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Frogs: not even once




> I'm pretty sure you're disqualified from the bronze quest if you killed any frogs whatsoever. On my first 70 (no quest) I joined a group and left after like two minutes when I saw how crowded it was. > > I farmed 750k timeless coins worth of frogs and my cloak wasn't touched, and I was eligible for the 40k bronze.


Need to log out for nerf to hit. Or you are lucky.


I relogged and I was able to claim the 40k.


I have a friend who farmed along side me for almost 2 hours. I got nerfed. She didn't get nerfed and got the 40k bronze. Only difference is she never turned in her lesser charms of good fortune


Nah, I've killed enough frogs for around 6k worth of charms and I still got the quest.


I killed frogs for 15 minutes and I had the quest.


That would be stupid, I killed like 30 frogs while in dungeon queue. Will check if I have the quest tomorrow. Fyi my cloak stats is 6000 stamina and ~1000 of stats so definitely not qualified as a frogger


My cloak is over 100k stam and no nerf


You would qualify as a frogger my friend 


Well it ain’t nerfed and I did fuck all frogs, there were/are other farms


I am not blaming you for doing any grinds or farms, but your example shows how stupid and totally not thought through this "solution" from Blizzard ist.


I agree, the solution was to continue adding bronze boosts and leave the farms as they were to give players choice. My guild does raid splits, we take one 556 player and carry 9 alts repeat 10 times through all raids. You aren’t catching us, by Monday we will be finished bronze farming. We also have guild members that are long term members who are part of our CE team that just want to quest and make alts, they’re still having fun. What we’re doing doesn’t impact them whatsoever. Blizzard should at this stage slash upgrade costs by 50-75% — you need the ilvl to play the game let’s be real, 40k bronze? That’s one upgrade level for all your gear, one. 40k is fuck all. Short of rolling back all players with high ilvl there’s nothing blizzard can do now, like I said we’ve nearly finished mop that’s on the realm of 2.5million bronze. Reduce my cape brother I don’t care I’m going back to retail on Tuesday, but let other players have fun in the ‘fun’ game mode. There will always be losers like me, I’d just like for casual players to get to experience the fun of being op AND getting cosmetics


A guildy of mine who killed more frogs than me got it, but I didnt (like 3 hours vs 2 hours respectively). So it seems totally random up until some arbitrary hard cap.


I farmed frog for less than an hour (about 1000 charms) and i did other farms to get a cloak that's currently sitting around 60k stamina and 6500-7700 stats. I got the bronze bonus. Either people claiming they barely farmed frogs are lying or blizzards detection method was awful. Edit: i had to log in and out, my cloak was indeed nerfed. Less than an hour of the cloak i had was from frogs so it does seem to be a blanket nerf.


I can tell ya, I tried for about 15-20 minutes, not in a group, hitting what I could and barely getting any actual tags and I still got hit. I had less than 400k total hp when the frog nerf hit lol.


Looks like a bug on the "eligible" part. You had to relog to become not eligible, so if the character was online on the moment the hotfix was applied, you were able to grab the quests.


Feels like their detection system is not working, seen people who definitely "frogged" for like 10 hours remain unchanged and eligible for quests, meanwhile some people who killed frogs for 15min got hit and can't get quests


I didn't even kill frogs for 15 minutes and got hit. I did about an hour of dalaran barely getting tags, like 45 mins of goats barely getting kills and like 4 hours of cranes over a few days. I did maybe 30 gate resets (no exploit, hit 10 lockouts and went to do overworld shit) and a lot of HoF resets (again, no exploit. Hit the lockout, went to sra'vess or rare hunting.) and got nerfed, I'd say easily 80%+ of my threads were from legitimate gains, and I only had 6k stats on my cloak so not even an advantage and still got the nerf, the flag seems stupidly weird. Plenty of people in discord did hours upon hours of frogging, thousands of charms with no nerf.


While it's certainly possible their detection is off, I trust Blizzard to determine if a player farmed frogs over you just assuming they did. Especially because the system seems to be on the less forgiving side. Some people just have played a lot over the past week. That and using bronze on gear would make anyone powerful, even without abusing hyper-efficient spots.


I did farm. About 2000 charms in total, which is like an hour of farming I think. My guildie farmed for way longer, over 6k charms by his own words. My cloak is a bit under his because I did a lot more Heroics and raids but both of us are way under the threshold. He got the quest for the bronze I did not. You can trust all you want but the detection is 100% broken.


this, this sucked massively. 8 of my days of effort down the drain. 8 am to 10 pm, playing. And super powerful. And its gone. So what am i doing now? killing archerius of flame over and over while semi afking after having done all the game has to offer. (except heroic) I'm retired. So it's all i did.


