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How many 476 do you need to make it still relatively trivial? The one Garrosh kill i got was pretty much a fully juiced group (450 minimum, several 476 including me) but it still got hairy toward the end. I got one shot meleed by an add in the last phase and didn't really even get to see the mythic only phase, but only like 7 people survived and barely squeaked out the kill. So while everything else was pretty easy I dont think I properly understand mythic Garrosh and what is essential to know (outside of dodging stuff)


5ish 476s (who know what they’re doing so they’re pushing a consistent 8mil+) is more than enough, in my experience, as long as the rest of the raid isn’t completely dead weight.


I mean, pushing 8+ mil single target is more about cloak than ilvl. I'm 476, and my cloak is at about 12k main stats, 54k stamina, and I pump out around 3.5-4mil sustained. 8 is TOUGH.


I have 10k int and 66k stam and pump about 8-12k sustained on mythic. The trick is correct tinkers and setup imo. Stack for lifestorm, run searing light ( for lifestorm and leech heal dmg ) and stay in 12 yards range for searing light. Run mark of arrogance ( Pretty sure it hits the boss if a mechanic hits you ) and I also sometimes stand in mechanics on purpose. MIGHT be spec dependant though. I see boomies dh and hunter very high. Also, get rid of ALL mastery if you can. Mastery only benefits your spells, crit haste and vers benefit your spells AND tinkers. And tinkers are easily 50-70% of your damage combined. You get all mastery you need from cloak.


Havoc DH: "But if I ditch mastery, how will I outrun people on mounts/yak fur?"


I’m an Havoc DH. If you catch me, I’ll drop Mastery, otherwise, weeeeeeeee


I've said this somewhere else as well but...yes :D That is unironically the reason you play mastery. If you get something out of it that is fun for you. Since nothing really matters on remix. For some classes, high mastery enables a cool build or just is fun in general. Remix is perfect to play those. Part of what I love about the gamemode.


Leech heal dmg? What do you mean by that, exactly? I've been wanting to learn more on what can proc Searing Light, specifically other tinker gems.


Keep in mind I'm not COMPLETELY confident in that ( as in, I haven't tested it) but leech, the stat, heals you for part of the damage done. I think this healing procs searing light. The big part of if though, especially in short fights, is stacking in a corner and having ALL the flowers from lifestorm pop on you.


Yeah, the corner stack is amazing. Seeing ToT bosses disintegrate is pretty funny. I've heard from others that leech doesn't trigger Searing Light, unfortunately.


Might be true, I haven't tested it sadly. In this case, only lifestorm triggers it really.


We all know stam doesnt affect dmg right


Only with slay but otherwise not as far as I know


Is the mastery thing right? As a ret paladin it doesnt increase the damage from my holy damaging tinkers?


Ok THAT I'm not sure about honestly....i play frost mage so the mastery is a bit more specific. If Ret paladin mastery increases all holy damage, it might increase tinker holy damage as well. Just keep in mind a the tinkers do various different types of damage - fire, frost nature etc - and crit vers haste all increase the damage of ALL tinkers.


>If Ret paladin mastery increases all holy damage, it might increase tinker holy damage as well. Just keep in mind a the tinkers do various different types of damage - fire, frost nature etc  Over the course of Legion/BFA/Shadowlands, Blizzard has fixed all/most cases where class masteries buffed anything about gear/trinket/other procs. They're coded as buffs to specific spells even though the tooltip says a damage type.


Interesting to know. Kinda sad because that would've been cool but I guess it was a nightmare to balance and so it makes sense.


It's still kind of situational depending on your spec. Mastery on gear gives you like 2x as much raw stats to balance out the fact that it won't work on most tinkers. So a Mastery helm gives say 2K mastery while an equal ilvl crit helm would give 1K crit. Same for gems. If your class scales really well with mastery it could more than make up for it. Especially classes that abuse Searing Light. For example mastery is busted on Guardian Druids. They get healed for almost 2x as much with capped mastery and it also works on other ppl's Lifestorms/healing turning it into your damage. Also many of the healing tinkers like Searing Light itself do interact with guardian druid mastery which lets it double dip. For example if Searing Light pops on you for 1M, it duplicates that 1M as healing towards the next Searing Light. Also once you are 476 or have a semi built out cape it is pretty easy to hit crit thresholds. e.g. when your lightning trinket procs you can go easily go over 100% even if you aren't at 100% baseline yet. Some tinkers can't crit anyways (e.g. Searing Light can't though it does benefit via your heals critting, Slay can't after they hotfixed it). That's why imo it's best to leave crit to the gems if needed since it's easier to swap out incrementally and fine tune than if it were on your gear (same with Leech, you actually need a few gems to cap since the cloak caps early). Vers is always really good though because of the defensive scaling (generally the best stat to focus on imo if you are doing harder raids, alongside avoidance since that's only found on gear).


