it has changed quite a bit this expansion. 1. Holy priest, idk everything just seems to click well right now and i have never had so much fun playing priest as i do now. 2. Mistweaver, it's in a great spot right now and also very fun I do slightly prefer some previous iterations of the spec but this one is still super enjoyable. 3. Resto shaman, fun to play overall although the tier sets really have been uninteresting or just straight up bad to play. 4. Resto Druid, in m+ it's great it feels impactful, both dpsing and healing feels great. Raiding on the other hand? Not really It has been okay but in raid the trees feel really unfun. And DF's healing profile makes my setup feel so unsatisfying. 5. Disc priest, it's cool it's probably my least played spec because I have no need to play it since I love holy so much. It's very fun and unique I haven't spent enough time to have a real opinion on it. 6. Pres evoker, I like the s1 version of it season 3. Idk it's okay the 25 yard range really holds it back. And it's more of a annoyance than a immersion (nymue is also the most annoying fight as pres). 7. Holy paladin, I love it so much throughout the years season 2 made me so happy. But season 3 really made me feel horrible. Mana on my spenders, they feel so weak as well. I'm out of mana in a instant. It's not fun to play right now and if season 4 fixes these issues i would probably put it higher but right now it's dire.


A lot of people here are talking about monk in terms of fistweaving, which is a really fun healing style and my personal preference as well. However, it is worth noting that monk has two builds in the Talent tree. 1. Fistweaving, based around teachings of the monastery. 2. Mistweaving, based around soothing mist. Most people don't talk about mistweaving because it's not as convenient as fistweaving, but I think if you enjoy Holy priest you will rather enjoy mistweaving. It is very reactive, ranged, and can pump big numbers with the correct build. I have tried it a few times in M+ and pulled similar numbers as in fistweaving. Granted, fistweaving does provide more healing due to the fast paced nature of the build, but I find them both to be perfectly viable. I tried rsham two years ago and quite literally fell asleep while playing.


Disc priest will always be my favorite. People seem to think itā€™s the most difficult healer to play, but I find it the easiest. You should be doing damage as a healer, but itā€™s up to your own judgement when to heal and when to dps. As a disc priest I donā€™t need to decide when to do either I just pop PWR and blast. After disc Iā€™d say Mistweaver and Druid are my next two


1. Resto Shaman 2. Resto Druid (if it was only for the healing power it would be first, but the utility and damage abilities are too complicated/require too many buttons for my taste) 3. Holy Priest (insert here all the other healers that I haven't played) ?. Preservation Evoker ?. Holy Paladin This is the order of how good and easy they are for me to play, it doesn't reflect their true max power of course


I main tank now, but Iā€™ve been healing since bfa, and I still play both resto shaman and disc priest around low 20s keys. Iā€™ve played both specs consistently since s1/s2 of shadowlands and used to play holy pally in shadowlands. Iā€™ve also played most of the other healing specs to some level in keys over the last 2 expansions. 1. Resto shaman. It wonā€™t top any tier lists, but itā€™s honestly the most fun healer imo. You offer a lot to the group with an aoe knockup and stun. You have an interrupt on a quick cooldown, and it also does good damage. Not to mention you bring lust. 2. Disc priest/holy. I prefer disc over holy, but I havenā€™t played holy after the most recent damage buffs. Disc can be pretty punishing in pugs at times, but I think itā€™s a very engaging healer. Mass dispel isnā€™t as valuable as it used to be, but you still bring decent utility and pi. 3. Monk. Iā€™ve always thought mistweaver was a fun class, but I havenā€™t played it in dragonflight. You bring great healing, excellent utility with an aoe stun, interrupt, ring of peace. Not to mention, great damage. 4. Pres Evoker. No experience with it at all, but you bring lust and good damage. Iā€™ve always enjoyed having one when Iā€™ve tanked. 5. Resto Druid. I think itā€™s a good healer, with good damage. Iā€™ve just never enjoyed the gameplay style of rdruid. I find the catweaving, shapeshifting, HoT very tedious imo, but a lot of people enjoy it. 6. Holy paladin. I wish holy paladin was better, because itā€™s a healer Iā€™ve always enjoyed playing. However, itā€™s just a shell of its former self. Definitely fine for anything less than the highest of keys, but its healing and damage are both extremely underwhelming. I just donā€™t see any reason to play it over mistweaver if you enjoy the melee healing style.


