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Permanent Cosmetics > Short Term Power Gains


Thats what im doing. I got through jade forest with a little over 20k bronze. I probably wont even keep my remix alts


Wtf, how? Did you do every single quest in jade forest, or just the campaign quests? I've been through Jade Forest, Valley, and parts of Wilds and Summit, and I'm sitting on 12k bronze.


I did the jade forest achivment and i think one or two dungeons, and bronzing exces gear


The normal mode raids can be done from level 25 onwards, and they are pretty easy (even for someone who has never raided before) and each one will give \~+80% XP gain on your cloak and \~5000 Bronze




Yes sorry I should have been clearer: LFR gives you a Thread of Experience for completing the wing, whereas Normal raid gives an XP Thread for every single boss!


I hit 50 last night, i have hardly been out of jade forest, just to halfhill for a min, but doing all the quests, the dailies for raids, etc, and the raids/dungeons/scenarios themselves im sitting on like 38k


Wonder if things just got buffed. I played mostly day 2 and 3. Felt like things were really stingy.


There's a lot of bronze in achievements. In the process of doing them you get lots of caches from mobs too.


Honestly they shouldn’t even use the same currency


I’m not spending anything beyond the first gear upgrade. They gonna buff income or lower cost at some point


Agreed, but it seems reasonable to want both in a limited-time event advertised to allow you to be overpowered


People are saying gear up your character first then farm bronze… but I have to farm bronze to upgrade my character and I could just use the bronze immediately on actual stuff lol


That's my problem. They should just lower the cost of upgrading gear since the characters are locked to remix anyways and the gear we do have will be replaced in TWW. It almost seems more efficient to just keep making alts to buy the cosmetics.


That's what I'll be doing. Just leveling alts for cosmetics.


"It's simple, just pay four times the cost of the cosmetics so you can farm the bronze for the cosmetics."


I get the logic behind this. You can already see it if you run raids. Some poeple are starting to gear up, raids get cleared faster. Wait a few weeks and raids will be getting easily blitz'd ignoring more mechanics. That's when you start to easily get bronze. People keep looking at how fast they get bronze now and say fuck it to gear... but it's going to be easy as fuck to get bronze as the community gets more powerful. "but people won't take me cause I didn't get gear" <--- we'll be blitzing stuff. Upgraded tinkerer stuff literally spam shields and heals. You can go in all dps once you get high enough and just trash the place.


Question is, how much time do you have to spend there to gear up? I've done normals and am not looking forward to rerunning them every day to maybe get an opportunity to rerun them on a higher difficulty to farm bronze fir 2 more months. It just look like the worst kind of exhausting time sink Shadowlands style


I suppose I’m in a different boat here because I have a guild that’s running these raids nearly every night now, and we’ve got maybe 3 people who farmed frogs for a couple hours so they are 100k dps above everybody else but nothing super crazy like the videos I see of them doing 6 mil dps. I think you actually need to be 500+ ilvl for those numbers to occur but cant say for sure (I’m not a no life frog farmer, just an honest-work 6 hours frog farmer)


Well you have 80 something days to collect cosmetics. Being insta-invited to groups and clearing stuff fast and feeling op is pretty good early on


power gains now give you more bronze later. heroic raids give a lot but you arent doing them at 346 ilvl


this is what people dont get,sooner or later tehy gonna boost bronze anyway,might aswell get powerfull now


You say that but the patch was supposed to fix me getting one shot at level 70 but the lie detector determined that was a lie.


in 2 weeks tops they gonna buff bronze just wait.


More likely to reduce upgrade costs which means y’all burning a ton of bronze for no reason


You can see the ballence point is buff bronze and the cost of all cosmetics or nerf the cost of upgrades.


thats fair


at this point I'm holding my bronze until Blizzard giganerfs upgrade costs. I'm not getting screwed by spending my money on something people have been nonstop complaining about


It's quite a weird situation we are in, since Blizzard didn't tell us what they are planning to do. If I upgrade my gear & spend my bronze I will lose out if they reduce the cost, if they buff the bronze drops I would be better off upgrading now. I don't expect them to refund bronze spent on upgrades, since they didn't retroactively award extra bronze or threads after recent "buffs". Feelsbadman all-round.


same, I wouldn't even mind spending bronze on gear upgrades, but right now is the worst time to do it


And how much more “powerful” do you feel? Do you think you made the right choice upgrading weapons before gear with tinker gems to that ilvl? Serious question lol


I’m in the same boat I am waiting to upgrade my gear because I’m scared they will just reduce the cost soon and fuck me without reimbursement. They said they are announcing fixes soon, so feels like a bad time to make any decisions.


It's stupid overpriced, and hopefully they reduce the cost to do it, but the upgrades ramp up to insane power levels. After a few hundred thousand bronze you'll easily be doing 1-4m dps on bosses. Not worth it for most people. I'm "investing" in gear upgrades first because my priority for this event is getting Tusks, which is just easier/faster when your gear/power is higher.


I mean, not to knock your enjoyment, but 'a few hundred thousand bronze' might also buy literally all of the cosmetics one is missing from this event, assuming that they acquired at least some of the mounts/appearances from doing MoP content at any point over the last 12 years


Yeah but I am degenerate enough to farm my gear, Tusks, then all the mounts I want. I'm aiming to spend about 1.5m bronze total before I call it quits.


This, I'm literally doing MoP Remix for mounts/pets/toys - I couldn't care less about the gear since it will be replaced by quest greens at level 71 in TWW anyway.


funny thing with tusk is that it is also drop from deios's quantum shoulder but no one bother mention it.


