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Honestly I think WoD could work. The lack of content doesn’t hurt as much when it’s a 3 month event and it has some of the best leveling zones in the game.  Garrisons would completely reward being there day 1 though.  I’d rather have Legion but I’m also happy to wait and do both.


The Garrison was mostly good fro stuff that isn't relevant to Timerunning, like crafting materials and profession stuff. If you just ensure the mission table doesn't give gold you remove basically all the benefits from starting early.


Honestly, just remove the garrison feature entirely just as they removed Halfhill from MOP.


Garrison likewise could simply be where all the vendors hang out.


Have the Infinite take it over with the express purpose of stopping the traveler from making copious amount of gold that could disrupt the markets in the future. They have to study what exactly we did, and why mission tables are proper garbage.


>Have the Infinite take it over with the express purpose of stopping the traveler from making copious amount of gold that could disrupt the markets in the future. Just have a infinite dragon standing there at the mission table "sending out missions" constantly and commenting things like "this is so much gold! Why is this so much gold?", "10,000 gold for rescuing a tree? Why?", "ugh, why a mythic trinket? Where is my transmog?" and so on. I would find that hilarious.


That would be hilarious 😂


Nice idea!


I'd like the Garrison to stay but they would need to really simplify and streamline the upgrade process because of the condensed time frame.


Just pop it in fully upgraded as a quest hub only.


>Honestly, just remove the garrison feature entirely just as they removed Halfhill from MOP. I am kind of glad that Halfhill isn't a thing in the remix. I already did my time to max out all the friendships and I have little desire to do it again lol


is THAT what happened ? i noticed no farming and distinctly remember getting 'master of the ways' years ago in that zone


I like this a lot. Very doable. Make it non-instanced/unphased and where the infinite bazaar is solely located.


But...then you would only have a handfull of dalies, a few dungeons and like...3 raids. Unlike MoP, you dont have multiple campains and scenarios on top of dungeons/raids and a good leveling.


Having my own AH in my garrison was great


If we revisit WoD, it would be the perfect opportunity for blizzard to wrap the story there by adding the content that was cut/removed. The context would be that we are visiting WoD with the infinite dragonflight because the records of this période are hazy, so we are going through the expansion to see how much vents truely transpired.


I would like timerunning WoD to include the removed engineering items that I need to finally upgrade my gun to the last look. Hate not having that for my mog.


I think the Garrisons could work as the main Infinite Bazaar hub where Eternus hangs out. Sure, there are smaller hubs in every zone, but this one's the big main one like the hubs in Valley of Eternal Blossoms.


Imagine if they finished the cut Shattrath raid for a Remix WoD


Could then make the war mill/dwarven bunker orc clan armors cosmetic instead of armor type like with SW guard/Grunt sets


Most of the garrison stuff would be irrelevant as most of what Garrisons were was a resource factory. It would kinda just be a thing you were able to go to and maybe get some daily “remix loot” or bronze from or something… that being said, WoD is actually one of my favorite xpacks, mind you all I did in WoD was grind Garrisons and Raid, so it was basically the perfect xpack for me. I didn’t have to do other forms of game content unless I actually wanted to.


The lack of content is a good point since leveling was one of the high points of WoD. I'd like to play WoD Remix.


I’d love WoD and maybe MAYBE they could even make garrisons account wide


Warlords of Draenor raids were sick, people could actually appreciate them.


Legion, you can even just use the weapon the same way we use the cape now. I for one would love to have my artifact weapon abilities back and the order halls were so fun.


Instead of the cloak of infinite potential, it's the armament of many shapes, that acts like the artifact weapon/cloak and takes it's shape based on your spec (instead of needing 2 to 4 weapons to play all specs in legion)


Oh my god this. It all going into a weapon makes *so* much sense.


Legion would be perfect.


And plenty of space for new traits since many are baked into classes in some way or another.


What about Evokers? They don't have an artifact weapon or class order hall. You would have to take away the whole system for everyone. I think this is why they chose MoP.


Nazuro or whatever functions in almost the same role atm. You have to get it, power it up and it’s also deeply embedded in the classes lore and important from a lore perspective.  It also means you could if you want give them a short questline involving oathbinder that was originally used to subdue their will and how their legacy has changed from that etc.  The thing is evokers will always cause a problem in previous expansions especially lore wise. 


