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LVL 70's trying to catch up to a power level that level 20 have is kinda funny


Will they ever catch up? I could have 5000% more stats than I have at 70 right now and not come close to this.


I can kill things that fast with 542 gear but I don't actually run ahead and solo it that fast because it pisses people off in the group. Victory fire is the hard carry as it'll actually kill the entire group as a geared 70 with the slightest tap while the level 20's tinker gems aren't particularly strong and a lot of mobs are dragging behind.


I'm about this fast on my [199k threads full 556 monk](https://i.imgur.com/6kIAa2N.png). We get there too, but scaling is funny


I did not out damage level 20s until 415 ilvl


Neat but I have a feeling this trial account method will be patched out soon. Ain't no way blizz wants people to play this way.


This scaling on level 20s has been broken since Legion. No shot they'll fix it.


You can be HPS/DPS leader and faceroll tank dungeons while being utterly immortal as a brand new priest on a allied race at level 10 with 1 button on retail just now. Holy nova completely invalidates anything in there. So yeh not much chance they fix this, though the additional attention means it might but I doubt it.


Yep 10s are even more broken. Just can't lock xp here in panda remix so 20s is what we've got haha


Holy nova owns


They’ll fix it by putting a cap on trial accounts threads


thats what they said for a lot of things lately


Frogs were the way they were since MoP too. Granted, there would need to be some SIGNIFICANT work that went into fixing level scaling.


This, I've got a 10 twink in full warforged gemed enchanted gear for when I'm bored and blizzard has never done anything about that.


It’s interesting that it’s “game breaking” to find a trial account carrying to possibly encourage blizz to fix this. If threads + locked lvl 20s weren’t so OP, I’m sure blizz wouldn’t even bat an eye; it’s only cause it’s so OP/game breaking that they’ll decide to work on this




Remix has been nice with the trial accounts for me because I finally convinced my husband to come try it out lol. He’s the worst kind of video game completionist and always complains about not having enough content, he’s gonna like it over here


its useless in 80 days so why invest time, dont mke sense


Universe ends in heat death. Have fun in the meantime.


It’s fun.


Then maybe they should fix their atrocious level scaling. Even if you play without farming you will still stand out as a low level compared to a level 70, especially if they are fresh 70.


Was leveling my Mage in Kun'lai earlier today going through 50 and into the 60s and good lord you can just feel yourself getting weaker and weaker with every level made even more obvious by how quick I was going up the levels.


Why wouldn't they ? If anything, getting old players back into the game is the best thing they could ask for. Along with new players trying out the game for the first time.


Yea this isn't going to bring back as many people as you think it is.


I was watching and when the timer on the video was 50 seconds "surely it's not possible to do both bosses in 10 seconds with travel time" and huu well it is


I love how you get weaker the higher level you are lmao


level means age on remix. You are getting older and weak


Level 68 right now and one water elemental by the brewery hit me for half my health and it constantly casts this spout attack. I pulled 3 of them because I thought it was just an easy quest mob...the later levels are brutal.


I finally hit 70 last night and was getting one shot if I accidentally grabbed aggro in lfr/normal dungeons lmao. 


It's based off ilvl. I do more dps without a cloak at early levels than level 70s.


Can you solo Jade temple in a minute?


I love how this is already true in retail, people keep forgetting it, and the only reason they notice is because the cloak and tinker gems exaggerate the effect in remix.


I assume he's locked to 20 as a trial, do you need to grind a lot past 20 to get to 8k threads or is most of that from your main shared? What are the best benefits of doing that? Is spamming dungeons a good bronze farm?




Yeah I don't wanna spend multiple hours so if I just do the dailies and maybe a raid it isn't really worth it right?


You're at a crossroads. You can decide to just play the game or you can turn it into a chore because you *have* to farm at the absolute maximum efficiency.


The daily queue bonuses at max level and the big chunk of bronze you get for leveling are still the best bang for your buck in terms of bronze. So it's still absolutely viable to stick to the dailies and not worry about grinding if you're time limited, but the more level 70s you have in remix, the more you can cash in on these particular rewards. The most useful aspect of the trial account method is being able to carry one of your other characters for faster dungeons. Since level 20s built properly demolish heroic dungeons solo, you can bring along an alt set to just follow on your main account to essentially powerlevel them faster than they'd be able to clear those dungeons on their own. But leveling is decently fast anyway no matter what technique you prefer so while this trick is handy, it's far from essential.


