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That's not even the same fur pattern šŸ˜•. Who stole Jenafur and replaced her with 'Fluffy'.


Eyes are the wrong color. If the Jena is wrong, who cares about the fur, right?


Even the eye colour is different. Jennafur ran away and someone went and replaced her with the first cat they could find and hoped no one would notice


That's a synth


are actually sure that it's her?


I know she's not as popular as the good boy, but I hope there are enough crazy cat people playing to generate similar outcry. We need her back to her former glory.


Blizzard has a very inconsistent track record for fixing this sort of thing, Did they fix the excavotors backpack sharing the same colour as another backpack?


Wasn't the Jenafur secret a Make-a-Wish thing? Kinda fucked to change that lmao.


It was, and the girl passed away about a year ago. Jenafur is her cat. Changing this is like changing Ahab Wheathoof and Kyle.


Blizzard donā€™t know and donā€™t care.


They probably don't know about this bug until it was posted online. I don't know if they don't care. Jeremy Feasel worked on this puzzle with the girl and I'm sure they'll fix it.


What a weird comment, when Blizzard put that puzzle in the game to begin with because of the child


Not to mention it could be as simple as a new dev being tasked with refreshing assets to learn the in-house programs and he didnā€™t know the lore behind this one, seemingly random, cat. Or they accidentally applied the wrong texture when updating hundreds. Weird that some people instantly jump to malice or not caring.


>Ā Or they accidentally applied the wrong texture when updating hundreds. Almost certainly what happened, and probably related to all the other awkward bugs that hit last patch with a seemingly similar cause (like certain things now requiring level 70, etc). Best guess is they did some bulk updating to prep for Pandatime Remix in some way and unexpectedly borked a bunch of random Retail objects that had shared pointers/variables due to 20 years of random spaghetti code implementations.


While I agree with you, this isn't a different texture, this is a whole different model. Jenafur had a unique face geometry and the ears are different. I do hope though that it's just something simple like you said here. A new dev, didn't realize why Jenafur was special, accidentally swapped her model.


Yeah it was from memory.


Not only was she a make a wish cat, but she was also one of the hardest secret puzzles theyā€™ve ever put in the game. It consumed the WoW Secrets discord for months, and was some of the most fun secret finders have had in the game. She was like end game content for people who are interested in this stuff. Itā€™s like changing the skin of a gladiator mount. I want her round angry face back šŸ˜­


It wasnā€™t ā€œhardā€ it was straight up impossible. A lot of people think, and I agree, that blizzard just straight up leaked the solution right before the next explanation came out. The guy who ā€œsolved itā€ wasnā€™t involved in any of the secret finding discussions and came totally out of nowhere. There was absolutely no possible way to get to the solution logically.


Iā€™d assume itā€™s unintentional. Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d do something like that deliberately.


Nope, this is a real thing. Surely it aligned with their intentions and they had the resources to develop it, but is was intentional. Mind you, this was before the whole wave of where Blizzard removed almost all references to RL people within their games. Different times.


Real Jenafur looks like my cat irl so they better revert this change..


It was designed after a Make-a-Wish kidā€™s cat. I hope they fix it.


There's lots of little weird bugs in this patch


My favorite is something someone said in Trade just last night. The Obsidian Nightwing, an old RAF mount, spams its sounds when idling in air. The model animation also glitches out, like the mouth opening wide.


Yeah and most will probably never be fixed. All of my mail comes in already read, everytime I log in, I have on profession gear and I'm considering unlearning all of my professions because of it, etc.


Do you use Altoholic by any chance? That addon seems to auto read mail.




This just sounds like someone is logging in to your character and doing professions while you sleep lol


"Someone stole my identity! And.... they're making sensible financial and professional choices...? Oh god, HELP!!!!"


Nope, I can log in a char, click off profession gear, log out, log back in 5 seconds later and profession gear is back.


They're very fast


While I can't solve the problem of the character having gear equipped, since I'm having the same problem, I can help you mka either so you can't see your character wearing it! There's a tauren npc at the crafting level of Valdrakken at 31.31, 64.54 named Mahra Treebender and she can make it so your character doesn't visually wear the gear which was just the most annoying part for me since I put a lotta work into collecting some of my mogs lmao


Noooo, what is this imposter kitty?! I need her back!!


Noooiooooooooooo. That sucks


Noo, I want my plumpy back!


Replaced by a Dreadlord


Hiss. Hiss I say!


this is beyond fucked up


Please change my Jennafur back to her former, glorious self!


T R A G I C \* I N \* B I O


The difference is so big I imagine it's a bug.


