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Can’t wait to watch the AI play my character better than I do.


I don’t need this negativity in my life. Might just delete any character that dares do better than I do


Returned to retail after I left WOW in Legion and tried follower dungeons as a way to test this new flanged way of healing with disc priest and I almost cried when the Tank NPC waited for me to drink for mana


Although whenever I try it, as a Tank, I always have the Mage running off to aggro anything he can find


the real experience


They need to code any rogue follower to start spamming /go and strafe dancing if the party stays still out of combat for more than two seconds. That'll be true realism.


The real experience is the Hunter NPC rolling need on everything.


Hunters have needs, you know


Bruh we gotta use these Fingers of Frost or they will melt


True to life.


Damn they are really lifelike




Hijacking the top comment to add this but "wouldn't it be cool if these were the characters in your follower dungeons" is *not* confirmation that this is happening for sure as OP's title claims. I came into this thread thinking this was confirmed and shared it with friends before reading the description. Which is a me problem yes, but we all know how speculation can end up spinning out of control. I'm certain this means this feature is likely. But until they confirm it for sure, let's reign our horses back a little. 'cause I would fucking love it if they make it happen, but don't wanna be disappointed if they don't.


It's a bit different. Those people said they were asked: "wouldn't it be cool if these were the characters in your follower dungeons" And they said "Yea that would be cool wouldn't it beee? "


Yea, after watching the video, I was disappointed it wasn't a confirmation at all. If anything, this was confirmation that it is not in the expansion at all, yet..


This is actually so true. Most of my alts I have no clue how to play, I just wanted to have a [insert class] in case I decide to switch. When I go out to farm some resources with them or kill rares or whatever I just press random buttons and hope for the best.


"You've been kicked from the group, Reason: Stupid human is slowing us down"


First.te I did the follower dungeon I swear it was actual.people at the keyboards. The hunter kept jumping back and forth and the mage stood too far away.


That's sad


> Can’t wait to watch the AI play my character better than I do. LMAO


As long as the AI puts my talents back when they're done. I know my talent build is suboptimal I don't care it's fun


So far, there's zero chance of that. Lvl 70 followers are doing like 9k dps while my 385 ilvl 70 was doing more like 60k. Even my tank was doing more dps than them while I was leveling up


Wait so like your alts act as NPCs which you can use in dungeons? That'd be so sick, and it'd give you a nice reason to build an entire specialized team rather than individual characters. That could be a lot of fun imo. Plus one issue I personally have is I get too attached to my main, so whenever I swap race/class for an alt, I start missing my main character and end up swapping back. So in a way it'd be nice to know, that even if I wanna take a break from my main, they can still accompany me as a side character in some way.


I swear during the development of WoD they said a similar thing about your alts visiting your garrison, don't think it made the cut, but I would love this to be a feature


Yeah it didn’t happen, but they did make it so your mounts would be walking around the stables. Ahh, the heartwarming memories of watching my depleted kyparium rocket take a drink and eat some hay…


Sounds lovely, what great memories. Sadly my Frosty Flying Carpet broke one of it's tassels while galopping over the plains, so i had to take it behind my stables and put it out of it's misery.... Luckily my mechano-hog is still alive, i've had him since he was a little toaster!


My meatwagon is a BIG eater at the haystack.


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit!


LMAO that's hilarious. I didn't know that was a thing, does it still work that way? I kinda wanna see my gnomish helicopter making a poop.


Yes, yes it does :)


I’m the other way around; I can never commit to a main. So for my half-abandoned characters to find new life as followers will be great.


I have wanted something like this in WoW since I saw it in the original Guild Wars. They had special npc helpers you could both setup their entire build, and you actually equipped them with their armor. Basically everything you got to chose to setup a character. The builds for them would specifically cater to what worked best with AI. It was essentially like making 4 builds as a single player that meshed best with each other. I would never assume WoW reaches that level, but if they could make it so you picked their talent builds, and actually chose their gear, well, I would be in heaven. Then just make some m+ equivilent scaling of dungeons (don't even need loot I don't care) and I would never fucking stop playing it.