I only tried 2 although I have more classes capable of healing. Resto shaman is my go to since I leveled it in Wrath. Easy to play, very powerful when you pop cooldowns. Great class fantasy. Resto Druid on the other hand? How do you even play this mess? Iā€™m unable to keep my paty up so badly people kick me from dungeons.


Fistweaver tops all for m+. It's extremely fun and insane strong.


As a MW main since mid legion, seeing all the Monks as most fun is making me so happy. Itā€™s been this way the whole time and Iā€™m glad people are seeing the joys of punching people to heal your friends


Started late in the season and just got both my monk and druid to 3k and 3.1k (priest currently on 2.8, need to push real hard to hit my goal) For me: 1. Druid 2. Monk 3. Disc Priest 4. Holy Paladin (raids only, havenā€™t done M+) 5. Holy Priest 6. Pres Evoker 7. Shaman Druid and monk are very close - depends on the week / dungeon, even though bursting is a non factor because my druid can just outheal it, revival and sheiluns on monk is so easy, incorporeal is so piss on my monk, druid i have to cast hibernate. Murozondā€™s Rise I prefer druid (feel safer on the last boss), Fall I prefer monk. Holy Paladin Iā€™ve only raided on (easy accepts for HC Fyrakk) and itā€™s definitely up there with disc priest for my favourite raid healers (I hate Druid raid healing) Holy Priest is okay, I enjoy it because it pumps damage but whenever Iā€™m playing it I just wonder why Iā€™m not playing disc, because if Iā€™m playing disc Iā€™m not choosing whether to dps or heal (also HPriest you have to be careful with movement). Honestly Iā€™d say disc is so much easier than holy. Like you have pain supp, PW barrier, the rotation is so easy you just have to be mindful of a few passives (i.e. banking 2 stacks of harsh discipline for big penance) I havenā€™t put much into my presevoker this season but I loved it in season 1 Shaman i just hate, just feels so clunky and slow, I tried it because everyone raves about it but for me it doe


Started late in the season and just got both my monk and druid to 3k and 3.1k (priest currently on 2.8, need to push real hard to hit my goal) For me: 1. Druid 2. Monk 3. Disc Priest 4. Holy Paladin (raids only, havenā€™t done M+) 5. Holy Priest 6. Pres Evoker 7. Shaman Druid and monk are very close - depends on the week / dungeon, even though bursting is a non factor because my druid can just outheal it, revival and sheiluns on monk is so easy, incorporeal is so piss on my monk, druid i have to cast hibernate. Murozondā€™s Rise I prefer druid (feel safer on the last boss), Fall I prefer monk. Holy Paladin Iā€™ve only raided on (easy accepts for HC Fyrakk) and itā€™s definitely up there with disc priest for my favourite raid healers (I hate Druid raid healing) Holy Priest is okay, I enjoy it because it pumps damage but whenever Iā€™m playing it I just wonder why Iā€™m not playing disc, because if Iā€™m playing disc Iā€™m not choosing whether to dps or heal (also HPriest you have to be careful with movement). Honestly Iā€™d say disc is so much easier than holy. Like you have pain supp, PW barrier, the rotation is so easy you just have to be mindful of a few passives (i.e. banking 2 stacks of harsh discipline for big penance) I havenā€™t put much into my presevoker this season but I loved it in season 1 Shaman i just hate, just feels so clunky and slow, I tried it because everyone raves about it but for me it doe


1. Druid 2. Monk 3. Disc 4. Shaman Druid is so good once you know how to utilize all your stuff. Monk is also great but the short melee range is what I find very difficult in m+. As a healer I like some overview, I hope they give monks a bigger melee range and bl or cr with new expansion. Then it will be my number one.


I play all except for evoker and have KSM on all the rest. Rdruid, monk and holy priest are the easiest. Their throughput is ridiculus My main has always been holy pala but its too gimmicky at the moment. Both hps and dps are low and it feels clunky. Shamans are fantastic for pugs and so much fun. I'd go with that


I main Holy paladin and love it to death, the survivability, the chunky hps, and utility make it my ride or die. I think second is druid, again great utility in raids and dungeons as well as great hps. Holy priest is ok, I think it's fun to play but not as great as the others. Shammy, monk, dragon I haven't played enough to rank em, but it's more or less this order.


