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People can’t post orders with no mats and a 10g tip


Lovewithin... If you're out there I will never fulfil your engi orders you parasite


Damn, on my german realmcluster, there is a guy called 'Liebemitdrin', which is an exact translation who does the same


Wtf lol


Lol, are you playing on Krag'jin/Azshara or is this greedy guy everywhere?


Yes, mostly. I believe i have seen his name on other Realms as well, but not a 100% sure.


I say just ignore them, i always pay for crafts except weekly knowledge pointa from inscription just give them 100 and thats it


People who post orders without mats get an immediate account ban for being an idiot. Make work orders available for everything, if I want someone to go and fish me 5000 brilliant smallfish for a 20k commission because I can't be arsed, then someone should be able to accept the task.


Or just hook it into the AH and have it auto buy any mats that aren’t provided. Solves the biggest issue both sides seem to have with it.


I want to be able to suggest a counter offer that I'll do it for, usually to cover the mat cost + some extra.


Make it doable by any number of people. As if you are the AQ gate key... 😂


I'd be fine if nothing changes, but at the bare minimum something needs to be done to deal with the elements that make customers antagonistic towards crafters. Feels like every crafter is a scammer as a customer, and as a crafter dealing with customers who are mad from the start of interaction isn't fun. Also isn't fun having to explain the craft system to customers every 5 minutes, or explain why I'm charging more than this other person. _____________________________________________________________________________ **Customer side** * Customers should be able to see crafter's talent tree/specialization + tool being used somewhere, even if it's just on armory. * Something that lets customers easily see what "difficulty" is doing to the craft when it comes to embellishments and adding crests. * Certain weapons should have all stats on them (agi + int + str). Priests accidentally getting agi daggers with their first spark isn't fun. Crafters not double checking to help customers out is also not fun. * Disenchanting/destroying crafted gear should give a "decayed" type spark that can be used to craft a different piece of gear. Helps out people who make gearing mistakes, but this is only a one time thing. People who destroy the "decayed" version of this gear won't get any sort of spark back. * Expand the items that can be crafted through work order system to previous xpacs so people don't have to search for ages to find crafters doing old work recipes. Preferably make it so people have to add all the mats, and maybe only allow people to make orders for appearances/items they don't already have. * Add a feature that makes a custom message for the customer? That way they can make an order, but click something that makes a good message for trade chat request. E.G. if they fill out the commission box + have T3 mats, the custom message they copy will say something like "Looking for crafter to make [Item] at ### ilevel with embellishment, paying ____g" _______________________________________________________ **Crafter side** * Gems don't need a whole insight for R3, just a minor insight. Or at least make it more obvious to customers that crafters need a whole insight to 100% R3. * Cap how many public work orders with no materials people can make at a time. People shouldn't be able to make work orders with no mats for every single item at every single table, or 50 items at a time with no mats. * Should be able to just add stats to crafting tools instead of needing separate tools? Make it more expensive obviously, but nothing wrong with tools being a stat stick especially when some of the items being crafted can't use certain stats anyway. E.G. spend 300 mettle to make an inspiration tool with inspiration enchant, spend another 300 mettle later to add resourcefulness, spend 300 mettle again to add multicraft, etc. * Change the whole Rank 5 min thing to mean crafter can't click complete order until R5 min is achieved, but can at least start the order if the crafter is able to R5. If crafter doesn't finish the item at R5 within ~10 minutes the customer gets all their mats back, the crafter loses whatever mats they made attempts with, incurs some sort of cooldown penalty where they can't accept craft orders for a little while, and doesn't get any skill points/resource procs from the attempts. * Double gatherer's need a better mettle dump. The Phials are fine, but there should be a significantly better Phial available for close to an absurd price that uses up the weekly mettle allotment. Or skinning for example makes bait, maybe there should be 1x bait crafts that require mettle, or mining/herbing has abilities that cost mettle to use. * Offer crafters a one time respec, but for an absurd gold fee or mettle penalty. * Gold sink mount like Brutosaur with a generalized crafting table + vendor with updated reagent list on it (works like decay table where you click which of the two professions). Should obviously cost a lot of gold + maybe attach achievement that requires someone to have a certain amount of craft orders done. * Better define what spam is. Some crafters are getting muted for ads and don't really understand why. ______________________________ **General** * Do something about RMT'ers. I've gone to every big server on NA/EU, waited ~5 minutes, and the majority of crafters posting with all professions seem to be newer accounts 2000-6000 achievements. Message some of them and hear absurd fees back. Had a couple add me on bnet and they're just RMT'ing. It's like the boosting thing, at first it was just legit players doing power leveling, now it's 95% RMT'ers. Feels like the same thing is happening with crafting.