While I can't prove that there is NO spec in the game where mastery would "outscale" any of the other stats I would be surprised if there is a single one where it's the most important. Mostly because your normal spells also benefit from crit, haste and versa and because tinkers deal SO much of many specs damage. I have yet to see tinkers NOT be the majority of ranks 1-10 of the damage breakdown. Mostly though mastery would have to be better ( by affecting JUST your own spells ) than versa, haste and crit for your own spells AND the tinkers. And 2x budget just isn't enough for that imo. Quick Edit: The Guardian druid things sounds interesting though. It might be one of the few exceptions, I'm not sure and not familiar enough with their spec. But I'll give you that. Sounds cool tbh. This would need theorycrafting. I 100% agree on your comments of stat budget. Versa is #1, crit is for gems. Haste is important as well imo since it affects proc rate of almost all tinkers. I do have yet to figure out though if stacking lifestorm flowers caps haste and thus makes the stat less important. I have never seen it go above 405%, so if you can reach that with lifestorm stacks and that's a hard cap, any stat you have over that would be wasted. Completely theoretical of course and utterly unnecessary, just things which I have going on in my head. One thing I started moving away from is avoidance. The only even mildly difficult raid is Mythic Siege, and I did not find avoidance necessary at all for that. Since I don't have maxed out stats from cape yet, I swapped out most of my avoidance gear for more versa crit and haste. 100% versa is enough to be able to ignore almost all mechanics imo. For any fight where incoming damage is of any concern I swap in dark pact as a movement gem which is a fucking 10 million shield. I'm down to 20% avoidance and was still able to simply face tank garrosh aoe in the pandaria phase in mythic with frost shield and / or dark pact. ( But not without as I had to painfully find out )


eventually, when a cloak's main stat is over 40k, regular abilities will surpass tinkers. But by then all the secondary stats will be capped anyway and there will be no point in stacking mastery.


Yeah I think avoidance you can swap out of with more stamina/vers. I still have kept it for guardian since you want to stay healthy so that your healing overheals you for warmth (though I need to test out using the Bloodthirsty Coral, it heals me 3M a tick). But yeah Guardian warmth also works with their mastery which makes it even crazier. So if you overheal yourself for 1M you get about 1M extra from guardian mastery. Then (1+1)\*.75=1.5M into warmth which is an extra 1.5M healing from mastery. The warmth healing doesnt add to Searing light directly but the mastery portion does so that's 3.5M healing -> 350K Searing Light. Which heals you for 350K+350K, which adds another 700K for warmth and so on in a glorious loop (though it only works if you can guarantee that warmth is only healing yourself, i.e. soloing) I'm trying to solo heroic Sha of Pride (hard to do before he stuns->MCs you) and I get several billion overhealing from Warmth + Druid mastery before I get stunned and the fight resets. Guardian druid's main heal scales mostly with stamina and I'm only halfway to the cap on my cloak though so will maybe have enough scaling to do it soon.


Depends on the thread count. I’ve done SoO boosts with as few as 5 carries, but they were all at 350k threads or higher. One guy had 1M threads lmao.


What does 1mil threads look like? I’m max ilvl and sitting at around 75k stamina on cloak and I just cannot fathom that gap lol.


It looks like an unbelievable amount of damage. Idk what he was doing exactly, but at least double my dmg so like…25m DPS maybe? 30? His hailstorm was gaining stacks every 0.2 seconds lmao What I really want to see is someone hit 200% vers. What happens then? Do they just not take any damage? I’m at 134% so maybe I’ll find out before the event ends. Game seems to get a bit weird at giga high thread counts lol Edit: Stam on cloak =/= threads btw, I use a weakaura that tracks exact thread count. I have 400k threads which is like, 240k stam on cloak I think.


You can't hit 200% vers. Max is 129%.


That might be true on normal retail, but I don’t think the cloak stats are affected by stat DR. I’m looking at my character sheet right now and I have 136% vers


Yes, they are affected by the stat DR. You still have to take into account you can gain 5% from a tinker, and also another 4% from mark of the wild, so you'd be able to go beyond a bit. This is why leech and speed cap at 49%. Haste and vers both cap at +126% added by your stat.


Ah you’re right, I removed some gems and I’m still at 136% so it’s definitely capped. Bummer. Edit: Looks like I’m haste capped at 128% as well. Probably should have paid more attention to this, been wasting some gems that are giving me ~~essentially~~ literally 0 stats. Unlucky. Looks like I’m actually reaching the point where I’ll need to start gearing avoidance and gemming armor, since those are the only stats the cloak doesn’t give. Edit 2: and mastery caps at 84% (for balance Druid idk if it’s different by spec). Mainstat still scales to infinity though I guess.


