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Feel less bad about the time I accidentally spent 32,000 gold on Howling Runes now.


The scribes thank you for your donation Edit: jewelers!* Edit2: no actually scribes!


Im fairly certain you were right the first time, scribes make runes.


Wow I was ... looking at the post and thinking I responded wrong to that. I think I need sleep.


That must've been the first time that anyone with Inscription made **any** gold in Dragonflight.




recently spent 360k accidentally on weapon entchants happens


Small woopsie energy.


just last week accidentally bought 700 cloak enchants... managed to resell them within a few days though with minimal loss, other than time.


i am glad i didnt sold it for more because i was afraid i could get addicted to ah trading and making a ton of gold


I accidentally spent like 86k on Howling Runes R2 right at the end of s3. Shit happens, I’ll be extra careful from now on. What really annoyed me tho, was that these only stack to 20. Like wtf, I emptied my bags and still had around 80 pages of mail. I listed them for 2 weeks into s4 and then just couldn’t be bothered anymore, so I sold them all to a vendor for 2g/stack. Made around 30k back.


I did the exact same thing… what happened to that confirmation button?


I needed 80 writhebark for a phial cauldron yesterday, bought 80 runed writhebark instead and didn’t realize it was triple the cost it should have been.


dude wtf, same shit happend to me like two months ago but with rank 3 somehow i bought 2k instead of 2 and i lost almost 2 mil gold, but i sold it back instantly, still lost some money tho. fucking hell


This happens when you click on the price, instead of entering a number. Clicking on the price buys all items at that given price.


But.. why? Who needs this? It's so stupid.


Crafters and AH flippers. If you make a lot of money crafting phials and potions, you may know that it's only profitable if a given herb is at/below say 10g, so you click on 10g, and buy all at/below that price. AH flippers are all about buy low, sell high, so if they see something quite low, they'll buy all out below a given cheap price.


Yeah but why would that be the default for everyone it's just stupid.


So it's a feature that less then 1% of the playerbase will actually use. Why is it default? It should assume I want to buy 1, or at most 1 stack. Not 400 thousand.


it's an added feature, not the default. The default method you're supposed to use, is entering a value in the value field. Just because a feature isn't used by many people isn't a reason not to have a feature in the game. If you want one, it assumes you're going to type in 1. If you don't type in any value, and click on a price, it assumes you clicked on the price because you didn't want to enter in the field. It's literally impossible to pay more than the cheapest, so there's never any reason to click on a price other than if you want to mass buy. They also have a confirmation box are you sure you want to buyout X for Y gold, [Confirm][Cancel]


I guess they assumed people would read when they were spending their gold so they would see they're spending 2 million gold on something they need 1 of.


Well I mean, considering I could click on a stack and it would automatically start me at 1 item of that stack before, why would I read? Like it's muscle memory at this point. The only reason I started noticing that it started picking the whole stack of items for me was because I didn't have enough gold to pay for it. It just seems like an easy way to enable scammers rather than something helpful that the vast majority of players actually need.


Less because most serious high quantity crafters and flippers aren't using the default ah. This is just bad design. I say this as a ah flipper.


It is kinda a bug it seems. Usually you would search for an item. Click it in search and the game auto-enters "1" in the amount. You can then change the number... or do the click thing to buy all up to a certain price.... Bug means sometimes it doesnt auto-enter... buy button is greyed out, and the first though for many is to click the item they want at the cheapest price on the side... but if there is a LOT at that price.. you get OPs example. It is bad design for sure. But it is at least not intentional that it works like that.


Not to mention its anti consumer in the sense it means any cheap items are just resisted at a higher price


They don't usually use the default ah so this group is tiny. It seems more like unintentionally poor design.


It selects everything up to that price. So if you want to reset the market and buy everything up to a certain dropoff to reset the price, you can do that. It's a feature they added from addons like TSM so people could do it without an addon.


I hate this mechanic so much. I understand it's great for the goblins, but feel that this is something that the vast majority of the playerbase will never want to use and will result in costly issues like what OP did.


have you ever actually done things like craft bags or flasks or potions or cur gems or milled crap??? 500-3000 isnt an unrealistic amount for one purchase. i cut gens and 500 rousing order is almost nothing


Lessons are to be learned. Sometimes at a high cost.


"Oh my god, like, I just want to buy a bulk of items, why do I have to click 85 times to buy all the items at a given price?"


I brought this up and got absolutely shit on in another reddit post about a year ago. Basically came down to "wATcH wHaT YoUr ClIcKiNg"


How do you people have 2mil? Most I've ever had is like 200k


Dont spend it on random stuff and just spend a little bit of time on proffesions(either crafting ones or passive) and you can easily make enough for monthly sub and some extra gold.


