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Giving ground mounts a huge speed boost on roads would be great.


Yeah! Instant cast on roads + maybe a stacking speed boost for time spent on the road, would be nice. Apply it to non-mounted people on roads too!


I've talked about the road movement speed bonus for years, would be so nice to see other people passing etc. And I would settle for mount cast during movement for way more smooth gameplay


Some physics ala dragonriding would be great too. Maybe like, the vigor system to boost speed but at higher speeds the handling gets less sensitive


Dynamic ground mounts were datamined earlier in the expansion if I'm not mistaken


Also the ability to follow a path while autorunning, like in BotW and TotK. Then you could take in the zone or spend time reading quest text etc 


That be cool but a absolute nightmare to implement lol


I spend at least half my playtime in instanced content (dungeons, raids and pvp) and usually prefer ground mounts there, because imo nothing looks worse than a flying mount not being able to fly.


I agree, no matter how much I love my dragons, they just look odd when they don’t fly. Especially when you jump some ledges like in Arathi.


It’s why the parrot kinda sucks. It can’t land…


Absolutely cannot stand the perpetually flapping of flying mounts that can't land.


I use the Cliffside Wylderdrake and maybe it's because of it's wing-arms but it still looks pretty good on land.


Yeah the Wylderdrake looks good. Proto-Drakes walking along the ground look like someone holding their long Victorian skirt up to avoid puddles


This reference made me grin.


Similar for me, I pretty much weekly raid with guild, arena/bg and grind keys. I’m on ground mounts probably 80% of the time, and normal flying mounts the other 20% of the time. I’m just not a fan of dragon riding at all personally. I always try to get someone else to fly me in nokhud keys as well lmao.


2 keybinds vs 1 tho :(


True but is the game even fun if you don't use the best looking mount?


Not with Mountsjournal or MountsjournalEnhanced addon.


You can favourite both ground and flying mounts and it will summon one based on your location


You can write a macro to summon based on the environmental properties (flying/non-flying/swimming/dragonriding). You can also write a macro with conditional modifiers that summon a different mount if you hold down a shift or alt key for example.


Addon called Litemount lets you set 1 keybind that can dynamically choose between flying/ground/water based on location as well as allowing for weightable randomized selection of which mount is used.


Polly roger has no hround animation, so you get to look like you're flying when you're not :)


The bird models walk looks kinda goofy i like them


They should make ground mounts faster on top of instant cast. It’d give me a reason to NOT want to fly


Agree make them 120%


102% in the old world. Wouldn’t want you overshooting your destination.


Thats one of the most blizz like comment i have seen, god i hate how real that is


Then nerf to 110%


Blizzard doesnt do buffs. Best they can do is gate skyriding to the x.3 patch and or lock you at rp walk speed till you have a certain achievement.


You say that, but they are buffing normal flying mounts in the war within to make them significantly faster for people that don't like dragon riding 


I thought they were just making it so a lot of normal flying mounts could "dragon ride"


Riding speeds are changed from 150&280/310 to 220&420. 60% ground speed doesn't exist, you get 100% ground soeed at level 10 now


They really don't want anybody to have fun


They buffed the speeds for tww


but dynamic flying is like 900% movement... do you want a 1000% ground mount?


No. 2000% /s Idk maybe mount speed increase is a bad idea, they should still give ground mounts instant summon


Yes. Think of the hilarity of people zooming by on ground mounts.


In GW2 mounts are instacast - you can mount while running. You can even jump off a cliff and land in your dragons saddle. And they have a mount calledd the roller beetle that gets faster going down hill and can be boosted so fast you can cross a zone in seconds. DRagonriding feels better in WOW but otherwise GW2 ground mounts have weight and momentum and feel fantastic. they also are getting housing this august LOL which means wow is one of the oldest mmos to NOT have housing now


Thats awesome. Next downtime period I'll have to check GW out.


Im sure at this point WoW is the oldest mmo still around and Not having housing


Wait, you guys dont have a garrison?


I do wish Blizz would respect old content more. Garrison and class halls were both cool and totally forgotten.


or... we give ground mounts the same treatment we gave to flying mounts. we introduce a new 'dynamic riding' system and implement new 'ground races'. dash (1 vigor): dash forward very quickly a short distance and increase speed drift (upgrade node): you can make sharper turns brake (no cost): reduce speed jump (no cost): leap into the air to go through rings that are placed in the air, or collect carrots to replenish vigor double jump (1 vigor): jump again, allowing you to go farther and jump higher! like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z71gsx_ZByw&t=320s


now That is a great idea imo!


