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##Beta servers are now back up #[The War Within Beta Build 55087 Class and Spell Changes (WoWHead)](https://www.wowhead.com/news/the-war-within-beta-build-55087-class-and-spell-changes-many-hunter-changes-342846?webhook) --- ###Addons Wowhead has a helpful article on [addons for TWW Beta](https://www.wowhead.com/news/best-addons-for-the-war-within-beta-ui-improvements-boss-mods-customizations-342760?webhook) including DBM, addons that help you find bugs, inventory and action bar management, and weakauras. Elvui has a beta version of their addon pinned in the elvui-retail-support channel in the [Tukui Discord](https://discord.gg/tukui-community-209244641537556480) but is still experimental and not fully supported. --- #There may be story spoilers in the discussion below. Proceed with caution


Has anyone here not received their Beta Key? I planned on giving mine to a friend because I also have the epic edition digitally but still no code.


When i start the Beta all servers are incompatible.. Do any1 know what to do regarding that?


theyve gone off an hour ago to deploy a new build should be up in a couple hours


Thank you kindly for the info! :D


On it goes to eleven the option to copy settings and keybinds is grayed out. Is there anyway to get this to work?


Hello all ! I recently got back to Retail with the Remix to have a few characters prepared for TWW. Does anyone know or it has been published or answered somewhere - Can you have Horde and Alliance characters in your Warband that share the same progress like - leveling, or the delves? I am curious if this is a thing or you can only have from the same faction.


Says here that they'll be cross-faction [https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-official-warbands-preview-in-the-war-within-338845#:~:text=Here%20are%20a%20few%20highlights,Realm%2C%20but%20NOT%20cross%20Region](https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-official-warbands-preview-in-the-war-within-338845#:~:text=Here%20are%20a%20few%20highlights,Realm%2C%20but%20NOT%20cross%20Region)


Thanks a lot! I appreciate the info!


Thanks a lot! I appreciate the info!


Can I give someone beta key I received for physical CE?


Hi Guys, I´am having a hard time with two things. I dont get the quest to skip to lvl78 anymore and I cant create a charakter on the realm ‘These Go To Eleven’. I always get the message "charakter creation failed" , does anyone face similar problems?


So I didint found a solution for the 78 skip but. The problem with "charakter creation failed" was that my name was taken, allthough the green checkmark said otherwise just tried another name and it worked.


Has anyone been able to find glyph of jab for monks?


Any know fix or people experience the same crashes ? I copy my character, grabbed quest in Silithus and now, whenever i TURN my character, it freezes and/or crashes. I have all settings set to lowest possible yet still it crashes/freezes.


If you have any addons installed i would suggest turning them all off and see if that fixes the issue you're experiencing.


I don't have a single addon installed for the beta.


If your graphics drivers are up to date and your graphics card is relatively current, you're just experiencing what the rest of us are: server instability because there's so many people trying to play. Put in a bug report and try back later. The game seems more stable in non-prime time hours from my experience.


Ah, i see, guess ill wait a few days then. Thank you.


I am on NA and I haven't been able to copy a character or my keybinds at all. Yes, I have WWI premium version purchased. Anyone have any suggestions or workarounds?


Make sure you first go and select one of the leveling realms (not the it goes to 11 realm). Once you do that, go back and see if the copy ui is no longer grayed out.


Thank you!! I tried everything on the first day, but I haven't gone back to try everything else afterwards. This worked for me.


Is it just me or was the Isle of Dorn questline quite short? There seems to be plenty of additional quests, but the main quest has only 3 "chapters" (so to speak), and then it's done!


I was actually quite thankful it didn’t drag on. A nice quick intro and set up for the general issues faced by the Earthen, and we move on.


Keep in mind, this is only day 4 (I think?) of the beta, so more content will be released but they're just doing it a little at a time. There are a lot more side quests if you fly into the hole in Dornagol and just look around in the other zones.


Highly doubt main story line changes will take place.


I'm not saying there will be changes, I'm saying perhaps, as this is week 1 of the beta (now week two), they haven't released everything quite yet.