I have full armor gems and it's a huge amount of reduction - I'm over 60% damage reduction.


its best to see the rating they cap at. Mastery has a specific rating, but the % will change for each class.


I use the addon True Stat Values to show me how much stat I'm losing to DR and stuff, I didn't get it before remix and use it only to make sure I'm not missing a ton of value somewhere. Might be good to keep track of when you want to drop some stat or switch things around. Though granted with a big enough cloak pretty much every stat will hit the cap


Oh for sure about the stamina; that’s just sort of how I estimate. Anytime I see someone going bananas they have 6 digits of stamina, and I am not there yet. Going to have to get that weakaura now since I am curious.


https://wago.io/H0GrJNyla This is the one I use. Also sadly another user pointed out vers caps at 129% :( my dream is dead


Garrosh is still harry, its fully mechanics. Mainly the MCs and the adds on the end of P2 that absolutely NEED to be skipped


The adds do not need to be skipped at all. The adds are phase three not phase two (the final part of mythic is phase four) and all you have to do is spread out and have people kill their own add. The adds are empowered by other adds dying near them. Literally all you have to do is spread out during the whirling corruption so the adds aren't stacked, and kill them. That's it. It's a basic mechanic of the fight, and it doesn't need to be skipped.


For most pugs that is asking a lot


I'm gonna be honest I have killed M Garrosh 5 times now and I have no real Idea what adds ppl are talking about. The only mechanic I have done so far is stack on P4, kill the engineer for the iron stars ( once, the other times we skipped ) and dodge the aoe in pandaria. I just stood with the raid and auto pumped the boss tbh....


Bad players that make it to 476 and do like 200k dps are the ones that know about the mechanics because they can’t kill fast enough to skip. 


Or, you know... people who has done the fight back in MoP.


Garry is hairy


yer a warchief, garrosh


Me a what?


Is it? I joined a random group on Garrosh and knowing nothing we killed it easily. Maybe I just got lucky?


We ran it 15 man yesterday with 4 people not being 476 - ideally, fully upgraded with jewelry deleted so actually 369 because blizzard is completely brain dead.* We wiped twice on Gerald. Once was because everyone saved metas and CDs for some reason and then ignored the engineer, everyone but myself and one other tank died to iron star damage (lol) and so we just died to the next star on purpose. The other time we wiped was because nobody interrupted the mind control in phase 3, so the rest of the raid got mind controlled as well. Five 476s can clear the place but it'll be a slog. 10 can do it in about 90 seconds per single target boss. *The difference in Mythic Immerseus's health alone is 908m vs 1135m. 25% increase in health with functionally 0% increase in damage. Completely ridiculous decision to have content scale with ilvl. The desire to remove gear to get stronger should not ever be a thing and is an absolute failure in every regard.


Had a full group of 476 yesterday and we still wiped from people not understanding mechanics. Garrosh was not difficult but also not a 100% faceroll. Rest of SoO was easy though.


I tanked as a 398 blood dk today and got it! Had one 390ish healer that died a fair bit and the rest were all 450+ dps and a 420 tank apart from me. Lots of 476 dps I’d say maybe at least 7. Pretty smooth, almost died at spoils cause too many people opening boxes but that’s just standard seige right? 😂


Were you actually "tanking" though. An i476 in dps spec will be a better tank than an i398 in tank spec.


Maybe would be good context that I created the group and that’s why I was in there. Definitely would be better to take a 476 dps spec. Was able to tank everything though/didn’t die and ran through tank mechanics just fine on fights where you need someone taunting like shamans, spoils etc.


Here's to hoping I find me one of those groups.


Just make your own lol much easier.


Except nobody will join. Tried it.


I joined a group earlier that was advertised "Mogu'shan vaults heroic 410+" and the leader of the group was a fresh 70 Vulpera mage with about 280k hp. We smashed it out in about 9 minutes and the ultra-geared mage and warlock funneled gear to them. They were thankful and everyone was happy to get their bronze, so it is possible!


It's so weird to me how picky some people are about ilvl in MoP Remix. Of course if everyone is low it can be difficult to complete raids, but if one or a couple are low ilvl and a couple are 476 most raids are super doable.


As a max gear player my only request is that you try to get 2-3 really geared players for SoO or ToT. For the early raids you only need 1 geared guy really. It's not that I can't do SoO as the only geared player, it just takes extremely long and I'm trying to get it done in under an hour ideally.


The problem is you still need to do mechanics for a number of the bosses, so while you might have the DPS to burn through DPS phases, I'm getting groups in ToT and SoO that struggle on any boss that you can't just brute force.


