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ALL rares could benefit from it, including the ones in the current content. It boggles my mind that rares have so many different rewards associated with them, yet making sure people can actually tag it before it dies isn't a priority concern for devs. Despite them already having the tech for it.


It’s almost like someone designed it in such a way to keep people logging in.


In what way do you think rares getting one-shot so other people fail to get the tag is a ploy to keep players logging in more? Every time there's a case of bad design in this game people try to find some way to claim it's some calculated way to boost metrics. Sometimes bad design is just bad design. It's not malice or greed, it's just incompetence sometimes.


'never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity', as they say


repeat existence station elastic summer spoon society pocket intelligent books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wrench fanatical chunky serious knee disgusted wild tender treatment whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is literally their justification behind scaling. People hate scaling, with reason, and I don't know that there's any solution they can have in this environment where the cure isn't worth than the illness.


Make them not be able to die for like 5s after spawning. Just chill at 1hp. It's not that hard


I think even 1 full count second would fix this lol. They die in like 2/10s of a second.


silky rich icky strong air agonizing scarce edge instinctive puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost like theyre..... rare?


I've had a weird one in remix Timeless Isle, Huolon spawns near the bridge, his 1min invulnerability drops off and then he rubberbands up to near where Leafmender spawns even if tagged or attacked near the bridge. Seen it happen twice now, has anyone else experienced this? Don't recall it ever happening in MoP.


Apparently it's been a bug for a while, experienced it first hand yesterday. Lucky he's only a 20 min respawn


It was truly bizarre. First time I was super excited to have a shot at him, and he buggers off 😂


Some people on the server can actually see him moving as normal and can tag him. He only seems to zoom over from the perspective of people he's bugged on.


It's always like that, I think he is moving while in grace period on server, but not on client. 2-3 days ago a guy killed it before it was even visible on the "new spot", so he is technically already there, but the client doesn't know it.


That "new spot" was one of his original spawn points, the first being there at the bridge.


Yes. I was waiting in front of him while he was by the bridge and cliffs edge, and as soon as his golden shield dropped the sonofabitch ran all the way to where his shield would've ended and he got vaporized by a crowd waiting for him up there before I could could steer my mount up there to get a tag.


That's actually the normal behavior. Go up the hill and wait and 8 times out of 10 that's where you'll be able to engage him.


Just wait by leafmender. You'll see other people chilling there too.


Yep, that happens. However, I've learned that if you know where the invulnerability drops then you can just wait there and get the tag.


I've seen him in 3 different spots now. It's quite frustrating. Same experience as you going up to the leaf rare twice. Most of the time he goes to the common spot everyone knows about. Once he just set at spawn.


I just play pala and consecration does the job :D Edit - they should add the 1 min protection debuff to isle of thunder rares it's impossible to tag anything unless you camp it


It’s like people are fucking rabid attacking every which way in timeless isles. By sheer luck 2 of them spawned close by but I had to activate the tiger by bringing crane to it.


If anything the ZugZug is getting worse in Remix. I ran first part of MSV last night (LFR mode) and dudes were killing the first boss while people were still loading in, then by the time those folks got to loot first boss, the second boss gates were already up. It was only that delay of the troll dude flying around that they were able to catch up to the third before it was nuked. I get that speed is nice and all, but for all the screaming about "muh FUN" being nerfed, these people are causing the game to be no fun for anyone else.


I qued into H mogushan palace and the prior healer bailed on them, and they didnt even let me catch up, they just kept pulling so i couldn't even load into the instance, then running after them for a moment(cuz it put me in the start) im like wtf am i doing? they are almost done, they'll be done and gone by the time I even get to the boss so I just left.


Those runs are fun if you're actively looking for carries (which, admittedly, I don't mind getting them for SoO while farming for Bones for the Tusks) but I can definitely see why they'd be annoying if you're not looking for them.


> It’s like people are fucking rabid attacking every which way It's pretty wild to see as someone who played a whole lot of FF14 and is used to Hunt Trains. Where people legit leave "rares" up (often for hours) until they are all spawned and then organise a group to kill them all one after the other.


First time I joined a train on ffxiv was wild. I literally couldn't believe people wait.


It’s not entirely their fault if I hit a mob once it dies. Had a guy yell at me but like what am I supposed to do?


I was on my hunter, spamming cobra shot waiting for the shield to drop off a rare. It died before I got my shot off. I was spamming the hell out of it, died in less than a second


So camp it. That's always been the way in MMOs.


Yeaaaa there have been a few times where I felblade something and my tinkers just insta kill the rare in front of everyone else standing there. Kinda feel like a dick when it happens but I'm not going to stop and take off all of my gear every time.


I am still early in the upgrade game, just started after the announcement that bronze costs won't get changed. Still just pressing keg smash once did like 20% of a rare's health when I spotted one engaged by lower geared people. So really not surprising that those who upgraded more are oneshotting those. Feels like a big oversight by Blizzard, it's going to lead to fair amount of frustration on larger realms as more people become geared. Why have the long invul if it doesn't help?