Some people use mounts less for purpose and more for fun. I still use ground mounts even in places I could fly, just to enjoy that nostalgic mmo feel.




I dunno, I wouldn’t mind a buff. And we’re talking about ground mounts so I shared how I use them. Relax man.


I use ground mounts pretty frequently because they're usable in dungeons - just this season we have Brackenhide, AA, and RLP. And DotI if you count that.  I never see my flying mounts anymore though. I hope they implement dragonriding to them soon.


They do, there was a list on wowhead about all mounts that get skyriding. https://www.wowhead.com/news/all-464-mounts-able-to-dragonride-in-the-war-within-338781


Awesome, that's great to hear!


It's better to list the ones that don't have it, which by my last look, was just the disc-shaped mounts and one other odd mount that may be eligible eventually.


The disc mounts do have it, has a cool spin when you launch


The horses have an interesting spin.


I clicked the article expecting to have to search for ages to see whether my mount can skyride or not, only ti find it was the fucking page image, haha


Make ground mounts usable in instances/raids (I'm looking at you molten core)


Just do what FFXIV does and make every mount able to fly. We literally traveled to the afterlife and back, have died and been rezzed hundreds of times, and battle demons and old gods on a regular basis. I think we can handle a flying motorcycle.


Really, this is the answer. There’s no reason to not make all mounts flying mounts (aside from underwater mounts I guess, but even there I don’t really care). Who cares if someone takes their long boi airborne lol.


No reason? I know it's a universe with magic, demons etc, but even with all that, a flying kodo and a flying mammoth are just ridiculous. What would be next? Make every character able to fly like Superman?


> I think we can handle a flying motorcycle. Be careful with this type of thinking! After all, the devs still don't think people can handle unrestricted transmog.


Yea wow is in a strange spot where there is some consideration to 'immersion correctness' but in many cases it just gets fucked off.


If any of my infernals could fly, they would be my go to mount. To me, infernals are the top of the cool chart when it comes to Warcraft. Hell, when they fly, they could turn into a flaming meteor until you land. Imagine just crashing into the ground and the flaming rock turns into an infernal with you riding it. That would be so badass.


This is the way


I’d actually rather they didn’t. I know we already have mounts that fly without aerial propulsion, but I avoid using them. I glyphed Divine Steed to use my old Charger because I don’t like that the Legion paladin mount isn’t an HD version of that, it’s a completely different design that flies by galloping on thin air. You’d think they would’ve given it retractable Pegasus wings made of pure Light, evoking the wings of Avenging Wrath. Then at least the redesign could feel purposeful.


That is... surpising? I literally only use the legion Highlord horse mounts because they can fly. They even leave flaming horseshoe tracks in the sky made of whatever light the mount uses. Shit is *sick as fuck*. Wish we had more or every horse could fly because damn... I'd only use horses.




That's what I'm saying! My BE pally is just losing out, I've been trying to grind the Argent Tournament for those too


i hate this about FFXIV. i really hope they don't do this. _some_ "magical flying ground mounts" are _okay_ (like the headless horseman mount) but making it work wholesale isn't. all the other stuff you said makes sense in universe, it doesn't matter if it isn't realistic since it follows the rules. but the in-universe rules have very explicitly laid down "flight without magic or traditional lift via aerodynamics is not a thing". and yeah they could change the rules tomorrow to say "well the adventurers have this magic talisman that grants the power of flight", which would fix the in universe rules but i still personally wouldn't like it because it looks dumb as hell.


Just make ground version of dragon flying, ground mounts should be able to get up to 1000% speed, at high speed they should have limitem maneuverability but be able to drift to dynamically change direction (yes I'm guild wars 2 enjoyer)


People complain about collision in trees and the Orgrimmar chains when it comes to Dragonriding. They would lose their mind over rocks and ledges that can't be run over. There's a lot more ground clutter that would get in the way.




I think like they should be faster then flying mounts to compensate obstacles they can't skip like flying mounts


Mate, I am playing this game to drop moons on my enemies, not to RP a long-ass-haul driver. The sooner I can get to the next enemy, the faster Saturn gets out of moons (and rings). 1000% it is.


Its why I kinda like when theyd have new expansions with no flying at the start. Yes I do prefer being able to fly, but I also like having a real reason to use my ground mounts.