I also spent like 15 minutes alone trying to hit some frogs, barely got anything, and did not get hit by the nerf.


Same situation with the frogs, but in addition to that i did shitton of quests and rares hunting, 1.5h of Dalaran farm (fly area) and about 30-40 runs of HoF trash shared with a guildie, totalling to about 3400 mainstat on my cloak Did not get hit by the nerf, collected 40k bronze So I'm inclined to think that the people who claim to do "little frog farming but getting nerfed" are not completely honest


Thats actually messed up jeesh.


"Either people claiming they barely farmed frogs are lying or blizzards detection method was awful." two strong choices there, hmmm




> I’d err towards the “blizzard’s detection is awful”. See: Punishments for abusing XP pot stacking in BfA. Spoilers: The ban times were all over the place (anywhere from 1 week to 3-6 months) and weren't consistent (I abused it with 2 guildies. We each leveled one character and only grouped with each other. Only one of us got temp banned.)


A little from column A and a little from column B


If the little from A is “barely farmed frogs” and the little from B is the entire thing than yes 


I think both are correct


The people complaining and saying “ohh just 15 minutes and I got bored” did basically suck at it where solos and didn’t get enough drops to meet their expectations. HOWEVER they still went their to do it and if they had done it right would not have left after the 15 odd minutes. So I am totally ok with them being punished as well. It’s about the intention not the gain. “Yeah I went to the riot and plundered but I only took a pair of shoes, all PlayStation 5 and TV’s where taken already”…


Hey buddy keep in mine that this is a farm that was always in mop they drop coins in retail they knew in ptr they dropped them, this shit was live for a long as time and this roll back fucks people for days after the farm. And there was no psa put out by blizzard to say this wasn’t allowed at any point


I farmed frogs to ~750 charms so whatever that works out to elsewhere and didn't get the bronze.


Their detection method is truly terrible. I farmed frogs probably less than an hour. I wanted to, but so tedious. I kept saying, "I'll eventually do it," even though I knew they'd nerf it. Probably 1500 coins total. Got a cloak nerf to 2500, and it's funny, because a lot of my stats are under the 2500 threshold. My crit is only 2217. Others are only around 1600. So I clearly didn't go ham on anything. Just did all the non-raid achievements, dailies, etc. But nerf cloak, no bronze. (But I somehow have more stam now?) My guildmate, meanwhile, who farmed frogs all day and is one of those one-shot maniacs you see around, got bronze. Another guildmate who did no frogs, just did all the achievements and a bunch of raiding, got nerfed, no bronze. He's incandescent with rage. So they hit the innocent, the little bit guilty, and the absolutely guilty in different ways. Some people got off scot free, and some innocents got nailed, and a lot of people are in between. This company is hilarious. I'll be done with all this by this weekend, so who cares. But it's amazing how much good will they can sap with their decision making.


what was mind blowing to me, as someone who hasn't played remix but did play the original MoP... the frogs hyperspawn was a problem back in the day too, that also had to be nerfed. How did they make the same mistake twice? How did they forget about the same frog hyperspawn that everyone was farming??


Part of the gloriousness of the experience has also been running into bugs that have existed since the original MoP release. I was running into things like, "Oh right, I remember this was bugged. I vaguely recall how I worked around it." It's like they just threw the old expansion out there without even a cursory review of how it worked, how players played, and what campaign-breaking bugs have plagued it for over a decade. At least send an intern to pore through Wowhead or something. Pretend you made the attempt. All it highlighted was the light negligence Blizzard has this weird knack for, where they just plum don't fix things sometimes. Then something like Remix comes out, all the same old issues come flying back, and the actual employees are surprised? We've probably reached a point - and may have reached it long ago - where enough turnover at the company has occurred that the players know the game far better than many of the people working on it. And when you do nostalgia bits like this, it shows.


I can guarantee you layoffs screwed everything up. Team is under staffed as crap. Doesn’t help the project lead has 0 clue on what to do and doesn’t get his workers overtime on a weekend fast enough to fix their mess ups aka letting frogs to be farmable till Sunday. It led to this whole mess.


Even without layoffs, MoP was a decade ago. People quit and move on to other work.


I farmes for like 50 minutes as well, and I got the 40k bronze quests as well They only nerfed my critical strike back to 2500 (I believe, otherwise it would be such a coincidence I had critical strike exactly at 2500), as the rest of stats I had were under the nerf threshold it seems


I'm in the same boat. Roughly 1k charms, and got my cloak nerfed. Didn't get the bronze either.


