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the isle of dorn looks either like a camel, or a shambling mound giving a thumbs up


It's just a lil guy flipping a cheese-it into his city mouth hole


Cannot unsee


Omg lol that's funny


It looks like a happy little elephant


More like a ottifant.


It's a cute little Hydralisk


I saw hydralisk too! It's just a little guy scootin' along.


To me it kinda looks like an arm waiting for an arm wrestling


It's Trogdor's arm.


Coming out the back of his neck there.


It's a geodude


Or that old man yelling at cloud meme


I thought more of a snail. With overstated antennae/head, like Magcargo.


Better than the Futa cock that makes thousand needles lmao


I can't unsee the camel now.


It looks like the state of Washington to me


This guy maps


Oh my god its totally a shambling mound.


Looks like a snail to me


Now turn it 180°.


Siiiiiiigh. This is why we can’t have nice things.


It looks like a seahorse with an actual horse's head


Are the three underground zones all side by side? I thought they said each one was beneath the other.


The path from hallowfall to azj-kahet looks flat on the map but its actually a huge drop downwards into a cave


What about Ringing Deeps to Azj? Is it just a massive drop?


Yep, also a massive drop. Azj-Kahet is WAY deeper underground than the other two underground zones.


thematically that is so fucking cool, but i wonder how quickly i'm gonna get sick of being underground for an entire expansion.


It helps (a bit) that the zones are so fucking big. Like insanely huge to the point it's kinda laughable. But if you're someone that enjoys being high in the sky you're definitely going to notice the ceiling of being underground very often and it's going to bother you after a while. If you stay closer to the ground, you'll never notice.


With the way that momentum works with dragon-riding, I found that I never really fly that high. I don't think the ceilings will be that much of a problem.


Honestly its not bad. The ceilings are so high in Hallowfall and Ringing Deeps that you forget you are underground most of the time. However, Azj-Kahet does "feel" underground.


yes, ringing deeps is a little above the "floor" of hollowfall, although hallowfall has quite a bit of height variance within the zone for stuff like the big cathedral, and both have massive drops into Azj


idk why they didn't show the verticality at least a little bit on the map, would make it look so much better.


Other games like GW2 use vertical layer selection for maps. I find it super confusing and totally counter-intuitive. This is the right way to do a map in the game.


I just mean like this: [https://imgur.com/a/ned06EW](https://imgur.com/a/ned06EW) Doesn't seem like it would be too confusing.


For map purposes this is useless.. I don't know what it's for really..


Just to probably see some events at a glance, and somewhere to click to get into individual zone maps.


I guess it's just really hard to do so.


i think they still are this is just abstracted to be on a 2d map


Hmm. You’d think they’d be able to convert which zone is deepest just with like height of the walls


There's a massive drop out would probably look pretty dumb


They are mostly laid out like you see in the map. While there are definitely some elevation differences they are next to each other because of limitations of wow terrain. Lorewise they are beneath each other, and it would be nice if they could maybe make it 'look' that way at the world map.


Ahh yes finally the hole expansion


Well dwarfs are involved in this expansion... So Diggy Diggy Hole we go


Keep yer feet in the ground


Keep yer feet underground


Dwarfs, not undead.


Wash yer back!


Rock and Stone!


“I’m tired, grandpa!”




you have to pay the subscription toll if you want to get into that dwarf's hole


I haven't played beta and I didn't watch anyone playing it, but I get the feel that the map is smaller than the dragon isles? I don't know


It's a little smaller, but the way it's laid out it honestly feels just as large, and is still a massive area


That's reasurring ty, as long as there's things to do and it's more or less the same size than the dragon isles I'm fine with it


Feels very comparable. And I’m not a betting man, but there are some spots that scream “I may be expanded on in a content patch.”


The Undersea is a prime candidate for "this will be expanded upon in a post-launch patch". So from the Great Sea level we descend like a mile underground, and find *another* ocean, supposedly endless, that somehow exists below the actual ocean? That's mysterious, and just begging to be explored further.


That is the cool fantasy shit that is somehow even better if its not explained.


like the afterlife wait


I dont disagree


if i understand its undeground, they infinite potential for expanding as they please !


Yea same here dragon isles spoiled me with the vast openess, i absolutely love how big the zones are now so im hoping this continues. I just know northrend is gonna be HUGE since the zone was already considered large for its time


I played the beta only to try out dynamic flight on other mounts and to fly around the new zones. It’s not as big but it feels bigger in some ways. They’re are a lot of huge vertical drops , especially from Hallowfall to Azj’Kahet. Makes you feel like you are diving deeper and deeper into the world. They did a pretty good job . Also transitioning from above to down below feels better then zaralek caverns , you can really see that zaralek was a test for this in a lot of ways.


