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did you just make a thumbnail for your reddit post?


You either go big or go home


And this dude went big, no doubt. This is the type of content this sub needs.


he gets my upvote for effort.


It's a small effort but i always appreciate it vs lower quality posts. I make thumbs or collages for many of my posts because it's fun honestly


Yep. We are sick of the doomer posts.


Those articles write themselves. :D I bet all our answers will be copied into a "don't miss out on this addons"-article with exactly this thumbnail.


In that case, I could not play this game without the Glorbo addon!!


Glorbo is great! It helps me find so much on the map. Without it, I would never get the plumbus achievement


I didn't use Glorbo at the start of the Dragonflight, but damn I was missing out. Glorbo is the best add-on for PvP, raiding and DPS.


I would've never been able to defeat the Mind Goblin without Glorbo.


I don't know if you heard, but Mind Goblin was banned recently when all Stickers were removed from the game.


No really?! I haven't kept up with the game in a while but that's sad to see :(


Did you know they released a Plumbus addon for WoW? It’s very satisfying


My Glorbo is bugged, anytime I log in I get a warning about "insufficient Glorbo points" but I'm capped at 1000, what do I miss?


Try running the Plumbus script, it worked for me after I had an issue with the Fleeb.




Glory to Glorbo


Written by chatGPT


Or a video, or both.


Yeah, it means we're giving some random youtuber or 'writer' content. That's how this stuff works


Maybe… check his past posts. Theres no evidence of that, at least in the wow section.


Feels like a template image for a future YouTube video called "Reddit TOP 10 addons for Dragonflight!"


That's going to be his YouTube thumbnail and we're being farmed to generate the content for him


This is going to be a new youtube video by end of day


let bro be an artist


saw the photo was like wtf and then I read your comment. bursted into laugh.


He's gonna reuse it for the YouTube video with all our ideas.


Nah, he made it for the YouTube video where he just repeats everything we post.


OPie is a godsend. So much utility on easy to customize radial menus that's shared across characters.. Mounts, Hearthstones, Consumables, Tradeskills, etc. all super easy to access.


Pretty much must have if you play multiple characters. Set up mounts/macros/spells once and boom, you have them on every alt.


Opie is THE best addon if you ask me. I don't play anymore but when I did, mapping things like every one of my movement options and teleports to one keyring and then a mouse movement was sublime. It felt like a control scheme genuinely missing from the game until then.


better wardrobe for seeing so many options you kinda didn't know you had, unfortunately barely maintained cross saving sets across characters is incredibly nice, doesn't seem to have properly integrated the mop remix stuff tho :(


It is buggy is hell, though. I also like it, but it infuriates me sometimes.


Suddenly randomly “you cannot cast that spell because of better wardrobe”


Yeah I love it, but it's amazing how often it bugs out for something that feels like it updates every day lmao


I prefer Can I Mog It for speed of use, and Appearance Tooltip, which shows a picture of any item you mouse over. useful for seeing what trousers look like on robed characters.


Extended Transmog Sets it's one addon that do the same and it's actively mantained :)


i just checked it out, it's legit, the weapon sets thing is cool unfortunately it doesn't show you incomplete/partial sets or cross character saved outfits


I need to check (didn't have a chance to log onto the character yesterday after the latest BW update), but there was this odd thing where logging in to only one of my five (so far) Remix characters would freeze the game. It'd load the area and the character, I could see him, but it'd just be stuck. Turn off BW, log in, it's fine. Every other character was okay. Just the one (a Shaman). I'm not going to be harsh on the addon developer, that feels like some kind of very, very specific issue that would be a PITA to track down.


Its a very cool one indeed, but i cant stand waiting like 30 seconds for my colection to load everytime i open it withthe addon.


I get ui errors from better wardrobe so much but it's still the best transmog addon.


i wouldnt be subbed as much if AllTheThings didnt exist


This. I’m sinking in collections 🤣. Haven’t cared about my end game performance in ages! As long as I get all from that list!


It always gives me lua errors. Do people just ignore them? Is my setup broken?