I think this is easily fixable by just giving them a unique weapon and their order hall is just the infinite dragonflight area


Make it a Legendary Ring then, that doesn't count towards the Legendary Limit.


Also a good chance to reintroduce the mage tower transmog rewards that everyone's been asking for since Legion ended.


I doubt they would, given that the MoP challenge mode appearances aren’t in MoP Remix.


Legion ofc


Imagine Legion remix with its own mythic+ and mage tower… not to mention that all the raids in Legion have access to Mythic mode unlike mop.


If they didn’t bring back challenge mode with the ability to earn the armors they don’t bring back the mage tower.


Mage towers already back tho unless there were rewards you can't get now


You cant get the mage tower artifact appearances anymore, they just give armor now


Not getting the Hpal appearance will forever haunt me. Out of the 3 plate classes it was the only spec I didn't do it on and it's been my main spec since BFA.


Gimme that white bear please blizz


BFA but the heart of azeroth gives corruption resistance as you level or via threads. Imagine all the fun shenanigans with having corruptions from the start. Would it be balanced, of course not but it's only a three month event so who cares.


BFA is unironicaly a good choice for a Remix


My friends and I have been lowkey hoping for a BFA remix one day with corruptions going even more wild than they did before. It would be so much fun.


And the best part is that there is no need to add new corruptions or nerf existing ones, just slowly increase the resistance stat. Maybe change corruptions into gems rather than having it be tied to gear however


BFA with deterministic corruption and account wide essences from the start would actually be an amazing choice for another remix. Especially if you got extra corruption resistance from a remix specific thing like you said.


I really miss the laser power from BFA.


I still use it for timewalking raids and dungeons. It still works and does decent dmg due to the scaling.


I know Wrath classic recently ended so it’s probably not a likely contender, however I would love to see Wrath remix. Leveling strictly on Northrend with those amazing zones would be awesome! TBC remix would be pretty cool too tbh, love the outland zones! My best guess though is that either WoD or Legion will be next (if they do this again), probably more likely Legion. I’d be fine with either, though if they do go with Legion I hope they re-enable the Artifact weapons so we can properly re-experience Legion!


They definitely would re enable them and make them the new cloaks. Maybe just without the upgrade/research part


That would actually be pretty cool, just be given a maxed out artifact maybe with some uncapped stats like with the cloak too? Then maybe they’d actually feel as powerful as the artifacts are in the lore!




I’m hoping for Legion 🤞


Legion or Burning Crusade 🙏


People keep talking about the more recent ones but I really think tbc has a ton of potential.


BC would only work if they modernized the graphics. Getting a bunch of transmogs, mounts and pets with low pixels isn't all that attractive at this point.


Considering the upscaling that showed up in cataclysm classic beta for a bit, then that's doable. Though I would love a modern reimagining of tier 5 sets


TBC mechanics translate really poorly to modern wow. Most of them are just walking out of a random puddle really quickly because it ticks for 17 times your hp, soaking something that isn't telegraphed as a soak, or dodging a mechanic that's invisble and you'd only know about if you read a guide.


WotLK, because I want to be able to buy the time lost proto drake...I have had *zero* luck with finding that thing still alive, and every time I've camped I got the other rare dragon spawn.


Lol, that's a pretty valid reason to cross fingers for WotLK remix. Hope you run into it soon.


If you haven't tried it yet, use a character with access to chromie time, turn on warmode, and check for the time-lost then.


I think they should Remix every espansion after Cataclysm (I don't really feel like Classic: Legion is gonna click), and maybe have two events up per year. Especially with all the borrowed power systems that were in place with Legion and BFA many people didn't get to experience everything and collect all the stuff cause of the AP grind required instead. Between all the expansions there's just so much stuff to get, from mounts to toys to pets to transmogs, and I see further Remixes as an opportunity to go back and get what you missed. And I like the current Bronze balancing so everything you're getting is still earned and not given. Honestly MoP: Remix has been a blast and for as much as people like to complaing and say otherwise I think Blizzard has been very attentive to balancing and fixing Edit: typo


Meh alongside Classic Expansions i think doing too much remix is a bad thing aswell. Its fun now because its sort of a new thing. Novelty is gonna wear off extremely quickly if they start chain doing them every 6 months. I think the current plan of putting them at the end of an expansion is a good idea.