Just doing 1 Normal 1 Heroic Dungeon 1 Normal 1 Heroic Scenario and 1 LFR wing nets you about 10-12k. You can cut out the Normals but it does cut out quite a bit of bronze. Doing that everyday for the rest of the event will net you about 1million bronze which is enough to buy about 65% of all of the stuff that's on offer. Takes about 35-45 mins to do them. It is also kind of a nice mode to level anything if you wanted to switch to another spec etc in TWW. Don't grind for a chore though, it's the easiest way in the world to earn 25 whole mounts!!! For a game you don't play because you don't enjoy it (burnout).


This is a gimmick, you will have a lot more fun at lvl 70 with full gem slots and maxed out gear where you can do this but also in normal/heroic raids. Also, you end up with a lvl 70 toon after the event is over + every alt is 40k extra bronze just from the catch up quest.


>you will have a lot more fun at lvl 70 with full gem slots and maxed out gear Well there's the problem Right now maxed out gear is not achievable if you play 1 hour a day


You can use this gimmick to level other characters though, that's 40k bronze every time you do it.


Two accounts, one soloing the dungeon in 1min as a trial, the other getting carried to 70. Very fast leveling. That's it Edit: Not sure why this guy is doing it though since all chars seem to be moving. Pretty sure leveling new chars to 70 is faster bronze with the quests, or comparable. Especially since you can queue dungeons while leveling and run into these guys ( usually carrying one of their alts) and just go along with them.


I keep getting into dungeons with people doing this to boost their chars on other accounts. There are so many bots in remix. 


What a weird comment, boosting a char on another account isn't botting at all.


Not weird. I have run into these chars being run by bot programs. 


Im sure you have literal proof yeah ? I'd be curious how you know without a shadow of a doubt they're bots.


I'm guilty lol. But it doesn't matter, my level 20 can out DPS the entire group many times over.


Not really bots tho. You just make a 2nd Warcraft account on your bnet (free), open the game twice, and /follow your other char.


I'm half tempted to level a Monk on my paid account and use my trial priest as a searing light backpack for easy dungeon spam.


It's pretty solid, leveled my friend from 10-70 in 4 and a half hours. That's with the 100% xp gain from previous main.


yup and holy priest can abuse the ward trinket to one shot bosses too while tagging dungeons instantly


Can you explain this a bit more? Who do you ward? Self or one of your higher level alts?


whoever is mele range to boss and not tanking i put the ward on him , if am solo clearing i put it on my alt that am leveling if not maybe a mele dps or so




I think blizzard is more testing the waters regarding thie system to try and work out a new leveling concept. However, it is doubtful the cloak (if such a thing would be used in a leveling scenario if this is used for that purpose) will work as good as this. XD


Everyone thought this would be the whole Remix thing from start to finish. Would have been fun.


Is there a benefit to doing this? You can only do 1 random dungeon and 1 random heroic once a day for the bronze reward, you can't farm it nonstop


u still get xp and the stats and gems while doing it , and some gear to scrap


Optimal gems for this?


This is what I'm tryna see, too.


that the most fun we get in years


i use to tank this dungeon with my warlock on the last leg of MoP...it was not fun for the rest of the party


how do you know the amount of threads?


Fun detected!


I’ve tried this dungeon 5 times but Wise Mari is ALWAYS bugged and refuses to spawn elementals. What am I doing wrong?


Has there always been a skip?


I just ran Brewery with you, and everyone was busy looting while you were taking names. Instance took around 2 minutes, and was a 10/10 experience.


Damn that is some good tech. I think my best as druid is 1:30 or so but I'm doing things a lot less efficiently. We need to get a part together of 8k+ level 20s to just blast.


I’ve been doing this on a BDK, not quite as juiced up as that dh but getting there. Greta way to get quick bronze each day for cosmetics. Sucks you can’t use the raid finder tho


WOW is the only game where you get weaker as you level up. Change my mind.


Can I ask what you used to record this? I’ve been trying to make videos lately just using the video recording from Xbox games app on my computer, and the quality has been bleh.


Learn OBS it’s not just for streaming


Im using Medal to record entire sessions and then I just edit them out. They have decent quality.


I used geforce experience.


Ew dh




have some respect. I got married to this song


There is a mute button, you know? If you (like me) don't want to listen to a duck selling lemonade then you don't have to. You won't miss anything if you have it on mute since the game sounds don't matter at all anyway.


I just play retail and don't get what this is XD




This is pretty awesome


turned off xp for just this ? XD


No (bc you have to go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar for that). It's a free trial account on the main account's license. They're capped at 20.


whelp yeah at the end its the same :shrug


Are you one of those level 20 booster types who kicks the level70 before last boss aswell? Because it seems like thats a thing now. Sadly