Spending a little bit of time on professions hasn't really worked well as long as I've played since is since BFA. Most of the stuff that makes gold requires quite a time investment and each expansion has made that requirement longer. The region wide ah has especially wiped out the profit from being a casual crafter.


A lot of raiders do heroic/mythic sales as well which adds up quick even when splitting profits and guild or organizers taking a cut.


Auction house EVERYTHING, only vendor grays... Haven't played in years, but I had a mill way back in mists


This isn't wrong. My gf nearly bought a brutosaur just using this method.


yeah i somehow managed to spend over 200k on rank 2 settings too. i thought i was just stupid. i managed to only lose a couple k selling them back


Same thing here. Anyone want a Cervoid Lattice? Get your photosynthesis mounts ready? Huh? Huh? Step right up


Same here. Is that item cursed ? I had to dump them all over the course of multiple days to get part of my money back. But it's the end of S4. I think this dude is donezo


re-sell at a slightly higher price! I can only assume you have a monopoly on those things right now.


With the volume there are, the price likely won't go up, and with the 5% cut he's gonna lose at least 12k.


12 is better than 250


This is just a 12k mistake, I could live with that lol.


I haven't played WoW in some years but pop in to check out how things are going, and the mere concept of 12k gold caused a searing hot pain in my brainal lobe


Haha yeah, 12k isn't really that much anymore. It's not nothing, but for reference a WoW token that costs $20 is getting you 340k gold. So essentially it's a $.70 mistake.


Holy shit really? I remember when those were like literally a tenth of that. Did they just massively increase gold drops from quests and mobs?


WoW Token are the entirely supply vs demand. The price is driven up by more people looking to buy token than to sell them.


340k is exceptionally high. I think it was between 100k-200k for most of the xpack. But yes, the gold drops from quests and mobs are much higher than they used to be.


I know this might come as a surprise to you but other regions exist. Just because it's less than 200k in the US doesn't mean it's not higher elsewhere. The guy is absolutely right about token prices because he is most likely from the EU.


It's so funny to arrogantly point out that other regions exist, then incorrectly assume he's from eu.


I know this might come as a surprise to you, but if someone refers to the price **IN FUCKING DOLLARS**, I'm going to assume they're US.


Dollars aren't just used to describe USD. Aussies and Canadians also use dollar to describe their non-USD currency. And there are of course others who use dollars as a local currency.


this morning you could have made 20k doing 3 toons of 10-12 df dailies


Eh, my time is more valuable to me than that.


that should take you maybe sn hour


An hour id rather be doing other things


then dont do it. i was pointingso you are replying to a guy backing up that 12k is nothing with'I DONT WANT TO DO THOSE' are you usually oblivious?


I've kept around a million gold the last few years just from doing content and maybe getting a bigger chunk from a few AH items. Its a little easier than years ago.


Last time I played, 12k was the monthly sub item. lol.


the wow token has never drooped that low


It’s about an hour if running around doing world quests on alts


Yeah u can get over 12k doing like 2 hours of world quests at this point with dreamsurge doubling gold sometimes


I'd post at a lower price so an AH flip bot buys them quickly. Better to lose some gold than a lot of gold.


It sucks when it ended up that you actually do not have a monopoly and some Ahers are actually hoarding some inventory that they then undercut you. Man it's a hard battle.


That entirely depends on the realm, also most people have their bis necks already. These are not all that popular and selling over 3000 of them might prove to be difficult or even impossible. Considering there are not much demand for them anymore and there won't be a new season in DF. Don't expect big sale surges either.


Pretty sure this item is considered a stackable/consumable so it isn't realm specific.


The auction house for commodities like this are all region wide, and has been since late-Shadowlands.


Same happened me to a while ago. Its not about selling them all one by one, its just about waiting for someone to make the same mistake




People who want to save a few gold. I buy 2 rank 2s and 1 rank 3 to socket my necks.


How's that working out for him?....


I could see buying 11, or even 22 by accidentally mistyping the number. I can't imagine how you accidentally buy 3200.


You use two tier 2 and One tier 3 for the neck, cheaper then three tier 3




Check out Mr Moneydick over here.


Dragging his two bags of diamonds dangling between his legs


Save 15s for 400g Need to be farming gold at 96000 gold/h for gold farming to be more time efficient.


15s is a very long time. I don't think you save more than like 5.