I totally agree with, but then again even doing Fated Raids for a whole season is wearing off really quickly. Having more Remix events per year means people will not *fomo* as much (which is pretty much the only reason why people are complaining about froggers / bronze rates / whatever), more people get to experience old content, and get some cool rewards while doing so. Having both Remix-only rewards AND Retail-available rewards eases the stress on having to get absolutely everything for old players and gives a choice to new players. I'm totally in favour of even shorter Remix for past expansions like TBC and Wrath in place of the current Timewalking event.


Idk, I think the one thing they’ve figured out over the past few years is it’s pretty darn hard to have “too much wow”


That was literally 80% of the issues people had with Legion and BFA. Because all content could drop warforged/titanforged gear and you could farm huge amounts of power by just logging in, you were kind of required to do so. Quite a large number of players prefer consuming wow in a few months at a time with breaks inbetween.


There’s a humungous difference between “there’s an awful lot of WoW I **have** to do to do anything” and “there’s and awful lot of WoW I **can** do”


I agree, when I heard that they were making cata classic I thought “ok so Classic WoW is just “Retail X years ago” because cata certainly isn’t classic era wow. Not trying to identify as a “classic wow purists” or anything but the xpack that literally removed much of the original vanilla wow content just by context CANT be considered “classic”, unless if the literal only reason it’s classic is because “big bad villain of xpack existed before vanilla wow” in which case Shadowlands is Classic era because of Danuser… I full on expected MoP Classic to be a thing (and honestly I would have been here for it) but I’m wondering if the decision to make MoP remix was because the WoW team(s) didn’t think they could get away with calling MoP Classic era, and decided to just start doing Remix as a middle ground between Classic and retail. I’m sure it’s a bit easier to implement as well since they probably just have to change how loot works and configure scaling (which probably isn’t that hard to do, just difficult to get right without extensive testing). At this point I full on think that we’ll just get WoD remix next year, Legion Remix the year after, then BFA remix at which point it will probably end up resembling normal Timewalking, where it cycles through monthly, but Remix will instead cycle through yearly or something, and once caught up to the “2 xpacks ago” point, they’ll then add the next [2 xpacks ago] Remix. At least I’m sure this will happen until people get tired of Remix style content and stop playing it… maybe at that point they’ll just integrate the cosmetics into normal Timewalking, be done with it and try to focus more on “Plunderstorm” style game modes.


Twice a year would be a lot, that's 6 months a year of farming limited time mogs. It'd be guaranteed to overlap with other big game releases or wow's own releases. With the new expansion cadence it'd be 3 months per 1.5 years, that wouldn't be bad frequency.


Legion, but it would miss a LOT of the things it made Legion without artifact weapons


Whose to say the weapons can't be our new Cloaks?


If you remixed Legion, you'd need a class hall storyline for Evokers, and I have an idea for how it could work. You have them working directly for the Infinite to supplement the other class hall storylines. Give them solo instances that take place immediately before or after ones from the other classes' quest lines, setting the scene to make sure it happens correctly or cleaning up the timeline afterward. All of which sounds like more work than Blizzard would actually want to put into something like this, but it would be neat.


That could be a way to reward infinite scale colors to dracthyr toons


Legion without a doubt!


BFA and Shadowlands are by far the two expansion that would benefit the most from being able to experience all the content of the xpac without any of the systems that made the xpac unbearable. Personally I'd like WOD and BFA though because those are the two only expansions since MOP where I didn't raid throughout the expansion and Remix is a cool way to get to see the content that I didn't do when it was current.


Have a shadowlands remix but make it so we do the intro scenario and then the screen turns black and we wake up in org/storm because it turned out to be one bad dream


Warlords remix but they add in the cancelled raid




The only other expansion that makes sense would be WOD, and if they did that I’d love it if they made the garrison account bound


why would no other expansion make sense?