I like several of these ideas. I can see a decent gold sink mount that would have general crafting tables for convenience be appealing without giving crazy player power matching the Brutosaur (since blizzard stated they regret putting that in the game). I really like the "until R5 min is achieved" bit. I've had several times where it was just cheaper to recraft until an inspire proc compared to using a full insight (tailoring and jewelcrafting comes to mind) but you couldn't fish for that if a R5 minimum is set.


Pay 50 mettle reduce 5% the current cd of overcharge element spell / bait spell Or pay x ammount of mettle to refine / disolve/stich/cut target ore/herb/skin/scale/cloth


When putting in work orders give the option to buy the mats from the AH. Add the option for the crafter as well to buy the stuff from the AH. Remove the inspiration system for gear. Maybe for other things as well, but I don't craft consumables atm, so cannot comment on them. Remove insight - again for gear. It's just another layer confusing customers. And only a limited resource early on - later you have way too much (or play on a busy server). Or require insight to craft at max rank - no exceptions. Reduce the amount of ranks. Consumables/mats down to 2. Gear down to 2 or 3. People are either "best of the best" or "I just want something for this char".


The insight thing is even worse too, because if you didn’t start early it effectively locks you out of crafting more than a trickle of items a week since most people in my experience only want max rank guaranteed crafts.


Just make it a part of the default Auction house Ui. Expand it to include **everything**, mats, gear, drops, mounts, pets, everything. I want to be able to put in work orders for raw materials. They need to implement some kind of logic/limit to the gold offered for orders. So if I want to buy 100’000 ores, then the lowest amount of gold I can offer is *current-market-value* -20% or something


Would be nice to be able to place a crafting order and just directly pay the AH cost of the items instead of having to manually get those.


More than 4 orders a week.


That only exists because no one used public orders and the only public orders that showed up were snapped up super fast. Public orders will always be shit.


I want to be able to commission any past item, so all those old BoP recipes you can just use the work orders to get them from someone else.


Region wide no restrictions Cross faction whispers Cross faction /2 Public order limit dynamically, not limited to 4


Lol, Just imagine cross faction /2..the spam...


Not more and not less than it is right now. But at least I don’t need to go through hoops to trade with the other faction. They could activate a slow chat and increase the timeout if you spam too fast.


I would love a system that had work orders on it lol. They really worked it by letting items on the auction house too. That and the design flaw in the RNG at the top of the system. Nobody is going to use a system if anonymous orders can't guarantee quality. It's a flaw inherent in the system. Items should either be in the AH or work orders no both. Create a tiered system for items and allowed weekly work orders ranked by item rarity. I just want a system where I don't have to use trade chat. A system that isn't focused only only rewarding extroverts and commodities traders.


Make it region wide. It sucks being on a dead server and having to slowly rank up alts to upgrade my crafted gear. It almost feels like gaslighting, seeing all the posts from people on full servers making 10k per craft when I can count the number of customers I get in a patch with my fingers.


1. Allow you to autofill mats directly off the AH without having to run back and forth. 2. Show the current cost of all the mats based on the current AH prices. 3. Auto set the commission to current AH mat price (+10%?) if none are provided. Still lots of wiggle room for negotiating mettle, quality, and obtaining mats more optimally, but would reduce (and this is a generous assumption) the number of folks that are just completely clueless about submitting work orders without mats and no tip.


For no2, use auctionator.


This is more a default ui thing. For the folks who clearly have zero understanding how any of it works and post zero mat orders w/ 5g commission.


