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We demand a mount for the 600 mount collectors achievement!


I'm hoping we get one in TWW but as of right now there's no 600 acheivement on beta. Maybe we'll get one after launch.


I'm 81 mounts short of 1k. Wouldn't mind 4 more mounts.


1k dang!!! You must have been a real hard core PVPer, a lot of those mounts are only available once per season or expansion and probably won't come back unless Blizzard does a stupid and put them on trading post or free via Twitch promotion.


You don’t need to be a hardcore pvper to get 1k. Check out simplearmory and you can see the huge checklist of collectables :)


What is this?


Not sure what the linking rules are here. So just Add dot com to it, and it’s basically what all collectors use to track. It’s amazing.


Or plays both factions.


Has to be rideable by a single character


Like your mom? Sorry. 😞


No, not like his mom. His mom gets ridden by every character


Srsly. I’ve never not had a mount collection achievement done years before it was even released. Collection is so dumb in this game.


Yeah for real. I got the green bird very early in BFA and the lack of new achievements for so long was a real bummer. 500 one I got automatically even though I really stopped caring about mount farming. I reckon 900 would be pretty doable nowadays.


573 total mounts ATM, around 540 usable on one character. I'll probably get 600 before end of TWW.


You certainly will, if you want to. I went from under 250 usable on one character to over 600 in a bit under a year and I could have gone harder.


100~ to 965 since SL season 1 here.


Hell, where's my 700?


Might as well go to 700 at this point


Man, they haven’t had one in so long. I am good for the next few and I stopped collecting in shadowlands.


Mount inflation has actually been insane the past expac or two. Sure it's great if you don't have 500 mounts yet, but beyond making the number go up, who actually cares about have 7 more crane recolors? Just wishing we got a couple more unique mounts vs hundreds of recolors.


Was shocked when I came back a month ago and found that Shadowlands added over 100. I don't mind though, everyone can get their own color. I just wish, like you said, some new models. Also I wish they'd add the yak model from the yak wash quest as an alternative to the yaks they have available. I want a yak but without the stuff hanging off the side. Just the yaks, ma'am!


The Korthia patch alone added something like 40-45 mounts. DF has had way fewer mounts and they are easier to grind for.


Think it was closer to 145 or something ridiculous.


163, 4 of which you you cant obtain any more (Keystone Mounts) and 1 is Jigglesworth Sr. Its also not counting racial mounts added for Allied races or the PVP season mounts. I think with those added its like 172 Put it in perspective. Just to the Protoform Synthesis Mounts from Zerith Mortis is 24, the same number that the entire Cataclysm Expansion has.


Didn’t they add Jigglesworth back as a bullion purchase?


Yes I believe it is 3 bullion and is purchased from the same guy who sells transmog.


Yup, which means when its gone your not gonna get another chance till end of TWW if they do it at all.




They take a day to get. You can hyper farm the motes in a spot and get 100 every 5-10 minutes. A little boring but super easy.




Like any of the other grinds are all that interesting either. World bosses were a hoot. Dragon soul and ICC, so fun and quick… Most people just get the mount they want and ignore the rest. Not everyone is like us that just wants our number to go up.


The worse the expansion is the more mounts it has


Recolors are fine, it lets people match their transmogs better. Especially for content like mop remix where we're going to old content.


Exactly! Gotta get that match, so recolours are FINE by me for any mounts where we don't get dragon riding level of customization


Mounts were always my n⁰ 1 passion in this game, but after shadowlands I lost the interest so much, 15 recolors of the same mount in the same expansion feels so pointless


Shadowlands added a ton of new models


And toons of recolors of these models


So just farm the one you want and move on? What is there to complain about?


They like collecting them all, and the overabundance of recolors for the models exist to pad out time in Zereth Mortis. 'What there is to complain about' is that it's not enjoyable content, and they want enjoyable content.


I like collecting mounts too, I got every ZM mount besides the paragon one. I refuse to farm it since I dont think paragon mounts are worth my time. No one is forcing me to collect every mount, so it doesnt really make sense to complain about it.


