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On lvl 70, scaling hits you really hard. You need to upgrade your gear. And while you earn your bronze, try to unlock the other ring and the necklace


Thank you. Working on ring and necklace. But finding a group is proving harder than I thought.


Unfortunately it’s a bit of a vicious cycle of not being able to get into groups because your item level is low but your item level is low because you can’t get into groups to earn bronze to increase it. If you were on US servers I would carry you through.


Yeah exactly :D I've signed up for a few guilds, hoping to get a carry :) THanks tho


Make your own groups and then once you get higher ilvl it’s just a numbers game. With the double bronze it shouldn’t take more than a few days to really get settled into decent gear to at least hold your own.


Thank you :) Good idea.


Make your own groups. Takes 2 minutes to fill.


Send me a dm on here and i’ll add you on battle.net i can take you through the raids later if you want, otherwise just keep applying for groups, most decent people once they have 3-4 476 in their groups, don’t care at all about your ilvl since they can carry and kill the bosses in no time. Also have a load of gems if you need them, since hitting statcap on cloak i have removed every gem piece for ilvl cheesing, so i should have enough for you to fill out your gem slots


Awesome advice. I've added you - sorry for the delay. I had some friends over.


You can always create your own group - raid leading is not hard in pandaria, since with enough ilvl mechanics are just irrelevant. A single 476 ilvl character can solo normal raids, a few can carry heroics (I'd estimate 6-7 to be on the safe side).


I’ve solo’ed up until throne on hc, throne with another lvl 476 friend and siege is about a 3 man job if you want it done fast So even 6-7 is pretty loaded


You would be surprised how many people helps. Just create a raid group with a title something like: help needed I get help almost everyday and some of them are just farming bronze and rush you togu, heart of fear and terrace


you need gems [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/remix/bis-gear-best-gems](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/remix/bis-gear-best-gems) you must have gotten several through your time levelling. add them in and go nuts. don't bother looting, just keep up with the group - all the good stuff gets sent to your mailbox afterwards. I am kinda in the same boat, I get massive lag when I try to loot - I am Oceanic but I never get anything like that on regular retail which is weird. so what I do is loot and just run. if there is a carry person, just don't do anything. avoid getting hit and let them do all the work. trust me, they don't mind.


You got really low ilvl. Make sure you equip the highest ilvl possible 346 (i think) and then upgrade it further to be able to solo bosses.


Yeah but all items need to be 346 in order to upgrade, right? My helm is really bad.


If you do lfr and queue for dungeons you should get it quite quickly


You could upgrade the lower ones afaik, but i woulndt do it as its a ”waste” of bronze as you get 346 in drops.


The answer lies in your introduction : you started to play *yesterday* Meanwhile, people have been farming this mode for the past month and a half. Give it like 3-4 weeks and you'll get there to enjoy the last month of no-brain killing.


It's not so much cloaks as it is itemlevel. You need like 500k Bronze to fully upgrade, but then you become God. At around 500 ilvl (of individual pieces) gadgets just go haywire and do a couple million DPS by themselves.


500.000? Huh, thats a bit of farming there. Do green and blue items turn purple when upgraded?


No they don't. Blue gear mostly drops from normal raids. Purple gear drops mostly from heroic raids. If you do the 3 daily quests (raid, dungeon and scenario) + a heroic dungeon + a heroic scenario you get 17k bronze I think. The easiest way to get started is to run every single raid on LFR until you have all green 346 ilvl gear, then work on upgrading your gear day by day. As your gear starts to get upgraded you will get stronger. When you get to about 400 ilvl you can probably start running normal raids, and this is where you really start to stack bronze. A full clearance of all raids gives you over 50k bronze a day. So it wouldn't take long to seriously ramp up your gear at this point. By the time your gear is fully upgraded, you'll have plenty of time to get the mounts and transmogs and it will be 10000x times easier to get bronze. So focus on upgrading your gear first, it becomes much easier!!


No, but there aren't major differences. Green just has stamina and secondary stats Blue have stamina, primary stat, and secondary stats Purples have stamina primary stat, and about 20% more secondary stat that may be a second stat. They all have the same stamina and primary stat at equal levels. Purples have a very low chance of dropping anywhere at max level, but a very high chance in heroic raids. You can DM me and I'll carry you through some raids so you can get a bit of a boost to help you do things on your own.


You get something like 45-50k Bronze each day just by doin the 3 daylis then the HC Scenario HC dungeon and start a 10man Raid Grp for Mogu-TOES-HoF. It cost an hour and a half to do that. So 10 days and you at max ilvl


It seems like a lot, but once you're powerful then you can farm \~100k a bronze a day in less than an hour. If I was feeling crazy, I'd complete every daily thing possible and I ended up getting around 195k bronze in a single day.


You need to use gems (you can look up guides as to the best ones for your class) as well as upgrade your gear. There is a vendor that upgrades gear for bronze. Your overall ilevel can get up to 476 (since you cant upgrade the rings, neck or trinkets.) You will also get threads consistently that will slowly upgrade your stats, and people that have been playing remix since the beginning have a LOT of threads at this point. Keep going, you'll get there!


