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Some weird shard hopping shenanigans and doing it forever. I've played a LOT and I'm at 400k threads. Tbh, at this point all of my stats are capped even with all jewelry removed wearing mostly +armor gems, so this extra pole of threads was an insane grind for a pretty minor power boost through primary stat alone.


Yeah I’m at 300k and I have everything capped except for leech and I have no bonus armor gems Going beyond this point isn’t even sweaty, it’s just insane


Yeah, I saw someone on my friends list that had **seven** accounts logged on for shard hopping on archie. Apparently, all the trial accounts (but not the ones with active subs) got banned for botting, but don't know how true that is. I've also seen a few people just straight up botting archie (more just keyboard macroing, but I didn't want people to get confused with in game macros), but I don't think there's that many of those people, it's a pretty stupid thing to get banned over.


What's that threads tracker on your tooltip? Weakaura?


I’m really curious what addon shows this as well


PandaThreads :)


I'm using ZamestoTV: Remix It gives you thread count in tooltip, so you can just mouse over any player and see their threads. It also gives you a timer display until end of event and, IIRC, individual counters in windows for bronze acquisition and thread acquisition as well, though I turn those off. It also gives you tooltips when you mouse-over tinker and meta gems, with suggestions for whether they're appropriate or not, but I found these to be hit-or-miss and not terribly accurate.


Love ZamestoTV: Remix


Velen is a sweaty savior of Azeroth?


Name checks out


Just sacrifice all your social life, job, family and you will get there.


I saw someone with 1.7 million last week.


It’s possible yeah but it is also pretty excessive. At 500000 you are already capped more or less. Even vers will be close to 100%. The only thing will be speed I guess


Speed caps at 49% same as avoidance


Further validating my comment. It’s fun to see so much hp and primary stat but it is just overkill. If people want to go for it though, power to them.


Is this true for dh's and their passive?


It is right there in the name...


Name checks out I've seen a few near this hanging out shard hopping at the challenge elite spawn on Timeless Isle. I think it's worth close to a thousand threads or more an hour if you just sit there and wait out the respawn timer. Maximizing your hopping around, or possibly botting it, like I've also seen, sure it's possible. I'm seeing loads of players all over the place, as of a couple weeks ago, with well over a half million.


We all know about a big bear-kun farm A guard-port in Thunder. But how this guys can farm it ??


it isn't a difficult thing to do, it's just time. There's a spot in Kasarang Wilds that's easily 1800 threads per hour this was BEFORE the buff, imagine it now. The person above has clearly been doing all content daily since launch as well as grinding things like the above spot. It's just time and doing your dailies each day as well as grinding.


Threads weren't buffed I think, just spools? Or was that bad info I read?


Threads/Spools are the same thing, spools of thread


They are not. Spools are daily limited and were buffed..threads as drops were not increased.


then the combination of spools being buffed + doing a threads farm like above, would push them to insane amounts


Spools being buffed makes thread farming even more pointless