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I'm not sure. If you just alt tabbed between the games and played normally, then they can't write they banned you because of "hacks" 🤔 Any tools that help automate a background window like clicking loot for you that would normally have to be a manual action, those tools could be labeled as hacks. Blizzard stepped up their policy a while ago to hit multiboxers hard when using suck tools. Maybe that is the real reason for your ban.


OP said they made 4 alts to queue with so I really doubt they were just tabbing between them tbh.


Three of them sit at the entrance for quick queues and one was a level 20 twink


Sure man, that’s why you got banned


Its remix... why would I need to use 4 characters at the same time?


We used to do it for fun/a challenge. Its called multiboxing. I ran 5 for years. Prot pally, 3 ele shaman, resto shaman. Passing keys is now illegal though.


All I have is my word but I promise you alt tab and click enter is all the input the other accounts were receiving. I would have enough gold to buy all those fancy fomo retail items if I knew how to multibox like that.


Could then be a completely other cause that they picked up on, other than boosting yourself. Still, I understand that you're sad/annoyed about loosing your account. Appealing is a slow process but worth to try if you got convincing arguments against their decision. Might as well try.


I'm currently waiting in the ticket queue looking forward to what they say I've done but wont be surprised if they just give me "We wont be reverting this decision based on evidence." I'm pretty damn sure it was the boosting because the account that was getting boosted still remains, it was just all the other accounts that were nuked.


*It's been* *~~6~~* ***0*** *day since a cheater cried victim.*


I’m not saying they’re a cheater one way or the other… But there’s always someone like you in every thread, even in the numerous ones where the person was later found to be innocent. Don’t be so quick to jump to judgement, when Blizzard doesn’t have the best systems for this kind of stuff.


I've seen a lot more threads where the OP is guilty than ones where Blizz fucked up There's almost always more to the story that is conveniently left out


That’s fair and true. But still pointless to blindly accuse someone of lying, rather than giving a chance to present their case.


Their chance to present their case *is* the post lmao. No one is forcing these threads to post a picture going "I was unjustly banned :'''''("


The twelve posts a day attempting to garner sympathy from random people who have no say in the matter of the ban aren’t “present[ing] their case”, it’s just annoying and unnecessary.


Then maybe people shouldn’t engage with the content?   Like, the exact same “you must be lying” comment is always posted.   If they are tired of seeing it, then stop engaging with it so they stop gaining traction.


You’re actually on one of the only social media-ish websites where this doesn’t apply. Engaging with a Reddit post via negative feedback (downvotes) reduces it’s spread. We’re not on Facebook or YouTube where the fact that you engaged is good, even if it’s negative feedback.


Doesnt matter, the same person wont post again, but the other persons will, even if feedback is always negative.


You don't get hit with this type of offense just randomly lol. Also coming here does nothing to help you except remind people cheaters do exist in this game and for some reason think they can find sympathy here?


That's not how that ban reason would get flagged.


Nothing to do with boosting. Blizzard picked up something running on your computer that it didn't like.


As hard as might sound. There is no indication that your account is banned because of the boosting with a trial account. Which, on the other hand, considering leveling times anyways, past lazy to bring chars to 70 in remix.


Except is says you were banned for using cheat software. SO what were you using to run those alts at the same time which is what go ya banned. Isboxxer most likely. Also a full account closure means youve had these bans before and have now achieved a full account closure, instead of a temp ban.


My friend has been multi-accounting with 3 clients in remix boosting with a trial acc and didn't get banned. While if you're innocent I sympathize 99% of the time there was some reason even if it was a mouse macro or something.


Fully depends on how they are dong that. This guy was near guaranteed pasing keys with isboxxer which is now bannable.


You must have been using mutliboxing software then. Because using a trial account is not against ToS if you are just alt tabbing between the two accounts.


They were running 5 accounts at once, definitely using a software of some kind.


I did something similar too, just for trying it out tho. Boosted char follows the booster. The other 3 are only there for the instaqueue as you dont need nore than 1 char. The thing is, its absolutely not needed to get anything additional to boost.


"ya done fucked up A-Aron!" - Substitute Teacher


I'm glad that they're finally taking action against these Remix exploiters.


Are you leveling a character faster than in retail aswell? So basically he didnt need a new chars so everyone else using a faster legit method than he had back in 1930 deserve bans. Quite sums up everything.


I don’t need anymore characters. I’ve got too many as it is.