May very well be, but then 400g for saving 5s makes the math so you need 288000gold/h to even that out, showing even further that it is a pretty steep price for a minor inconvenience.


I mostly assume that would be AH bots that want to control the market


Tier 2 are generally cheaper than Tier 1 for some reason, so you can buy 2x Tier 2 and 1x Tier 3 and save a little gold for like 3 extra clicks.


Because people who have actually invested in the profession basically passively get enough skill that they're guaranteed tier 2. So there ends up being a *lot* more tier 2 on the market driving the price down.


oof and you bought em right before pre patch.. hope they get resold quick.. i did the same once with mark of sargeras lol


I've come pretty close to having this happen once or twice. When youre looking for an item on the AH, if you click on the lowest price listing it decides you must want ALL the listings at that price


You never have to click on the lowest to get the lowest. It will always take the cheapest fyi :).


There is a bug when loading where sometimes it will show no items and no price. To fix you need to enter a quantity but without knowing that you may click the low stack to try and choose it. I know this because one time I bought every single vantus rune


But why do you need to click the stack if all you have to do is enter a quantity? You should never have to click any stacks as doing so will select the entire stack.


Because it’s intuitive to click the thing you want; after 18 years of doing that. So you click it and it buys them all. The bug shouldn’t happen so you’re like “I want that one”. Yes it’s not correct but it’s way less intuitive to have to click the box and type the number when 99% of the time it ở enters a 1 for you. And clearly I’m not alone in this as seen by the plethora of posts on this sub for the same issue


It's a very useful feature when you want to buy everything below a certain price.


Are you the guy from our math text books?


Hey at least you aren't a flipper and spent nearly 1 million gold on the Green Dragonflight fish at 12 gold a pop for them to drop to nearly 20 silver a pop.


To literally no one's surprise too which is the funniest part.


Not sure how this happens, recently had the same situation with a wolf glyph for shamans.


It happens when you click on the price of an item that stacks. If you do this it will always buy all of the items at that price and cheaper. You need to enter how many you want in the field. Stackable items are always sold at the cheapest price, it's literally impossible to buy any at a higher price.


It should have a warning stop message saying "you are buying X amount at Y price for a total of Z confirm?"


Not in those exact words, but it does have a confirmation on the order of buyout auction for X price [Accept] [Cancel] People are just so used to blindly pressing confirm boxes, that maybe you just never noticed.


Yeah last week I bought 75 of the sophic enchantment when I just wanted one. It seems way too easy to do this.


I have no clue how that happens. Literally just type 1 in the field, or press buy from the get-go. It's always 1.


It happens if you click on the price. Clicking a price buys all at and below that value. It's useful for mass purchases, particularly for mass crafters buying trade goods.


Ain't nobody buying them now. Unlucky.


Had the same issue, lost all my gold. :(


I did this once only it was like 650k and it was an unreasonable amount of Awakened fire. I spent the next week crafting to turn a profit because I was bored anyway lol


Yeah, this crap happened to me with a chest enchant. My guild is still laughing at me about it. Jokes on them, though. I bought them accidentally at the end of season 2 then sold them all for profit at the beginning of season 3.


I'm not sure that's the way this story ends for me


Ha, that happened to me earlier this year 😂. Luckily I sold them over like a couple months for profit.


how do you guys have so much gold? I hit 130,000 and thought I was rich AF


You can get like 10k+ doing a round of world quests in an hour. As a frame of reference. And that's on the low end of gold making strategies. I had 50k during cata and altho it was a lot, it wasn't a crazy amount compared to some. Nowadays people can make 10 million in a week if they are smart and have the time and do it at the right time.


I guess I don't know what world quests to do or where to get them. I just came back after playing at the beginning of DF to get ready for the next expansion.


The dragon racing ones award quite a bit. Some of them also show the gold rewards. If you get an add-on like world quest tracker you can see all the rewards easily. Also major weekly quests give quite a bit. So the "earn loamm rep" or "earn dream rep" or the superbloom weekly give quite a bit if I recall. If you search the subreddit you might be able to find a guide. When the new xpac launches this sub will have strategies posted as well I'm sure.


the chances of you selling all these by this season time, yeh gl


The literal same thing happened to me with tier3. That stupid AH interface is awful the way you can enter '1' and it'll just randomly delete that out and have you buy an entire auction stack. Thankfully mine resold, but it took a few weeks. I guess someone was trying to corner the market because 99% of them sold in a single hour. IDK if that will happen with tier2s though. :(


Thankfully these are tiered medallions, since you use more tier 2 than tier 3.


You clicked on a price. AH naturally selects lowest prices. You also had a confirmation window. This is user error lol.