I found the beta gives end game subnautica vibes when it comes transversing the zones. Really neat zooming down into the depths


The zones are definitely smaller than the Dragon Isles. We also have a slightly slower dragonflying speed now in old zones as well as future expansion zones, including TWW. Hallowfall is probably the smallest followed by Azj-Kahet. [The city in Azj-kahet](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/images/9/91/Azj-Kahet_preview.png) doesn't reach the size or scale of [Suramar](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FQMBbubyh.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2f104f54eb7e9fac4de382beec358bc8b0c6dccb3a7e446a037a874e266a71a4&ipo=images), which is what Ion has likened the city to. A lot of the buildings can't be entered. It's very similar to Maldraxxus in that it's mostly wide open spaces like walkways and platforms, and towers with no entrances/closed off doors. I think this is on par for Nerubian architecture, but the city overall isn’t big. You can't explore the outdoor parts of raid in the open world as it teleports and kicks you out. This also happens if you try to fly into the lower levels of the old city because it's where the dungeon takes place. I'm fine with zones being smaller if we do truly get less time between expansions, but they tried shorter expansions with WoD and we all know how that turned out. We'll see!


Smaller than Suramar? I mean, I get it, they don't want to spend too much dev time on stuff that won't be actively used for questing and scaling will never match lore, but like.. man, I'd love a proper huge city to fight bug people in. I can't help but be a little disappointed.


It appears smaller, but I believe the map will expand quite a bit over the expansion.


That bit on the right from the ringing deeps just screams "I'll have content here!"


If you've played GW2 it has a very big 'tangled depths' feel in that they focused massively on verticality to cram more into the same spaces. Its really cool and not absolute cancer like it was in GW2 too.


Oh man that brought back repressed memories of the times before mounts in GW2


I think they are also reducing dragonriding speed (or making it the same as in the old expansion zones) so that might add to making it feel bigger.


Really nice to see the zone transitions on a simplistic 2d map. Being used to above ground zones it was hard for me to wrap my head around navigation in the caves. This definitely helps my brain process the maps. Don't know what the downvotes are for. It's a nice map, I like how easily readable it is. I struggled to find zone transitions on alpha/beta because of the verticality, but this makes it very clear. Sorry for daring to share my positive thoughts on a post that asked for my thoughts.


**Dorne** is one of the nine constituent regions of the [Seven Kingdoms](https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Seven_Kingdoms). It is the southernmost part of the continent of [Westeros](https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Westeros).. Ok, thats why it sounds familiar


Because it's also a fictional island in an Erik Larson novel 'No One Goes Alone' published in 2021.


Also one of the Primarchs from 40K!


ooooh true!


Looks excellent but I hope it’s not finished. Could use some character art on the edges of the map.


Do other in game maps have character art on them?


Where’s the Main City Hub?


On the upper right map


Isle of Dorn. About where the Artwork of the tree overgrowing the structure is.


Reminds me of WoW a little bit


Isle of Dorn? Brothers, we have to build!


I'm fortifying this island.


Personally liking it. Surprised there's no landmark on Azj-Kahet tho, thought theyd fit the nerubian palace in there Lots of nice free space to expand into aswell for patch zones


Thats certainly a map


There is no way this place is as big as the dragon isles


Supposedly it's only a little smaller. Map really doesn't do it justice though


Wonder when the Login Screen with music comes out.


could be bigger, still interested to see and hear it though


There's no way to intuit the scale, but because it's underground, it 'looks' small. I'm sure it'll be great.


It's definitely way bigger than it looks on the map. If I had to guess a lil smaller than the Dragon Isles, but not by a big margin.


I know a lot of people hate the idea of it but as a fanatic dwarf lover I'm excited. Almost every expansion in WoW involves itself with elves to some degree, and this makes a lot of sense given the surrounding lore and whatnot, but it's about damn time dwarves got some time to shine. Anyone thinking that the subterranean part will look "claustrophic" need to go and check out some previews we have because while the Ringing Deeps looks similar to Zeralak Caverns, the other two are much, much taller. Having a "sky" fools people into this sense that a zone is bigger or taller but you still have a "ceiling", as it were. All that changes is whether you perceive it or not.


If we through all the races with their own exp we need a tauren or gnome expansion next please.