4+ 476 players can brute force any boss


You can zerg through dark animus with two 476s


Sounds like you're not brute forcing it enough. What bosses are you struggling with? I can't think of any boss that can't be brute forced. ToT and SoO should be relatively trivial with 2 i476 players per 10 people.


The group I was in last night struggled with Durumu and Lei Shen. Particularly the beams on Durumu, and the Intermission sections on Lei Shen.


Last group I was in, zerg rushed Rurumu and killed him before anyone died, the last several before that most people died, but regardless, I can solo Durumu, so I just need people to get him as low as possible, to make soloing it easier. Lei Shen is another boss that people can struggle with mechanics, but all my kills since reaching i476 have been 1-shots, it's more a matter of how long the fight takes.


Other than not standing in mythic garry annihilates and not getting trucked by an iron star, I don't think there's a mechanic you actually have to do at 476. The only other "mechanics" are clicking boxes in spoils and aiming a turret in galakras. Every other "mechanic" is hit the thing in front of you hard and watch it die in seconds.


Makes sense, I'm not saying ilvl shouldn't matter at all, you should go for a few geared out players.


The issue is that when you have like 25% of a raid as dead weight and not enough 476 people each boss can take an extra 3-5 minutes and when the raid is already 12+ bosses long those 5 minutes turns into an extra hour+ of the 50th run of SoO or ToT. Agreed though I don’t mind carrying a couple people per raid with how strong 476s are.


I finished my mythic SoO last night. I waited until I was 476 to do it. The group had 6-8 people with sub 1M health, which was fine until Garrosh. We wiped repeatedly until we got rid of some of them and filled with a few 3m + health people doing 5M+ dps. You can carry a few but a raid of half carries will be a bit of a struggle.


I havent done Mythic SoO yet, but from what friends told me its not even remotely close to being comparable to H MSV. I mean, the difference between H MSV and H ToT is pretty insane. 400 ilvl is way beyond necessary in MSV, but youre still going to die in a geared group in ToT. I imagine Mythic SoO is even harder. I know a couple weeks ago a friend had said even with max gear you pretty much want 10k mainstat (100kish total threads) on your cloak before going into mythic if you want it to be reasonable. It might be a bit lower now that everyone kinda has lifestorm/searing figured out, i dunno. Either way, the gear necessary for MSV and SoO are vastly different.


Ran a “world tour” of Heroics last night (all but SoO, was too late for me to do SoO as well), and the lead and another player, both healers, were sub-1M and just got deleted on almost every boss. Especially in ToT. Luckily there were some of us who could help do the carry, so still cleared reasonably quickly. (Also seems they didn’t know the “cheese strats” for some bosses, and might not have had Lifestorm, but still managed it. Even Dark Animus, who took a few more seconds to fall over.)


it sucks ass when you sign up for a "fast" heroic ToT run and then the leader invites exactly 2 people over 400 ilvl and expects them to hard carry with 95% of the group's DPS (and not enough to kill Durumu before he phases and kills everyone)


Sure, not sure how anything from my comment is in contrast to that sentiment.


For me at least, it just shows effort given. I understand that people have limited time to play due to various reasons. I'm one of them. I get a couple of hours on the week nights if I'm lucky, and have some time on the weekends. I've hit my goals in dragonflight, and the season isn't really keeping my attention, so im basically doing remix full time at this point, when I can play. I do my 8s on one toon to fill vault and that's basically it for the week. I'm no where near collecting all cosmetics, because I decided to fully invest in upgrades so I can feel like I'm participating in Heroic clears. I made that investment so I can farm heroics now for the rest of remix, which will be a huge return and eventually I'll be able to unlock everything. Especially with the buff to bronze gains, 476 is easily doable by just doing bazaar quests for a couple weeks. So, yeah, when a 376 applies to my Heroic SOO, it gives the message like 'look bro, I care about my time, not yours. IM not wasting all that bronze farm on upgraded gear. I'm here for cosmetics, to boost like 9 toons before the xpac, and to get my titles. You're already fully geared bro, cmon, just carry me. It's just one slot. Not a big deal. Just invite. Summ?' I've had people whisper me while my Heroic SOO is listed 'invite' I reply 'apply' and never hear from them again lol. I set a minimum of 420 or so. I don't think that's too much to ask for. Sure, you're still getting carried, but at least you put forth a little effort before showing up.


For normal, just one 450+ is already enough to basically solo the entire raid. 476 it's a guarantee.


It's really just the people, not the content. I've been actively denied from random parties at 476 in a needed role for no discernable reason. Presumably they're looking at some logs site for remix and I dont have 20 billion dps (lol) Try to avoid the "FAST PUMPERS GOGOOGOGO" posts, they tend to be loaded with the toxic tryhards. Anything named normally tends to be pretty chill.