His comment was directly about the length of the main story line in the first zone though. All the quests are likely in the game as far as leveling goes.


Are other players able to see the horsemen that Death Knights summon?


Does the Earthen empowered racial allow you to block/parry/dodge while using it?


I know there were a lot of DC issues Wed and Thu and I was there but I will say at least for me that Friday night and Saturday have been very stable. Still some bugs (all reported) but was mostly able to stay connected. I'm bouncing between beta and remix so only right now in second zone but for the most part staying logged in as much as I want. 2 days of connection issues for what is likely a 2 month or so beta I'm fine with and hopefully will make launch better as a result.


Please update the post, subscription is not required for playing beta + character copy is available in EU


Only if you bought epic edition. You won't get invited to play if you don't have a sub but epic doesn't require sub


Anyone having issues with quests not updating once completed? I have to reload after every quest once on the Isle of Dorn…


Unfortunately, this is a problem with copied characters - for some reason, their quest log is messed up and does not update naturally, forcing you to reload constantly to see quest progress. Presently I am unaware of any fixes, so I would report it as a bug in the character select screen.


How are people getting addons to work? I just want details but downloading it through curseforge doesn’t work and copying the files from retail to beta doesn’t work either. Someone please help


In most cases like with any update addons are going to need to be updated to work with 11.0. I expect most devs are going to be in the beta and testing and updating things. They may release new versions now for testing or they may wait for pre-patch/launch since things are going to be changing a lot. Just up to the dev what they want to do.


Yo, thanks for the reply, appreciate it. I thought I saw a few streamers using details or recount and was just seeing if I was missing something.


You are not missing something. There is a fix to get details to work. Trying to find it. Will reply back if I do.


Nice one mate cheers


[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AJh1KviU6Yl7sX\_k5n6fEnmpyAAwHu8\_](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AJh1KviU6Yl7sX_k5n6fEnmpyAAwHu8_) Download details and the WWAddonsFix one and it should work (obviously extract to addons folder)


heavily unrecommended to use these monkeypatched version. use the ofificoa alpha...


Unrecommended by who? This is what every streamer is doing, and there's a simple reason. If you download the Alpha version of details, it forces you to disable the WWAddonsFix addon, which in turn means you can't use any other addon since most don't have alpha versions yet. It works perfectly fine.


If every streamer jumped off a cliff, would you?


by details, and anyone involved in add-on development. it's common sense really. just because streamers do it doesn't mean jack


I don't think details has beta support yet. [Here's WoWhead's article](https://www.wowhead.com/news/best-addons-for-the-war-within-beta-ui-improvements-boss-mods-customizations-342760?webhook) on addons supported at this moment.


Agreed, don't see them supported yet. Wish we could at least get POSTAL to work...all these spam mails from Blizz the other day. My mailbox is FULL of stuff that is taking hours just to clean up!


The zones are crazy, I wonder if this map will ever make sense to me!


Even with flying this is likely to be a setup where we often still use flight masters at times. And on flight masters I had a massive hard time finding them on the isle of down map but on the next map the unknown flight masters showed up on the map (maybe with an addon but still didn't work on dorn) so I think the Dorn map is still a work in progress. Seems to be missing a lot.


If you can find a guard (Peacekeeper), they'll tell you where the flight master is. That's what I finally had to do yesterday after having a hell of a time for three days looking around for a flight master in Dornogal. But yeah I agree, and I sent in feedback about the Isle of Dorn map not being super helpful.


I think it's off kilter, and needs to more centered. But it's gotten better the past few days, this is beta. So some work will be done on it, I do like the textures, does not look like a cardboard cutout anymore.


It's certainly weird. Still, just exploring the map at 71 I decided to jump down a hole and had no idea that much would be down there. Hallowfall w/e is gonna be a fan favorite zone.


I must say I am wildly impressed with the thematics and art in all of the dungeons. I have had so much fun running through them. Def think some adjustments will need to be made on some for M+. But 10/10 some of the best dungeons they have ever made.


