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Chaining dungeons?


Yep, inadvertently boosted a lot of people.


I assume the bronze output was awful and makes it not worth sticking on the trial? Just curious, my sub has lapsed and I’ve kicked the can around the idea of leveling to 20 and then farming for kicks.


You get about 300 bronze per run on a level 20. A run takes around 5 minutes. So you can get around 3600 an hour just spamming dungeons. It's not nothing, but at the same time exploding heroic dungeons is pretty fun.


Not too terrible, so far I've probably farmed out at least 50k overall, so I've gotten a decent number of mounts, and a few raid/reputation sets as well.


Wait wait, I didn't followed WoW for awhile cus I cant pay my sub and can't buy dragonflight, but you saying I can participate and get rewards on trial char? Do I need to own dragonflight for it?


You can just log in and create a brand new timewalking character and level it up to 20 and still collect bronze and buy cosmetics. Personally I recommend a resto shaman or a holy nova priest. At bare minimum a tank or a healing class for faster dungeon ques.


you can get insanely powerful at 20. my mage could solo the sha world boss if he didn't have that mind control ability


My paladin still misses to many hits, but soloing galleon is fun


Just open wow 2 times and let your level 70 camp the entrance. Nobody will care for him while you zoom through the dungeon, and he will get send most loot in the mail


I got boosted by someone doing something similar. Guy was dual boxing and running his alts through heroics. I went from 20 to 58 in about 40 minutes.


I wonder if that was me.. I had the tank I was leveling set to follow while my holy priest ran through dungeons spamming holy nova. The hilarious part is you do it for an hour or two and when you go open your mailbox on the guy your power leveling, you get 10 or more levels instantly from all the Bonus Experience you didn't loot lol


Sounds like it was someone else, this was a mage. I didn't think about checking my mailbox, thanks lol


If you have a main account that you pay for and a trial account, you can also unlock all the rings trinkets and necklace and they will be available for the trial account


ITS BNET-WIDE?? Holy shit thankyou for this info! This will be fun lol


So are the xmog and mount unlocks


What. So the best way to farm and feel OP is by actually not playing the event as it is intended and not paying for a sub? LOL.


Kinda yes, got to 20 and although your character still visibly 'dings', you obviously can't go beyond 20, so the main caveat is that you only have limited talent points to work with. From here it's just cloak stat stacking as you can't go too far with ilvl upgrades either, still fun to not lose power every run lol


This was always the case with trial accounts if you want to feel OP. Just make one and go into a bg with other trial accounts and you’ll see how big they are from years of playing it. I played trial account for 4 years before I hit the bullet and bought the full game, it was just as fun as the full game tbh. I played a rogue and was “that guy” in bgs just one shotting newbies with ambush, it would literally do their entire health bar in 1 ambush, idk how you don’t have fun on that lol The restrictions are extremely annoying though, no group inviting, no mail, no reading and a ton of other restrictions I can’t remember off the top of my head. But if you can get through that it’s a blast There is also whole communities for F2P with role playing, dungeon spam, leveling, etc. it’s like a hidden untapped part of the community that people don’t know about but it’s kind of in line with the Twinking community or xpoff.com (not sure if xpoff is still a thing today or not)


Level 20 has more purples than both of my remix chars combined 🫠


I've gotten 3 70s in remix and one to about 400 ilvl and have not seen a single purple drop lol


They are RNG drops from everything but have the highest drop rate in Heroic Raids.


I didn't even know you could get purples.. Lol


Same lol


I started doing content on my 19 druid last night and got an epic drop in world content. Now he has more epics than my 70.


You get an epic from basically every heroic raid boss


*63% Parry and 62% Block*? lmao, you're basically invincible!


103% krit LOL


That extra 3% is for yo momma as a tip


Did you do any quests past the intro quests? Or only dungeons?


I've effectively done everything a F2P can, so lots of quests. Even got the Vale of Eternal Blossoms achievement for the mount.


A true Trial account gigachad here, props to you man. Cool to see people from the F2P community from time to time, they are small in numbers but they exist!


you can complete 3 zones as a f2p and you can kill rares in most of the other zones once you get your cloak up


Can someone explain exactly what I have to do for this? I missed frogs, I want to be op, the people telling me to enjoy and just play the game, if I wanted to just play and enjoy I would just play retail, I wanted to play mop because I wanted to be very very op and strong and have fun that way.