One thing I haven't seen requested much is expanding the system to include previous expansions BoP crafted gear, would be a great way to get old crafted mogs that you'd normally have to level an Alt (with the matching gear types) to unlock They already have the naxx tier 3 stuff added, so its definitely doable, and would give some incentive for people to run old content again for recipes and mats, especially since they seem to care more about evergreen content lately


For it to go away


I'll be embarrassed if it is this way and I just haven't explored the menu thoroughly but... a separate work order location is stupid. especially exclusive at valdrakken. build it into the auction house and make it available in all cities like the AH already is. within the same UI of the AH. just add extra buttons at the bottom. then make it so people can request old xpac work and you have the fucking dream. I'd request the felsteel long blade and other cool classics.


Be still my transmog collector’s heart I love this


Can you imagine how much those unobtainable recipes would sell for with this system! The exclusivity alone would make you a server wide name if you had those recipes lol


Customer provided insight.


This kills crafter profit which eventually kills the amount of crafters around willing to do work orders.


Easy - people who post orders without mats are charged for the cheapest set of mats currently for sale on the AH. Make it easy - just do it all for them and show the prices before they submit the order. It’s transparent, it is easy, and it eliminates crafters having to try to price mats manually.


I like this. In addition, crafter can opt to use their own mats (if they have) and gets the difference as an addition bonus to the amount they receive for the craft. Gives incentive to crafters to have a stock of materials that they have either gathered themselves or purchased at a discount.


That it gets removed. I made millions in past expansions on crafted BOEs; because my server is smaller, the order system is flat-out dead.


rank restrictions on public orders, three times now my attempts to upgrade my khaz'gorite pick from rank 3 to rank 5 have failed after i farmed for hours and coughed up a significant amount of gold for the highest rank mats because some mouthbreather named 'ßruhmoment' the alliance paladin decided to take up the task that particular day. oh and make old expac stuff be able to be work ordered, getting a recipe for a profession only to find out the end result is BoP is a special kind of hollow feeling.


Region wide. Let us put recraft orders up publicly.


Make it reagion wide. On low pup server, the only way to get my weekly done is by placing an order from one of my twinks to my crafter.


Completely re-work the Work Order system so that *ALL* of the burden is placed on the Buyer. It feels terrible to have to tell a customer their item didn't procc Rank-5, like a Doctor having to tell a patient terminal news, that's dumb for the system to encourage feeling guilty. So I want the Customer to be the one who has to click all the crafting buttons. You know how you can shift+click your profession spell-book to people, and they can click your link and browse your recipes as if they were you? I say just combine that recipe-linking feature and the Work Orders system, and make the system like you are "Renting" another player's professions. The Seller links the Customer their profession-book. Then the customer is free to browse your wares (recipes) themselves, and can see all the various options. When they are ready to place an order, they simply add the mats and press the "Craft" button like it was their own profession, except before the Craft can be completed a "Commision" window pops up. Similar to how Trading works in-game, the customer would input an amount of Gold to be the commision, and the Work Order will not complete unless the Seller accepts the Trade/Commission offer. This would solve the current issues such as: language barriers making coordinating Work Order agreements a huge pain in the ass, having to explain the system to new customers, feeling miserable when the eager noob customer doesn't get an Inspire procc and you have to tell them, and other vaguely toxic aspects of the current system such as how the Seller can lie about their Inspiration % and such and the Buyer has no way of confirming it. And it would give the customer more satisfaction since they'd be doing most of the crafting themselves, instead of the current system where it feels like everything happens behind a closed-curtain and you have no agency over the process. The customer would simply need to request a link of your recipes, and then would be free to build their item themselves, and when they're ready they merely need to offer their commission. I also want Account-Wide access to our Professions. It's annoying to have to swap around to different characters to fill varying orders, especially when you're mid-conversation with multiple buyers at once. Maybe this is something that Warbands can do.


kill it off entirely. Make crafted gear boe again and sell on AH


I do have to admit, I haven't been super happy about how much trade chat spam/time it takes to use the work order system. Couple that with many people who are uninformed about how it works or devalue your work and want to pay 500g. But, Blizzard has stated it will be returning in The War Within.