Mistweaver Monk Resto Shaman Resto Druid Holy Priest Disc Priest Preservation Evoker Ranked my favorite to least favorite to play. Mileage may vary for everyone but my playstyle these fit me more.


1. Resto druid (my main, i like the HOTs gameplay and the many tools as a druid) 2. Resto shaman (second only because i dont like cloudburst totem gameplay, and also they are ussually underpowered) 3. Mistweaver monk (polemic point here... i dont like fistweaving, so i play my own soothing mist build, and its quite effective for pugs) 4. Holy priest / Holy paladin (i like them both the same honestly) 5. Evoker (i dont like the gameplay at all honestly) 6. Disc priest (the only one i dont like at all... i want to heal, not dps, which is the reason why i also dont play fistweaver lol)


Have all healers level 70, but pally and priest I haven't done to much on. First, Monk Mist Weaver healing is super fun in Raid, Fist Weaving is also super fun in M+, highly recommend Monk. Second, Preservation Evoker. Really fun in Raids, blanket raid pretty well and easy enough to do. M+ is pretty cool, sometimes CDs may leave party low and exposed to death, you get better at it with time and knowing fights/position. Resto Druid, I've seen others do really well in Raids, I do ok, blanket with hots and ramp into damage best I can, also B Rez. M+ is also pretty cool, lots of utility and easy to keep multiple hots going and have answers to o crap moments. Pretty fun, recommend to newer players due to druid flexibility, but don't expect to be top healer in most fights. Resto Shammy. Raid is really cool, chain heal does a lot of work and quite a few answers to raid wide damage. One of the few that don't really rely on haste stat as heavy but crit/mastery, does make it feel different if your playing multiple healers. M+ is good fun, those same answers to damage in raid, chain heal basically hits everyone every time. Priest. Haven't dealt with it to much, just dick around in LFR mostly. Kinda fun. I could see myself playing more of it. Pally, I tried, I don't get it. May revisit it later in S4. I love healing.


Bit biased, but starters: Resto Druid - its the most mobile, has an answer for every problem, and has the best utility in the game. Healing is so-so compared to shammy or pally but its not in an awful state. Holy Pally - again, lots of utility, not as much as druid but it does offer more practical things than slowfalling or breathing under water. Kit is simple and straightforward and mostly chill to play. Monk - Mistweaver has bignumbers right now, its extremely fluid and mobile. All in all extremely solid, with a bit of utility on top. Pres Evoker: fucktons of in combat utility. From a group defensive; to 2 dispels (one that can remove bleeds), hover makes you ridiculously mobile, more defensives than god, only real negatives are its range, and the fact you have to position for certain abilities to land. Resto Shammy - best external defensive in the game via earth shield. Core playstyle has not changed much in 20 years. Chain heal, riptide, healing rain, totems. In m+ it has a double stun thats useful. One of the easiest pick up and play healers next to priest. Both are fairly sturdy. Both have big reactive heals, however I rate Shaman above priest because it offers alot more, like healing rain passive dps, higher uptime external, better instant heals, a better mastery imo. The only negative to shammy is how stationary its playstyle is. As a druid main it feels rigid to be so held down. Holy Priest - amazing self survival skills, extremely simple kit, utility via mass dispel and PI, and a varied selection of builds for different situations, example: Restitution allows a holy priest to battle rez someone even if you have no battlerezes. Its extremely useful for if a tank dies, or a healer and you are out of battle rezes. Disc Priest - As a druid main, I despise Disc with my soul.


I started playing healer seriously this season and Mistweaver is extraordinary. Fun, excellent throughput, great fantasy, every button is satisfying. You have a button for everything. A powerful HoT that enhances healing with the tier set. A virtual immunity with cocoon that you can even use on a tank that is vulnerable in the opener of a big pull, two powerful aoe healing CDs - Sheilunā€™s Gift at 7+ stacks is extraordinary, and revival is a better mass dispel on a shorter CD. Proactive group shielding on an insane one minute CD with crane. A lower impact button that you can press while moving in essence font. Six personal defensives with the double auto health pot, expel harm, fortifying brew, dampen harm, diffuse magic and thunder focus tea plus expel harm for a shield. ST healing with enveloping and soothing mist plus vivify is insane throughput that can keep anyone alive. Good utility with aoe stun, interrupt, and instant incap as an extra interrupt. Freedom + roll for mobility. If you have leaf of the ancient protectors you now have another massive external on top of cocoon. Jade fire stomp is a beautiful and satisfying ability. And this is without even talking about damage as a source of healing which is not just a fun and extremely powerful playstyle but is also capable of insane throughput. Iā€™ve done over 200k hps in some big pulls without so much as pressing a healing button with spinning crane kick spam, tiger palm and rising sun kick. My go tos used to be hpriest and rsham as easy alts but MW really blows them all out of the water and is super fun to boot. I toyed around with resto Druid to a relatively high level this season and itā€™s very powerful, but I didnā€™t enjoy pugging on it as much because people make too many mistakes and I canā€™t spend enough time catweaving, but itā€™s my second favourite for sure after MW.


