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Old armor skins will never change. The only thing they might do is create a new item with an updated model and thats very unlikely for a majority of old items.


I remember a post a bit back of a bunch of vanilla era armor getting HD skins. Not a single piece of that gear has made it in game, and I don’t know if it’s being reserved for trading posts, WW, or just forgot.


Literally never, new items use the same 240p textures. They just use more of them so it doesn't look it as much.


Is that really true? Surely some of the modern models have 512p or 1024p textures rather than using a bunch of 240ps for the same asset


240p isn't a texture resolution. It's a euphamism. I don't remember what texture sizes wow has in its engine but they aren't very big compared to modern game dev. The player models themselves have by far the biggest textures in the game that I've personally seen. But gear uses very small textures. But can use more than 1 texture to emulate the look of using larger textures or just make an item from multiple smaller parts each with their own small texture.


Right - I meant 256. You can use multiple smaller textures for the same asset but I can’t see a good reason for doing this, usually if anything it’s the opposite, and a larger texture atlas is being used for multiple assets. I’d be very surprised if they weren’t using at least 512 or 1024 on newer armour pieces.


The engine itself ends up being the limiting factor for a lot of these things. It does a lot of what we would consider today to be bad practices or asinine things because it was designed nearly 25 years ago. Like for example all geometry for all possible configurations of player model are always loaded at all times and the game simply flags the polygons of the unused styles as hidden at render. This is a big part of why the game chugs so hard when too many player models are on screen. This doesn't make sense today in a world where the fully programmable pipeline of the graphics card could build such models effortlessly in real time with only the required polygons for each one but makes a lot more sense 22 years ago when most gpus had insanely limited fixed function pixel pipes and no general programmability. You have to think about the baggage of all this history when considering the directions the engine may be expanded in. If using too many higher quality textures in any given scene would suddenly result in the frame rate turning to dog dodo if they were on screen then that will be avoided even if it were possible. They have been working on it over time it's not the same engine it was 20 years ago but it's also not completely different.


Update gnome hair first. I can almost count the polygons of their eyebrows.


I went to make one the other day because they’ve never been my think and I wanted one I’d eventually delete anyway for remix bronze farming. And I couldn’t bring myself to make it. Holy Jesus it’s bad


*laughs in Tauren totems*


Cry in tauren new models


The Cata Classic CDN has everything up to Cata double or even 4x upscaled by AI, some stuff looks nice, some doesn’t. There’s a high chance that they launch that in some official capacity. But they will never eeeever go back and officially remake everything.


Dude wants a 4k res shield texture. Can we get him in contact with that dude who didn’t like the current download size of the game?


4k it´s a exageration ofc... but 16bit itens is kinda absurd...


This may be a hot take but I’m actually fond of the old gear being low res. It kinda gives me a sense of nostalgia in the same way revisiting zones I haven’t been to in years does.


I agree but I can't ever be satisfied with my dolly dress-up, I mean transmog, when the low res clashes with the high res all around me.


They won’t ever update them. But holy moly some of them are so awful.


We might see some updated with ai upressing.


I hope for a future post-cata wow with a new kalimdor and Ek. Just make all the old gear HD new gear. Have a Warcraft themed expansion.


I just want full HD 4k slutmogs from classic and TBC


I really hope they do fix these and other low rez items. I guarantee it turns off a portion of new players (young players) playing the game for the 1st time.


The items a new player would encounter aren't like that though.


New players are immediately thrown from the starter island, into BFA. Chances are they won’t be finding any classic gear there.


No pls, sometimes I love to make cosplay from runescape in WoW