Pretty sure they fixed a lot of it but SL was terrible for mount collectors, caused me to quit collecting after 16 years of straight playing and collecting. Probably okay for people to have their complaints, if ya don’t like it just move on. :)


Then don't do it. There's more mount related content in the game than there ever was, if you don't enjoy all of it then you're not gonna be hard pressed to move on and find other stuff to collect.


Not a "complaint" from me but more a wish for if they did a "WoW 2" or whatever: I'd love if all the mounts that are just color variations had one entry in the mount list, where you could then select from the colors you had, rather than being their own entries which can have different names and end up scatted along the list. It'd un-bloat the list a LOT and I feel like it'd be a better user experience. Actually... they might end up redoing the mounts UI at some point in the next expansion or two anyway, especially with all the mounts being tossed into TWW. They've been reworking parts of the UI over the last couple expansions, so it'd make sense to take the mounts UI that worked fine when they didn't have hundreds and hundreds of mounts and reworked it to handle the number of mounts in the game better.


I liked it better when there was less recolors, it isn't that complex, just a simple opinion


SL killed it for me, too. I had 90% of mounts in game according to simplearmory. Shadowlands was a spit in the face to collectors: they made it insanely tedious to collect, which was already one of the most tedious / long term activities to partake in. It’s like, I am already staying subscribed for entire expansions because I’m a collector, why did you squeeze even harder? So I unsubbed and became a seasonal player. I just play the first season of each expac now. :’(


At the very least the mount / pet / toy collection achievements should keep up with how many they add. I worked on 300 mounts throughout legion. Loved it. All other mount’s achievements they’ve added since, I auto auto complete whenever I log in on the patch days. Why??!


I feel the same way, after starting my collection in April or May of last year and having reached over 600 mounts usable on one character earlier this year. A lot of them are rare drops or mounts gotten through grinds, but so many of them have been mounts that have almost effectively just been added to my account by Blizz. So many trading post mounts, various promo mounts, and then a whopping 37 recolours in Remix. And the crazy thing is that DF technically still doesn't have as many mounts as Shadowlands did, even if you include Remix. Collecting is fun but if it's too quick and too easy, it kinda spoils that fun.


I don’t think adding the color variants decreases or increases the amount of unique mounts they come out with. But I’m with ya. My favs are the uniques, especially when they aren’t using the wireframe of an existing mount type.


Makes me not give a fuck about them anymore. It's one thing to have mount bloat like shadowlands. The mop remix mounts are completely different. Absolutely trivializes the mount meta ach rewards.


I disagree. Shadowlands already trivialized mounts by adding over 150. It's a joke far before remix


I kinda miss the days when you either had a generic mount, or you had a glorious mount that everyone recognized and whispered you about. I used to run around on my Raven Lord mount and get all sorts of jelly comments. These days the most likely comment would be "get on a flying mount, scrub".


Mount number go uo, it's all that matters, it's been this way since forever now, WoD started the big recolor trend but let's not pretend Wrath didn't have multiple drakes and proto drakes too


Yeah it sucks that every prestigious mount gets an easy to get recolor, except glad mounts for whatever reason. The crab mount is the worst example of this in my opinion, every time I saw that mount I was impressed knowing the time commitment needed but now there's a blue one anyone could have gotten for basically no work. I don't mind there being "common" mounts with a million recolors or different armors but it sucks that almost nothing stays as that cool shiny rare thing anymore.


This doesn't make sense as you'd see the red one and still think the exact same thing.


No? I literally said when I see the red one I know someone had to commit to a decently long grind. Just because you don't care doesn't mean nobody does


Yeah, that is quite literally my point. That you seeing the blue one will not affect what you think upon seeing the red one.


The fact that you’re being downvoted is so sad to me, it’s like the game I love has taken a completely different trajectory than I have. Back in the day I use to admire people with items/mounts which were rare, hard to achieve, or required a large time commitment. It was cool that people would put in the effort to do that, or get lucky. Nowadays, everybody only cares about me me me, I need to be able to have everything. I pay $15 so any inkling of prestige for people who actually play the game is an insult. The only thing the recolors have done for me is make the actual mounts utterly worthless. The blue crab only served to make me feel better about not getting the red one. I’m glad I didn’t waste time farming it out just so blizz could give it away to people who begged. Good job everyone, you stripped away the satisfaction for a shiny coat of paint. Downvote me too please.