I'll look into gems. The upgrade isnt possible before all gear is 346 tho?


You can upgrade any gear. And replace and upgrade them later for a discount


It is, but is not worth it, because the max drop ilvl is 346. Anything more than that you have to use bronze to upgrade, so it's better to do dungeons and scenarios, and LFR raids to gear 346, and save the bronze to upgrade those. Also you can use the gems you get freely. You don't lose them, you can put them in slots and then get them out to use again in another piece.


Search a skill tree online. Blizzards beginner build sucks.


If someone needs a remix carry on eu, hit me up on bnet Ngel#2743


Thanks for helping out :)


If you’re still struggling for a group let me know. I’ll be clearing all the raids on normal/heroic after work (about 6 hours from this comment time). You’re welcome to tag along, no ilvl requirement


Thanks a million. I've tried to get into SOO for half an hour, but keep getting rejected due to low ilevel. However, I found a guy who was willing to take me at last.


Oh nice! Sorry to hear people are gatekeeping it so hard. I’m confident we can clear it in a small group, so if you do need any completions just hit me up


If you just got 70 in remix, you are going to be incredibly weak. If you want to carry your own weight, you need to invest bronze into your gear. Get bronze from the dailies, do both dungeon finder difficulties and scenarios. Clear raids on normal. Kill the work bosses for threads if you want. If you do all that every day and use the bronze to upgrade your gear, you will be a lot stronger in a week or so. Also, look up best in slot tinkers and slot them into your gear. They are massive dps increases.


Hm, thank you!


Do raids, daily dungeons and scenariois, you will be a god in 2 weeks, there is no secret u just need to farm bronze and upgrade your gear, most of the dps will come from tinkered slots


Don’t even think to hard about your damage in Remix. In a group it does not matter, raids are easy anyways. Over time with upgraded gear you also get better but the goal is simply to finish the raids as fast as possible. As long as you are not afk it will be fine. If you really care: dump all your bronze in gear upgrades and run all raids on hero every day. Even at item level 440 you start feeling powerfull. From there it is only getting easier and faster. Only raid which is a pain (just due to the time investment) is SoO Mystic. There people really look at your item level to make sure it will be smooth for everyone.


Is Mythic SoO soloable in remix?


Not with the Galakras encounter.


Ohh. That's soloable in retail and I kind of just assumed. thanks!


The scaling is simply the issue here. When I’m right one achievement in SoO is also not doable while retaining same due to Remix scaling side effects. Should be the last one.


Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. The difference is absolutely massive, like, in the millions. Upgrade your gear regardless of quality if you cannot find anything better, because if you switch, further upgraded to the same ilvl will be discounted. Also make your own groups. Big hitters will be content with just joining a group in a couple of clicks, just grab 3-4 of them minimum.


On top of all of this, this is your first level 70 in remix and you just started trying to get more powerful. There are people that have been spending hours everyday getting more powerful for the last month and a half. The scaling in Remix seems to be exponential. The goal being that people can solo heroic and mythic raids by the time they get to their full power. You would likely need a full raid group if you go in with all fresh 70s in heroics. That’s how massive of a power gap there is in Remix. It’s not you, it’s just how the game was designed. They wanted people to play it for a limited time and keep working towards being a god. Some people just achieved that by no-lifing the content.


The cloak is not as important as you think. Upgrade your gear and you'll see it yourself. People at the start were not mad that frog farmers had such huge stats on their cloak, they were mad because all of them kept their bronze and upgraded gear, because that's what made them op. Everything in upgradable gear scales with ilvl. I said it from the start, upgrade your gear and mop remix will be fun af.


Work towards 346 blues, as those give you some mainstat. As others mentioned, keep farming bronze for upgrades. It is **much** cheaper in bronze to farm 346 greens (from LFR and quests), and **then** upgrade your blues to 346. Work on doing the achieves to get neck (all normal raids complete), rings (all heroic scenarios and all heroic dungeons), and the second trinket (Escalation achieve for doing specific scenarios). Start slotting in Meta/Tinkers/Cogwheel/stat gems as you get them. Once all your gear is 346 (and blue, ideally), one upgrade pass to 360 and you will be much more durable. At that point, you can decide whether to upgrade gear further (with an eye towards getting into heroics), or farm bronze for cosmetics and toys. Once you get the last thread-based achieve for the cloak, the mode becomes very alt-friendly, but it can be fun to just run around and explore on a reasonably geared toon...


Wait are you not using any tinkers? This a meme? Edit: Looked up your achieves and you seem you’re new to the mode afterall. Yes, slot in gems and tinkers. Upgrade your gear as others have said. Honestly surprised you managed to avoid these systems since the game gives you quests to slot in gems.


No, as I wrote. I literally JUST started the game again.


Yeah i saw that hence the edit. It’s still super surprising since you get a quest early on to slot in a gem then take it out then combine them. I think there’s one for tinkers too? Either way good luck and now you know at least. It’s really fun when your gear and stuff comes online. Whacky the stuff you can clear.


I had the same issue, i have to now pay £49 for a WoWdoc subscription to allow me to know what to do rotation wise to be able to get close to the top to feel like im of some use.