Goldmaking was a big part of what kept me playing. I dont have the time to bark in trade for someone's assertion that "you're only pushing a button" Blizz cut out such a huge part of goldmaking by giving the option for the "buyer" to provide the materials. A decent chunk of my SL profit came from tracking the weekly cycle of trade materials and warehousing them. I didnt farm any mats. By reinvesting so much of my early profit back into mats, I ended up with a full guild bank of mats for most professions. I could then better weather the price fluctuations of the finished product and still be profitable. I checked my listings morning and night and still made money *when i was logged out* (hint, they want more active players for longer sessions) There's no depth anymore and the KP system is just broken. If you weren't at the forefront, you weren't making gold. Such a huge investment to get to max kp - far more than SL legendaries. If work orders are back for next xpac, I will probably skip. I barely lasted 2 months into DF before i was over it.


You never got crafted gear with ilevels matching mythic raids as BoEs that could be sold on the AH and will never get. The whole point of the new crafting system was to allow this as a gearing option.


I want work orders to be actual future work, not just crafting an item that I have the proficiency to craft. I want to accept a work order, have it be tracked on my quest log. Then go perform the work and turn it in like a quest.


For example, I’d like to put in a work order for someone to complete a quest for me so that I get the reward without performing the quest. Someone accepts the work order, then goes and completes the quest. They get the gold I provided for completing the quest, and I get credit for completion of the quest


Don't want to be rude but you are proposing an in game farmer. At this point, why do you play the game?


Not rude at all. I was thinking from the perspective of it being fun for the farmer. I’d think of it as personal quests with custom rewards. Instead of repeating daily world quests you’ve done many times already, why not go to the work orders and find a custom work request to fulfill instead?


The weekly to complete orders should have an equivalent to post orders. Or, they should include NPC orders to have things rotating. In most realms I play, there aren't orders to complete that quest. Recently they changed to make your own personal orders count for that quest. It's progress but I have just one lvl 70 on a realm and she is still not completing it. Another quest to have people posting orders for cheap items would educate players, currently I don't think many players are using orders. There should be some trade off for the quality Vs commission. They should allow quality requirements for public orders, just force the commission to be a minimum that is considered expensive for max quality, and a progression for lower quality requirements. If you want to guarantee max quality, be prepared to pay at least 10k commission or something. And undefined quality is the only one allowing any commission value like it is now. There are players abusing the system and posting expensive crafts without mats nor commission. The fact it is allowed is just silly. This game has 20 years and blizz should know better by now.


> The weekly to complete orders should have an equivalent to post orders. Or, they should include NPC orders to have things rotating. In most realms I play, there aren't orders to complete that quest. > Recently they changed to make your own personal orders count for that quest It's been known since DF beta that people can create level 1/level 10 alts to send yourself personal orders to complete this quest. The alt can take a mage portal to Valdrakken and use the craft order station.


Well, I just noticed that 2 weeks ago.


it even explicitely suggests doing that in the tutorial teaching you about work orders "Get public orders, craft for your guildies or simply send an order to yourself to get the job done" something like that.


No personal orders No matless orders An option to get notified every time there's a new work order


As a dumbass who doesn’t do crafting at all, I would really like an explanation on how the system works and what crap I need to buy to order nice things. The system is great, I want to use it a tonne, but it’s confusing as fuck trying to figure out what random mcguffin needs to happen and how long the crafter needs to meditate on the nature of the random garbage Im requesting.


Public orders without mats should require a commission of at least 3x the cost of the mats at AH at the time of the order.


The only thing I want changed is a plugin to the AH so that the buyer pays for the mats at the going rate at the time of craft. The buyer can still tip above this and provide their own resources to reduce the cost. It’s wild to me that on my medium density server almost every order is financially negative (sometimes 10k+ too). I do not have a suggestion to resolve this, but there are counteracting incentives at play here. The buyer wants a 5star craft but if they put in a public order they don’t get to choose the crafter and will potentially get less bang for their buck. The crafter needs to complete orders to get skill (many of the rank up recipes are wildly expensive.) I feel as though this creates a lot of friction and, personally, I just sit in trade chat and only use personal orders. If this is working as intended for Blizzard than it’s a win, but it feels odd to me.


-A blizzard made in-depth tutorial. -When you do a work order for stackable things, give an option to craft multiple. -Find a way to punish baiters. -Would be nice for casuals to not make it mandatory to make work orders to reach max skills. It leads the degenerate behavior like using the spark of alts to max your profession skill. If you want skill to be important, make more than 2 versions of profession equipment for the full expansion.


People who abuse it get not only banned from it, but temp bans from the game itself.