Cuz they're high


Genuinely think BC would be a great option




Legion is the best expansion


Hear me out, classic remix


VANILLA remix! Bring back the old zones!


Legion! Need my druid forms


Legion, artifact weapon borrowed power + amazing story lines make it a perfect candidate. Lots of content to relive with all the class order halls.


Legoin or WoD. Doing anything that's had a classic era already wouldn't feel right.


Legion with new never seen tints for the legendaries, let's be honest there is a lot of people that mostly mog those. We need more! 


I'd love to play through WoD or Legion again. Legion was my favorite xpac. I honestly just loved the artifact weapons and class halls so much.


I'd love to see WoD but with a chance of getting the Challenge mode transmogs from dungeons somehow.


Remix idea needs more time in the oven before they do it again. Let’s focus on real retail issues. Or on the next remix just have them talk to the d4 team and understand that of the idea is for it to be Arpg levels of broken let it happen. Also don’t make the grinds KMMO level


Wrath just so I can buy that damn horse I’m so tired of farming icc 😂 but honestly Legion would be awesome to revisit in a remix type game mode


Imagine Legion Remix with Mage Tower rewards back


Would be great, but seeing that the challenge mode gear didn't return I'm mop remix I doubt that it will happen should they get to legion


I dont know, but I would imagine it would be WoD for "continuity" or Legion, because other than the Mag'har we all pretend that WoD never happened. As for what could be our means of overpowerness, then I would keep the cloak or wrists since they are items that people dont pay attention to as much with their mogs. No reason to complicate things with weapons.


Man WoD would be amating I think, or Legion


Timeline wise I think WoD makes sense. If they wanna use remix as a way to help troubleshoot what a future WoD classic could have wrong, WoD classic would most likely be around early to mid 2027. TWW will probably have its last season late 2025. That would give them a year's worth of heads up for developers to fix anything they find in a WoD remix at the end of TWW. However, from what it sounds like the next three retail expacks will be 18 month cycles and not 24. If what they said previously is true where they intend to "still release as many content patches" in each world soul saga expack, that'd be 3 seasons for a new raid each at 6 months a piece. So, there might not be enough time in there at all for season 4/remix season. That might be why they are trying all this new experimental stuff now as they know soon enough they'll be locked out of doing so for 4.5 years. 


I would really love Legion since I never played it, nor do I even half understand what it's about. I quit after Cata (so never played MoP either) and came back at BFA so for me personally MoP, WoD and Legion would be perfect!


Legion with eithet recolored mage tower artifact appearances or fully operational mage tower.


WoD or Legion, but i'd rather have legion so i can collect all the weapon skins (+bring back mage-tower-rewards pls)


WoD is the obvious choice imo. It is next chronologically and just feels like an underwhelming expansion that could use some love? Maybe by the time that is said and done and we're also done with the War Within, people would be ready for Legion Remix too. At the moment it feels too soon to me for Legion Remix, and the expansion was my favorite so I am hesitant to have them muck around with it just yet. Maybe doing a second Remix, WoD, will give them the chance to polish the formula more before then.


If it’s the same style event Legion, BFA then Shadowlands. I do wish they would let me use one of my characters already and just delevel me when I enter the "remix" instance. In my dream world this is how chromie time leveling should be on Live. You talk to chromie and you get sent to a version of the game where you’re only slightly overpowered. It’s so nice to play through multiple zones for the story before hitting 70. On live you get through two zones and then you’re kicked out and can only come back and one shot everything. It’s really fun having a bit of a kill delay so it feels like you’re actually playing the old expansion.


The DN expansion


WoD for sure but I would be fine with anything besides legion and shadowlands.


Wrath, so I can buy Invincible since it'll never drop for me


Lowkey would love WoD Remix. To prevent another gold inflation they can easily change gold reward missions to bronze. And there's so much collectible stuff from WoD I'm still missing. Only thing I'd really want is professions in Remix, but I dunno how they'd work it out with how gearing works in Remix. Maybe let you create mats for legendary gems or upgrading quality of gear (green>blue>epic... Could even do legendary/artifact quality).




I could see them going in order and at the end of expansions. So at the end of TWW we get WoD, then at the end of Midnight we get Legion, which will probably pair well going into The Last Titan when the pantheon returns (coughandturnsheelcough).