Not only that, all the zones in DF are pretty forgettable for me. All it did was annoy me cuz i got stuck in a impossible to see pixel in the trees (looking at you Azure Span).


In FFXIV all mounts can fly, just let all mounts fly, it's magic anyway who cares


Agree but some mounts look absolutely silly when flying. Like a flying Direhorn is ridiculous.


Flying long boi would be terrifying


Meanwhile FFXIV players fly around on [these](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/w/images/thumb/9/98/Goobbue_Horn--20210306195442.png/350px-Goobbue_Horn--20210306195442.png)


Monsieur Croque-mitaine! Bonjour!


That dude's so silly looking that he may as well fly. Sure we could make gronnlings and kodos fly, but some lore friendliness is always welcome. FF lore is more situational than warcraft.


Yep, this is the answer. Yoshi P solved this issue years ago by saying "were just gonna let all mounts fly" and it worked just fine. They'd have to add floating animations to all the mounts (like the person under me said Direhorns) but just think about how certain mounts can fly and other variations can, like the rat mounts. There's a flying version. There's one otter mount that can fly and the others can't. Unicorn mounts can fly, just give horses their animations. Most can be solved fairly easily, but just minimal work would have to go into certain mounts like wolves, direhorns, and some others I can't think of. Even the Nightsabers have one version that can fly while no other version can fly. It wouldn't be that crazy or immersion breaking. Hell, they could nerf some mounts like the transmog yak and the action house mount by making it so they can't fly. Easy.


Don't all mounts have swimming animations anyway? Just use those, I would propose (rhyming not intended)


You're right, that's what that floating animation. It's the swimming animation. So technically, they wouldn't have to do anything.


could make them like the D4 mounts. insta mount, very fast and maybe a class specific demount ability if you really wanna spice it up


yeah, its like the instanced dungeons that allow mounts in some spots are the only places i end up using them :/


They need to make the Mawsworn Charger a flying mount. I don’t understand why it’s not.


Yes plus/and/or give them extra movement abilities. For example, some mounts could climb walls or scale cliffs?


Make them mountable in combat. Not PVP but regular. If I was fighting someone and wanted to jump on a horse, I could. It's not like the horse would be all "Nah, you're busy, wait till your dead"


Just do like Guild Wars 2. Make ground mounts interesting.


Just make ground mounts able to be used in combat for world content.


I’d like to see the opposite lol, useable in dungeons as long as nobody in your party is in combat. They could do both honestly.


PvP, Raids, Dungeons Basically, any instanced situations. But yeah, I do kind of agree. It would be cool to see some perk to actually using ground mounts vs. flying. Hell, I'd be down for something like ground mounts can carry more weight, and thus can have "saddle bags" which give you additional storage while using them (preventing you from swapping to flying mount until the saddle bags are empty), making them a boon to people doing profession farming. Also, have flying mounts move 50% slower when ON the ground, since they're more ungainly on the ground with wings etc so that there's some real choice and utility to what you want to pick to use.


Personally I feel like Ground Mounts could be upgraded by having the Horseman Deathknight thing of fighting while mounted for every character


Just give them 310 ms. They would still be balanced


Just let all mounts fly like in FF14


They just need to be faster. Make flying at 350-400 and ground at 150-200. EDIT: Looks like I got what I wanted! Flying mounts have been increased from 310 to 420%! A 1 second cast time instead of 1.5 for ground would be cool too. Just a little bit faster. But we need the speed. If we need to go from A to B as quick as we can, we just use Dragonflying mounts. But the 100% ground and 310% flying speeds have been like this for YEARS. They just need to be updated. Just like speed limits on roads. It would also allow players to make use of mount speed buffs again too. Since they don’t work for Dragonflying


Oh god no. Don’t Fuck with my internal timing. I’ve gotten it down so perfectly to move right before the cast finishes and keep moving


just make a 15k gold cost to give them a bit more ms


I use my arborial frog mount frequently because thats my g


Is there a macro so I can have my fave ground mount on my mount hot key when in a non flying zone and all other times my dragon riding mount?


something like #Showtooltip /cast \[mod:shift\] , set mod: to whichever button you prefer, ctrl, alt etc etc or put several if you want more mounts. Keybind button still decides if its shift1, 2, 3, etc.