This is like saying you could also just win the lottery. You have like 4 layers of RNG to fight through to get tusks from quantum shoulders. Maybe in non-M+ everyone gets a quantum piece like they did in S2 was doi was introduced, which would only neglect point 1. 1. Actually get drops from Deios 2. The drop be a quantum gear piece 3. The drop be a shoulder quantum gear piece 4. The quantum shoulder gear piece to be tusks.


Comparing this to lottery is fucking stupid, the quantum piece can be trade between players, it never give you duplicate appearance, so the tusk is guarantee to drop if you got every other shoulder piece. Deios this season is too hard? Come back later with next expac gear.


it is certainly a noticeable increase over nothing, but to truly see a difference you need to invest heavily in gear. At which point you couldv'e just already bought everything you wanted instead of "investing" in power to be able to play the game and have fun.


It's both it. I know people want the prices down and I agree but getting gear higher makes so much content a joke. I do 3x the dps I did when I first hit 70. I have 1.2mill hp now. Any content that gives bronze is so trivial now, it's just a matter of hopefully having it give more. Heroics were a bitch cause of scaling, now i'm past that and they are a joke. Even with silly scaling I can outdps lower levels on bosses. My tinker gems heal/shield people so we basically rush every pack and pull secondary packs and just aoe shit down. Bosses are a joke. I want more bronze easier but i'm just saying the content is going to be a LOT easier when people have upgraded. People will be tearing through dungeons and raids without blinking an eye.


I’m sitting on about 150k bronze. I’m not having problems currently as an Arcane mage, froggers clearly do more damage than me, I average about 200K dps on single target. I guess I’m just waiting for them to low the price of upgrading gear before I spend. Cause you know they won’t reimburse you the difference.


people do more damage than you because you are refusing to increase your player power. and this is exactly why they wont decrease the cost to upgrade but increase the bronze gains idk where this idiotic idea that they will decrease upgrade costs comes from


Because increasing bronze gains also affects the amount of time it takes to obtain the cosmetics, which is the main draw for the mode and what will keep it alive? Drastically increasing the gains will just lead to people not upgrading their gear at all, finishing all the cosmetics in 3 days and dipping back to retail. Reducing the upgrade cost incentivizes upgrading your gear to help you farm more bronze. It’s absolutely the smartest option. Use your brain. 


How upgraded is your gear? I’ve got a little under 200k bronze that I’m waiting to spend because I’m not sure if that amount of bronze can get me into the “massively stronger” territory. Not soloing bosses, but definitely providing a much larger impact to groups. 


Did you expect a game mode literally advertising to you that you could be overpowered to not make you overpowered once you upgraded gear?


Why would you ever reply to what I said with your comment? Someone asked how powerful they'd get and I gave them a comparison between a fresh 70 and myself.


So here's the thing if you want to make a character powerful then upgrade the gear. If you want cosmetics, level up alts and buy it on them. You'll likely have a good amount of bronze to where you only have to farm a few raids to get a mount per alt. 


I think that’s my plan of action as well. My main (brew) that has spent only about 30k on mounts has about 100k bronze leftover. I have an alt I raidlog with that I’m buying the rest of the mounts on that has spent about 20k bronze. I’m focusing all the cosmetics I can’t acquire when remix ends first (random silly mount recolors) especially given that I am farming world bosses on two toons daily. There are good chances I’ll see one of those drop eventually and save the near 40k bronze those cost. Edit: grammar


It costs that much bronze to upgrade your gear?????? I wasn't planning on gearing a max level character, but ain't no way in hell I'm ever doing it now when I can just get the cosmetics and mounts instead


Weapon costs 9.000 Bronze at lvl 70 to Upgrade for me


Yeah I'm not upgrading any gear. I dont care about raids and only want some of the new cosmetics.


Yeah. The mounts are the only reason I'm doing this event. Did you never check the other vendors? There's transmog and mounts that will never be available again here.


What transmog is unique to remix? I thought it was all just stuff that’s available in retail but you had to farm for.


You can see it in the Tooltipp of the mount or transmog. It has a Special tag that says Mist of Panaria Remix these are exklusiv for the Event 


The recolors of the class specific gear is unique to Remix although I'm almost 100% certain they'll put those on the TP at some point. Also sets like the full Shado-Pan armor are not available in retail iirc and quite a few of the mounts aren't either.


I think a gopd example is there's recolors of the kor'kron shaman armor that will never be seen again after this


So why didn't you? It's a three month event and the gear you have is going away after. Get your cosmetics. Who cares about power?


If you don't upgrade your gear at all I imagine it won't be long before nobody wants you in their group.


I honestly don't know why that matters in this mode? Like, this is basically solo


Most bronze comes from group content - e.g. 20-30K from heroic raids. Farming that amount solo takes much longer


I have cleared a heroic Mogu Vaults and it gave me 8k… so I get to upgrade two pieces once for a heroic raid clear OR can grab 4 mounts


because I want to play the game and have fun, I have enough bronze to get it still and I'm holding out... it was just to express how ridiculous it is for a "normal" player


Are you able to solo dungeons or anything yet? I’m wondering at what point I could just solo Garrosh for tusks tickets, if that’ll be possible.


You won't solo garrosh at all for the next month or two. Even the froggers have trouble soloing him on LFR and they're a full 1-2 months ahead of everyone else.


I suppose I should start doing normals then.


You can’t solo garrosh no matter how strong you get need two people at least to get past the tower boss


I thought tusks require at least normal


It is fun as fuck to be overpowered


I think long term, gear upgrades will be the best so you are powerful enough to farm the bronze you need for the other stuff.


lol, imagine tryharding in silly temporal get cosmetics mode.


You can just kill sha of anger for that, its very easy to farm and got a very high droprate after the dragonflight preoatch lol