The game is nearly 20 years old. Much of the rare rewards of yesteryear are held by players who no longer play the game, and whose achievements are older than some of the people who currently play. I don't think the game was better when it was more exclusive and harder to earn things.


There should be a balance, like I said. Limited time fomo stuff obviously sucks, but things that take a good time commitment grind or require a decent skill check are cool and fun. I think it's very cool when someone has things to show off that they earned by doing something difficult, it's kind of the basis of this entire game. Otherwise we'd just be a bunch of gray blobs pushing bigger numbers, which is boring. I also think it's fine that there's a dozen recolors of simpler mounts or cool mounts that are available to people through easy tasks, I don't think all of the cool things should be gated. But I do think some rare things should stay rare, and I don't mean "rare" as in rare drops since those are just as bad as fomo things.


PvP rewards still sunset regularly. Mythic mount rewards become 1% drops after they're no longer current content. There's still rare stuff in the game. Hell, there's stuff like the dog mount which is accessible to everyone but difficult and time consuming enough many never will. Even old meta mounts are enough of a commitment that lots never bother.


I showed up in the tail end of ZG mount farms and never got one. When I see people on a zulian, I still have the same feeling that was evoked when I was a literal child. Even if 1% of the players who originally had them still play, that makes seeing them in the wild all that more special, to me. A deathcharger today is still rare, I’m still jealous of them even if it’s a staple one to farm out. That’s fine you think that. I don’t. I’m glad you enjoy the game, but I’ve all but given up on retail because of it. Why work for anything when it will show up on the trading post once enough people complain it’s too hard to get? Achievements don’t mean shit and there are several infinitely more approachable games than retail WoW that offer more rewards than playing dress up. I always took solace in the fact that I was dedicating my time to earn a badge of prestige to show I was there, I did something, I put in the work, etc and that has slowly been stripped away so that people can tick boxes on ATT. Hell even purchased mounts at least had goblins behind them working for the gold to buy it, though I’m sure that’ll be dismissed because gold buying exists or something. Enjoy, not for me.


What trading post mount were you still using by the time they added it? I don't see the point of lamenting low drop rate stuff that's mostly just luck. Early WoW was full of stuff most players never got to see and experience, and I can't feel like the game was better when it was less accessible just so someone can lord over a mount no one else can have anymore.


TLDR I’m not lamenting a couple mounts I’m lamenting the style of game I fell in love with, but am totally glad people have a version they love now Sorry for the letter lol, but me personally? None of them. And to be fair, it’s not *just* the trading post, I meant to include things like twitch drops as well. I only had a tyraels charger, didn’t ride it but I think it ironically was rare before they re-released it, or not I don’t particularly care about that one. I moreso feel for my friend who farmed out their nazjatar achievement because it was the only source of the crab or my friend who farmed a lot of gold and snagged a feldrake. I know I sound like a doomer but I can’t help but think what else will be given away as a promotion that was one a sign of someone who put in effort to the game. It’s not particularly hard to do dailies or sell keys to buy a mount off the bma or Ah or whatever, but it takes time and dedication. Moreso than showing up for a freebie by doing 5 dungeons and some world quests once a month. It’s almost like an Osrs account. Clicking one spot to 99 isn’t hard, but it’s celebrated nonetheless. I wholly understand I’m in the minority in enjoying the older mindset, I just want to remind people there are other opinions, yknow? I understand wanting everyone to be able to see it all, and it’s just pixels. I get all that, I totally understand it and that view is just as valid as mine (and far more prevalent, clearly) but I think it would be cool for the “new generation” to have their own set of unique rare mounts the same way I did. I’m just of a different opinion, from an earlier time in the game, and that’s all. And fwiw, I don’t want the game to be less accessible. I want people to love the game I love, even if mine has waned of late. The more people out there raiding and getting together the better. It’s the reward structure I have a problem with, not people playing the game. I’m happy people have a game they enjoy, genuinely, I’m just sad I no longer do (in retail, anyway).