I did the same too.. but i didnt get the bronze quest.. i had 800ish charms


So wait ..: you got the bronze quest AND got the cloak nerfed?!??


this is my cloak, barely touched frogs and got nerfed [https://i.postimg.cc/NjCNBvcz/Screenshot-2024-05-25-021923.png](https://i.postimg.cc/NjCNBvcz/Screenshot-2024-05-25-021923.png)


Detection is utter shit


I got less than 1000, probably around 600 to 900. I maxed the rep in the jade forest (getting around 350 per turn in) and I delivered the rest to shado pan but didnt reach exalted (1k per turn in or something very high like that). I farmed for like 30 minutes. I didn’t get nerfed but also didn’t get the quest. I don't care about the quest because the bronze rewards feel good atm but I just want to know what the criteria was. It feels so random to the point of incompetence lol


I did it for roughly 1h (2k charms), and got as well most of my stats from other means. My cloak got more than halved, even though the majority was just from doing other things. Pretty fucking cool from Blizz :)


Their detection method was definitely awful, farmed frogs for about an hour total (around 1000 charms), still got hit (no bronze quest and haste/vers reduced to 2500 which were my only 2 stats above the threshold). Meanwhile there are people running around with 70k stamina on their cloaks saying they didn't get hit and got the bronze quest too.


I think many of those people were already logged in and will have a rude awakening once they log out and in again. That's what happened to me.


Doesn't really matter since their gear is fully upgraded anyway, to me the cloak nerf for froggers is pretty much a PR move at this point.


Agreed, i'm already at 488/500 ilvl on my upgrades and will be capped probably 2-3 weeks before most people, almost all of your power comes from gear upgrades.


had a 85k stam cloak. 5k~ came from frogs since i couldn’t play on the weekend. (1-2h in between) the other 80k where from clearing raids everyday (all of them) and dungeons grinding like a madman and HoF trash x10 / h for a day. But like u said, i have my full 556 gear so power is just slightly worse. Much noticeably speed :D But some of my friends that made fun of me that i was not able to farm frogs and farmed for like 5-10h still have their stuff and didn’t get nerfed Super wild somehow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But whatever, i finish rest of my bronze and be done


If they’re going by charms, you’re beat. 1k in an hour is going to be noticed and clearly an exploit lol


Wait, but your alt was able to get the free bronze even if your main was not? I'm basically in your same boat, my froggers cloak is barely half as powerful as the reset point and he cannot get the quests. So he is half as weak as froggers now but no free. I'm fine with this loss as long as my alts can still get the quest for the 40k


I leveled a new character after my character was flagged for farming frogs for 1-2 hours (my main didn’t even make 40k from frogs lol) and I was able to get the 40k bronze quest on the new level 70. You can level a character in 1 night by starting with heroic dungeons til 25 and then every normal raid from there. By the end of siege of orgrimmar you should be 70 with all the exp gains from bosses. You may have to do the odd heroic dungeon to get the last few levels but it was really fast last night on an arcane mage going 10-70 this way


A guild mate told me their alts cannot get the quest


They are bugged, I only did frogs for like an hour, maybe 800 charms on my main, my cloak didnt even get above 2k stats each, I didnt get the quest on my main, but I did on all my alts. I logged into my shammy who is a fresh 70 and got the full 40k


My guild mate is prob just wrong


I "Frogged" for exactly 1 hour in a very crappy shard (I timed it to see how effective it was). I got the following stats: Int 144 Stam 1248 Crit 72 Haste 144 Mast 72 Vers 108 7553 Bronze. My cloak has not been rolled back but I also don't have the 40k bronze quest. Live by the frog, die by the frog.


Seems like you got flagged for frog but your cloak wasnt high enough to get nerfed


around 16k charms, nerfed and got the quest. thx blizzard well spend bronze


I killed enough frogs to get 10 charms and then realized I didn't want to spend time doing it. I did not get the 40k bronze. I was at frogs for literal minutes. I also already did a TON of the cache achievements before they buffed them all. So I'm a rare player that was fucked over 3 different ways. Missed out on frogs. Missed out on cache buffs. Missed out on free 40k.


You are not alone. Blizz messed up big time.


I've never seen warlock abbreviated as WL and I'm ashamed to admit how long it took me to figure it out. I was like "warrior.... level?" 😂 Only ever seen it shortened as lock.


Normal abbreviation on EU server


Really? Where? In my 17 years of playing WoW, I can't remember ever seeing that on any EU server. I was also very confused what WL meant.