Tauren could be amazing, similar in theme and vibe to pandaria




I was hoping TWW would go back to adding and improving upon the existing world. I know it's the norm, but I'm extremely tired of standalone expansions that only really live, and are worth interacting with, for 1-2 years until the next one is released.


Seems small


thats what she said


Nah that's what he said


Unpopular but its just doesnt grab my attention this "cave" thing. I dont like it.


This won't be an unpopular opinion trust me. The zones being disjointed is going to feel like Shadowlands. There's no way around it. People don't like having a roof over their head for every single zone. They also don't like not being able to fly between and see the other zones. Everything is connected by fake tunnels.


This isn't necessarily true. The only long tunnel between two zones is between Dorn and Ringing Deeps. Ringing Deeps flows naturally into Hallowfall and Azj'kahet without long tunnels. Dorn to Ringing Deeps takes about 30 seconds, then you are a very short flight from either Hallowfall or Azj'kahet in about as long as it takes to get from Valdrakken to any of the other Dragonflight zones. Takes about 10 seconds to from the coreway to Hallowfall, and 50 seconds to get from coreway to azj'kahet. So, you are never more than a minute and a half away from any other zone. Oribos flights take much longer, and to get from one SL zone to another takes around 2+ minutes. You can't just loop around like you can in TWW, where every zone is connected in some way to every other zone. A better comparison would be if a flight about half as long (provided you use dragonriding) as the flight from oribos to another SL zone, instead took you to a central point where you could fly to any SL zone in less than a minute.


what are you talking about. The only long tunnel is between the Isle and the Deeps. the other three zones are absolutely connected. This is in no way similar to the Shadowlands zones.


yeah how dare they do something a bit different. Outdoor map with a few pie slices number 11, or an attempt at making a fully functioning underground expansion? It looks like they did a good job with what should have been a very difficult concept.


It will be the popular opinion among people who don't play the game. You know, like people who say the zones are disjointed.


Yeah it will be a main gripe for sure. For me personally i’m super excited for it. Something different. We’ve had 4(?) underground/underwater zones. I like doing something different!


I’m not gonna lie I hate that To be clear I’m usually a heavy apologist


Seems very small


I thought it would be bigger...


This seems like a new zone in a patch not a whole expansion


I really dig that this expansion is in underground zones buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I wish it would have been under one of our main 2 continents, you can even throw Northrend in there. How cool would it have been if they re-vamped Silithis to be a new zone and then the sword uncovered a hole that led to these zones under Kalimdor? woulda been cool, man. woulda been cool


Looks pretty cool . I like it


Looks very tiny


Feels like there's a lot of empty space, but I guess that's a mixture of a lack of extra art (like the serpents or ships the old maps had, but it feels like the newer maps don't really have those anymore), as well as the fact that it's underground, so where the empty parts would normally feel busier because of random waves, here it's just empty. But honestly, that's probably a good thing. Plenty of space for new zones and areas to be added in the patch cycle!


Love how the isle of dorn looks like a fried shrimp 🍤


Honestly I’m nervous 3 zones are underground. I’m sure it’ll be fine but I can’t help feel claustrophobic thinking about it


people really loved zaralak caverns /s


It looks kind of small compared to what we usually get.


I have a bad feeling about how subterranean this expansion is going to feel, hopefully zones get added mid expansion that balance it out.


Why wouldn't it feel subterranean? It's an underground expansion.


I get that, and deep super cavernous zones is a cool idea, but it can also feel oppressive to a lot of people & hurt subs.


Less content each expansion




Same amount of zones as Dragonflight and 1 less than SL, Legion and WoD. 8 dungeons at launch, same as Dragonflight and Shadowlands.


Tbf there are also delves in addition to the dungeons, raids and zones.


I was flying in Kun-Lai yesterday and I got awestruck just seeing the Temple of the White Tiger in the distance. Such a beautiful construction. There's also a couple of huts in the mountains and a family of hawk specialists pandaren? There's so many "useless places" where there are no quests or nothing but that just add a feel of a world being lived in. You can feel Pandaria was meticulously crafted, a lot of love was poured into it. Dragonflight is beautiful but it's nowhere near as detailed, a lot of it feels empy/generic. Give me useless small fishing villages again please.


I love that the map is literally in the ground - would love to see that in the world wide map. Goated map design - as always.


For a billion $ company, honestly i expected more areas. Seems like over the years they give us less and less


Probably gonna expand over the patches, I'd guess?


Smallest expac


the deep ring?




Its a map


Only 4 zones?


4-5 has been pretty standard for most recent expansions at launch. Edited because people can’t use common sense.