Sounds like it. Update or do a cleanup addons and reinstall? Sure I'd have the occasional few on a new content and stuff release, but definitely not after a couple of weeks.


I have an add on that blocks lua errors. Can’t remember the name




There's addons that block them... I personally use buggrabber and bugsack


Is there a way to tone down the tool tips? Sometimes they take up half the screen now lol


This. It’s a shame it’s having a hard time with sourcing Remix right now, but All the Things is my scoreboard.




Bagnon was the absolut best one for me before they kinda implemented it as a standard


Try Better Bags. You'll never go back.


I tried it a couple of times but it was still lacking many basic features AdiBags had (category priority, anchors etc.) . Did that change?


They started to sort armor by type (i.e. Head, Chest, Shoulder, etc.) in this season.


ArkInventory gang


I tried that, and I definitely see the appeal, but wasn't for me. For me, there's a such thing as "too organized" and I spend more time looking for stuff. I've adapted to my what some people would call "mess" of an inventory I have with bagnon lol.


That's organized chaos I believe


Bagnon will always have a special place in my heart, but Sorted has become my go-to bag addon.


ArkInventory for sure. I did bagnon, but arkinventory is the only way to stay organized imo


Weak auras ...


Yup if I could only have 1 would be WA. I could play the game as I currently do with only weakauras. Not that I want to but I could.


Pretty sure you could recreate most other addons with enough effort within WeakAuras anyway lol. Incredibly strong addon.


Basically true. You could convert most/all of DBM into WAs lol. The load on your memory would be much more significant than just using DBM, but it's very possible.






Best addon ever. This really should be baseline. No guessing what this colour vomit on the ground is. You know if you have to move out of it and you **want** to move out of it!


At some Blizzcon the person who makes it was on the questions to the, introduces himself "hi I'm the author of GTFO and" and there was a massive YEAAAAH from the crowd. edit found it: https://youtu.be/ERjrjue68jU&t=2090 34:50 if the timestamp fails


Most underwhelming massive yeah ever.


It's not the size of the yeah, it's how you use it. Give the guy a break.


I wish Blizz would just standardize it. FFXIV all enemy casts are orange, orange = bad, ez.


I feel like everyone would complain about that. There was a lot of green angst after WoD and Legion and probably purple angst coning for TWW.


The orange is just part of the UI. The spell can still have an animation in whatever the color of the month happens to be. The important thing is the consistent orange overlay that looks EXACTLY the same for every boss letting you know WHERE the spell will hit. People will complain a lot less about everything being the same color as long as it's clearly indicated where it will land.


Dialogue UI, Narcissus, Better Wardrobe


This person mogs


What, noo, i don't have 100s of sets or anything.


Someone said extra immersion? 👀


I was surprised it's not top answer on top of obvious stuff like dbm/bw/wa/plater.. Leatrix Plus: - autorepair / autosell junk - autoaccept inv from guild and friends - max camera distance - possibility to reduce weather effects, so they don't clog the vision - square minimap + hide all addons minimap buttons (right click minimap to reveal buttons in a fancy way) - faster auto looting and skipping loot warnings - hiding all those talking heads and loot notifications in the middle after killing and looting a boss Another honorable mentions. True Stats Values. It shows diminishing returns on our secondary stats, so we can play around the penalties better if needed Better Character Panel. It shows ilvl/enchants in a fancy way without hovering items. SharedMedia_Caucese. TTL alerts for raid and m+ ColorPickerPlus. Replaces standard Blizzard color picker with a powerful color picker.


Here for this. Leatrix is the absolut first thing I download I'd wipe my UI. The QOL it gives is fantastic!




All the things. World quest list. Altoholic Adibags


Adibags is deprecated, btw. Better Bags is the same author, but a bit different.


BetterBags is missing too many features still. Sticking with AdiBags until it breaks or BetterBags gets better.




This post is destined for mediocrity but I'm with you, brother!


I probably wouldn't play the game without Opie. I use it to help with button bloat for my rotation


I understand for mounts/portals/toys, but how do you use OPie for your rotation?