It’s normal in German to use wl, I guess that’s what he meant. We also call alts twinks for example (no idea if us people do that too)


I’ve seen “Twink” used for alt in NA for at least ten years, but only in the context of referring to a level locked alt with OP gear, either for a leveling service, low level PvP, etc.


in my 17 years of playing WoW, we have never used anything but WL for Warlocks. Silvermoon-EU, Blackhand-EU, Onyxia-EU


no? people say and i quote "Lock" or "locks" "Get a lock in the group for summon"


Not on German servers and the French Spanish people I play with in m+/raid. It's always "WL needed" or "WL summ"


[This is all I can think of with this hotfix](https://youtu.be/Aq_dzm4WW68?si=Qu0jbamb_13TG6TW)


yup, also got tagged with this cloak https://imgur.com/fxeKsca didnt realize being this weak was an unfair advantage :|


I got a bit more power than you, about 1k int/10k stamina, but I got flagged too. No Bronze for me either. I'm about 15k Bronze down on having just not touched the frogs at all, despite not even having killed that many.


I submitted a ticket including the character in question, hopefully it works out and I get that 40k bronze, you should too maybe Cause that's a totally ethical cloak


Not sure why you’re downvoted, anyone who got hit with this and they didn’t excessively farm frogs should put in a ticket saying they aren’t an excessive frog farmer because the blue post stated they only targeted excessive frog farmers, and you as a normal player should be able to accept that quest. Especially if your cloak isn’t even reset to 25k


Yeah idk either really can't convince them. My intellect on the cloak was like 1800 several days ago, crit was only as high as 36% when I was overgemmed into it If I've been lying to these people the whole time about not mobgrinding, I must've picked a pretty middling spot lol


My hunter didn't get the bronze quests, after farming frogs for enough to get about 4-500 lesser charms. I had no idea what my cloak stats are cos I never looked but I definitely never got overpowered with it, and all the bronze was put into buying mounts and mogs. maybe they didn't like how fast I got golden lotus to exalted or something


[Info Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/Xmpi2Hl) I'm not sure what their criteria for the frogger designation is but I farmed for maybe an hour out of groups and don't seem to have the quests available to me. I tried farming it, found it boring then went back to questing in Kun-lai. I didn't notice my cloak get nerfed in any way (it's pretty small) I didn't get extremely high Lesser Charms of Good Fortune or Timeless Coins My highest enemy type killed was still humanoid at 1914 kills out of 4368 total. I did spend Lesser Charms of Good Fortune for rep but only enough to max Golden Lotus. I feel like they made the ceiling for froggers really small at using Lesser Charms of Good Fortune because it really doesn't seem like it mattered how many frogs you killed. Overall, this makes this event seem even more of a clown feista when I went to the Jade Forest and found many people with much stronger cloaks gathering around Momentus.


Good to see. They should do this consistently and 'exploit early and often' might change to 'don't exploit'.


Except the people getting rekt here are people that tried the farm and dipped. People that actually farmed frogs have 500 ilvl gear so the cloak nerf isn’t even that much of a deal for them.


This fix only really hurt people who tried but didn't hardcore grinded the frogs(15min-2hours). The people who really farmed them for the whole day and had 50k stamina etc. only from frogs got multiple hundred thousand bronze out of it so loosing 40k doesn't matter and the gear they bought with the bronze increased their damage far more than the cloak.


Personally I’d rather “patch bugs that were reported on PTR instead of releasing unfinished content”


True, but for future content, I'd prefer if people were afraid to exploit.


Would be nice if there would bee a clear line for this. There were a lot of different farms that got nerfed but only one got flagged. Also that Hyperspawn existed for 12 years and was already used for Charms in original MoP.


Charms in original mop didn’t allow for infinite turn ins for direct power upgrades. They were time gated turnins so it didn’t really matter that it was a good farming spot for them


Okay but it's literally the logical conclusion? mob gives you items to turn in a quest, quests give you the cache, therefore the natural assumption is frogs should be a valid way to get caches?


Don’t be so obtuse. It was extremely obvious that the rate of power gained from frogs was way above anything else. I’m glad no one got any real repercussions from it because it’s obviously far from ban worthy, but to act like it wasn’t obvious that it wasn’t intended to be farmed like that IN REMIX is asinine.


Yes and the things that were weaker than the frogs should have been brought up to the frog level, frog level was still perfectly fine.


That’s a different conversation. I agree that it was absurd how low the bronze acquisition started (and still isn’t great).


No idea why you’re getting downvoted but you’re spot on


because he isn't spot on. Hi, OG MoP 100%er here. Timeless isle was a solution to the grind that was the rest of MoP at the end of the expansion. So the logical conclusion for us that already spent almost 2 years in the draught farming timeless isle is as a matter of fact. To go to the timeless isle and farm. Welcome to world of warcraft. The game that is known to have people play so much they overwork until they end themselves and their kids over it with degeneracy.