That's so call.


haha yeah... i fat fingered on my phone and got auto corrected and now i cant edit it, soooo i guess its staying like that XD


You can edit post text, but also, how did you fat finger an A from an O? They're MILES apart.


Probably fat fingered the L twice so typed "coll" instead of "cool" and that got corrected to "call"


It's a widely-requested addition that seems like an easy-W for Blizzard to make, in all honesty. Having your full Scarlet Crusade Warband blitz its way through a Dungeon would be awesome to see.


In the name of God. In the name of God. IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!!!!!


"God"? What manner of heathen are you? No matter...the light shall burn the sin out of this miscreants feeble flesh


He just realised the possiblilities and was overwhelmed. Give him a moment xD


As a warrior I pray only to ZugZug and Gorka’morka


Personally I would only use the follower dungeons for the story quests that require a dungeon run (I just power through on a tank usually speed clearing for a group). But I love the idea of being able to call upon my distant allies to help me take on a particular challenge in my head cannon that makes me happy.


Holly sounds pretty cool.


one step closer to my own personal Draenei waifu harem


Finally, I can play dungeons with myself


Really cool idea I always thought of all my characters being some kind of D&D adventure group but this really brings the fantasy to life. While we're at it I would also like them to introduce a companion system so you can recruit them to your warband, they have their own story line and you can use them in a similar way in follower dungeons, delves or maybe 1 as an open world companion. The variety of these companions could range from good guy to evil warlord so you can roleplay as anything.


This would make me so happy. Fingers crossed!


Having this for follower dungeons is cool for flavor, but follower dungeons seem to be just a faceroll way to see the content / do the quests. Is there any word on whether you'll be able to bring followers into delves as well, rather than doing them 'solo' or with other people? If there were actually challenging content to do with your alts as followers, that would be really cool. A real reason to optimize a whole party of alts as a cohesive unit.


yeah i agree around the face rolling, but i also think its good for casuals as well as just experiencing the narrative of the dungeon as they are putting more story into dungeons by the sounds of things. as for the delves i haven't seen or heard anything yet, but i wouldn't be surprised if they are doing it with dungeons. fingers crossed!


WoW currently has a good amount of super easy content, and a good amount of very difficult content, but not a lot of moderately difficult content. The changes to heroic and mythic0 dungeons are good, they'll help fill that moderately difficult niche. I hope delves can as well, and they aren't super easy. I want something challenging enough for it to matter how I build and optimize my characters, but I don't want to sweat through 8 simultaneous mechanics, M+ timers, etc.


yeah honestly delves is one to watch right now. i think the ones people have access to are easy atm but they could be in a really nice spot in the higher end, especially with rewards stopping at tier 8 and there being another 4 tiers after that plus 1 big boss if you do all of them on the highest tier. there is a nice bit of mage tower esque vibe to that part, but we will have to see hopefully they have a good bit of staying power.


Wow is absolutely FULL of mediocre difficulty, its just that the general playerbase of wow is very very special in this regard. Doing quests- fine Doing the same quest in 2 min with a 20 min timer - HELP THE CONTENT IS TOO HARD I FEEL PRESSURED. I mean they are investing fundamental ressources into a system so extroverts dont need to feel the SHEER PANIC when a stranger writes "hi" in their group and they can finally play an mmorpg fully solo. Cant really take the developement serious if the base its developed for are clowns.


> but follower dungeons seem to be just a faceroll way to see the content / do the quests. I know this is what it seems like, but my partner and I checked out the follower dungeons when she was trying out prot pally. She was on Prot Pal (new to tanking dungeons, so very inexperienced) and I was on rogue. The AI was a mage, resto druid, and a hunter(I think?). The druid healer often wandered off and died, and so my partner had to sit there and self heal and tank most of the dungeon with almost no healing assistance. So they can definitely use some work, because they aren't as faceroll as they should be for even veteran players due to how the AI functions.


I also had the problem of in certain follower dungeons not being able to complete them as a tank because not enough damage was going out to kill the adds. I forget which dungeon it is, but the one with the big treant boss and all the little adds that keep spawning.