Personally, I completely missed the frog thing. My main advice is to focus on the achievements, as completing them will give you major bonuses and get you OP very quickly.


I got the 4200 threads while questing before I even hit 70. 4200 is actually super low. Remember it's not 4200 *drops*, it's 4200 *threads*. Once you get level 65 they start dropping 12 at a time, or 24 if you get a stam drop. Not to mention the spools from achevents, daily rewards, and world bosses.


Ilvl is important, people fixate on the cloaks and they are a significant power factor, but gear is what you need to upgrade to eventually reach a Frogger's power. You can make an alt exclusively for appearances and use the bronze to upgrade your main


I mean outside or normal raid ++ this is the case for all the content you can do imo


it is due to the level scaling. To do it you need to not have an active sub as it's the only current way to halt exp gains. after that you just blast heroic dungeons as a healer or tank. tanks can basically solo heroic dungeons at 20.


Kun-lai farm, search for a group in the lfg questing tab. Basically farming fast spawning mobs for 25-35k bronze per hour. Good luck!


So I tried this with a bear after reading your post. It's kinda hilarious. If I get a bit more leech and vers I'll be able to speed tank heroics as feral. Thanks for making this post.


I picked a holy priest with holy nova and got the searing light tinker and I’m actually 1 shotting everything already. No twinking needed, this shit is just good by itself


Blizz needs to raise there free trial lvl. They haven’t given two shits about leveling in so long so only letting someone try the game to level 20 still is asinine to me


is there a way to check how many threads you have collected?


Run this macro "/run local c,s={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,148},0;for i=1,9 do s=s+C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(2853+c[i]).quantity end print("Total threads: "..s)" taken from the first comment here https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=20538/infinite-power-xii#comments


Add-on called Panda Threads shows the amount on the tooltip.


get the narcissus addon, adds an easy way to do gems etc and hovering over its character menu button shows you the thread level.


Sadly not built in (I think), so the only way is to add up all of your bonuses on your cloak.


Bacon made a Weakaura for this on wago: [https://wago.io/H0GrJNyla](https://wago.io/H0GrJNyla)


What can you do with 4200 threads?


There might be other rewards but it gives a toy(?) that lets you have the legendary mop cloak effects!


4 toys!


They go into his cloak buff. Each thread represents 1 stat on your cloak


Anything to share on how you got so many threads?


Spam heroic dungeons as a level 20 trial account carrying your main in the party. Nobody even notices you are carrying another character because you clear the whole instance so fast by yourself on the level 20 anyways that other players can’t do anything


I haven't played retail since early Shadowlands. So I have no idea what is going on. How is a level 20 power leveling other people, becoming super powered and soloing world bosses? Is this a new game mode?


Yeah it's a temporary Pandaria mode that's supposed to just be goofy with OP characters, and it's for xmog, mounts, and easy alt leveling.


Basically WoW scaling has been fucked for years where level 10s can one shot everything in dungeons because blizzard thinks making them OP makes up for not having abilities. So you can just take a level 10 arcane mage with arcane explosion and solo instances. Idk why it’s like this but blizzard seems to think it’s fine so make your trial account today!


This feels more exploity than the Frogs. I'm too scared to do this.


hc dungeons is actually not that bad for bronze and threads... i steamroll most dungeons in less than 3mins with my havoc + i get some funny reactions from ppl seeing me do that :D


One shotting heroic bosses is perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Ah, you too huh.


well i still have my 71k stamina cloak because i did it without frogs :)


ye made an evoker myself at 20 im around 12000 threads atm with close to 60k hp 126% haste crit and vers and 203% mast cap aswell with full speed and leech cap i crit around 120k-130k on my fire breath its rather funny to see other ppl reaction when you onetap bosses in 0.01 seconds


Curse you for claiming the name “Skrinkleflap” before I thought of it


Somehow I also got the name Buffoonery.


Welp, I gave in, after completing everything possible in F2P, I have bought a month of gametime. Skrinkleflap is coming for the froggers.


Took you long enough.. Easiest way to farm, maybe besides frogging


Damn these multithreaders. When will Blizzard stop multithreading in their games? :(