Yeah there's multiple places you can see the total price before you purchase and there's even a little confirm window that pops up. If you somehow spend tens of thousands when you meant to spend like 50g that's 100% user error.


Looks like someone needs to be more careful when using the AH.


i did that once.. luckily it was just resilient leather i accidentally bought around 30k of them.


Though crafting materials are a bit easier to resell at least.


\*DING!\* Mailbox has gained a level!




Don't worry, people will always want those...


Happened to me at the tail end of S3, made almost 500k two weeks later with S4 beginning. I also assumed wafting devotion 2 wouldn't drop to 5g, lost 200k there.


I've done that, had to resell like 2000 copies of something. Lost gold but got most back.


Damn, kinda glad I’m always perpetually starved for gold that I could never make a mistake like that.


Just has the gd too "oops" hahahahha


This almost happened to me but it could not buy it because im poor and never have more than 50k


Did the exact same thing with the Savage Leather back during Cata. Bought too much and when I wanted to sell them on the AH turns out I bought every single stack in the entire server by mistake. So of course I sold them back like x5 or x7 of their original market price and made bank.


I did this exact same thing with this exact same item. Was able to sell them all back at the same price, don’t worry too much about it XD


I accidentally bought 2 mil worth of flasks once. They all sold but I think I lost 200k or something in the ordeal lmao


Buddy of mine bought upp the entire auction house worth of the mount enchant (Can't remember the name) that won't let you get dazed in preparation for Dragonflight release (or maybe it was Shadowlands? Been a while). Think it was like closer to a million gold.




I recently spent 1 million gold on 8000 primal convergents when I only wanted 2. I don’t know what the hell I pressed but boy was I surprised when I opened the mail. I managed to resell some but the prices are dropping and I’ll probably end up losing about 2 hundred thousand.


Did this myself not too long ago, to the tune of about 260k gold. I am now the proud owner of about 3000 missives. Sadge. Friends don't let friends use the AH late at night.


How the fuck did you even fuck up this hard?


Holy heck I literally did the same thing about a month ago. Took forever to get them all sold since there aren't many people buying right now...


Same thing happened to a guild member of mine, must be a bug.


With the exact same item!


I did the exact same thing in one radiant gem… I clicked R3 and didn’t realize I bought that whole market for R3. Like 600 gems. I fought hard on the AH for a whole week (I don’t play the ah at all but know the jist) Thankfully I came out 7k net positive after like 150k spent.


I did it too recently, ah must be bugged


theres not comming back from that this late in the xpac.


I accidentally bought about 250 Gnomish Voice Boxes for 300K and then sold most of them back without adjusting the price Pain


I had a sort of reverse version of this when I sold a very valuable item for peanuts by accident once. Can't remember what it was or the price.... I just remember the pain of it.


And this is why all my good is in my alt guild bank lol


Did this with empty soul cages. Sold them all relatively quickly, but between the AH cut and a slightly lower price, I lost a decent chunk of gold.


I spent 120,000g to get the Primal element weapon enchant formulas. Could have just spent 10k for the appearance unlocks which is all I wanted. Don't Auction House while intoxicated, folks. At least I am an Enchanter.


how you type 3200 instead of 1 in the amount and then even confirm it LUL


Pro strat- this can’t happen if you’re poor, so just frequently have no money and you’re good!


[3199 More than I wanted...Oops (UPDAT : r/wow (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1dpa47j/3199_more_than_i_wantedoops_updat/) UPDATE


Don't you want two of these? The t2 are cheaper than the t1 and can put the first two sockets in the necklace before you need to buy a t3. I usually buy two t2 and one t3.


That AH bug is SO BAD!!! Luckily I spotted it recently before i spent 160k on enchants...


I did this too… have you been playing Cata and forgot how the real AH works? That’s what happened to me…


It's funny to think all those TSM warriors getting crazy about why this item gets so high on demand.


I've done this too, with about 125k on Rank 2 Sophic Devotion enchants. Thanks auction house UI, very convenient. It was pretty late in the season, lost about 70k after reselling. It's when you click on the price in the top right - instead of buying the lowest cost item, it buys ALL the lowest cost items. Convenient for AH flippers, awful for general users.


I did that with feasts. 1000 instead of 100. I still have some left and we’re at S4.


Lucky me I don't have enough gold to fuck up this bad.


Yo this happened to me too with the same item. Sold em all in a day again.


How did you manage to buy 3200 when you just wanted 1?


One friend of mine joined discord the other day and said "gimme a min i need to buy some potions for the raid" and he missclicked something he said and bought 1,5 mil potions.