Honestly this is great training for the real thing lol 


Not yet on delves, but if they can do it on dungeons they will likely add it into delve too at some point. Keep in mind, the current follower dungeons aren't made for most end game players. They are there for both new players to have a safe environment to learn party combat in (queueing normals is NOT THIS as its rare for a normal run to not just be a bunch of us yelling "GO GO GO" and pulling half the dungeon before the new player can find their ability on their bar) However, this is the kind of thing they could build upon. Sure it might just replace the npcs with our characters in name and mog only, to start. Maybe it becomes its own single player challenging content where the dungeons scale like m+ and we actually get to use our alts real gear and real builds.


So far it looks like you only get Bronzebeard as an AI follower and any other people in your group will be other players if you want them.


I would love to be able to run content with my alts, that would be cool as hell!


I was hoping for this!!! This was 100% what I was hoping for. Love this.


God please let this be true! I can finally play the game "solo" I enjoy running through dungeons, but have a hard time with other people now


So will the fifth member of the dungeon just be a random npc or character? Seeing as the warband only shows four members.


Warbands are made up of your entire character list, not only the ones marked as favorite. However, you can only mark 4 characters as favorite to show in your base character select screen.


I know that, but I would assume people would want their favourites to join them not the random bank alt you made 10 years ago so that's why I'm wondering what they'll do.


Listen, if my level 1 Bank Orc Bojangles wants to tank in his Tuxedo and monocle, I'm gonna let him at least try.


imagine if the fifth character is the npc for delves


The 5th member would be you… lol 


I've been waiting for someone else to realise this.


Not even sure how it would work. Say your warband on the login screen is a Hunter, Mage, Warlock and Rogue. They can't tank, they can't heal. Generating a 5th NPC, what role does it cover? Tank? Heal?


It probably forces you to select characters that can fill the roles, or just gives you npcs if you don’t want to use your own.


This would be so goddamn cool




I really hope this comes true. It would be a goldmine of fanfic material of my Dracthyr and the Alliance amazon brigade he fell in with.


The problem with follower dungeons is that having them only tied to normal dungeons is really limiting. It firmly secures them in the "that's neat" category of things that I'm never going to use. This makes them more neat, but still not really anything practical.


it really should stay that way and I'm glad the majority of players, minus you apparently, feels the same about this. you see, follower dungeons are actually genius because they let new and/or casual players enjoy some content at their own pace but at the same time, the loot quality is low enough for the feature not to invalidate actually difficult content that does and SHOULD require other people to complete, because at the end of the day, WoW is an MMORPG and the best items should always be obtainable only through collective efforts and not singleplayer endeavours.


it would be funny if you could like, level your alts this way by having them as followers. leveling 4 characters at once? would be interesting.


If that were possible, Blizz is definitely bringing out the Nerf Hammer or they'll treat your alt like an NPC and not give them any EXP whatsoever.


This is the first thing I thought about when I heard about warbands. Although there are only 4 favourited warband characters not 5, and presumeably you'd be playing one of them.


Please let this be a thing at some point so I can create the Ephi family adventures with a substantial monetary investtment


Does this mean that your alt can win a drop and keep it?


i don't believe so, it's a cosmetic effect, makes the npc's look like your chars


I was wondering the same. But it would just be way too easily abused if you could gear 5 players at once


Soon I won't even need other players. First let my alts join follower dungeons. Second let them get xp. Third let them get gear.


depends on what you want to achieve in this game. you already don't need other players if your sole goal is to farm specific transmog sets or mounts for instance, but you will always need other people to get BiS items and it will forever stay that way. they wouldn't allow such a feature for difficult content because that would obviously make it easy, so why have multiple difficulties rather than a single one in the first place.


As soon as they announced them during blizzcon my first thought was "oh please let this be dungeons with my alts" Then the whole time I have been saying "please build toward letting warbands do dungeons with us" Then as SOON as follower dungeons were announced I said "oh god PLEASE let this be prep for letting us do dungeons with our warband" I hope you were listening Holly but if not, glad we think alike.