7 in TBC 9.5 in WotLK 6 in Cata 7 in MoP 6 in WoD 5 in Legion 6 in BFA 5 in SL 4 in DF 4 in TWW 40% of the expansions having 4 or 5 what I'd call most or standard


And Dragon Isles with 4 zones is the same size as Northrend which had the most amount of zones. Size of the landmass is not equal to number of zones anymore.


None of the zones in TWW even come close to the size of Dragonflight zones, for all intents and purposes we might as well have had 6 zones in DF if we're talking strictly size.


2D map but I've seen video that shows the underground goes very deep. Do we need 3D map soon?


it's giving TBC era maps


I feel like the map should communicate which levels are above / below the others


First thing i saw when looking at the map : [https://i.imgur.com/5CTZefv.png](https://i.imgur.com/5CTZefv.png)


Shouldn't they make Azj-Kahet and Hallowfall look deeper on the map?


They were so close to making the expansion not an island.


Definitely one the maps of all time


it‘s a nice shape for sure


What is Khaz Algar? Is it 'everything that's underground'?


Dorne is overground, rest is underground


Khaz Algar is the whole continent, both above and underground. Similar to Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms


Where abouts is this on the world map?


Looks a bit like the older maps, although it will take a while to get used to the huge amount of brown used to signify that it is underground. How does it appear on the world map?


Looks like a good ol' 1v1v1 StarCraft map


It looks good; I guess it would be hard to represent Beledar on the Hallowfall map when you don’t really have a ceiling to work with


Looks smol


I just want to quest in eastern kingdom, not underground


I know maps are always to scale but it looks very small, especially with dynamic flight we’d be zooming through


I kinda dig this 3d, side view-esque perspective


There is absolutely going to be something in the lower left at some point.


Worf approves of the name of the Island.


I will be fishing so hard down there!!!


So that's where Rogal Dorn was all these years


How big does the world feel? The map makes it look so tiny and constricted. That might not be a bad thing either, to have a more focused story and more content dense spaces. I'm not in beta so I'm just speaking from what the map looks like.


I was hoping they would be layered on top of each other. If I can just walk from one of the three underground zones to the other with maybe a slight decline that will be a bit disappointing.


Inverted outland


I think we will get a new zone close to ringing depths in a future patch, lots of empty room in that part


I can't wait to go to... blue underground city place.


Isle of Dorn looks like G'huun.


Y’all that haven’t played the Beta aren’t ready for how big the Ringing Deeps feel, I was expecting them to be more claustrophobic than the other zones but you have a surprising amount of “sky” to use while flying. And Hallowfall then puts it to *shame* you can’t even see the entirety of the cavern, it is vanished into the distance across an underground sea


It does look like a map


Does it show up on the full world map?


Literally all I can think when I see the word “Dorn” is just from warhammer his iconic “I am fortifying this position.”


Is Khaz Algar a cavern? Or a canyon? If it’s a cavern, I’m not looking forward to that. I avoid Zaralek Caverns like the plague.


i should call her


I stopped playing in the middle of dragonflight and i don't know what am i looking at. And this map also don't convince me to come back


looking at these maps is honestly my favorite part of every expansion release


Well, it's a map alright.


If they can make actually good dungeons unlike DF that alone will probably motivate me to buy it


is khaz algar underwater?


Am I crazy or does the layout look purposely made this empty in order to add a zone in the bottom right in a future patch?


I feel like 10 years ago this zone would come in a new patch. What the actual fuck why is it so small


Looking forward to the Isle of Michael Dorns


This map makes the zones look tiny lmao


Not to overthink or read into it too much, but did anyone else notice that the cliffs edge in the deepest/southern most portion of Azj-Kahet fade out rather than being distinctive edge like the \*all\* of the other cliffs? hmm


I liked that they named an island after Michael Dorn


I don't like it. I wish they would do something about all that empty space. They put the isle of dorn in the bottom left corner, the underground zones top right and upscale both of them so it fills the map out a little bit.


no way in hell is that the whole thing, they're definitely adding zones later


Where's the rest of it?


I like that this map shows where you can travel between the three underground zones. The verticality of Azj Kahet and some parts of Hallowfall are lost, but that's very difficult to represent on a flat map. The sense of scale is also somewhat lost. The drop into Azj Kahet from Ringing Deeps is wild.


The individual zones still going to have individual maps right?


Hold on, you can get to Azj-Kahet from the Ringing Deeps directly? Cool map otherwise!


Isle of Dorn? Plz no sand snakes subplot 


I had kind of hoped for them to look stacked on top of each other