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Lotta people in here saying what the source of the dot is while skimming over the fact that the dungeon journal says it ticks every 5 seconds when it's actually 1.


That's why you DPD them down asap instead of deadbraining it. People still act like they can solo the M0, even after they reworked M difficulty.


Maybe they thought they had more time to burn them down…


So i've not played mythics really since season one. WAs my first jump into them and i think i managed a few 15's just pugging. Made a monk last week, got it to 490 yesterday i think and decided to do an m0 and bruh. brackenhide pugs are fucking cancer. Shit was hard lmao not familiar enough with them to discern if it was dumb pugs or just that much damage.


The problem is undergeared people. Forming a pug I’m getting ilevels under 460 applying. My brother in Christ please fuck off and do some heroics first.




































[https://www.wowhead.com/npc=186738/umbrelskul/mythic-encounter-journal](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=186738/umbrelskul/mythic-encounter-journal) * [Crystallize](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=396361/crystallize?dd=8) – Creates a barrier around the crystal that absorbs 6488 damage. While the barrier stands, inflicts 82439 Arcane damage every 1 sec. Dungeon journal description wasn't changed. [https://www.wowhead.com/news/season-4-mythic-dungeon-tuning-new-and-reworked-abilities-338127#news-post-338127](https://www.wowhead.com/news/season-4-mythic-dungeon-tuning-new-and-reworked-abilities-338127#news-post-338127) here is the change mentioned: # Umbrelskul * (The Big Crystal) [ Crystallize](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=396361/crystallize) now also pulses AoE damage every 1 sec while the shield is active.


This is the internet, you can't expect these assholes to -read- things. Put it in a Reaction video and monetize that shit.


You’re out here saying people don’t read, on a primarily text-based website, and calling people assholes for reading the incorrect information _provided inside the game_ rather than an external website. Just pause and reflect for a moment cos you’re coming off like a dickhead bro


Don't like 4 spawn that need to be dps'd down


Only 1 hardened




only the hardened crystal does the pulsing damage and there is only 1


what do the other crystals do?


they explode when they finish the cast and do a large dmg + a dot on everyone. all crystals do it, it's just the hardened one you need to break the shield quick, but it's really tight.


I assume like so many times before they forgot the fact that tyrannical still exists and still fucks up the tuning of dungeons. Solution would be simple remove tyrannical and fortified and replace them but given the last affixes we got i am not sure if that is a good idea any longer


Make sure the hardened one is priority target and kill it ASAP to stop the AoE then burn the rest down before they go off.


I am just highlighting what I think its either a bugged mechanic or just overtuned, the rest of the dungeon doesn't even compare, maybe the first boss AoE but it happens way less often.


They added an additional mechanic for no reason.


They added an additional mechanic because the fight previously didn't have anything for the healer to do.


Except run away while slowed to the max


The boss no longer slows. This mechanic was added because the slow was removed.


Didn't really feel all that bad on +8. Use defensives either at 75/50/25% of the bosses health and if you're a healer just use a healing CD. It's really not that bad.


True, just finished it on a 10, had no issue due to people properly using defensives and focusing the hardened to remove the shield asap. There was always ample time to cleave the other shards. The thing that's actually overtuned is the first boss. Even if you remove all the trees you practically need a defensive for every smash, just due to us not having i520 health numbers yet.


You are correct, ppl that are down voting aren't doing the mechanics correctly. My shaman friend with 460 gear had 0 issues healing it on a +6 when the totems were killed correctly. Wiped two times because DPS were idiots and third time was clean, don't think anyone went under 50% HP at any point in the kill pull.


These will be the same people crying even when they have new gear saying the damage is ridiculous


Healers already crying about NO second boss because they have no idea how it works. Time orbs, win. It's not difficult 🙂


The same thing, but after a delay. The hardened one starts pulsing immediately, the others start pulsing after their cast is done if you haven't killed them. Basically turns it into a healer check for the first crystal, and DPS brain check for getting them all down before they go kaboom.


Those are two different things. All of the crystals explode and stack a dot (one stack per exploded crystal) on the group while the hardened one pulses aoe (not a direct dot) until the shield on it is destroyed. It can still explode if the cast goes through.


4 or 5 spawn, only one is shielded and pulses dmg.


And it stops pulsing like crazy once the shield breaks.


Just blame the healer


Hardened crystal does pulsing AOE until it's absorb is broken. Beat it up quick, easy pz.


It’s bugged. Only one is hardened but it’s pulsing every second. Gotta focus fire it and use “cloaks” atm.


Its supposed to pulse every sec. As long as it's shield is up.


Yet OPs screenshot shows every 5.2 seconds.


Blizz didn't update the in game entry after updating the ability


Wtf is up with the tool tip? 5.2 seconds vs 1 second is a wee bit different


You know what I see? I see 6 seconds and 1 heal. Taking 184k/s in damage should be 4-5s before dying with no heals. With heals and CDs that is easily more than 10s. If the shield is not gone by then, that is a dps issue. Considering you know exactly when it happens, it only happens 3 times, and there is basically nothing else hurting you outside of this, it is perfectly fine I feel. You still had to kill it before though, that has not changed, and I could solo through the shield rather quickly even as a tank in S1. So the only difference really is that you don't get to ignore it now, but you don't have to deal with the balls and the slow which is more than a fair trade if you ask me.