I've never been denied (or even had to wait more than a minute) at 476. And I've got like 100k threads, a bit under 10k mainstat, nothing crazy. Maybe by "needed role" you mean healer or second tank? Because at 476 these are really not needed roles at all, everybody would rather take a dps.


No, I said what I said.  I play paladin and apply as all 3.  Most people don't even seem to look at the roles and will happily take a 6th tank as long as they're 476, but there always seems to be some groups that click deny. I don't know what they're looking for, I can't speak to why they're actively denying a 476 multi-role if they're openly posting a recruitment.  All I can say is that it happens probably for one raid out of the set every day. It's not a big deal, I just apply to a different group. But it *does* happen, because people are people




But it's not like ilvl 476 only is the other option. You could just as easily say Level 70+ or ilvl 400+ or something. Like I said of course if everyone is low it'll be difficult, sounds like that might've happened to you.




I mean, that is true. I've had a couple wipes in remix, so the inviter shouldn't only invite low ilvl. I'm sure for some people they don't even think about it.


Heroic is easy, particularly the first 3 raids. Mythic SoO can't be carried by a couple of people


I'm 476 as a rule i dont join the groups with requeriments like that, but if i do and the leader doesnt fulfill them im out. Dont get me wrong, i make carry groups and join new groups all the time, but if you are setting a requeriment, you should comply to them too


I agree that it was a little cheeky but there really isn't a good way of telling what gear level someone's at before you join their group. Once I was in and I could see that there were plenty people 430+, and considering it was only MGV, I didn't have a problem.


I've never experienced this. I'm at 450+ now and I still have to attempt to join a few groups before anyone accepts, because they fill up so quick.


When I'm on a lower geared character and want to do the raids I just advertise as "Heroic World Tour" and it's quite fast to fill it up with carries as they mostly look for world tours because you don't have to look for other groups to do every raid. My friend also very undergeared then did this and worked.


If you’re in a guild, guildies will join ya and people are more inclined to join when they see the group size. Mine fills very quickly and we run mythic SoO every day. :)


The trick is to accept some lower iLvl folks first to fill your group a bit. The fatty carries join mostly full groups so they don’t have to wait


I will join! My gear isnt upgraded worth a crock tho


"Hi I'd like to get carried in Mythic please" Optimistic outlook.


I was lucky enough to get a mythic carry with un-upgraded gear. All I did was make the group 😂


If you that interested in the feat, gearing up just  takes a bit of time per day on a single character, especially with the buff to bronze and threads.  Just knocking put the 3 big daily and the bronze you get from finishing say a msv should get you a full round of upgrades on your gear. 


True, but I refuse to upgrade my gear I think the whole concept is stupid. So I just make my own groups, yeah it takes a while since I’m only in 346 gear but I end up getting a group. I’ve been hard carried thru mythic already was great.


Glad to see people paying it forward. I’ve been bringing people along on my daily runs and have helped 3 people hit max so far. Soon everyone will be walking around with tusks!


/prayge - I’ve got my DH running SOO normal once a night and powering up a whole server of alts on the alliance side that I’m gonna be playing next expansion, having a ton of fun - would love that mythic title - I imagine more groups make it easier for casuals to obtain as we move into later days


I’m very interested in helping, I’m 476 with 400k threads, if you’re looking for more carries PM me and I’ll add you on discord or btag!


eyo! I'd encourage you to make your own Mythic gps and thrown in a few low ilvls in there that dont have the achiev yet as the best way to contribute to da movement!


Still gotta power up more before I can carry anyone through SoO but I’m helping people through normals so far


I was so happy to find a carry for Throne of Thunder normal last night so I could finally get my neck piece and get on with my life.


I got one of those and now my ilvl just broke 400. I can get into groups now and get it higher so I can host carries soon enough


The neckpiece + the bronze boost took me from not even bothering to attempt the grind to mid 400s gear and curbstomping shit. Suddenly, the game is fun. I'm just bitter that blizzard made us fucking hate life for the first month of this event. And the only reason I got my neck was some amazing soul who took a full raid of noobs through normal garrosh. God bless every person who does this. We shouldn't have to rely on luck and kind strangers to enjoy this dumb mode.


The neck should have been from LFR and the rings/trinkets from regular scenarios and dungeons. Heroics you had to hope you got picked up by a lvl 20 or do them all before 70 on your main or an alt.


Fun thing I've been doing the past week is, after we have 4-6 geared people in a group, we play "lowest ILVL wins" and invite whoever signs up with the lowest ilvl in the queue.


You and me both!