Ive gained some confusion as to why there is a toggle for Aracnaphobia which turns spiders into crustaceans. You see.... Aracnaphobia (hear of spiders), and Ostraconophobia (fear of crustaceans, and the like) both only affects 3%-6% of the population (North America). So why not also have the option in-game to turn crustaceans in arachnids? Ornithophobia, the fear of birds, affects nearly double the numbers of the previously listed phobia. Would it not make more sense to first instate "phobia toggles" for the phobias which affect a greater amount of people? Which brings me to my next querry... Im not a proffessional on the subject, but ive read that exposure therapy is the best thing for phobias; Is Blizzard doing more harm to players by sustaining their irrational fears in a world primed for exposure therapy? (you can kill spiders until your hears content and your fears are gone) \*\*\*why not turn everything to like, a wholewheat loaf of bread, or a nerf football. or like a wet paper bag?


> why not also have the option in-game to turn crustaceans in arachnids? Because this expansion is full of spiders > is Blizzard doing more harm to players by sustaining their irrational fears This is the dumbest thing I'll read today. Are bakeries harming recovering alchoholics by not selling alchohol and giving them the chance to turn it down? > why not turn everything to like, a wholewheat loaf of bread Because fighting crabs is less immersion breaking than fighting bread. I swear you just need to think about things for 5 seconds before posting it online, please.


So are you of those people who react to arachnids in a completely unexpected, and irrational way? Also, your bakery anecdote makes no relatable sense.... are you comparing phobias to chemical dependency? How does a bakery not serving beer relate to this in any way?


Ion mentioned in an [interview](https://youtu.be/q2tU3c-V_Pc?si=_Maw9yBRNNe0Vjrl&t=700) that the arachnophobia filter was first thought up in response to *those working on the game* feeling uncomfortable, and then made as a feature for players after further feedback from the community. You don't have to use it if you don't like it, but WoW is not the place for exposure therapy. Edit: came across more confrontationally than I meant to


You would have to be borderline disingenuous to think this is confrontational. Disagreement is not confrontation, your response was absolutely reasonable.


Oh I edited it, my original wording was 'Don't like it? Don't use it' but I edited it immediately because it wasn't the vibe I was going for.


Still didn't find it confrontational. (:


because people who claim to have arachnophobia dial it up to 11 and over react when they dont even have a phobia.


I can look at spiders and not be creeped out or anything but even the thought of one crawling on me gives me the creeps. edit: i guess that's why they are called creepy crawlies


Are you suggesting that the way you feel about creepy crawlies has everything to do with you as an individual and not the games intention? Like, it's not the games fault that you have not gained the self reliance to squash the phobia? (Not trynna sound rude)


I 100% get it, I hate seeing spiders in media/photos/etc and it makes me think of them crawling on me and I HATE IT! I'm afraid of heights too, to the point where games that do the high up sweeping landscape shots make me sick in the pit of my stomach. But I'm not asking for the games to change their styles. I either deal because the spider monster is supposed to invoke unease. The sweeping shots from up high dont make me ooh and ahh, but im not going to ask for devs to stop making those shots.


When I fall from a height in wow I also close my eyes or else I'll "feel" that kick to My stomach. I've never attested that feeling to a fear of heights... because I don't mind being high up... is it actually a discomfort with great depths??


Probably! I think lots of people have a discomfort with THING and misconstrue it as a phobia.


"I'm afraid of heights too, to the point where games that do the high up sweeping landscape shots make me sick in the pit of my stomach." I know exactly what you mean. i have the same thing with movies and games too. watching a character on a high ledge gives me the same feeling


Still having absolutely massive disconnects, such a shame


I got disconnected 5 times in the span of 10 minutes on the same character earlier and lost some quest progress made between disconnects every time and gave up for the time being. I get that beta is beta and it’s not going to be without problems, but I’m legitimately trying to test and provide bug reports and feedback, and the instability is making it way more frustrating to play than the bugs.