Timeless isle was 50 charms for 3 seals, as a weekly quest, no? So no infinite upgrades.


those charms worked for the same turnin spots as they do on remix. For rep. (Collectibles and achievments) So no, that is incorrect. You're thinking only in terms of power but this game and what people are willing to do is so much more than that. THIS isn't new. You merely changed the goal post. Also, did you know? All timerunner stuff will get wiped out of existence once event is over. You only keep what you collected from collectibles and achis. Source? Their interviews.


Yes true, but i really don’t think the direct power upgrades + bronze acquistion of frogs in remix is comparable. At all


You want people to be afraid of farming mobs in a farm spot that’s existed for over a decade? lol?


I love this reasoning. “Oh I thought getting double rewards from a hyperspawn location making me so powerful I do more damage then an entire raid of max level characters was intended hehe” don’t nerf little old me, I just didn’t know 🥺👉👈


Why would we not think that a farm that’s existed since literally forever is intended? It’s blizzard’s fault for not removing charms from the drop table. Frogs are a charm farm. Always have been. I didn’t even understand the power of charms turning into threads until well into the farm lol. Of course we realized it was insane eventually, but why would we think we should A) not do a farm that’s been in the game since timeless isle was added, and B) not gain power rapidly in a meme 4fun game mode? You guys take this so seriously lol. If this was retail and we were killing mythic awakened Fyrakk in 13 seconds you might be on to something. But this was EXPLICITLY a meme game mode where we were told we would be overpowered. But we’re supposed to know that we were actually getting overpowered *too fast* and farming a normal farm in this meme game mode actually is an exploit? Lmao. Come on. Why people blame the players instead of blizzard is just beyond me.


I blame Blizzard too. They fucked up the event. Nothing in my comment implied I didn't blame Blizzard. I assumed everybody that exploited the frog spawn knew what they were doing and this whole "oh I didnt know!" thing was an act. But seeing as you are doubling down on it, guess I was wrong. I guess you looked at getting orders of magnitude more rewards than everybody else and though that was intentional. lol


>I guess you looked at getting orders of magnitude more rewards than everybody else and though that was intentional Sunday was my first day playing lol I quested to 70, then went by Timeless isle since I heard people were farming frogs, and I was an altaholic in MoP and farmed tons of frogs. I literally started for the nostalgia lol. Like I said, I literally did not understand that Lesser Charms could be turned into anything until I was like 20k frogs deep lmao. And even once I did realize the full scale of the farm, I had no context as to what everyone else was doing or what rewards were normal. Again, literally was my first day playing the mode lol. A meme game mode. Where we were told we would become OP lol. Idk man.


Yes but if this happened on retail you’d be banned for exploiting. Blizz’s approach here seems super fair


But this isn't retail lol. It's a meme mode that's for giggles.


Exactly. Hence blizz just did a broad roll back of people who cheesed it. No bans


I didn't say people should be afraid to farm, I said they should be afraid to **exploit**. A common result for exploits is the hole is closed but anyone that got the good stuff gets away with it. This way, we can see that Blizz might punish people who do something that's marked as an exploit or unintended behaviour. This hyperswapn area seems like a clear exploit that *to be fair*, Blizz should have cosed up earlier, but I like the precedent now where exploits might have repercussions, so people might be more likely to check before they do it.


I don't see how, in any world, the frogs could be considered an exploit. It's a meme game mode. I personally didn't even realize how powerful the frog farm was until was almost done (didn't understand charms could be turned in for gems/threads), I was just vibing hitting a farm I hit hard on all my alts in the past. Like, yeah, once we realized the full potential it was clear this was an INSANE farm, but we also had no real idea how fast we were intended to progress through this meme mode. We were explicitly told we would become extremely OP, and that this was fun, and fast, and only for 90 days. We were talking about how Mythic Siege was probably gonna be like 100k Bronze per run. That Sunday was my first day playing Remix lol. Idk, I generally agree with your point that Blizzard should come down harder on obvious exploiters, but the key word is ***obvious***. This is like, the most beneign "exploit" ever, it's just farming a normal farm, that's existed for more than a decade.