I don't have any suggestions, just want to say I appreciate the positive attitude towards contributing a solution. I absolutely despise the work order system and think it's one of the worst things ever added to WoW. It is an abject failure on MANY levels. But people like you and the commenters here are doing the hard work and suggesting positive changes, so my hat is off to you.


For recrafts to be a kit rather than having to submit your item. So you could, for instance, send your recraft to the person who crafted your item in the first place but not have to be out the item while it's gone. Or something like that. Or even so you could post it like you do an original craft rather than having to spam trade chat til you find someone. Edit: Ooh! Had another idea. Tip Escrow: Hear me out. You put gold into the craft menu and it gives an amount of crafting fee based on what rank they send back. You can't require a rank 5. But you can tip the shit out of one.


Make people provide full mats again. Even if the crafting order system needs to connect to the AH and make people buy it "at current AH prices" while showing how much it would cost them and purchasing the mats automatically-- letting people provide no mats clearly made the system worse. Raise the daily crafting order limit again. Going from 5 > 1 was absolutely insane and unnecessary. 3 per day with a accumulated limit of 12 or 15 would be much better-- I'd even take 2/10, but 1/4 is stingy and didn't even really lead to an increased volume of orders available at any given time... Unless you count a few 100-500g ones stacking up sometimes that nobody wants to take. At the same time, let people set minimum quality levels on public orders and display when an insight is necessary. It's obviously a proactive design choice of theirs to make some crafts impossible to guarantee without one, so just pass that info on to the customer. Also, let recrafts be public orders.


Make it Cross-Realm. That's all I want.


Require mats for public orders. The spam of ridiculous orders with no mats and no tips is absurd. When requesting an item at max rank, I'd like a pop up warning that it can't be guaranteed. I'm so sick of explaining why I want it at r4, why I don't want to use an insight/why I charge extra for an insight, that even the best crafter can't gurantee max rank on some things, etc... Its exhausting arguing with people about a system they don't understand. I had one guy flip out on me yesterday for my prices. They assume you're trying to scam them. Not order related, but I'd like to see it go to 2 and 3 ranks instead of 3 and 5. Rank ones never settled price because no one bought. They were often more expensive than max rank. Cheap and expensive should be good enough for consumable items.


I wish it was linked to the AH and if mats were not supplied it would purchase them from the AH for the poster at the time of posting. I. E. No more public orders with no materials. Also open it up to older recipes.


My main complaint is neither the customer or crafter can't directly buy mats from the ah in the craft order window. They have to go back and forth between the two stations to do so. There instead should be a button or set of buttons in the craft order window that say "buy mats for order" and it automatically fills the order with mats from the ah. You could even have one for cheapest mats and one for highest quality mats.


Region wide, minimu quality for public order, but with a minimum commision per quality requirement. Can't request quality if no mats provided. Minimum comission= AH balue of mats when giving no mats.


As a fix for the no mats provided orders, like others have said allow people to autofill the order from AH with mats. On top of this, to satisfy the people who think there are no public orders, allow recrafting through the public system but without quality requirement. This way if someone wants their super duper piece of gear at max quality guaranteed/easily, they will still go find their local "artisan" to click the button. Meanwhile lazy people can just put in a public recrafting order and hope it goes well. This will reinvigorate the public order side for the "Do X work orders" weeklies and overall, while you still can be a specialty crafter and make boatloads of gold running your ad agency in /2.


Expand the list of items to include any and all BoP craftable items. I’m not sure if warbands will cover that aspect, though.


Mats should only be provided by the crafter. The only exceptions should be spark and crest. The person who orders should just choose the item and put a commission. This will solve both the matless orders and confusion about which mats are needed.


1) I want a way to help players find crafters outside of trade chat. Of course cleaning up the advertising spam in trade would greatly help with this. 2) players shouldn’t be able to set a min quality on items above the mats they provided. I’ve gotten tons of orders for min. Rank 5 and the buyer provides rank 1 or 2 mats. 3) AH integration!!! 4) DF sparks removed or purchasable from a vendor so people can have those appearances crafted in the War Within.


I wish the customer could provide mettle/insight for crafts. I have so much excess mettle on some of my characters and there’s nothing to use it on


Cross realm/cross faction. There's no point why my goblin alchemist can't craft cauldrons for other guilds