Pretending rare mounts are prestigious is so sad, man. What are you doing with your life that this is your mentality?


What does my life have to do with the value/fun I take from a video game? I don’t owe you any explanations of my life, but it’s relatively normal, I think. I work, I eat sleep, I hang out with my friends, I play wow amongst a bunch of other things. Why do you think that having a different opinion about a video game makes me morally reprehensible in my real life? Don’t you think that says more about you than me? You can’t even have this conversation without just trying insult and ignore someone who disagrees with you, and somehow I’m the sad one? Projecting much.


People like to take the high road over the silliest of things. They'll claim "who cares" while vehemently arguing over something they "don't care" about, it's very bizarre. Like if you don't care and are so above it, why even partake in the conversation in the first place?


> and somehow I’m the sad one? Projecting much Not seeing the irony here?


I’m not, please help me be better. Genuinely.


\+1 is still +1


Gratz! At this point they really need to make 750 and 1000. Not sure why they wait so long? Even when this mount was released for DF you could already get like 700+


Oh shit it flies??


And it has a boost to swim speed. Not sure if this in intentional on the beta but it can't skyride which is sad, hopefully they make it able to do so.


Sound like something they *otter* fix


It was specifically excluded in the skyriding overview they put out earlier. They don't want objectively superior mounts or something. It's why they removed the water walking from the water strider mounts back in BfA. I'm surprised that they haven't taken herb gathering off the sky golem. 


Prob because sky golem is supposed to be an equalizer. Otherwise everyone who wants to farm herbs would have to be on druid.


Also with mining/herbing you can gather while mounted with df professions


God I miss landing in flight form, herbing a node faster than a person already herbing it, and flying away before they even knew what happened. Tauren druid was so good.


When did they remove that? I’m playing Cata classic and really enjoying the .5 second superiority over all these new Troll druids ;)


I'm not sure, I was specifically remembering farming twilight jasmine lol.


Except that the goldfish mount from the shop has increased swim speed as well, and it qualifies for sky riding.


Then we should start complaining loudly until one of them is changed.


Ah I didn't see that. Still though I spent years getting this amount of mounts and this is the most recent I'd like to be able to use it like any other mount.


They fly now!??!!


Same. Was 20 ish short of the achieve


I was at 285 and now I’m at 311


Woaahh. Amber is the color of the Klaxxi mount


"Displaying my mounts so naturally"


I read this in tune and didn't know why until I went back and saw I must have subconsciously registered 311.


lol, ironically I don’t think you can buy that mount in remix. The quartermaster is locked for some reason


good luck getting the 10k gold for it anyway.


Mop remix got me to 400 so I am a happy man. Have not been doing much collecting in a few years


Where 900 mount achievement?


[Be nice to have something to aim for again lol](https://www.dataforazeroth.com/characters/us/Illidan/Grundlesmoo). IMO they should toss one in at each 100 mark and do something special for 1K


I just got 250 mounts and the felfire hawk reward and felt proud. I guess I'm behind then...!


Just means more fun ahead.


I'm happy for mount collectors, truly. And that's an awesome mount - I'm glad you were able to get it. But I can't help but be bitter that once again, pet collectors are shafted. It would have been so easy for them to just throw a bunch of MoP era hard to get pets on a vendor, too. But nothing. And despite many people asking about it, radio silence. Sigh.


Being at the top of my mount collecting game is not really interesting anymore for me personally because the achievements are so far behind now. I always loved having to chase these achievements.


About 40 mounts away now and this definitely helped get me closer, congrats!!!


Gz! I hope they're gonna add 600/700/800 etc too. I'm almost at 800 so i need something to work towards :)


I've been playing wow since launch, and despite no lifing it for several years, I'd been just a bit behind to get the latest mount collection mount. However mop remix had me ~~sale~~ sail right past it lol. I'm closing in on 600 now.


> had me sale right past it lol Sail.


Thank you


How can you afford to feed this many??