Not the OP and I don't really use it in my rotation per se, but I use it for buffs, mounts, hearthstone, potions, spells like polymorph, druid forms, and so on And because it basically acts as its own action bar, I can remove those all from my regular action bars and keep it a bit cleaner


Ditto on OPie! I can work around the loss of pretty much every other quality of life addon except OPie. It’s invaluable.


The killer app for me was binding healthstone and health pot to the top of a "potions" ring, so that flicking up would use a healthstone if I had one and a pot if not


Raid encounters longer than 5 minutes sometimes want you to health pot first so you get 2 uses. I'd recommend swapping the order.


I put all my warlock self buffs and demon summons on Opie. I also love that it collects all the quest items and professions too.


Immersion for questing, although recently I've been trying out Dialogue UI and it's great too :) Also tomtom and handynotes for navigation!


ElvUI. DBM and BigWigs are interchangeable, but ElvUI is the pillar doing the heaviest lifting.


yep, second this. i could do a lot to work around other addons missing but id legitimately quit the game if i couldn't find something like elvui


What is it that you really cant live without with Elvui since the base game update? I dont feel like I need elvui at all since basically dragonflight launch.


Not the original commenter but for me it’s the unitframes and auras for healing. There may be ways of achieving something similar but I’ve been able to configure things 100% as I prefer them, down to every little detail.


To me, ElvUI just feels really sleek and modern. Far more customizable too.


way better nameplates. I know you can just install nameplates but it's not 100% the same. Also the hotbar management is kinda not the same with the base UI.


Just... install plater?


Or Elvui


Plater's plates are better than Elvui, especially with all the different Plater profiles out there that you can just import.


As someone that takes UI pretty seriously, I used a custom set of addons for a long time. Basically every aspect was maintained with whatever the most customizable addon I could find and every setting was changed to create a consistent theme and functionality. However, as time went on and I got more into playing Classic alongside retail and the functionality of the addons either being slightly different in those versions of the game causing profiles to break or some addons just not being maintained anymore like Chatter and Pitbull had me irritated enough to rebuild my UI on Elv. I can't stress enough how much work this addon does for the user. You can always expect day 1 updates, it transitions seamlessly for new characters and other game versions, and plugin developers add a lot of functions to it as well. The only complaint anyone can hold against it is that it is made to look like ElvUI and only look like ElvUI. The customization doesn't let you out of bounds at all really.


>The only complaint anyone can hold against it is that it is made to look like ElvUI and only look like ElvUI. This is why I refuse to use it. I want my wow to look like wow, not generic semi-modern app


elvui style doesnt fit the game though. way to modern and sterile. it looks horrendous.


I've tried elvui numerous times and the look just throws me off so much that I always go back to default ui.


It's what you can *do* with elvUI in combination with other add ons that makes it great. For example; by using Elvui, Weakauras, sexymap and masque, I can make my UI work and sound like FF14's UI.


People like FF14s UI? The UI and aesthethics was one of the things that made me absolutely not enjoy it back when i tried to get into it.


Total RP 3


Bigwigs/little wigs, Weakauras and plater. I could get by with everything else stock if I needed to but those three are pretty much mandatory


I know people are gonna see me as a bad player but I can't play without Hekili, I take pills for anxiety and I'm on the spectrum so the addon helps me lessen the cognitive load and be able to react to everything else happening on screen. I'm not sure I would have been able to clear 20s without it.


If anyone is looking to try it out, I recommend my guide for it: https://github.com/Hekili/hekili/wiki/Syrif's-Configuration-Guide Happy to answer any questions as well, I maintain the addon's FAQ. Multi-CE and multiple seasons 3500+ Io doing title range keys using it.


Gonna tag some of the people I saw using it or interested in it on this thread in case you want any help or have questions! u/NotAPublicFundsLeech u/SeriousJenkin u/gandiesel u/MoistMustachePhD u/Grumpy_Muppet u/vurtago1014 u/Pachada u/liberatedhusks


I used to hate on this type of addon…i then downloaded it…Made me realize where in my rotation on a couple classes was being utilized incorrectly.