Same on the first day, intermittent on the next. And yesterday, maybe about once or twice...so hopefully those d/c bugs are fixed. As least I found out how to keep my dang bars the way I want them to stay after a dc


Try updating your graphics card drivers if you haven't. Idk if that fixed my DCs or it's a coincidence but I have gone from tons to none in the last 2 hours.


whose idea was it to remove crusader strike range from paladins? I was wondering why I had no holy power, it was because I was 3,1 meters away from the boss because that's what my abilites let me do. Not anymore


Unless Blizzard pulls off some major improvements to hitboxes the across-the-board reduction of melee range is going to be one of the worst changes they ever made in terms of overall 'feel' of gameplay. They literally needed to go the opposite direction and *give* every melee the increased range that a few already had, instead of taking it away entirely. As someone who's been dabbling with just about every class/spec combo recently, default melee range feels really really bad.


Maybe it's just a personal thing but I've been maining Fury with no range increase at all for a long time and it feels fine. Maybe it just needs a bit of an adjustment period for people to get used to things?


I just tested live and beta which only is 1 meter / yard difference but the area you can cover is so much bigger … I really reall wanted to play plate paladin for the best transmogg set in the game but I think I might go monk ….


>I think I might go monk …. Why? They removed the extended melee range from every class, and monk didn't have it to begin with, afaik.


So you are saying : Ret worse , monk the same ?


Yes, they're both equally bad now, so there's no reason to switch.


Well there is one class with the best mobility in the game in melee range or the other class with ranged. Builders and spenders but also 5 yard melee range with 2 horses on 45 s cd


Pretty sure rogue and DH have much better mobility than monk, or at least, it's more useful. I also never really saw the extended melee range as a way to make up for the lack of mobility, it was just very convenient in situations where void zones or some sort of distance-based damage made it unfeasible to stay in melee range.


3 rolls with with low cooldown and cdr , Doublejump dash after each roll , dash to target after roll, Flying dragon kick or whatever that is called and that thing that stops roots and gives you MS. I am never going at base speed as WW


Any inputs on ret/holy paladin and boomy with the hero talents?


Templar for ret pally is really cool. Hammer of Light hits like a runaway train and has a cool visual and sound effect.


Is there a working ElvUI build for beta?


Pinned in elvui-retail-support in [the Tukui Discord](https://discord.gg/tukui-community-209244641537556480) It is very very experimental and is not yet fully supported




getting one chatframe error after coping over the ELVUI folders. not sure how to fix.


I've been trying the dps/off-heal paladin as retri and this seems really solid! CYEAfD7+lC/xrt7bzEdhx52vGDADAAzAAjpFLbzMbLbzMWGmlNz2AAAAAAgZbKzMjxMMzYwywgBLz2MLLjZMmBYbhNAgZZWMzMLNIAAgFA


Am now able to copy over chars (EU). This has given me an unexpected problem - I'm genuinely not sure if I want to run my mains through content, only to have them deleted at the end of the beta. Unexpected emotional involvement!


Yep, same here... now I can delete the silly filler toon I had on day 1.


Your main wakes up back in Dragonflight a few months later... it was all a dream...


Anyone have an issue where you can log in and even get into the game, only to have your client freeze after doing something minor like closing the "edit mode" menu or something, but then it takes forever to close out? I can't even task manager my way out of some crashes and either have to wait or restart my computer :/


I am in and able to copy char data - NA.


Are delves available yet?


As a hunter, I have done the first one a few times. Guess what HUNTERS, go SV for this, it's the only way to complete the quest. As of right now, it's got to be a weird line of code that revolves around our ranged abilities causing us to NOT be able to complete that first Delve quest. Think I saw that in somewhere in the Forums. Hope this helps. But yeah...sorry ADHD strikes again, back to delves. Yeah, they are up. Have not had an DC's as of yet...as least from them.


I did one yesterday part of the introduction, and another one out in the world in the first zone, but got disconnected once in the middle and once at the end for both of them


looks like we are back. now we will see if they are more stable


Anyone else getting "No Realms are currently available. (WOW51900309)"? Im not sure what to do to fix it.


servers are down.