You are not soloing this shield as a tank. All of us swapped to it in a +8 and it still took 6+ seconds to break the shield. This was on an almost 3 chest pace as well.


Update the journal, easy fix


what + is this? I mean they don't spawn that often so most heals should be able to handle it assuming people don't blunder into orbs.


It was a +8, most of the team was at 480+, but we just figured this new mechanic on the fly, it took about 5 pulls to get it done and the key downgraded, but now everyone knows how to do it.


+8 is a bit rough for only i480. The funny thing is three weeks from now it’ll be impossible to get into a +8 if you’re not at least i520, and people will still be complaining about the damage.


480 this season is like being 440 last season, are you taking a 440 into an 18? Likely not


Yeah mate we always get all portals first week.. didn’t really have any dramas with this boss though


Week one? yes


It takes a couple hours to do a lap of m0 and another hour or so to do normal fated raid. Doing so gets you a spark you can use to recraft to 489+ immediately and a pile of gear, plus a full line of 506 vaults for next week. On day one with a little investment you can be 500+ ilvl which is more like baseline adventurer gear last season and way way way more practical. Or, you can jump in to an equivalent of a season 3 +18 in the equivalent of season 2 gear and complain that it hurts, lol.


I had already done the raid on heroic and normal, but thanks for reminding me about LFR and M0s


to put this in last seasons perspective, imagine doing an 18 in lfr gear. is it doable? sure. but some mechanics will still hurt. this is what youre doing now. dungeons will be hard until you get more gear. stop disrespecting mechanics


No one was "disrespecting mechanics", I just can tell with experience when some mechanic is way out of line with the dungeon. If the point is the ilv, then maybe everything in the dungeon should hit like a truck, but it doesn't, it's just this.


They spawn at 75, 50 and 25% it's not often but it's enough that if you're flying through boss hp, you should be careful about when to use CDs & DR. Lust at 75% and boom you're in 50% very quickly without something to handle the damage. Hurt us hard in a 10 last night, but got there in the end. Also 100% gear not being anywhere near where it's expected to be for the difficulty.




If you read it says that on the detonating crystal as well. Also, it's the wrong ability fracture and crystallize are different.


It is mind blowing how bugged this season is...


It's not bugged though.


Journal description is "bugged".


What else?


Lol, we are only 3 days in


Azure vault is not a 3 day old dungeon.


The mech is 3 days old though.


It was on the PTR


Every bug you see was on the PTR your point? I’m not excusing blizzard for letting this go live, but i will forgive the overworked staff that probably got no time to work on S4 since TWW is coming out.


Im pointing out that this was not something that came out 3 days ago. Dissect it all you like.


This M+ version of it is. You realize they have to be reworked Everytime they are added to the m+ pool, right? It's scaled differently than it was a year ago 🙄


Im aware. But scaling difficulty is different than an enemy ability going off faster than it should. Theres also a PTR for things like this.


The ability isn't going faster than it should, the dungeon journal just isn't updated. It's meant to be the healer check for that fight.


Do you have a source on that


Exactly, what are they waiting to fix it! /s


As an evoker with unravel its super ez to kill


Kill the thing that’s killing you.


Was struggling with this, 10+ attempts later we all stacked behind the boss to cleave the crystals and it was a cake-walk. When everyone was spread it appeared to cause more damage


Kill the crystal. Don’t tunnel boss. This damage looks right.


The issue is that the adventure guide says it comes every 5s, but it's hitting every 1s


Imagine if that mehanic hit every 5 sec. Would literally be 0 healing and no possible way of dying




If there's more than one you encountered a bug, or maybe did the fight wrong idk. Should be 1 hardened and 3 or 4 regular.




It probably is supposed pulse every second. The dungeon Journal is just wrong.


The shield is not supposed to be up for 6 seconds. Save dmg for 75%, 50% and 25% so you are ready to instantly smash the shield. I can’t give examples for every class, but hoard recources. Personally i get a glacial spike ready every time and it takes away most of the shield instantly


No you see. If the mechanics are unbearable it'll be so much more fun to learn Party AOE Pulses are SUCH A FUN MECHANIC


Monke brain down voted you because they didn't get it...


The adventure guide doesn't show what the damage is in mythic plus with the scaling.


I like how they made this and Academy boss much harder. NO ONE asked for this!


I mean, they removed the entire slow mechanic that absolutely sucked so hard it wasn't even funny. in turn you need to burn defensives and healing 3 times during the fight and you can choose when you do it as the boss sheds crystals on % hp. the mechanic is fine - people are dying because they're not prepared for the damage.


But it shows how last boss in Academy sucks on long fights with more and more of those pools. Same with frickin Elephant boss in Neltharon. Like that boss has literal soft enrage. Designers are smoking some awfull shit.


the pools despawn. that's why the strategy is to kite boss in a circle. healer also needs to dispel the bomb and not let it expire otherwise it drops a puddle. and well, the elephant is capped at tentacles but I do agree that it is a soft enrage.


That's not how the bomb works lol. You get 1 stack whether it's dispelled or expires. The puddle drops when you get to 3 stacks (you also get a stack from the random targeted blast and if you get hit by a ball).


Multiple crystals each hitting you. As you destroy them the damage falls off. The mechanic forces teams to focus them down individually, Rather than spreading the damage out. So if you see a buddy start whaling on one, target the same one.


there is only 1 hardened crystal


Its probably just each crystal ticks every 5.2 seconds but they don't tick together