Ditto - plus, it's handy for classes I don't play as often as others. I felt a little guilty at first, and I'm probably missing out on some nuance, but someone in this forum mentioned they'd rather pug with someone using a rotation helper and missing a little finesse here and there than someone who is outright playing their class incorrectly.


Love hekili. Especially for learning a new spec. It’s not always optimal but it’s definitely good enough and in hectic situations playing DDR and trying to avoid swirlies is a lot easier than trying to do your rotation.


I am not on the spectrun nor do I take pills for anything. But because of Hekili I can play pretty much every class/spec withing an hour of loading it and it reduces cognitive load by lots. I am not 20 anymore


I honestly do no understand the hate for Hekili. Of course when I was mythic raiding I wasn't relying on it to do my rotation, but why wouldn't you want it as a reminder. I forget what I'm doing all the time, it always knows what to do next. I agree it isn't quite as good as memorizing your rotation, but it's close enough. Bad players will certainly use it as a crutch, but that's going to happen regardless of what we say about it. I think people should lighten up about it, telling you what spell to press isn't any different than your addons telling you to get out of the fire, or to taunt.


I am in a similar position for anxiety and being on the spectrum but use base UI for everything, no addons. I'm DEFINITELY going to look into Hekili. Anything to help the information overload is worth consideration. Thank you for mentioning it!


Nah. You do what you need to do to play at the level you want to comfortably man.


You should not feel bad for using an addon You cleared the 20s not the addon ^^


MikScrollingBattleText I hate the interface numbers used by Blizzard, they are not clear at all.


damage/healing numbers? Why have them on at all, its just unnecessary bloat on the screen.


Because my brain likes to see big numbers


I've had two usecases over the years for some kind of scrolling damage text: 1. I used scrolling text of incomming damage to give me a grasp of huw much incomming damage I was taking as a tank. This is less useful in m+ where you take many small numbers, but more useful in raids where the big hits are the dangerous bits. 2. Showing damage done, more specifically melee damage, can show you if you are in range of melee. Especially as a paladin, where most of your spells are ranged. That said, I dont use this any more as I feel the benefit is not enough for the amount of mental drain all the info causes.




Hekili because I suck


I use Hekili because I play alts and can't keep up with rotations for all the classes.


Yeah same, I dont DPS, tanking is easier so I don't need to worry about messing up my rotation so I pause it for that. It has been invaluable for MoP because the combinations for the classes I've tried are nothing like what the UI is telling me or lighting up, or even make any sense to me haha


Ye, don’t think I would’ve played nearly as much if I didn’t have hekili. I’m not a hardcore player anymore, I just wanna chill and press buttons. Makes playing alts easier too.


If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid. I'd rather have someone in my group use Hekili, do their rotation 85% right because of it, and free their mind up enough to get kicks and CC than someone who blasts their DPS like they're in Echo with shit kicks.


Because you're learning, mate. You'll not be on the training wheels forever, don't worry! :)


I’ve been playing since ‘06, I suck, but thank you none the less ❤️


Hey me too! Sucking at wow since ‘06, I keep coming back for more.


I do mythic raids (usually about half clear every season) and I still have it :D I don't always follow it, but it's nice confirmation sometimes. And really helpful when face rolling alts through some content.


Peggle Classic 🦄


Everyone is repeating the same addons in the top 100 list on Curse, but if you want some niche ones that are really neat: Addon Suite: Lets you make save and load sets of addons. DeModal allows you to open many more UI frames at once, as well as allowing dragging of the frames. Geist is like a simpler, faster and easier version of oPie. It gives you a block of 25 buttons centered on your mouse cursor when you press the button you bind to it. Molinari: Allows you to mill herbs, prospect ore etc by hovering over a stack and pressing alt. Ouf: Player, target, ToT and pet frames, and there are many sets for different styles. I use ouf Ruri. Plumber: From the Narcissus addon dev I think, it provides several tweaks, like a much better UI for dream seeds. And finally, full suites. These replace most of the default look of the game. My favorites are Real UI, Shestak UI, and Altz UI. Silver UI and BirgUI are both beautiful, but the creators take long breaks so they are updated sporadically.