Now I can finally play with myself!


For some reason I had already assumed this was a thing when they annouced warband


Based. Follower dungeons is actually what I thought the WoD garrison followers would be like. Being able to team up with my own characters is even better.


My God... 🥲


Good thing I am leveling 5 characters to 70!


Sounds bonkers ngl. Im all for it


That would be amazing from a lore/rp standpoint. Having my Prot Pally tank my dungeons for me on alts would have me feeling some type of way.


Gonna be weird doing dungeons with a party of five identical twins.




Oooh that's fun!


Would be sick if loot can go to your alta from this. Gearing up for alta from my weeklies sounds amazing.


as someon that headcanons all of their alts a single pirate crew... thanks.


I shelved my Frost DK main after years due to his kit just being so far behind other classes for so long. Can’t wait to have him follow me on my Pally and have him outDPS me 🥴


...if I have the opportunity to use my own designed alts, complete with transmog, in dungeons and delves, this might literally spike my playtime by 10x just to collect all the cool as fuck mogs for my squad


This would make me level one character per speciality for sure! Probably warrior tank, priest healer and mage for dps.


THIS! When I first heard about wavebands and follower dungeons this is what I was hoping for, and not just for higher level dungeons but for all of them. I haven't been bothered with raids and dungeons since BC. Did a few in WotLK but yeah... Taking my own alts through though? Most definitely!


Wasn't that stated when they first introduced follower dungeons? That warband members will be replacing those built-in followers once prepatch hits? Edit: It might be me imagining things, but I think I read somewhere months ago that this was considered back then. And was positive that it was some official statement.


Wouldnt it be cool if we could choose which limbs were mechanical for our mechagnomes like was actually confirmed as part of the announcment of that race?  Wouldnt it be cool if you could put your Garrison in any Draenor zone you wanted like was actually confirmed as part of that announcement? Wouldnt it be cool if "wouldnt it be cool" was confirmation, and if actual confirmation meant more than it does today?


If we can choose which ones to never be used, sure


Iy sounds good i still don't like Taliesin


That’s call as duck.


It wouldnt really be a big problem to solve. Replace model A with model B found in player Warband. Probably a feature I would never use or get excited about. But if follower dungeons are your thing then alls good.


I see Taliesin. I downvote. Dude is a toxic piece of shit.


honestly I've never known him to be toxic, but each to their own man, you do you.


Go look up his shit during Shadowlands. Was insanely toxic. Defending Blizzard to his dying breath.


I can understand not liking his content, but he's one of, if not the least toxic WoW streamer out there.


During Shadowlands? Nah. He showed his true colours. On stream - toxic as fuck. In videos like this? Insanely over the top positivity.


If this happens we need the stats of the alts to also be factored in AND to scale through to mythic+ follower modes.


It's almost certainly just going to be cosmetic. They're not going to let your overgeared mains carry you through 5min normal dungeon runs. They will also never have follower M+ dungeons.


I think you are right not in this expansion. Right now though delves scale to M+5 or heroic raid so even though its not called follower M+ dungeons, there is a solo path up to M+5 similar to what I am asking for. Only in S1 Bran is the follower instead of alts. They will give us more delves with more followers/customisation gameplay over time as the xpac unfolds (I think the gameplay mode will be very popular). Delves and follower dungeons will probably be on the one progression track in an expansion or two (along with follower\\scenario raids to present story). Which is where I see follower M+ coming in, its just the last bit allowing people to play how they want. The latest blizzard interview Holly said they are going to focus on or had been neglecting the Mid/Casual gamers. Hardcore gamers will stick around as long as there is a new raid tier to conquer, its the casual gamer that leaves/has left where the growth for wow is and they are targeting it.




i think you are mistaking it a little. the way it would work is the npc's that would have been in the dungeon will just look like your warband, no exp or loot for them at all. just the npc's would look like your warband thats it.




Yeah thats not at all what they mean and them looking like them is the point its a an easy win. I don't know how you can think it would be anything different :P