I haven't been on Timeless Isle but have been accidentally doing this with other rares. Recently decided to bite the bullet and dump my main's Bronze into gear upgrades (which got me to I think 444 at first, 472 now, in the upgraded slots). Went from having a nice little scrap with rares to sometimes just deleting them with the first hit. They just die in a handful of seconds every time. And I'll just be swooping around waiting for a queue, see one, drop down and attack it... and it drops dead right as someone else comes landing from the skies. I almost feel like having a "sorry" macro on hand. I know how it feels to be on that other end.


Always worth it to tag with something that doesn't do damage (and might not trigger tinkers) taunt, offensive dispells, lock curses, ...


No damage=no tag, unless they changed something in the past \~2 years or so.


Patch note for 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): "All player spells which cause a creature to become aggressive to you will now also immediately cause the creature to be tapped." I've tapped with Warlock Curses since most Demo instants still have travel time.


I swear I've had mob tags "stolen" from me for years while using Outbreak on Unholy


Yeah, this doesnt make sense. I didnt start playing until 5~6 months after that change and i *definitely* remember dots not tagging stuff (before shared tags) if they didnt tick before someone else hit it.


>I swear I've had mob tags "stolen" from me for years while using Outbreak on Unholy I have had mob tags "stolen" despite me sitting there for a few seconds attacking the mob. It is rather frustrating to say the least.


Why would you take off your gear when you can just right click and wap them a bit lmao? Like you don't have to use an ability either to blow em up and let others have a chance?


Tinkers also get triggered by auto attacks.


Yesterday I stood in front of an rare and thought: "Maybe I wait a minute and a few more people can tag it." Another player flies in and one-shots it. Learned my lesson.


yup. had a similar experience. one player even mocked me with a macro, lul...


Blizz: all rares will now be buffed by 5000000% per ilvl of attacking players


They could unironically buff just their HP by 10000% (or even x1000) while leaving their damage untouched.


But that would violate the spirit of the game mode: ReMix: All Must Suffer


I'm one of those people who could pop all cooldowns and kill the rare in a second but usually just keep Consecration under it to tag so other people can get credit. It all comes down to courtesy and most people in this game don't give a shit about other players.


I drop, wait 10sec, if no one shows up, I nuke and move on. I farm rares for hours while I'm bored\in queues\locked out for the day. I've probably farmed 30k threads from rares. Putting a wait on them doesn't bother me.


I've had rares on TI spawn in on my screen already in their death animation.


An event like that was the trigger to write this post. Rare yellow, invul - then falling down to the ground dead. No transition. Still, some poster - the comment is now removed - decided my reflexes were the issue. Even if that were the case, that's not good game design and goes against Blizzard's recent philosophy of letting people from outside parties or even factions share the tags.


The "grace period" is useless in this mode.. I tried to tag and wait for people and only taunted the mob and it still died two seconds later from just proccing gems. You need a different solution like 99% damage reduction on rares for X seconds after spawn to give everyone time to tag.


So, exactly what Sha of Anger and other world bosses have


Do they have it in remix? I didn’t notice it


I believe the timeless bosses don't have the protection, but the rest does. Ordos was unaccessible for a long time by players without the legendary and didn't have special loot, so Blizzard probably never thought about it.


I manage to tag rares after they become attackable only because I play monk and have rushing jade wind active, the archierus of flame with 15m hp died in literally half a second, the other rares literally die in 0.1 seconds it's crazy.


On my ret pally with instant cast skills, I've still failed to get tags while standing directly in front of them. People in general chat will say, "Just get there faster," but it doesn't get much faster than standing on top of them 30sec before the invul drops. I'm not even super geared, and I can drop the beefiest rares in under 10 gcd's. With something like 70% haste, that's fast. And the rares with only 3mil hp? I don't even need to hit them directly. An aoe nearby will most likely proc enough tinker gems to kill them. I'm 100% behind a 5sec grace period


I think it would be cool if it had 1-3 minutes of full shield, then a stacking debuff that slows damage. EG at 100 stacks prevents 100%, then they fall off. It would help the problem of higher levels one-shotting, and allow people to at least tag


Or they could just chill the fuck out with CRZ and stop putting so many people in one zone.


Some guy one shot the pirate ship before I could even tag it, and I summoned it


I missed the tripple rare in timeless one time while I was waiting on Houlon. I pre popped nature's swiftness and was spamming chain lightning. All 3 died instantly. This problem is only going to keep getting worse.


me running up the stairs right before Nalak....surely I'll make it in time. Dead before I even get to the door


This. Many times i cant get the kill cause some frogger insta delete the rare.


I read a while back that Hu'lon is classified differently than the other rares like Nalak/Oondasta, etc. so that's why they haven't 'fixed' that spawn so that it doesn't take damage for a few seconds and everyone can tag. Hu'lon has a random spawn and isn't on a fixed timer like the others popping every 15 minutes. I do agree with u/MorningPaisley that all the rares should have this behavior in the game, especially as we become more geared.


Don't worry. Now that people are complaining about it on Reddit, they'll probably put it in. The team handling Remix seem to be reactive to complaints, and not proactive to prevent them.


This reminds me exactly of this video. [Waiting in the spawn queue (Viva La Dirt League)](https://youtu.be/p_-hqWlAYfw?si=t_hSLFC18VdDQHgw)


"Time is a flat circle. Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again."