Realms restarted a bit ago and remain down for what we assumed is further bug fixes.


ahh, I missed seeing that. is there an online/offline light anywhere i can watch? if not I guess ill try back after a while...


beta tab is back up so you should be able to login now to realm select page and see them offline




You guys do realize this is "beta" right? It's going to be a nightmare with d/c's, restarts, action bars turning off, no auto loot unless you check it every..single...time. It's a testing phase. You play it, report bugs and hopefully help Blizzard get the new expansion done in a manner that helps us all when it finally launches. Go ahead, run amok, but realize, we are a test group. We need to help Blizz make the it better by reporting the bugs and not just posting on forums that it's an epic disaster. Pitching a fit won't help Blizz. It just makes you look like a troll. Gonna check back in 20 mins, since it seems the servers are down. Don't even see my server on the list, so obviously some work is being done.


yep. hopefully the servers are down for some fixes.


Server is restarting. They might be putting out another fix


Thank you.. I was disconnected and couldn't get back in and was wondering.


in a beta pretty much always assume they are working on them. They will go down at random times when they need to make changes


It’s really hard to even play on any realm when it kicks you out after 5-10min of moving around, can’t even test anything and then trying to log back in keeps giving me an error message…


Still not able to copy characters on EU :(


or NA for at least some of us


working for me now


i don't care how many people are playing, these beta servers are absolute trash. i feel like i'm logging into a pentium 4. do better zillion dollar company, can't beta test if i get d/c'd every 3mins


I noped out after the reset a little while ago to spend time with my wife rather than fight the servers. Sad that the reset didn't fix anything. Has it gotten better since?


Not really. You can get onto the servers to play the game, but disconnects are frequent and many of those disconnects will prevent you from logging into that character for several minutes, meaning you have to put up with bouncing between characters if you don't want to just wait it out.


Pretty much what I was dealing with before lol. Guess today isn't the day


Is it not possible to create a level 70 character to jump straight into TWW levelling experience? On the non-endgame realms I can only make a level 1.


try to create from the bottom option (where you could also be able to copy your character), there is where the templates are.


As long as you are not on 'It Goes to Eleven' there should be an option to create a template character in the bottom center of the screen right below the oft broken character copy that will make a lvl 70 toon with ilvl 408 gear. The first time you do the charater creator all the allied races will be locked/missing but after you create one of the base races the allied races will show up from then on.


Yay thank you! I was choosing create a character from the menu at the top which must only make level 1s. Sorted now thanks!


Yes, you just go to the non-end game realm


So I own the War Within Epic Edition (even went to purchase it to double check - I have it) but I don't have the Beta client in my game version drop down. Is anyone else having this issue? Why don't I have access?


Try going to Account Settings and then to Games & Subscriptions, and clicking `+ Create PTR Account` next to '*Create a Public Test Realm (PTR) account to access new World of Warcraft content before it goes live.*' at the bottom of the page.


I ended up figuring it out by deleted my BNet files and then redownloading. Thank you though!


Glad you found a fix!


Still disconnecting after even trying to just fish and loot something, or from even killing a mob, highly frustrating but I understand it's beta, it seemed the alpha was working better.


I think it might be related to the DB service, as this only happens when you get something in your bags, from an action outside of looting (e.g. quest completion, crafting, fishing, etc). I gave up after getting DC after each quest. Might wait a few days before they stabilize stuff.


same, going to finish the last few mounts off on remix


Are delves available on the endgame realm?


Character copy is not working for me and has not worked for me so far and I am in North America. The dialog (black box where I can choose N. America as the source) appears, but nothing further even after a long wait. All the other character creation options seem to work at this point.


Character copy has started working for me since the last downtime


Same for me.


Same for me.


seems to be working better now. I can actually play for a while before I DC


But where did the tauren go??


it's now showing a new account World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands (WoW1), that ive never seen before on my bnet account page. assuming thats why i cant copy my characters over?


I'm wondering this myself.