Cornered the market, sell em for more


Moments I'm glad I have no gold and can't accidentally buy 256 thousand worth of sockets. 🤣👏


I spent about 20k for a T2 Boots Enchant. That was painful ^^ cause i didn't pay attention to it. Just saw the i only saw 20 and i bought it right away. Then i checked the Mail and i saw it-.-


One time i was addicted to playing the stonks simulator aka AH in wow. I bought Out all the needed Mats to a pisslow price Just to realize after the Patch They were nothing Worth anymore. Made a 600k gold loss and since Then i feel Like my brain explodes whenever i buy Something in AH No Matter the price, im super Safe and Take my time to do so


Oh no dear, I literally did the same with exactly the same item 2 months ago, and it resells extremely bad… My advice, put them up small amount per time, with a slight lower price than the cheapest. It resells the best on Thursday and Wednesday, and the worst on Sunday and Monday. Good luck to you, and be prepared to not retrieve all the 250k 🫂


Check my other post, resold all 3700 in one go and made profit


I don't remember what I accidentally bought thousands of extras of. I do remember I spent 320k and got a return of ~450k, happy accident


I did this recently as well when I didn't realize clicking the listings on the right pane were adding it to my buy total... Luckily after I posted them back some whale bought em all back to probably flip for a higher price.


This seems to be kind of an issue that I hope Blizzard fixes, it's way too easy to do this by mistake.


Was this because it didn't put the default "1" in the quantity selection when you selected your item? And when you then selected the top option, it for some reason selected ALL of them instead of just 1? Because that has been happening a lot to me lately, and I have nearly bought thousands of items by accident


I think so yeah, I figured just clicking it would let me buy one. But clicking it bought my 3000.


That they haven't fixed this bug yet radiates lack of care.


Not a bug just don't click on the stack, it defaults to the lowest price and you can just type the number you want in, also do people not look when they see are you sure you want to spend 200k gold? Instead of the couple hundred


If I find the item I want to buy, AH has always selected what I want and then I can buy 1x or increase the quantity... With DF AH it doesn't start at 1x, it starts without a quantity. So you have to click on a stack deciding what price you are buying for, no? And if you click on a stack it automatically maxes the stack? But sure, might not be a bug, but its a bad redesign or design in general then. Especially since its designed for this to happen basically, especially if you have experienced players that are used to previous AH. But then again, I don't really care. Barely use AH.


No, you never click on a stack. Clicking on a stack will always buy all items at and below that price. It's a feature for mass purchasing. Crafters use this to mass buy herbs/minerals/etc, or flippers use this when prices get low. It's literally impossible to buy stacked goods for more than the cheapest possible price. I think the main reason they defaulted to an empty value field vs one, is that a lot of people who wanted say 2 of an item would enter 2, and get 12. Certainly getting 12 when you want 2, is not nearly as bad as buying 2000 when you want 1. Also clicking on the price has always bought all of an item at or below that price, long before the region wide AH, going on near forever I think.


Oh, ok. That makese sense, thanks for the explanation. But still... "The norm" was to adjust quantity once you do plan to buy multiple. Fucks hard with muscle memory when that suddenly swapped. Managing more quantity requires things to be doublechecked, not a singular one.. That makes sense in my mind at least, but ay, habits 🤷‍♂️ The big issue is when sometimes it defaults to 1 and sometimes to 0. That's my experience at least. But I'm aware of the stack thing... But it's silly to manually type a quantity everytime I need a new enchant for a item I've replaced... Basically only thing I do use AH for or that 1-2 times per xpac I need to restock on consums, where I doublecheck all the quantities I buy because of the nature of buying in bulk.


That's probably because it's a feature. If you click a trade item that is listed at a higher price than the minimum, the assumed desire is that you want to buy ALL the auctions for that trade item that are at that price and lower. Because otherwise, why would you want to buy the item at that price exactly?


Everyone should experience this feeling... So did i with a enchanting. Didnt notice i was broke until i opened up my mail and did see a lot of the same enchantings in one mail. Resold them with a little lost.


I just did this on SOD and wiped all my gold on that server! Good lesson in paying attention when clicking


Just post it all at 25-50% off and hope some flipper jumps on it, or you'll be stuck with that shit. Better to lose 100k than 256k...


Okay Khadgar


I did this too, really wish they would disable this functionality.


You have cornered the market from today on you decide the price.


Nah, thousands and thousands have been listed since. These big AH don't really work that way anymore.


Its too early and im too high i thought this was a yu gi oh card