I do these kinds of groups, invite around 6 476 ilvl players and the rest around 400+. Tell everyone to carry this forward when they reach max ilvl. Give newer players a brief overview of mechanics whilst nuking the bosses. This game needs more positivity, it's already toxic enough. Must say the remember addon has been my best friend in remix. Cool transmog, funny players defo gets remembered, that one asshole demanding max ilvl or certain number of threads for a heroic raid, won't be getting invited to my groups. Raid leads kicking people left and right, certainly won't make it in my groups.




I always fill heroic groups with some carries and the lowest ilvl.


After the recent update to bronze acquisition, anyone not upgrading is trolling. You can now cap gear on a fresh 70 in 5 days.


Not upgrading at all if trying to do group content at 70 is trolling as between the bronze in leveling and the bronze for hitting 70, you should be able to upgrade close to two times. The second part about it only taking 5 days but only if they run every raid on heroic and then SoO again on normal is a bit excessive - not everyone is going to have that kind of time, and while your character is in the early phases of upgrading, it is going to take longer to get / create groups, especially for H ToT and SoO.


What sort of bronze total are we looking at to fully upgrade all slots?


580k that's less than 5 days of 3 bazaar dailies, heroic MSV/HOF/TOES/TOT/SOO and normal SOO.


You're not doing h world tours day 1 lmao


Thanks! Are you getting downvotes because 580k is wrong? Or because people are pissy at you for acting like that’s so quick and easy?


The second. They don't want to admit that it isn't the mountain they think it is and can be done in as little as 2 hours a day.


I’m not sure that many players can hop on for two hours and group for and complete six full raids, but I appreciate having a view of the lower bounds of how long it might take.


I still don’t fully “get” the purpose of upgrading? I upgraded my main to 380ish overall, and I still do 0% overall damage and get easily killed in raids, so it feels like I wasted a ton of bronze so far. Meanwhile I’m still getting insta-invited to heroic raids where the leaders are plowing through everything. I don’t “want” to get carried through everything, but the investment to fully upgrade seems huge (isn’t it over a million bronze?) and if the only obtainable thing from remix is cosmetics, I don’t see why I’d further upgrade instead of just getting cosmetics. I’m just confused.


Yet I do 10million dps and annihilate raids.


You will get killed at 380ish. I just levelled alts for the 40k bronze total at 70 and pumped all bronze into my warlock in her ilvl over the first weeks of remix. I'm 476 on her, melt through things and don't even need to touch alts anymore because I get a stupid about of bronze on the warlock that I can just buy everything I want. Did Mogu, TOES, and HoF this morning and left with over 50k bronze which I spent on stuff, got ToT, SiegeHC + SiegeMythic later and will easily push over 100k altogether in a day.


Just curious, what spec do you play on warlock? Lock was the first char i leveled in remix but I hated it because everything died so fast in dungeons before I could even start doing damage with dots.


Destro. I started with demo, but fell back to destro. With soft capping haste, choas bolts get really quick to cast, and the other spells feel instant. I never bother that much with immolate unless it's mythic siege. The tinker gems work really well with rain of fire. Things explode on impact. I sacrifice my demon as well. I run lifestorm, possibly gonna run searing light with it just to see if the healing from lifestorm goes with it. I'm never at the top unless it's a massive pack, but I'm a solid place in the charts. Warlock isn't my main, but I wanted something different for remix and I've been having so much fun. With my speed, burning rush makes me run at 211%.


Every round of upgrades makes a huge difference, so with 380 you should be doing a lot more damage than a fresh 346. But then you're comparing yourself to fully 556 people, so of course you will feel like you don't contribute. The total investment is actually around 500k, which sounds like a lot but it's manageable now. Also once you get around 400/420 ilvl you can easily enter heroic raids which will boost your bronze acquisition (especially Throne of Thunder) so the real investment before you start getting the fast bronze is lower. Another important factor to earn power is your cape. Do the world boss tour, you get a TON of stats with just that now (like the chance of getting 540 main stat per boss), and as many raid finder wings as you can for the spool reward. All of these are tripled now. A heroic raid world tour gives you nearly 100k bronze alone. And it gets to the point of being completed at the same speed as raid finder. Now I'm not gonna lie, it's still a grind and not for everyone. Plus it would still take a number of hours each day at the least. But it's so much quicker than before, and satisfying when you see numbers going up.


the first stage of gear upgrading is when you're no longer lying face down on the floor the whole time. I found this to be at around 400 ilvl for heroic SoO (heroic thunder still hurts like hell at this point). the second stage is when you start putting out damage, which happens as you get closer to 476. even the first stage makes things much more enjoyable imo


Also no it isn't over a million, it's 580k which is easily doable in less than 5 days.


Doable, but not sure about easily doable. that's a serious time investment.


I capped 476 in about 6 days without the boost, so with the bronze boost you can do it in 5 days if you are trying hard enough.


You managed to farm 600k Bronze in 6 days? Show the /played time my guy, and let us know what you farmed for 12 hours a day outside of the raids.