Legion. Make AP account wise and tied to whatever equivalent to threads there is. Reduce the grind at higher levels. Throw in some class mount recolors, some mage tower recolors and it think it would do well.


Bfa with azerite/corruptions


Legion for artifact appearances




I'd LOVE BFA to be the next one for sure. I love BFA so much 🥰


I would love a remix of Wrath. I understand it is unlikely to see given that classic wrapped up recently. I’m just not a fan of the classic experience or the players there. Wrath was my favorite expansion though. I’d love to unlock some of the reputation and rewards that I lost (had to leave for a few expansions to the middle of nowhere with no broadband service and lost my account info) when I had to create a new account.


BfA. Instead of all of the gems, give us maxed out corruptions and essences. It would go hard


Legion. I just want those Artifact appearances. I'd love to one and done each class order hall too and participate in the daily which order hall is the worst/best discussions. It'd be fun.


Classic wow remix


WoD is the obvious one.


Anytime not saying wrath is not considering that you could finally buy the time lost proto Drake.


Classic should get a remix. Getting some of those removed skins from Naxx would be legit. Also a source for the t3 set other than gold capping the BMAH


I think it needs to be an expansion that most do the content is locked in the expansion continent, the two I can think that fit that criteria are WotLK and WoD. Tbc has a few instances outside of outland (but the only one that would be an issue is karashan, as quel'thalas is technically on outland) With legion you will have to find a way to lock the players during the artifact and campaign quests. Bfa has a lot of quest around azeroth that you also will have to lock players into that zone. Shadowlands could be a good candidate but is too new and I don't know if the playerbase reception would be good. Cata doesn't have a continent but you could lock players into Kalimdor and EK however it would be a huge grind to do in only 3 months if you want to complete all the zone achievements.


WOD or Legion!


Legion. Bake a similar mechanic to the cloak into the artifact weapons.




I would love to see a Cata remix but I don't think it would it would work with all the old world zones. Second bet would be for Legion loved the artifact weapons and the random legenderies.




WoD. I think it’s pretty clear that they’re using remix to test interest and longevity of Panda classic. They’ll do something with WoD next (if at all) for the same reason.


I wouldn’t mind WOD and Legion being remixed. But honestly, I would love to see the remix as a replacement for Chromie Time. Make this format available to all expansions so we can choose for ourselves. I really like Pandaria Remix. It’s a fun way to revisit older content while keeping it engaging and somewhat relevant. The leveling is super fast, but the content scales well enough that it still remains a challenge. I get bored of one-shotting everything.


Legion obviously.




I think they will go TBC for Midnight and Wotlk for Last titan


It’s a three month event, they can squeeze a remix in during the latter half of any long patch cycle.


My order of preference: 1) I think WoD has the best 2nd remix. Make the garrison the infinite bazaar. No table, no professions. 2) Legion 3) hear me out… Burning Crusade. It’s got enough quests and dungeons and raids. It is really a fun remix idea.


Legion (content) Classic (Intetesting) Shadowlands (Cosmetics) SORRY for SL BUT the cosmetics are so good and if we had it on remix I’d get the mounts and mogs much faster, as for classic, I would be interested to see how it would look if we’re forced to stay in Kalimdor and eastern kingdoms for retail.


WotLK pls, just so I can finally get Mimiron's Head. Been farming forever, damn thing keeps eluding me ;_;


I’d say Legion, but that’s usually what I pick for every alt I lvl normally just so I can get started on its class hall, so I’m kinda sick of its zones by now. I’d like to see WoD, I skipped out on most of that expansion




Legion. Make the evokers legendary their artifact and make the main infinite dragonflight hub have an area for their class hall, like the rogues in Dalaran. Legion has a lot of unused set and mount recolors they could add, a lot of unused items, and they could even stick the paragon mounts in there.


If one of thee points of Mists Remix is to give players a chance to buy some of the more elusive drops, I imagine a large chunk of players would want WotLK and would have no qualms if Invincible was available for 500k bronze


Wrath of the Lich King, Legion or WoD.