Wonder if some rookie dev saw the cat model and was like "this doesn't match the rest of our cat models, let's change it!"


I thought something was different! They need to change it back -- this was previously my favorite pet!


She isn't telling me my eyes look tasty anymore. I may never emotionally recover.


After all I went through collecting her food blizz better give me my jenafur back


Wtf are you doing to my precious voidling??!?


Booooo . BOOOOOOOOOO change her back


It doesnā€™t look intentional or a bug. Looks like a cat. *dances off stage*


After I and the rest of the secret-finding discord spent a year figuring out the opera house puzzle... I hope this is reverted.


They changed Jenafur back!.... https://imgur.com/bxUvo0D


I just noticed it today too, god bless that they did! šŸ˜­


Why? This patch seems very buggy


Why does the cat have a seal face? I think (maybe?) She is supposed to be Persian/Maine Coon perhaps, with a chubby flat face idk. Those big round eyes and overinflated cheeks are outta control any way you cut it imo. The face proportions are just way off and slightly uncanny. The first one looks like it is carved from rock, and the second one doesn't even look like a cat! Seriously, take away the whiskers and tell me that is a cat lol. Look, I love cute cats, ugly cats, whatever. I'm js... this one *miiiight* just be an imposter looking for fishy treats and ear scritches...


I really hope it's a bug


What the hell blizz. Gimme back my cat!


That's... a strange deviation. And/or a strange bug. But then there's been quite a few bugs this patch.


Hope that's a bug. If you want to know more about Jenafur, and why she should really regain her old appearance - [scroll down to the section called Amara's wish.](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/jenafur-secret-cat-battle-pet)


Still not at painful as Baal


Fix it blizz


Time to riot, light the trash cans on fire!!!


Is this pet obtainable?


Should still be. Takes bit effort but itā€™s absolutely worth it!


Tell me how please.


I recommend following a guide since it does require bit effort and is too much to type it all out here. [This](https://warcraft-secrets.com/guides/jenafur) is an excellent written guide, [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFrNs9x5jB8) a video guide if that's what you prefer instead.


That is all i need, thank you.


Small indie company things


Likely intentional, Blizzard like man company's are trying this whole let's make things as if we were Disney. D&D has been doing it with the back half of 5th edition. The rules for Mordenkien's Monsters of the Multiverse was great but the art was terrible meant to be very soft and friendly.


You might just be extremely sensitive and ignorant.


Or it can be a criticism of an art style. But I guess that's either unheard of or not welcome anymore.


Da fuq is a man company lol


"Is this intentional or a bug?" šŸ¤£ Yes when you make content it's a bug that comes out of nowhere without any dev effort, so Shadowlands was a bug. šŸ¤£ Alright. Bug is a logical mistake in code. You can't show a clear new cat model and ask if it's a bug. You wouldn't make logical mistake in how you write your code and then out of a sudden a new texture model shows up out of nowhere.


It's not a completely new cat model though - it's an existing model. This type of issues where a model accidentally gets swapped isn't far fetched for Blizzard, pretty sure something similar has happened in past too. Lot of times bugs aren't logical and frankly you'd be surprised what absolutely spaghetti of a code game like Wow can be. Also it'd be extremely weird if Blizzard would intentionally change Jenafur's model to an older, not-unique cat model, considering Jenafur and the whole secret thing to get her was made by Amara when she got to visit Blizzard California through Make a Wish Foundation. So yeah, suddenly changing now-dead cancer patient's tribute? I don't think even Blizzard could be that tone deaf.


WoW is infamously spaghetti code. All sorts of weird shit happens every patch, this is nothing new




This cat was made for a specific human with a specific story behind it all. This shouldnt be changed in any way imo.


Is this a joke lmao


He's clearly just trying to gather downvotes. Lazily too.


>The old design was deemed too frightening for people with ailurophobia. If you don't like it, don't play it. You won't be missed. :) EDIT: Lotta downvotes from bigots who need to learn that this game isn't made for them anymore :) Bigots? What a brain-dead take. They should remove all of the spiders from the game because there's people with arachnophobia. They should remove Highmountain because I have acrophobia. If you don't like that then you're a bigot.




The point is that it's an option, not a blanket change for everybody. My advice is to think before posting because it's pretty clear that you don't understand the meaning of words and context is a very difficult concept for you to understand.


Tonight, you cry yourself to sleep repressing the shame you earned today.


So because people are scared of cats they changed the design of a cat... To a worse designed cat? That's some logic right there. What about cynophobics? Should blizzard also be changing and removing all mentions of dogs too?