Had 2 people carry me through all raids on heroic + had them all send epics and gems for scrap, besides that i flew around doing orb collecting ( on empty shards you can farm like 500 bronze in a few minutes, literally untapped potential ) when there was wait times, on anything else i ran dungeons. What i meant is that with the boost in bronze, you are bound to be almost capped after 5 days if you are running the dailies + raids and sides, rest you can get with dungeon spamming So what i meant is that if you are trying hard enough you can do it, it would probably have taken me a few hours more a day if i hadn't had friends giving me their scraps, with the bronze boost you can get around 100k for free doing just the daily stuff, if you are grinding a few hours more for the day you can get that 20k you are missing Last time i checked i had about 2 days played time, which was a few days ago, so probably at 8-10 hours a day playing, mind you this was without the boost, my thread count is only like 10-15k though. Just checked today thread count is 32k*


Imagine downvoting, just because you can’t achieve stuff yourself in a videogame lol


Imagine talking down to other players for not achieving stuff on their own when you open your comment with "Had 2 people **carry** me through all raids on heroic + had them all send epics and gems for scrap,"


Literally look at my comment from before and tell me where if not only because of jealousy or because one doesn’t believe it, would it would deserve a downvote… Funny thing is, the reason why i agreed to be carried was so i could do the same for others, as i have been doing the whole day and what the whole thread was about in the first place, other than that i could have spent the bronze on the mogs i wanted and called it a day. I have spend the last 2.5 hours helping someone get to lvl 70 + running boosts on a world tour for lesser geared players. Look at my profile, i have offered to help others. I just get dissappointed and annoyed by a small fraction of peoples smallmindedness uknow… my rant might have come off a bit worse than intended Only reason i mentioned getting carried was because someone said it wasn’t possible or didn’t believe it to be possible without the boost, while all i wanted to prove was that with the boost it should be possible to do yourself now in 5 days. Anyways thanks for calling me out, i deserved that, you’ll get an upvote.


Why carry people that hit level 70 on the first 5 Days of Remix and have only spend their Bronze on Mogs, Mounts and Collectables instead of gearing up and now greeding to have the Title also? I mean, an almost fresh 70? Yeah no Probs, here you go, as long as you have the same fun! But hell I level through dungeons now my I dont know what number alt and then there are dudes, level 60+ with 50Ilvl... I mean... c'mon the first Upgrades aren't that costly...


I don't bother inviting anyone level 70 who hasn't at least done the first set of upgrades. Level with XP tokens in the mailbox, I don't care. But when you reach 70, get a set of 346 gear and upgrade it at least once on that character if you expect to play it in premade group content. If all you want is cosmetics, then stick to the group finder.


I got my tusks yesterday. I'm done with Remix. I will be working on getting fully upgraded (at 31/36 rn) and then I'll pay it forward with a Daily Mythic Siege to get the Paragon title. I haven't done Mythic Siege yet, but it doesn't sound so hard from what I'm hearing.


It's not. When I did it at ilvl 430, I died on a couple of the later fights but the 5 or 6 476'ers in the raid killed the bosses without drama.


The problem that I run into is that the vast majority of players don’t know the mechanics of the fight and after they fail on a boss twice people start leaving because it’s not a one shot kill.


Last night I was highest DPS in heroic SoO, never happened before, felt pretty weird, not that long ago I was the one being pulled through. I'm not quite 476 yet, still missing a few items at 556. But I'm looking forward to helping when I can. Haven't done Mythic yet, so maybe it's different. But I see plenty of 476 only heroic groups, which seem ridiculous to me. With a mixed bag of ilvls the running between bosses and RP is already the majority of the time spent in the raid. But I guess to some people every minute saved counts.


With the bronze buff. A lot of people are gearing. alts. I finally stopped playing max mage and levels an alt in heroic 360 to 419 ilvl. I have found it easy to join. And as this guy maxes out I’ll help carry raids also again.


Me and my friend do a heroic and mythic free boost group every night.


I wish I could find one of these for Mythic Fyrak…I want that fire owl so bad but I’m not good at mechanics much.


I have a big cloak now, 25k+ stats and I think 150/180k+ in stamina. I play tank and for the past 1 and half weeks I have been doing carry HC world tour raids including Normal and HC SoO since those don’t share same lockout. Not only it’s super fun but mostly it’s super enjoyable when people get their achievements and necks soft the gear. I apply a rule that only people bellow 400+ I’ll can join since from 400+ ilvl you can get invited in groups alone without worries. My friends who are also 476 are joining also for the bronze farms but since the bronze boost, we need only 4-5 days till we buy everything and than I think remix is over for me. For those who ask, we spend in game around 3-4 hrs.


this is misguided as there is no barrier stopping people getting to 450+ ilvl, especially now bronze is doubled so ppl doing normals are getting as much as ppl whi were clearing heroic before there's no skill barrier stopping ppl clearing high level content like there is in retail, they can easily upgrade gear if they want to to high level content and have more than 2 months to get it done


How could I join you once just for the title? I'm 415 ilvl


wanna come right now?