Apparently character copy has been disabled


OH okay that makes sense


Should I play the game hunting for bugs or play naturally and just report what I find?


Both help, tbh.


Up to you


Still getting mass DC issues after restart. Trying a delve also disconnects.


have beta, cant copy characters, dont want to play with a new character. i get its a beta but ofc the streamers had no issues copying characters. why cant we play on the streamer server?


I thought the warband selection screen was supposed to have our favorite characters from across all servers?


There is a quest you to over in Tanaris to begin it. Then you choose which characters you want in your warband. Be prepared, if the tab costs are the same in Live as they are in Beta, be prepared...they are not cheap, the more tabs you get the higher. I think tab 3 was 100k. (at work killing time before heading home).


? I'll have to take a look at it myself when I get home


beta servers and regular servers are separate


Yes, I know this. There are multiple beta servers


This is the beta, I guess.


hoping its just a beta thing


Yes they will but in the beta it's not going to be accessing all your servers because it's the beta server.


There are multiple beta servers you know that right?


Yes, so you're saying you made multiple characters on different servers in the beta?


Yes, and I didn't see characters from one server on the other servers


Ah sorry, I misunderstood. Maybe they're waiting until it calms down a bit because the servers are overloaded before they try to link them up. Since this is the first time they've allowed access through purchase the servers are getting overwhelmed.


Still can't create a character on "this goes to eleven" and still DC'ing a ton when changing zones/turning in quests on the others. Lol.


Servers back up. Hopefully the fixes work Notes from blizzard "We’ve now completed Beta realm restarts to pick up some fixes. We’ll continue to monitor and work on further issues."


From about 4 hours of this beta (about an hour spent levelling in each of the 4 zones) +Most art assets and quests are in place, along with 96% of the skills (think I saw one missing one in the unholy tree). +No weird animations. +I've managed to train in one skill (cooking) and open a war band bank slot without doing the quest down in Gadgetzhan. -entering/exiting instances is HORRIBLE- not sure if it's code, hardware resource or latency, but the game shits the bed entering and exiting delves. -To be fair, the game shits the bed on a fairly regular basis, without me doing anything more complex than walking. For a beta, the most challenging thing about it is that people are treating it like they've paid for early access rather than a 85-90% complete test-bed. I can imagine quite a few devs and CMs probably want to thump the exec that had the bright idea of using beta access to drive uptake of the epic edition..


Congrats for being able to do all that stuff. All I've been able to do is test crafting at level 80, and did the introduction quests with Magni. Quite enjoying just doing mindless sightseeing in the new zones without quests though.


yeah the official forums are pretty bad. and anybody who brings up the fact it is a beta is told they are simply a w white knight for a billion dollar company.


It's deserved, they sold $90 beta access to the worst beta they've ever had for WoW.


Wed and Thu were bad. I’ve had almost zero issues except normal beta bugs this Fri and sat.


In fairness this has been a historically abysmal beta launch lol. Like even for a beta they've really not figured it out here


Also blizz has historically ignored nearly all feedback during betas lol


Alpha = when feedback is worked on and things are changed Beta = advertising the game and minor bugfixes


They don't even fix major bugs until months after they hit live, but alright lol


You do understand I'm agreeing with you...right? ...because you downvoted and argued with someone agreeing with you.


I didn't downvote you.


This is absolutely the largest issue here and probably the underlying feeling behind the complaints. I know what a beta is, and I know what to expect. I've tested numerous wow betas. This time around it feels very much like a mid-to-late alpha still. So many basic-level issues (for me at least), that I haven't even been able to get to the meat of the expansion and check out the new zones / quests etc there. Every time I log out, my UI / settings reset. Action bars I enabled disappear, keybinds I set are gone, camera settings, everything. Constant disconnects that don't just boot me out but send me back to Stormwind. I've tried three times now to complete a radiant echoes event only to be DC'd on onyxia and find myself back in Stormwind. Finally completed it, only to not get credit for the quest. Like, I can't even proceed with basic ground-level stuff to test the more in-depth systems. That said, I'm not going to spend time whining and being belligerent and rude on the forums though like so many are doing. I'll log out for a few days and maybe try it again next week. But yeah... it's *bad* for a beta.