They definitely need to make a new tier for it. I got the otter from the panda event too but I don't even have any of the crafted mounts from the end of shadowlands so I know there are easy numbers still left.


Im nearing 800 with all the moo remix ones. We need more mount achievement rewards blizzurd. You’re like ten years behind


People complaining that it can't skyride, fair, but also: yay, I have a mount I can use for static flying since I much prefer just having two keybinds over the toggle.


If you don't toggle, they're just ground mounts in skyriding areas.


WTF is that lol it's so ugly




I am here to congrats and also to ask how much time took you to get that title/achievement and do you have any advices? I am at 16/20 and it's so annyoing that I am slowly losing motivation to continue the grind :)


Was one of my goals to hit 500 before TWW have been averaging 100 mounts a year over the last 3 years and remix definitely helped me get there.


I’m 40 away from 500. So I’m happy. I’ll hit 1000 pets once I start doing my pet collecting from legion to current content this weekend.


Seriously. It got me the last 20 I needed as well


How many were obtainable during the event?


around 37 ? I might be wrong.


I'm around 15 away from 500. Will be a bit closer in TWW as I have two characters that are now Exalted with Shado-pan and August Celestials.


626 mounts, working on shadowlands mounts currently.


Buddy has the seeker of knowledge title - which is arguably the worst solo grind achievement/title in the game. But didn't have 500 mounts in 2024.


Not gonna lie to you. My seeker of knowledge title was given to me by a GM in 2015. My archeology progress was completely reset due to a bug when WoD released. I asked for it to be restored and he simply gave me every MoP pristine artifact by error.


Oh shoot... I completely forgot I got him while learning that swarm of mounts. And I also need to remember to go get the last otter from the Tuskarr before TWW releases. Just need to transfer the right items to my main to "buy" it.


Why would you need 500 mounts? It’s wasteful.


i was 20 mounts short before remix, now i have a sparkling otter


1000 mounts achievement when?


