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I love these items bugs. I had a green quest reward at 408 get upgraded to a blue at ilvl 364. Beta is beta!


Just wait until you get an epic upgrade to 150 ilvls below your current greens!


The way they applied level squishing made so little real sense and clearly was just hand waved in a lot of cases. It's an issue that impacts so little of the player base for any amount of time it isn't worth working very hard to fix.


Just put it in the bank for a few expansions down the road. lol


But we'll never get to that level thanks to the squishes they're prone to doing


Well, that's just a bad assumption on your part Next expac just starts lifting the levels by more than 10 and you'll get there in no time, silly


And then comes the inevitable stat and/or level squish again. I've been here for all three so far.


You just have to level faster than they squish. Easy.


This is the opposite of the WOTLK era grey axe that could be used at low levels. (god that was fun before it was fixed)


And so damned OP. It got fixed because it was too OP


It was a sword, if memory serves. Enti's Quenched Sword. Some memories never truly go away.


That's not a bug, that's Blizzard paying tribute to DOTA 2 Pro Player Alexey "Solo" Berezin, and his 322 play! (He intentionally lost a game for $322, which lead to the 322 meme being a thing in the DOTA Community.)


Fuck man, now I wanna play some DotA


lol i was looking for the dota reference


If we didn't have stats and level squish, we'd be at 325 by now. /s


I mean, I'm guessing this is a weird result of the level squish. I don't know how, but it probably is.


Idk dog seems like a simple case of level and ilevel getting mixed up


Actually, looking back at it, the fact that it had the same ilvl as required level leads me to believe you're probably right. I hadn't noticed that before.


Dude is just a frog farmer!


Number cruncher cause I’m curious: Level cap at squish 120 Squish level 50 Actual level = 120/50 = 2.4xLVL New level cap TWW = 80? 2.4x80 = 192


I think the actual calculation is 120 + 10\*(num expansions since BFA, in this case 3) So the final number would be 150.


If there was no squish, sure. But we currently have 20 levels of post-squish to account for and they are not 1 to 1.


Omg I swear people these days have no patience. They played for 5 minute and already want to be level 750. SMH


damn, they Remixed^(tm) the shit out of Retail