The people that really exploited didn't get hit here at all, all the power was in gear upgrades and that hasn't changed.


what's the exploit? people just farmed frogs the same way they did when mop was current, they dropped charms back then as well as hyperspawned. People just wanted to mindlessly farm


But the ones who 'exploited early and often' are still better off then the ones who didnt, and the ones who didnt, and just, as OP, just did it for a bit, but not enough to gaining the super advantage many other did, got punisher way harsher, then what they gained. They are also not the first one so far to be punished harsher then the crime. So it still stands, Exploit Early and Often. That way the punishment will be soft.


your cloak is still better then most of all people in the game. you have every cosmetic thats ingame and every gear slot at max. its just a cosmetic fix and changes nothing


The 'exploiters', are tottaly fine, still got maxed or close to gear. Thats bigger deal then cloak is. Ones impacted are ones that got to it late/,dint do much. Hardcore early frog farmers are still leagues over normal play, and if happend tp be online when quest rolled they got the 40k bronze aswell


I agree. Grinding in this way devalues a lot of others experiences, and also opens the door to allow people to gatekeep group content from others (example, “LFG must have 10k main stat only”). Showing the path that allows the least resistance, then having it get nerfed for the sake of intentional gameplay, locks others out of the experience too


frog farming is like riots, they can't arrest all of the rioters only the biggest and unluckiest


they just look up how many frogs you killed, draw a line and everything over it got rekt, maby 500 maybe 100 we dont know


My husband and I killed the exact same number of frogs, together. It was maybe 15 minutes of trying to tag on bad tagging classes, I have about 300 charms total from frogs and everything else, so it was a very small number of frogs for us before we left in boredom. He was nerfed and not eligible for the quest, I was not. He has, however, played a lot more in general and had many more charms and threads from other content. Their detection system isn't just number of frogs killed, and it's bad.


yep inb4 "your husband cheated on you with frogs and isn't telling you!" same as your husband, i played a ton but only did frogs for 40min on a shit tagging class but my cape got cut in half


I have a baby who wakes me up every hour all night right now due to a sleep regression. So I feel quite confident that he isn't sneaking out at 4am to go farm frogs since I am blearily glaring at him as he peacefully snores while I bounce a sleepless baby all night.


Farmed frogs for about 2 hours, enough to get exalted with all reps with lesser charm turn ins. Did not get detected, got the 40k. No thread rollback.


This is what everyone begged blizz to do


I farmed frogs for like 15 minutes for the 50 Stones quest on a single day while looking out for Bufo. Guess im an evil frogger who destroyed the fun for every casual player and deserved to be punished for grinding all quests and world bosses since release in this f\*cking fun mode where we got oneshot in dungeons when we hit lvl 70.


unbiased answers - does [my main's cloak](https://i.imgur.com/KzWFk7D.png) look like someone who mobfarmed a bunch? cause I didn't get the quests on it


You've got a few stats that clearly got rolled back to the 2500 cap (stam has a higher cap, 25000 instead of 2500). Probably shouldn't have been asking Blizzard to enact punitive measures if you didn't want to get caught in them. Edit - They blocked me after I posted this lol


It’s funny because as soon as the nerf announcement came, this person made a comment along the lines of “lmao frog farmers got rekt”. I’d love to have seen their shocked pikachu face when they realized they got hit, too.


My cloak is a little more powerful than yours and I've only ran heroics / raids and quests. If this is the case when I log on in an hour or so, I will be very frustrated as I have never even been anywhere near the frog area.


That cloak isnt that crazy, I am around the same on my main and I still got the quest. Did 20-30 mins of frog farming (they nerfed it while I was farming)


Yup too much haste, crit, and mastery. You must have been doing some hard-core farming because those are the thresholds that a "very dedicated" player could have gotten to according to Blizzard. You can't be upset though since for the past three days you've been on Reddit constantly wanting players nerfed for having too high of stats. Karmas a bitch.


I got those from the legendary threads they hotfixed in though? It's like +100 or +180 each time. The "3 dungeon bosses, 2 raid bosses, 1 scenario" and normal & heroic dungeon + normal & heroic scenario queues. > You can't be upset though since for the past three days you've been on Reddit constantly wanting players nerfed for having too high of stats. > Karmas a bitch. I said unbiased :) If you have a petty spite clouding your judgment, that's your problem not mine


Obviously those stats were higher than their threshold. So you got flagged for it. It is what it is. It's just hilarious seeing all the people that cried for nerfs getting themselves even further behind because of it.


I mean I didn't get even further behind, I didn't get scaled down. I just didn't get the bronze quest. I'm in your head too much for you to realize how silly it is that Blizzard *planted* an ethical way to get a lot of threads just to lump those people in with 14-hour-a-day mobgrinders.


It's obvious looking at your cloak that you were rolled back to the 2500 threshold on a few stats. That's your fault for getting more than a dedicated player could have reasonably managed. Or you farmed frogs while crying about people farming frogs. Next time instead of being spiteful and begging Blizzard to roll back and nerf people ahead of you. Maybe ask for reasonable buffs. Karma bit you in the ass this time. Take it as a learning experience.