It has not been a good start. I guess I've done a lot of betas over the years and have seen some worse then this though also many better. Just kinda expect it for a beta.


I haven't done a ton of betas I think this is my 4th. It's the worst I've seen by a ton though... likely could just be because people are buying their way in this time so a lot more players on at once


I think that is it. I think there are more people trying to play then they planned for but that could be a good thing since it could help launch go smoother


They **knew** how many people prepaid and had access. The game worked "relatively" well in alpha. It was at least playable. This is 100% Blizz not scaling their allocation of beta servers and resources, hoping enough people will just slowly give up trying, to where servers then become more stable due to player attrition. Yes, it is a beta...but don't be fooled. These problems are server related. They should really spin up a few more unconnected realms until the active player population dies down.


thats not a Beta. thats pre Alpha. dont know what they are want us to test? maybe the login button but nothing else is working. all influencer had a working beta. so whats the problem now Blizzard?


I've never been part of a WoW beta before and I'm a little surprised by how rough it is. I did my part and submitted all the bugs! I'm glad to see it's offline for everyone and they didn't ban me for being a pain in the arse haha. Hopefully it's more stable when it comes back.


Anyone from eu have any servers up?


For me its seems to be up again.


servers are down. Hopefully for the fixes


i see.. thanks.


Why is every realm “Incompatible”. I’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled so is there something else I need to do or is this one of the things they plan on fixing today?


Did you correctly choose the game version, The War Within Beta and not Public Test Realm (TWW 11.0) ? Plus, the servers are offline right now.


Yes I did. I think they are just not up right now.


they seem to be up now, but, if you are seeing a list of 5 incompatible servers, look at the bottom of your realm list, and see if theres tabs called test and beta, if you see those, choose beta <3 should show you a list of 3 servers, called "these go to eleven", alleria and khadgar <3


I just downloaded the client today and have the same issue. I try to click on one of the realms and it disconnects me.


There should be a button at the button for beta that will have beta servers but they are not online at the time I'm typing this


Oh they’re just not up? Okay that’s probably it then. I thought they were currently up so I was confused. Thank you.


I was on them about half an hour ago and they had a message on a restart and they are still down. They did say yesturday they planned to roll out fixes for the stability issues today which is likely what they are doing so you are probbaly better off waiting for those to finish..


The state of this Beta is reprehensible for a small indie company. Significantly more so coming from a billion dollar corporation which should have well established project management and QA practices. I've been working in Enterprise IT for 15 years and if I delivered something even HALF this bad, AS A BETA, my job would be in jeopardy. Beta testing is for real world users to get their hands on a product and identify smaller bugs that weren't found by either A.) Developers (who should be testing their work) B.) QA Analysts C.) Alpha Testers . Constant disconnects every time you use a portal or turn in a quest is not a small bug. Entire UI/Action Bar arrangements disappearing every time you log out is not a small bug. General realm instability is not a small bug. They have done this a ELEVEN times now if you only count major expansions/releases. If you include major season patches w/ new content (Which you should) then it's even more. How are they THIS bad after THAT much experience. I used to dream of working at Blizzard. It was my goal when I was studying computer science. The idea of being a project manager or sys admin was a goal when I was getting my MBA. But that dream is genuinely gone. It has to be such a cluster inside their doors, that I don't want any part of that. It makes me think of Randy Pausch's experience working at Disney and needing Pepto Bismal in his desk drawer


I'm not one to complain about betas because...they're betas. And I've been in almost every WoW beta thus far. But this one is really bad. I'm also a project manager in the tech sphere and, imo, this isn't near ready to be out of alpha,


Hahahaha holy fuck that is such a good bit! How’d you come up with that?


Are there supposed to be cinematics after turning in certain quests? example and maybe minor spoiler>!The quest where magni attempts to speak to azeroth!<


yes and they are not in place at this time