Gtfo has saved my butt way more times than I can count


Narcissus for MoP Remix


Sorted. I can’t use any other inventory addon or the default since I found sorted. So good.


Yeah, I don't understand how folks use the other inventory management addons. There are only so many icons that have any meaning and after awhile is just absolute noise. I need to see names. Not to mention the relatively great sorting for armor, consumables, and trade goods. Also not to mention the amazing tagging that can be used to keep consumables at the top, to mark gear sets between specs, mark items for sale (I use the skull for "get rid of this at next opportunity"), and so on. I'm sure the graphic artists at Blizzard put their soul into icons, but... the game has existed for 20 years. An icon means relatively nothing for inventory.


TRP3, that is MANDATORY.


Don't even RP anymore but I still keep it and give all my characters surnames haha



I live for this. Sure making my own profiles is fun, but I love to read the work of others. People are super creative and it adds so much world to the World of Warcraft.


What’s this? Never mind am googling. An Rp addon!




Wow instant messenger is a long time favorite of mine. That plus Prat, really makes messaging easier.


Hekili because I’m monkey brained


BigWigs, Details and Prat


Unconventional answer but TotalRP3. It is pretty much the standard RP addon, allowing you to write a background, RP name, RP title, and physical description of your characters. Without it and addons like it, RP would be a different beast, with less freedom and detail, arguably.


Some YouTube creator looking for a video i see.


I'd complain more myself if I hadn't found some nice addons to use in the comments already.


VuhDo. Decursive. A healbot add-on (Like VuhDo) is very often criticised just because people do not understand how it works. They read the "bot" word and automatically assume it does everything without you touching the keyboard, which is very far from the truth. Those add-ons REALLY are a game changer in terms of healing and a step up compared to "clique" and mouseover macros. If you're a healer and not using Healbot or VuhDo or addons alike, you're really not optimising your gameplay (which is fine really but really, it's a breath of fresh air). Decursive might be a little too much on the "cheat" side but still fine. I've introduced a friend to just those 2 addons and now they love healing.


It’s worth noting that you can do this in the base wow ui now. They introduced it in dragonflight. I was a long time healbot user and I have since converted to the base ui. It functions exactly the same way as vuhdo / healbot




Button bloat would be the biggest one. You get rid of all your heals off your bars and put them on healbot, then your bars are for anything else you want. It also helps in arena/M+ if you have the priority list setup as it can display debuffs to you as well. So as a healer you can ditch some other addons because healbot can take care of that role too. Edit: spelling.


Zygor, Details, altoholic, weakauras, and a few more but I can't remember right now. Ah and Elvui, and Plater Edit. And dbm, gtfo and arkinventory


I cannot bear the game without zygor. It’s too big.


Saved instances




Immersion, Adi Bags, and Z Perl


If you like Immersion, you might also like Dialogue UI by the same person who made Narcissus! [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dialogueui](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dialogueui)


Immersion is such a simple and nice addon. It looks so much better than the clunky quest log.


Opie is so nice for mounts, toys, long lastning spells Like arcane intellect and BL, and food and runes ofc :)


1. TellMeWhen 2. Bartender 3. ShadowUnitFrames 4. Quartz




TSM, loot appraiser, craftsim, Tom Tom


The Peggle addon.


I certainly couldn't get by without using Jubstump Hero. It helps me find all those pesky Jubs hiding in the stumps in Grizzly Hills. Without it I wouldn't be able to finish the "Glory of the Jubstump Hero" achievement so I can get my Flying Jub mount. Thanks Jubstump Hero!