Again...if doing a normal dungeon, normal scenario, heroic dungeon, heroic scenario, and LFR wing are beyond what a "dedicated player could have reasonably managed", then set back everyone else. If I'm not doing one of those things, it's doing Isle of Thunder or August Celestial dailies...or if I'm not doing *that*, it's leveling additional alts. It's so funny how much I bother you not because of any proven hypocracy, but literally playing by the rules.


Kind of ironic coming from you considering people who killed frogs were playing by the rules too. Hence why they weren't banned for breaking any rules. Frog players were so far in your head that you ended up crying on the forums and got yourself nerfed and bronzeless in the process too. That's just objectively hilarious any way you look at it.


here is my health pool I pulled up in a screenshot from 44 hours ago: 522K And here's what it is right now: 534k https://i.imgur.com/PRT75n9.png Doesn't seem like I was playing "more than a dedicated player could have reasonably managed"... I'm actually +120K bronze so far today because I spent so much less time than you SWEAR I did mobgrinding shit on main, that I spent that time leveling 3 toons to 70s with 1 more on the way tonight. Sorry man.


Yeah you didn't go over the 25k stamina threshold, but you clearly did on a couple secondaries. Bad luck of the draw. Better luck next time.




What I just said above if you bothered to read... The epic or legendary spools of thread for your first Normal+Heroic dungeon & scenario of the day, and the 3 daily quests * 0/3 dungeon bosses defeated * scenario completed * 0/2 raid bosses defeated


Not sure why you're being pissy with me. I just found the term being used here funny - hyperbolic that's all. Everyone's so on edge over this, frog farmers and those who hate them. There's no need for such drama and defensiveness from either. Chill out. Never asked for some explanation.






My cloak is nearly identical in some ways, and way out of wack in other ways. It's got 2152 intellect, just 2 different from yours. And yet, I've got 19914 stamina, and then everything else is anywhere from 1900 to 2373 stats.


People that didn't even farm frogs are getting nerfed. Fuck that!!!!!!


Babe wake up it’s time for the next rendition of wow whinge


1600 agility and only just hit 10k stam last night no quest, i've only had like 200 charms on my account total from doing the dailys every day. feel pretty ripped off. i'm 341 ilvl.... f\*ck blizzard


This really needs a discussion. I can admit I frog farmed for about 3-4 hours after hitting level 70. Then it got removed rather quick so I have played a lot. Never got to any extreme stats. [https://i.imgur.com/pTUKEY3.png](https://i.imgur.com/pTUKEY3.png) I had 2.4M hp with my self buff right before the nerf. Then got nerfed to 2.2M HP with self buff. And I've played AAA LOOOOOOOT to get to those stats, doing actively content in order to achieve those stats and they are nowhere close to extreme. Tons of people have higher stats than me by just Dalaran & Goat farming


Honestly if you got nerfed more it wouldve still been deserved.


Why? For doing a few hours of a farm that’s not against tos?


Exploit (verb) 1. make use of (a situation) in a way considered [unfair](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=e472bba1732e8ddb&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKv-EPVApjdcD7aTJTgzzLcJhBfbQ:1716631369586&q=unfair&si=ACC90nwzNcbSj6HKgPz_Y9fzn5jcOTUMg8AgsalnQp0eDE0jAAU0hB6gIUMWzqt3K0qSW74siknf4cJWOiJ1UjllEgXMg3R41g%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis8vmXxqiGAxV687sIHRHtDsgQyecJegQIXxAm) or [underhand](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=e472bba1732e8ddb&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKv-EPVApjdcD7aTJTgzzLcJhBfbQ:1716631369586&q=underhand&si=ACC90nytWkp8tIhRuqKAL6XWXX-NpEqQ2AYPphirw6G7NGcGMki6xbNlKVkCnLNBA8tA00w8_iUs07l8jWpOCg4CyflNuaNuz8taKgyHZoPw0TDKFGqJrg0%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis8vmXxqiGAxV687sIHRHtDsgQyecJegQIXxAn).


Yeah that’s not the definition of an exploit in wow buddy.


Then what is? Lol


I farmed frogs for 10 minutes, got bored because farming monkeys made 5 man groups, and everything was gray. I got 300 of those charms, but I haven't used them. Didn't get nerfed and got my quest normaly. But I haven't used charms for rep yet.


I did frogs for about an hour. All my cloak stats are under 1k and stam is around 5-6k since I barely touch that character anymore tbh. Didn’t get the bronze bonus for it.


I farmed frogs for about 20-30 mins got about 17k stam didnt get rolled back nor did I get the quest but people far ahead of me did.