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I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж ззз Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х Х х Ll? Man kann ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. 9 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю ог р Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. 9 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю ог р Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бюmm. Mk0m Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. 9 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю ог р Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. 9 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю ог р Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67ookm 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6z Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 р 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н Богом г 9. 8 Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷ 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto 90s hat 9 Ю 0.00 z . Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67ookm 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хт 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 р 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 90482 , 3÷. 1 Ю 91099 9 ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566х99хх95566 №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христу. № 9 ю$хах.? Хж |Христу /klingt doch zu. Danke 0 <. Ґн5 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr l Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Христу ъх Х. №х 05 Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67ookm 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хт 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 р 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ Ж . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Христу ъх Х. №х 05 Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж Ю Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67ookm 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хт 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 р 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ Ж . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Христу бю mmHg Христу ъх Х. №х 05 Христу Жээ0 Ю Хп Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Ж ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю 67ookm 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хт 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 р 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ Ж . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э Ю Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№№исту ъх Х. №х 05 Христу Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ь Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ Ж . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №х 05 Христу Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ Ж . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4х . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto6$.<6 90s hat 9 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Ъю. б 23 о67 Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх х Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 50, ддех . ™ 23 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ. Жхг . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Э 6оо Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4хг6 . З ъ Христу Христуь. № 9 Э Ъ 23 и 5е 23 7 Г№Исусу 5эъ9 ю$хах.? Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 О67х Христу жюжъ /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 р 23 <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto 6 х9х$.<6 90s hat 9 . Хх .,0ююююэх8х Исусу Исусу ю ж Э Э 789х з з 99 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Хж ж 0 9000 91099 9.10 900 ж Христу Э ээ99хэх Ъю. б 23 о67х Хохь 7б Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 х Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх хъххххж Христу нх Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 50, ддех . ™ 23 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ. Жхг . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Э лоґ Дз х ™Ъх. 50 б№ Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4хг6 . З ъ Христу Христуь. №гш 5? 9 Э 6 Ъ 23 и 5е 23 7 Г№Исусу 5эъ9 ю$хах.? Христу Хж 8 ж |Христу 5 О67х Христу жюжъ /klingt doch zu.роль Danke 0 р 23 р <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Zt411 ja omoto 6 х9х$.<6 90s hat 9 . Хх .,0ююююэх8х Исусу Исусу ю ж Э Э 789х з з 99 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Хж ж 0 9000 91099 9.10 900 ж Христу Э ээ99хэх Ъю. б 23 о67х Хохь 7б Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 х Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх хъххххж Христу нх Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 50, ддех . ™ 23 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ. Жхг . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Э лоґ Дз х ™Ъх. 50 б№ Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4хг6 . З ъ Христу Христуь. №гш 5? 9 Э 6 Ъ 23 и 5е Христу хъххххж дюэж 23 7 Г№Исусу 5эъ9 ю$хах.? Христу Хж 8 ж 9э 23 ю0(Христу ж909л$9000 <шгэ 5 6. 7 5е |Христу 5 О67х Христу жюжъ /klingt doch zu.роль х9х х9х х9х 0 Христу Христу Христу 9 9ээ999э99э99ээ990э Ээээ09ээъ 7 Danke 0 р 23 р <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Исусу 6 Zt411 ja omoto 6 х9х$.<6 90s hat 9 . ХхЭ .,0ююююэх8х Исусу Исусу ю ж Э Э 789х з з 99 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Хж ж 0 9000 91099 9.10 900 ж Христу Э ээ99хэх Ъю. б 23 о67х Хохь 7б Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 х Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх хъххххж Христу нх Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Г 7 Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 50, ддех . ™ 23 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ. Жхг . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Э лоґ Дз х ™Ъх. 50 б№ Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4хг6 . З ъ Христу Христуь. №гш 5? 9 Э 6 Ъ 23 и 5е Христу хъххххж дюэжх 7 23 7 Г№Исусу 5эъ9 ю$хах.? Христу Хж 8 ж 9э 23 ю0(Христу ж909л$9000 <шгэ 5 6. 7 5е |Христу 5Исусу 9 О67х Христу жюжъ /klingt doch zu.роль х9х х9х х9х 0 Христу Христу Христу 9 9ээ999э99э99ээ990э Ээээ09ээъ 7 Danke 0 р 23 р <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Исусу 6 Zt411 ja omoto 6 х9х$.<6 90s hat 9 . ХхЭ .,0ююююэх8х Исусу Исусу ю ж Э Э 789х з з 99 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Хж ж 0 9000 91099 9.10 900 ж Христу Э ээ99хэх Ъю. б 23 о67х Хохь 7б Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 х Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх хъххххж Христу нх Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


I.bo333и/Христу у 3... Г 7 Ъх х Нехваль шяур. Нр Ю Ll~. Die o. obige.. 4.6.1161.13ьъ 67876ю 770 Христу т 90482 5х <789х ю . Н5хн5х5 , 15 .х <р. Н9рхг Грох <хъхххх60ъжх Юбілант дз ю Бм . 50, ддех . ™ 23 4жол Ю обурю Э ю . Исусу х Хюзэ. Жхг . Юрнод7гх Х 91099 9 Э лоґ Дз х ™Ъх. 50 б№ Х №х999х999э999999х999х9жюю66 .ю89999хж $6 Хъ4хг6 . З ъ Христу Христуь. №гш 5? 9 Э 6 Ъ 23 и 5е Христу хъххххж дюэжх 7 23 7 Г№Исусу 5эъ9 ю$хах.? Христу Хж 8 ж 9э 23 ю0(Христу ж909л$9000 <шгэ 5 6. 7 5е |Христу 5Исусу 9 О67х Христу жюжъ /klingt doch zu.роль х9х х9х х9х 0 Христу Христу Христу 9 9ээ999э99э99ээ990э Ээээ09ээъ 7 Danke 0 р 23 р <. Ґнотик Х Христу 23 Юх ру .ТАД? Христу тхтх П. Р6 . Бн Ж7ю Эх 5ь23 ж ж зззp9m Uhr . 6 Исусу 6 Zt411 ja omoto 6 х9х$.<6 90s hat 9 . ХхЭ .,0ююююэх8х Исусу Исусу ю ж Э Э 789х з з 99 Ю6. 0.00 z .х Po und Und wegen Хж ж 0 9000 91099 9.10 900 ж Христу Э ээ99хэх Ъю. б 23 о67х Хохь 7б Бю рн5ршлрбе ххзххххх9х9хх99хх95566уух0 Ж$уы~х0 х Х х Ll? Man nz ЮДр Христу ж э ЮБогом. 2x2,0 Исусу. Христу бю mmHg Хр№Христу.. 4.6.1161.13 . Люб 700 обжав ю№исту ъх Х. №храбра. Х 05 Христу х№х юх хъххххж Христу нх Жээ0 Д Ю ЮДр Христу щ Хп5джх Г Г г го 6 не г ного г ю$66юъю .! 60 б ... O. 50 ддех№ . Юб збю Жж>Христу? ™Христу ьх9 Б№Христу ж Ж ю Ю7 ЮДр г Ь х Юбілант ж. ЭБю Богом ж №х 50х]х Х? 49 ™х. . 6хтю$ююжх9 7 дз 99 99 99 99 Огноєне 555 Богом Н 65 5ґ555н55ррргр5 5 ю7ю 555 Н 6 5шхг55г5 5 Богом Богом 55п5 5]орр 5р5н5н555н7н 9 хе дз гороре ь того ог 67 з в $г 9. 9 ог Э.! 0 бзйба к Iol N f5o Pille m M6 .. 1 н Othtb nm Здоблю огo Poю . Бн Христу Христу 0.бб


