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It'll probably feel reasonable in a couple weeks. Right now, I'm tbh bored as fuck in every dungeon just chasing after the bronze farmer doing 10 million DPS and 1-shotting everything.


No, they shat the bed this event, bronze should be for cosmetics and should have another currency for upgrades, ideally no upgrades at all, why the fuck add such a system on a 90 day "fun" event? let heroics and mythic drop higher ilvl gear and call it a day, they are overbalancing everything, should not panic hotfix every single interaction and farm in a 90 day event, bronze gain for regular content is still abysmal specially if you want to both upgrade gear and buy stuff. And now they buff raids, this was marketed a "fun" event and its not, its just an extreme engagement farm.


I think a big issue is the brick wall you face right when you get to 70. Gear gets [exponentially](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/1865324/1) more powerful as you upgrade it but the costs to upgrade are linear, so later upgrades feel much more impactful than the early ones. This leads to the feeling of those early upgrades not mattering much and wasting bronze on upgrades. For example, upgrading a blue helmet from 360 -> 374 costs the full 4500 bronze, but only gives a measly 15 primary stat. In comparison 542 -> 556 costs *the same amount*, but gives 83 - more than 5 times more primary stat! Personally, I think they should've reduced the costs to upgrade the early ilvls, and increased the later cost for later upgrades to match the exponential increase. The total to upgrade a piece of gear to max could've stayed the same, just make it easier to progress those early upgrades.


The only thing I want changed is alts should have the discount if your main has the ilvl and your cloak should be account wide at max level.


No. As long as you use the same currency for power and cosmetics, the upgrade cost will always be bad. I wanted to earn everything on 1 character. I wanted to experience all the end game content in a reasonable amount of time. Bronze rates on a single character were not high enough for the amount of time you have to put in. So instead I ended up making several alts (which I will never use after this event) in order to level up via normal mode raids (minimal time/effort). As soon as I got the cosmetics I wanted, I quit. So now instead of investing more hours doing a grind I would have liked, I instead played the game in a way I didn’t want to, and invested less hours as a result. Hopefully next time they add a different currency for gear upgrades, or just make gear drop from raids. ETA: doing all raids and dungeons every day for a paltry amount of bronze is not a reasonable amount of dailies.


You raise a good point that some playstyles are viable and some are not. Full clearing a ton of raids and leveling a character then ditching it at 70 are the only viable methods imo. I leveled two 70s thinking I would do gear on one and collectibles on the other. But everytime I attempt to even do daily dungeons on the 340 collectible character, unless I get grouped with a geared person it is a miserable experience dying to trash packs that I would 2 shot on my main, so I just gave up on that character. Prioritizing collectibles on a max level character doesn't feel viable.


Ehh if you are going to do this you have one char you gear and play the way you are. And then you just build new alts for run to 70. 80k buys a lot of collectibles. Takes 3 hours. No point in farming bronze.


I feel miserable at max level, they want me to spend bronze on upgrades but earning bronze for those upgrades just sucks, it isn't fun. Leveling alts and spending the bronze on cosmetics has been more enjoyable, but now I've nearly got all classes to max level thats also just going to feel like a chore. They want the upgrade cost as high as it is for player retention but I think its gonna be what makes me quit, not stick around.


it is fine, we're 2 weeks in and average joe is 400+, 10 more days and we're all going to be max who play daily, they have to make it worth playing at least 1/3 of the duration to rack up some cash from it. So give or take 40 days of casually playing the remix every day should bring you almost all rewards which is what blizzard had in mind, at least 2 subs per player for the LTM. That's why they're nerfing farms that made it possible to get all rewards in couple days. the LTM design is far from perfect but is good, blizzard is doing this to make money and keep people subscribed, we all do frog farming, we are gone in a week


That's A LOT of raiding for ~35k bronze... Weren't we supposed to get 30-35k for just SoO HC?


A full clear of all heroic raids nets over 45k. You then have siege normal, siege mythic. All your bazaar dailies and daily dungeon/scenario caches. All of this realistically is doable in 4 hours if you’re 476. You’re looking at over 65k/day playing 4 hours of semi fun content aka raids


> All of this realistically is doable in 4 hours if you’re 476. No way, are you telling me all you need to farm bronze at a good rate is to **just** put half a work day into it every day, but only **after** you've already completely capped your gear? Well damn, idk what are people complaining about. Just do some frogs a week ago and then play it as a second job. And just a half-time second job at that, not even full time.


4 hours everyday is a lot more than most people have nowadays. It's not a reasonable grind at all.


It's an MMO. Everything in this type of game takes a lot of time.


Okay no it isn’t lmao. And if you have a wife and kids and own a business and travel every 2 weeks YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE BEST GEAR AND ALL THE COSMETICS. Edit: you don’t deserve 100% of every single possible thing you can get from this massive 3 month long event if you’re not even putting an hour a day in.


> YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE BEST GEAR AND ALL THE COSMETICS. "I HAVE TO GATEKEEP THE REWARDS FOR THIS MULTI MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY THAT GETS THEIR MONEY FROM PEOPLE PLAYING!!!!" ​ For real? People who play the game and work / have kids and family pay for the game as much as you do. They deserve all the rewards.


You have another 3 months for the event. sorry ur 1hr a day doing normal dungeons hasn’t netted you enough event currency to 100% it on week 2. Get a grip.


Also what is this mindset where you think you deserve everything while not having to put any effort in? You genuinely think you deserve 100% of all the rewards from this event without playing it much at all? That’s really your mentality?


For me "much playing" is when i put more than 50 hours into the EVENT. ​ Any more time and it's not a game mode event anymore but a second game next to your main game. ​ What is YOUR mentality that somehow supports gatekeeping rewards that give MORE to the people? What is your problem with people getting rewards? It doesn't deduct anything from your rewards you're getting, the worst thing that could happen to you is that you don't play the game as a job anymore and have to actually live a life outside of World of Warcraft.


Go and /cry somewhere else bro. I’m gonna finish the event in 2 more weeks cause I actually play the game. You’re not because you don’t. Simple as that.


/cry more


No. They increased boss dmg and life with ilvl. So you get weaker against bosses each ilvl. It#s absoelutey fucked


You still scale more than the boss, its just evened out a bit. Im not saying it isnt annoying, but strictly speaking, it will no be getting harder, just "less easier" per ilvl gained.