They did not just hit frog farmers, any of the hyper farms including raid abuse.


I think it might be based on how many charms you used. I did frogs for a about an hour and got 1k charms. Used my charms after the nerf and still got the quest for 40k.


I’m not sure that’s the full picture. I’ve seen a lot of posts about people saying they farmed for “about 15 minutes”. I personally farmed for twice that length and wasn’t hit. I think either these people are wrong/lying about how long they farmed, or it’s some other error. They simply didn’t get everyone that did 15 mins of farming frogs.


You made 20k bronze in 15 minutes? But only a slight frog farmer? That bronze rate was insane, ignore all of the other stuff.


It is a lazy implementation they did. Some people with low level cloaks got nerfed and they didnt abuse frogs. killed my will to play.


"Let's make a fun game mode" "A what kind of game mode?" ~Actual conversation at Blizzard


I frogged from level 45 to 67, ended up with 5,400 Lesser Charms. About 3.5 hours. Since I stopped prior to 70, and most of my thread gains from it were the smaller pre-70 threads, I ended with around 300 or so of each stat. After that I leveled to 70, then hit up Heart of Fear trash farming. I got up to 2,500-3,000 of each secondary doing that. I didn't get hit with the frog detection nerf(yet.)


I frogged for an hour in the early 60s. Only my haste and vers were a little bit higher than 2500, I got flagged and both got knocked down to exactly 2500. So it wasn't a massive nerf. But I lose out on all that juicy bronze for the sake of a hundredish vers and haste qq.


Did everyone get hit the same though? I did frogs for an hour, two tops. Rest of my 80K stam cloak came from other farms like HoF trash etc. Cloak got slashed down to 2.5K stats and 25K stamina. Could still get the 40K bronze quest somehow.


Stat nerfs are the same. Quest eligibility is a fucking coin toss from person to person


Farmed frogs for like 30 mins. My cloak doesn’t have any stat above 500 other than stamina and I can’t get the bronze.


I farmed for just under an hour, I got about 25k Bronze from it, and now have 1.1k main stat/10k stamina (and a fair chunk of that was from raiding afterwards). Flagged as a frog farmer. I can't get the quest for Bronze. I am actually worse off than had I not touched the frogs at all. The people that actually """exploited""" the frogs are still sitting on **at least** mid-high ilvl 400 gear and have 2.5x the cloak stats I do, plus any extra Bronze they spent on cosmetics. I am only on ilvl 360 gear. People that didn't do it now have 15k more Bronze than me for doing absolutely nothing. My bad, I killed "*an unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills prior to the loot bug fix*" so I guess I deserve this.


Yeah got carried today in SoO post-cloak nerf by a warlock, paladin, and shaman that all clearly frog farmed hard. I got about 450 lesser charms from the frog farming and I couldn't get the bronze. The gear upgrades due to bronze from the frogs are far more useful than the cloak, and there's no way I got 40k bronze from the frogs while people who did it for 8+ hours certainly did. Feels like a symbolic nerf to appease the community that punishes people who did the farm for 2 hours or less far more than the people who farmed *hard*.




Nah, can't blame em for farming frogs. When you add a shortcut to power, on purpose or not, people are gonna take it. Can't blame blizzard for rolling it back either, but now it's done. 




they can jsut look up how many frogs you killed, simple. and maybe they took a baseline ex. 1000 frogs killed as the thrshold


Legit the same situation.


Yea I’ll have to double check again but I don’t think I got any of the bronze on my main who I’m pretty sure didn’t even kill a single frog? Never joined any of the frog farms, I only got to 70 and then attempted a lot of the raids or did dungeon runs with friends, I was never in a situation to have even been in a group that kills frogs.


Yeah everyone farmed frogs for 15 minutes. Or you guys are just time blind and reinventing memories? How did you know it's so short given you didn't know it was significant at the time? Yall just delusional


"Why should I be punished? I only stabbed the guy once, this guy stabbed him a lot! How is it fair that I'm punished the same as the guy who stabbed him a lot?" This wasn't the intended game experience. Blizz can't just let people have insane stats and let people carry everyone, get all the rewards instantly and then never touch the game again for the next 2 months. If Blizz wanted players to get rewards for doing next to nothing, they wouldn't have separated it from retail, and if some "innocents" need to work a bit harder to get their capes back up to where they were because they accidentally frog farmed for 5 seconds, I'm willing to accept that to get everyone on an even playing field again.




If the bronze quests were active on daily reset today, I got hit without killing a single frog on my monk Edit: thankfully it didn't go live with the daily reset


Good. At least the rule is consistent. Whether I agree with it or not