Priest, Monk, Paladin, Shaman, Druid, Evoker In that order. Druid used to be higher but I donā€™t think is as fun to play anymore


Mistweaver > Evoker > Disc Priest > Paladin > Druid > Holy P >>>> Shaman


As someone who as honly done up to 16s or so, honestly I find them all really fun. I think holy Pally is my least favorite. Maybe monk and resto druid are my favorites with resto shaman and holy priest right be bind. Disc is just ranged monk without utility but is good still. Just less fun for me.


As a noob healer who just reached KSM on most healers. From chill to most frustrating in pugs: Rdruid Rsham MW Disc Hpriest


1. Resto Druid. Love the mobility, utility, and how easy it is to weave in DPS. Bonus points for Resto and Guardian sharing stat priorities since I do both. 2. Holy Priest. Just feels good to hit a button and immediately see a response. This tier's set bonus makes up for their mobility issues though I worry about what's going to happen when we lose it in the future. 3. Resto Shaman. I want to like it, it just feels so slow to me. Might be gear, this is my LFR/timewalking hero alt 4. Holy Paladin. Feel like I'm working twice as hard to do half as much as my other healers. Nothing feels very responsive other than cooldowns, so I guess it's good they've got 50 of them to juggle. 10/10 transmogs, though. 5. Preservation Evoker. Problem between keyboard and chair. I finished the starting quest area and just felt overwhelmed by immediately having 60 levels' worth of talents/abilities dumped on me. None of them felt very intuitive to figure out on my own and 0/10 transmogs. May try again in TWW when they start at level 10.


As the beefy guy getting healed I just want to chime in that nothing fills me with more relief than seeing a Druid healer, followed by a monk and Holy priest Meanwhile if I see a shaman or disc priest I am filled with dread


The only healing specs I don't like are Holy Priest (boring) and Preservation (Dragon models are bad). The rest are all great and fun to play.


Iā€™m quite biased as Iā€™ve mained priest since TBC (Holy > Shadow > Disc, in terms of playtime). In the current season I played Holy > Disc > rdruid > rsham in the range of 3-3,3k. I never played MW or pres, and havenā€™t healed as paladin since vanilla so I canā€™t speak for those. With that preface my personal opinion and favorite is as follows: 1. Holy Priest. The current iteration is likely the best it has ever been. Itā€™s a great foundation going forward and itā€™s a ton of fun to play. It lacks in aoe, spread aoe most of all and it doesnā€™t carry that amazing kit other healers have. What it does have though is damage, and itā€™s so fun to deal damage as holy. The on demand burst single target is amazing, and the aoe damage as well. 2. Resto Druid. Iā€™m playing it for the first time ever and I had a blast in s3. The healing kit is ridiculously strong and I think rdruid can handle virtually anything healingwise. The damage is also incredible, rewarding and so much fun to do. I think I might end up maining rdruid in s4. 3. Disc. Itā€™s cool and itā€™s fun, and itā€™s super strong. Itā€™s almost silly how strong it is in spread aoe situations. Itā€™s basically strong where holy is weak and vice versa. My only issue with disc is that I feel it gets monotonous. 4. Resto Shaman. They carry an amazing kit for m+ with their aoe stun, interrupt, knock back/up, spirit link, etc. Itā€™s also very easy and quite fun to deal damage with. And their raw healing output is insane when needed. Thereā€™s just something about it that doesnā€™t quite do it for me, it just feels slow. Personally I will run my Priest and Druid close to equally at the beginning of s4 and decide what to focus on 3-4 weeks in, when I better know the dungeons and the damage profiles. All things considered I think I will end up with the Druid as my main.