#showtooltip /use [flyable]flying mount /use [noflyable]ground mount


This throws an error when you mount in a ground mount only area (it still works, but it's annoying to hear your character complain), there's another macro that doesn't but I can't recall it at the moment. Edit: I found it way faster than I expected to >/Cast [flyable] flying mount; ground mount


If you select two mounts as favourites you can use the random mount hotkey to always pick the dragonriding mount in dragonriding zones and always pick the ground mount in other zones.


Wouldn't you also get your dragon riding mount in non flyable zones with this method too?


Not in my experience - in dungeons and battlegrounds it summons the otter instead of the dragon.


I have all my ground mounts and my dragon mounts favorites. It picks which mount is good for you based on where you are


Then I have the ~ key for Opie, that has my utility/multi person mounts


They have plenty of use in all of the dungeons where mounts r allowed


Eh, we can use em in pvp and a bunch of dungeons already, I think that’s plenty. Buffing ground mounts considerably changes balance in pvp, instanced or world


Since when are ground mounts useless?


We need an item like the watershoes that gives ground mounts a nimbus cloud under them and allows them to fly


Fingers crossed ground mounts get a similar treatment as dynamic flying.


I've always said that they need to make ground mounts faster than flying mounts + give them the utility of a double jump / slow fall type thing. Think Robot Unicorn Attack. If flying mounts max out at 310% speed, ground mounts should be able to move at 400% or even 500%. And if they can leap over gaps in the ground it will make them more interesting to use, IMO.


At this point I would also like the FF version. Just make every mount flyable. How? Mount equipment! (Yeah remember that? It's still a thing!). They don't need to Dragon flight, normal would be enough.


If i remember correct from the initial data mining period of TWW there was some dynamic ground mount things data mined i think that route is better than your suggestion but yeah i simply took them out of my mount opie ring.


Yes! I love using my infernals but I have to keep a 3rd mount on my cast bars. I am also worried that with most of the flying mounts getting dynamic flight, that I will be hard pressed to have a flying mount available that doesn't have dynamic. There are situations where I want to hover in mid air because I am waiting for something to spawn and want to be out of harms way. Sometimes it feels nicer to use normal flying to go shorter distances. Also, if I am doing a quest and need to fly around to look for something on the ground, normal flight is preferred.


I use Opie for mounting, I can't see any reason to use a ground mount over a skyriding mount even if it means I could get on that mount faster or get some kinda perk. At this point the only reason to buy or work towards obtaining a ground mount would be to work towards the mount achievement. Don't think the time investment would be worth it on Blizzards end and may not even change the likelihood they'll get used.


Or just make ground mounts faster than flying mounts. 125% ground speed for ground mounts and 75% ground speed for flying mounts. Lets be real, a tiger runs faster than a bird runs.


Just make them able to fly. I don't care how they do it, just give every ground mount magic wings that appear and use the swimming animation (which is what current flying mounts do anyway). I hate that I can't use a significant portion of the mounts I've collected because they can't fly.


Give them abilities like guild wars 2, would love that


In November, there was a file in the game called Prototype Dynamic Ground Mount but nothing ever came from it. Link to post: [https://x.com/MrGMYT/status/1726639622430896378](https://x.com/MrGMYT/status/1726639622430896378)


At this point to make ground mounts relevant it’s the perfect time to introduce mounted combat encounters. - ground mounts converted into combat mounts would be an interesting addition and feature to the game. Better for large scale encounters


like the halloween broom eh? I get ya, I get ya.


I don’t really think there’s a need to change them. I use ground mounts in no-fly areas and flying mounts in flying areas. Giving them some advantage over flying mounts in ground areas would just annoy the people who like to use a specific flying mount even in no fly areas. It’s not going to make people choose to use a ground mount in a flyable area so I don’t see the point


There is literally no need for this. If you want to travel around using your fav ground mount, you just do it. Flying mounts are there to speed up your gameplay, but it doesn't mean you HAVE to use them. When I play with my friends, we like to level traveling on ground, so we diss flying mounts. No one is pointing a gun to your head to force you to use flying mounts. Whever they do some QoL or basically ANY change to the old systems of the game, there is always the bunch with unnecesary complains and/or whining.


you are against objectively good changes, why? who exactly is being hurt by ground mounts getting any kinda love?


No, im against unnccesary changes. As I said, no is forcing anyone to only use flying mounts.


aren't they making basically every ground mount a flying mount in xpac? this solves your issue.


Don't think so. Just making regular flying mounts dynamic flight capable.


i might have a need to use the air-swim type mount.


Sounds like a you problem