I genuinely want all of them. Been saying for years Timewalking needs to expand. Last TW Raid added was in 2019, we should be rotating through all expansions with all content somewhat relevant.


I think a timerunning remix where they bring back a classic/vanilla wow world/raids and dungeons might be interesting. Go back in time to before the cataclysm and see what events happened that lead up to it.


Whichever one has story beats that need to be refreshed in players' minds before the story of the next xpac. (Like MoP:Remix does for TWW) (Though I'd love a Wrath remix, personally)


Legion, they had class mounts so to go back for that and maybe a cool recolor of them would be cool


People gonna get upsetty but lets remix legion, gimmr legion era numbers paired with horrible remix scaling


Legion would absolutely rock. There's so much content there that so many people haven't finished.


I agree that Legion would be awesome, but I'm biased by having missed 3 expansions, Legion being one of them. The opportunity to see all of it in a condensed form would be really, really cool.


Legion. Give me that artifact weapons


I'd love if they did Legion and Shadowlands because there's a lot of good mogs and mounts. I wouldn't mind BFA either for more easy alpaca mounts.




Honestly, I’d want Shadowlands. Not because I like that expansion, but because it’s the only WoW expansion I’ve ever completely skipped. Would be interested to see what it was like.


Any previous expansion would be an awesome idea. Even if it's just to get those mounts.


Legion, then Wrath


WOD makes the most sense since it's the Infinite Dragonflight working around in Pandaria, and they were the major hand in causing the timeline issue by sending Garrosh to the Alternate Past Draenor


I think they should stop classic with Cata and continue remix with WOD, then Legion, then BFA, and so in and so forth. Just release a new one 3 months before the new expansion.


I’m loving MOP remix because I came back at the end and didn’t get to do any of the raids so this is a great way for me to get a taste of them even though LFR/normal are already starting to get overpowered by iLevel/cloaks. I would love for them to do Legion (I left right as the first raid came out) and BFA (I completely missed it) for the same reasons. I think WoD would be an amazing choice since the leveling experience for that was amazing, endgame was…. A choice…. I’d definitely say gut the garrison but would love to see some of the cut content added back in, could even be for Infinite Dragonflight story reasons. For WoD/Legion/BFA, as people have pointed out you could make the cloak be the ring/artifact weapon/heart.


What id love is if they just simply remixed each expansion and used them for leveling (think instanced chromie time). Keep them live all the time. But you’re in ONE expansion. Allow people to grind bronze for mounts etc. One of the things I’m enjoying is going through the story campaign in MOP. Perhaps then they could rebuild the wow world with things fixed and a world that is cohesive (problems solved, leaders correct no matter where you go, etc.)


While I'm not ready to return to Shadowlands...having an easier way to earn all covenant rewards would be nice


Shadowlands. But like… if it were a different timeline that made sense.




WoD, then Legion, then BFA, then Dragonflight... JK remix brings a different game experience. I think a remix event could legit fix Shadowlands, sans the main story.


The one with the best transmogs: Legion


I'm just spitballing here, but I see them doing every expansion after MoP between the end of MoP remix and the release of TWW. By doing so, they can safely let Cata be the final classic, and scratch the itch for each sub community that wants to experience their preferred expansion without taking another 12 years to do so. By wrapping up the classic line with Cata, it also lets them use the bronze dragonflight as a lore reason so that those characters could join retail but that is highly speculative and against what they've said about classic. I really see blizzard letting the community enjoy themselves for the next year, and then trying to pull everyone back for TWW as their final send off for WoW. \^all cope and 0 chance any of it is happening.


Just imagine if they did WoD but actually FINISHED the story at originally intended instead of cutting it short to put Legion out.


If it's a copy of what we have now then hopefully none.


Shadowlands, it'd be funny. /s


id love to see remixed legion, with a way to get the mage tower appearances for artifact weapons for people who didn't play during legion. remix shadowlands (too soon now, but hear me out); cn=fun, torghast=fun, sanctum=fun, i liked the covenants and some of the worldbuilding i thought was rly cool (the esoteric cosmic powers stuff)


legion w/ re-enabled legendaries and artifact would be amazing


WOD or Legion could be pretty good. Though Legion already had the infinite scaling thing, so I don't know if people would love or find repetitive the notion of the infinite scaling item being your old class weapon. Seconded on gutting Garrisons if they do WOD though in favor of that being the infinite hub.