ElvUI. I hate myself for it, but it's true. Since the DF UI rework, I have tried many many times to go stock. Here's what happens every single time: 1. Become self-aware of my reliance on external addons. 2. Delete every addon with the intention of adding them back as needed, and only for specific functionality. The idea is always to decompose ElvUI. 3. Stock nameplates aren't great. Download Plater. Try many different profiles, but none of them feel as cozy as the ElvUI nameplate profile I've been playing with for like a decade. 4. I can't stand tooltips anchored to the bottom right of the screen. I need it anchored at the mouse. Download Leatrix Plus, and get all the goodies that comes with Leatrix Plus. Unfortunately, it doesn't anchor EVERYTHING to the mouse like ElvUI mouse anchor does, so it frequently bugs me. 5. Stock player nameplates don't *feel* right to me, particularly with the large icon. I just want a solid healthbar colored like the class I'm playing. That feels the most normal. 6. Stock party and raid frames quite enough. 7. The castbar doesn't feel right... it feels less snappy than ElvUI's. Download Quartz and spend some time configuring it. 8. I'm spending a lot of time downloading and configuring addons... also my gameplay is generally slower. I don't feel like I'm as good a player without my cozy addons. 9. Why am I putting myself through this? 10. Download ElvUI with the LuckyoneUI plugin and begin blasting again. The best part? ElvUI (and LuckyoneUI) is ported to all current versions of WoW. I can jump between era, cata, and retail, and have the same exact game feel. It's incredible.


Console Port - as I have completely switched to Steam Deck 😎👍🏻


100% I briefly tried to use stock controller integration, but it was such a pita to set up I ended up switching back to Consoleport. I've since also started playing on a PC but still with a controller.


Same, I use a controller with my iPhone and remote into my desktop. Can tank, heal, all of it. Console port is awesome.


Can't live without? Literally DBM. I didn't update it for MoP and died to most mechanics constantly. The different visuals of the mechanics and the fact that I didn't read the dungeon journals didn't help.


That’s a nice thing about big/littlewigs. If I walk in to a place without the module it lets me know.


Details because if I can't measure my penis with the rest of the group I might aswell unsub.




I really cant get past the windows 95 settings interface


Better alternate is [Cell](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cell).


+1 just made the jump to cell and I'm absolutely loving it. Much easier to setup and make changes to. Used Video for years and knew how to use it (it has a bit of a learning curve), but cell is just better and seems to function perfectly for me.


Weakauras because the personal resource display isn't bound to the screen.


Prat, Leatrix.


TRP3. Next to Narcissus.


Narcissus, Opie, Framecolor, Bigdbuffs, Bartender, Bagnon.


ElvUI and Narcissus are probably my all time favourites.


DBM, WA2, omniCC, details, narcissus, NPCtime, tomtom and scrap


Aptechka. There’s my fav cuz i love healing… my plates becoming soo neat, so comfy


LeatrixPlus Auctionator FarmHUD


Demodal, blizzmove, actually make doing professions or anything else where you want to open more than 2 windows of ui so much better


bagnon, dominos, pitbull 4.0, tomtom, quartz, details, plater. there is also an addon for unlimited map pin distance, that one is absolutely necessary.


The one that completely disables my chat.


* **Total RP 3**: I don't RP anymore but I like having a surname and read other people bio :) * **Sorted.**: best inventory management with a nice UI * **Scrap** (junk seller) * Mount Journal Enhanced * Better Wardrobe and Transmog * **Can I Mog it?** * Ny's To-Do List * BTWQuests: I want to do the quests in order and it's impossible without guides (I still need to check Wowhead though) * **Rarity** * TomTom * **Garrison Mission Manager** * Garrison Order Hall Report * Covenant Mission Success Estimates * Venture Plan * Narcissus: Couldn't do without it in Remix: MoP * Plumber: Some small QoL features for DF


DBM & GTFO Clique & VuDu Details Pitbull Unit Frames Bartender Titan Panel with a bunch of pligins All The Things Wardrobe Helper & Can I Mog It Elkano's Buff Bars


TRP3. How else am I gonna walk into Goldshire, read the depraved bios of everyone in there and feel better about myself while I'm playing World of Warcraft?


Shadowed Unit Frames - best of the best frames ever created in my opinion. Simple, yet effective.


Its a simple addon, but I can't play anymore without coords.


Elv ui, I tried the blizzard updated it’s nice but just doesn’t work for me.