Yeah I missed out on the mount grind from shadowlands. I tried to go back and do a little, but being there was giving me mental cancer so I stopped. Remix helped me get to 500 as well.


I got it just before remix so i feel superior


Grats! I do agree with some people that remix has made it feel a little too easy, but it definitely still takes commitment.


Now mine is worthless 


Congratz, Man! I'm so lazy with this achievement. I could've completed it 2 expansions ago but I didn't want to buy all 10k gold mounts.


Thanks for Dragonflight making most mounts fuck all useless! I guess that's the kinda sacrifices you have to make when you're so far behind the curve you have to copy game features from other games.




As someone who used to have this opinion, its really easy to not care when you don't give a shit about what other people have or don't have. I farm mounts now because I like the number going up, how other people got their mount has literally nothing to do with me.


Achievements are optional, bud.


Nobody gives a shit mate. Nobody has ever looked at you with your 500 mount otter, or me with my challenge mode armours, or some mythic only title and gone 'Woah! I respect them even more now!' At most they have gone 'huh, thats cool' before instantly forgetting your name or the fact you ever existed. More people should be able to get these to enjoy for themselves. We don't need to be 'given a sense or pride and accomplishment'.


Yea the notion of "prestige" or whatever went out the window ages ago, just let people enjoy shit. Bring back MoP challenge mode sets (still mind boggling they didn't do this for remix instead of the trading post set recolors but I digress), the challenge mode weapons, mage tower, etc etc. No rational person gives a fuck if Joe Blow has the same mount/transmog/etc as you, and if you find yourself mad someone in a video game has the same pixels you do, honestly seek therapy because that is an insanely unhealthy mindset. It's even dumber when you realize that a solid chunk of player base wasn't even born or old enough to play games when some of these things were actively available, shame on them for *checks notes* being born after us? The whole argument these gatekeeping goobers keep making is wild to me.


Exactly! I have the armours, the weapons, the SoO wolf and other bits, but I wasn't playing when mage tower was a thing so now when I see a blue druid I don't think 'he's awesome!', I think 'damn, wish I could do that'.


Bevause that’s just it. You get access to it now. I’ve never looked at someone and thought “he is so much better than me?!” Cus they have the Sha mount, but now I have it it’s a “neat.” Moment I have the original mage tower Druid bear skin and I am so happy they added versions of it, and I wouldn’t even mind if they added the OG version of it back. I got it early. I enjoyed it. I’ve had my “exclusive” time with it so I’m happy with other people having the cool things


The mage towers have been gone for almost 6 years now, I've had my time enjoying them. I would be more than fine if they brought back the artifact skins, because then I could go after some specs/classes I didn't play then that I do now. I've had my glow kitty for over half a decade, other people can enjoy it now.