Are you doing one right now?


we filling up to kill garrosh-only, it's not a CARRY run, but im taking lower 400s if their dps is enough


I am 415 on my main could I join?


DM sent


I wish I could come across people like you in game.


Iam just 360 :(


Sure, I'll help every now and then. DM for my Btag


There's a title for Mythic SoO in Remix?


Yeah Paragon of the Mists


Oh, sick, I guess I'll be doing that tonight then.


There’s lots of groups that run like how the OP runs. I got it done few days ago on my enh shaman at 420ish ilvl cause I saw a guy inviting “low ilvls for mythic carry”.


Nice. I'm 476 so I shouldn't have any trouble. I'll probably help carry a few since I'm able.


I'm working on being one of these people, continuously strengthening my main to carry raids. Currently on phase 2 of my 3 phase plan - leveling alts and strengthening main. Phase 3 is carries and bronze earnings.


I run almost daily SoO, and I create the raid. Usually 15 476, and a few lowbies. So the same If you can feels great


God send. I can't even join a regular ToT or SoO group atm because I'm "only" around 416ish or so. And no one joins my own group because I assume no carry/too low ilvl


I question this. I am leveling an alt since the bronze buff. Ran full heroic except siege two nights ago going from ilvl 360-390 or so. Yesterday ran full heroic including siege and hit 419. Above 400 became pretty easy apply.


I don't believe this at all either, unless you list your group weirdly or have a name that makes you sus.


Can you really carry Mythic SoO at “only” 476? Or is 476 the max ilevel you can get when you’ve upgraded everything you can to 556




The rings/necklace/trinkets dont have their ilvl update, so being full 556 shows that your average ilvl is 476 in the character sheet.


most of the time when people talk ilvl in remix they mean overall ilvl, because the jewelry doesn't get ilvl increases


Not doing mythics yet, but i casually invite low geared players to heroic blasts when there is enough 476 in the group, i mean... Not everyone has 3-4 hours a day to play Literally the only reason i have even bothered gearing up, as i already have every mog i need from getting carried myself, now it's my time to carry


Is it 476 character ilvl or all your upgradeable gear being at 476 minus trinkets and rings etc


Upgraded gear at 556 + jewelry and trinkets


I’m 476 with about 110k stamina on my cloak and somehow don’t do much damage as a paladin.


I'm just shooting for the shoulders, but I've only been leveling alts so far.


Trying to gear/thread up my prot warrior to do this. Only at like 410 though and def thread deficient.


I lucked out and got into a heroic SoO last night... I don't think I'll ever get carried for mythic, but it sure would be neato.


I keep putting off doing it, the raid is such a log. I'm sure with a bunch of 476 it's fast but there's soooooooo much RP


On my experience, yeah the Galakras fight is a big RP, but the main challenge we face is Garrosh, took me like 20+ pulls and lots of refills to get him down yesterday


Prob takes an hr wym


You need a couple doing 10m + for carrying mythic


Im 476 and have around 200k threads. I do it dayli, I always fill the group with around 10-15 476 and rest needs to be low GS 70s. It's fun, we rezz them all the time and port people. All the remix community is really nice to each other I think


Yeees, I would ABSOLUTELY love this. I am low Ilvl and need carry in mythic SoO. But when I try to join the group, I am either booted righ away or when I am accepted the group immediately disbands. When I start a group, nobody signs. And I only need ONE run through mythic SoO.


\>I am low Ilvl and need carry in mythic SoO. Find the nearest upgrade NPC and upgrade your gear.


I would invest bronze into your gear. Think of it is paying 600,000 bronze to get the title, plus it makes getting bronze for everything else much easier.


The content is trivial and MoP Remix will be winding down here in 2.5 weeks as everyone will begin to leave, having completed everything. Because Lifegem and Searing Light cheese still exist, you can complete any raid of any difficulty with 2 or 3 players who are "end game". Remember, there are hard caps to every tertiary & secondary stat EXCEPT your primary stat and stamina. Everyone does relatively the same damage at end game because getting just your primary stat is difficult. As someone who has played every day and not missed a single day of raiding, no one is outrageously stronger, they're simply just the first to get Slay off in combination with Lifegem and Searing.




Paragon of the mists, and people with low ilvls migh have trouble getting in gps for it, specially more casual players who dont have time to grind for gear


Mythic Siege gives its own title


“Stop being nice!”