It’s either legion or bfa as the only real options. Cata and before are on classic so idk if we need them as remix for a while. We’re doing MoP right now. Warlords isn’t even a complete expansion so I don’t know if that would work unless blizzard did some serious overhaul, not to mention the garrison put too much of an emphasis on things like professions which don’t work in remix. Shadowlands is off the table. That leaves legions or bfa which I think would be great options for remix. Bfa would probably be the simplest to do for blizzard, but I think legion would be way cooler. The only thing they’d have to figure out is evoker.


WoD, it's the one after Pandaria.




I scrolled through the comments and its unfathomable that I haven't seen anyone say it yet but: Vanilla (i guess not technically an expansion) Chance to get literally everything removed with Cata. and also play through the original game's questing zones with modern abilities and stuff.


Legion or WoD




Legion imo Tbh I wish they would add this combat system to the whole game lol


I didn't love remix. I'd like to see them put resources into something else


WoD, Legion, BFA


The answer is obviously shadowlands.


My take is that it will absolutely happen again because (anecdotal I know) I have a few friends who have jumped back in because they've seen how easy it is to get up to level 70 and that they will have those characters for TWW. Neither of them played Dragonflight; one dropped off at BFA (understandable) and the other dropped off at the start of Shadowlands (very understandable). They've both raided AOTC-level before and they're both planning on raiding in TWW. I think the next one is absolutely going to be WoD because of the timeline shenanigans with Garrosh in that expansion, giving them another story to tell with the Bronze and Infinite Dragonflights.


Legion for sure


Honestly Legion would work really well for it. Just jam the stats into the weapons instead of the cloak.


WoD Remix would actually fucking slap. The worst expansions re: content are going to feel the best in this kind of mode, while the ones w/ a ton to do (like Legion) need it least. They can speedrun your Garrison acquisition and construction and lean into the quality of the questing, dungeons, and raids. I really just want to see them properly invest in this mode after MoP's success as a proof of concept. Make the "gem" system a separate system with its own UI that doesn't so awkwardly plug into gear w/ gem slots. I get why they did it this time (to save dev time & cost to test the concept), but now that we know it's a hit, please put a proper team, take your time, and give us something juiced up. And please, don't line it up with a Classic launch & Diablo season!


legion and just skip over some stuff and give us legion classic, that shit slapped and I'll never say otherwise


Burning Crusade or Warlords for sure.


Evokers could just have Na​sz'u​ro as their artifact, and their order hall could maybe be wherever the Infinites are operating out of that time?


Legion pls. I never played it and people never stfu about it. I too would like to not stfu about it.


Honestly, if they did WoD this way, such that you could basically forget about the Garrison, I might actually see more of what that expansion had to offer in terms of dungeons, zones, etc. After a short period with the Garrison I stopped playing until the Legion pre-launch patch. And then I barely played Legion after getting a few toons up and in their order halls and deciding this was too much like Garrisons and stopped playing again until BfA pre-launch. So, WoD or Legion for me.


wod or legion if they bring cm weapons and mage tower back.. but wont happen so i am fine with anything


Personally, it's legion for me. Lots of cosmetics I missed.


MoP works because it had different end game stuff (IoT, TI, all the reps) and it could sustain quick and run runs. I say this because the only expansions that fit this are the last 2 we had, and maybe cata and WoD. I wanted to say wrath, but I can tell you the leveling zones are way too large to do it.


In MoP there were FOMO class sets. I'm not sure how we were supposed to get them but they should have allowed us to get them again during this event. Raiding sets should have been new recolors instead of the current existing ones. Retail should have had the opportunity to farm elite pvp sets during the MoP remix event. With all that said, and considering they would do this for the next remix, Legion. Including the mage tower artifact reskins. Also the elite/mm sets from legion are great and having more recolors using the elite/mm model would be neat.


Shadowlands, i loved shadowlands. I want to revisit shadowlands.


They may have to give us some temp character slots if they do another one... or a re-birth option to copy over characters or something. My slots be full now.