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this is legit i play with this guy...crusader enchants on the weps...crazy amount of farming to get this done.


total legend love helpin this man in the little ways we can


This was loosely my tracker: MINING • 4x Thorium Ore • 4x Arcane Crystal • 4x Iron Bar • 1x Black Vitriol HERB/ALCH • 4x Arcanite Bar • 10x Stonescale oil (250) (Recipe: Swamp of Sorrows) • 4x Firebloom • 1x Philosopher’s Stone (225) (Recipe: Tanaris) • 4x Purple Lotus • 10 Stonescale Eel (255 fishing) (Tanaris, Feralas, Azshara)  MINING/ENGINEERING • 1x Salt Shaker (250) (Recipe: Tanaris) • 1x Delicate Arcanite Converter (285) (Recipe: Winterspring)  MINING/BLACKSMITHING • 3x Dark Iron Bar (230) – 24x Dark Iron Ore • (smelt offering) 2 Star Ruby, 20 Gold Bar, 10 Truesilver Bar • Arcanite Rod – (275) Arcanite rod (BS) – 3 arcanite bar, dense grinding stone, golden pearl • Truesilver Rod – (200) truesilver bar, heavy grinding stone, black pearl • Golden Rod – (150) gold bar, 2 coarse grinding stone, iridescent pearl • Silver Rod – (100) silver bar, 2 rough grinding stone, shadowgem SKINNING/LEATHERWORKING • 4 Cured Rugged Hide (250) • 20 Rugged Leather (enchanted leather) TAILORING • 3x Mooncloth (250) (Recipe: Winterspring) ENCHANTING • 20x Enchanted Leather (250) (Recipe: Uldaman) (DMF vendor) • 8X Large Brilliant Shard • 4X Greater Eternal Essence HERB/ALCH • 1x Flash of Supreme Power (300) (Recipe: RasFrostwhisper, Scholo) Petri - 30 stonescale oil, 10 MSS, 1 Blk lotus FoSP - 30 dreamfoil, 10 MSS, 1 Blk lotus 60x Purple Lotus


You’re a fucking madman and I salute you - fireballzor


Thanks king o7


This guy fucks


holy f 🫡




You're an absolute insane maniac and I'm rooting for you. (from a DP alliance rogue)


Thats… I have no words /salute


It's true. Crazy fucker is in my guild. Done multiple runs with him. Congrats btw yolo this is Contest 🥳


Ayyye, sup brotha! Yes, yes, so many dungeons..


NekRosh Server?


DP, it’s in the screenshot 😅


I'm skeptical. It's certainly doable with planning your professions so you can gain the exact things you need then drop it, but... Having to do that with almost every profession in the game... It's impressive, in some respect, but completely degenerate in others. If this is real, you have an impressive amount of patience, but jesus christ, that sounds like pure CBT.


Time. All time.


It’s real. I’ve seen him on DP horde many times


How can people say “I am skeptical” you can literally just look at him listed among the SSF people? (He is top rogue…) https://era.raider.io/home/us/defias-pillager


🤯 I was today years old when I learned of this site… thank you! Stoked to see my ilvl update with new additions. And maybe replace the lvl 40 ring xD


Not just top Rogue, top any class!


Yesterday I hit a pretty significant milestone on my 60 SF journey. Completed The Challenge quest and attained 6 of 8 Darkmantle. Just wanted to shout out the homies from and the HRC guilds for their support with the incessant dungeon grind and my SF endeavor (shenanigans) as a whole.  


How? This genuinely feels faked, how did you get mooncloth, dark iron bars, cured rugged leather etc etc?


A lot of planning went into the most efficient order of profession progression.


What, you started with... Skinning/LW saving the greens to DE later? You have to still have enchanting, right? Or did you drop that early on?


I did level with skinning/LW, and dropped at 60 for mining first, for arcane crystals. Then herb/alch to transmute. I saved greens and DE'd everything in the bank between every profession swap.


Imo, so lame we can't have all professions simultaneously as SF.


Where engi and blacksmith and tailor. Without those u can't do this shit lol


Mining/engineering was after the initial herb/alch. For arcane converter and salt shaker. Tailoring you can put in wherever, I did it early for bags.


U did mining AFTER alchemy? I'm lost xD it's hard to believe without seeing whole correct route. Still don't see blacksmith for rod, which u need do alchemy before


Yes, you have to level mining twice. Once for the arcane crystal, then along with eng/BS. I posted the whole progression in a comment to the OP.


Isnt it only till 60 the SF counts? Thats how i understood it atleast


At 60 you can turn the self found toggle off and still keep the buff that shows you got to 60 as self found. But some people keep the toggle on at 60 and just want to see how far they can go with the restriction.


That's pretty cool. What's the end goal, full set?


Thank you. Yeah, exactly. Flask of Supreme Power recipe from Scholo is probably going to be the hardest hurdle.


WP! I started with tailoring and enchanting on my SF hunter to stack up the disenchanting mats while lvling. Someone yoinked my DM:W enchanting bag recipe while I was 300 tailoring tho :/ so i’m stuck with 3x20 slots instead of 24 slots. still salty about that Then mining engi for salt shaker and arcane crystal stack, and the rest of the profs as usual but I’m stuck at alch. I still haven’t even seen supreme power flask recipe, and I can’t HR it so I’m considering trying to solo scholo if I ever find invis pot recipe. Rare recipes lost to AH rollers: Flask of Petrification, Sniper Scope, Big Bag of Enchantment, Nice recipes passed by party: Thorium Shells, Mithril Spurs Lucky recipe drops: White bandit mask x2 (solo), Elixir of fortitude (solo), Elixir of mongoose (solo), Flame deflector (all need), Devilsaur leggings (solo), All agi and stamina enchants (solo & need) Libram of Constitution (all need) Libram of Resilience (solo) Point of pride: I greed every lockbox and have never wasted any yet! Although pre-BiS hunter blues are arguably better than this tier 0.5 quest line reward, I feel like this quest covers all the professions and dungeons fairly well and is a worthy goal for a single-toon SF player Even the fact that scholomance is the dungeon to farm past exalted; it’s a well designed dungeon that tests various skill sets.


Love to hear other folks getting after it too! That's really rotten luck on that petri... that would have been an absolute game-changer. I think FoSP is going to be the biggest pain. Fortunately I have an awesome guild that's backed me all the way so I wouldn't have to roll for it, but just getting it to drop has proven a challenge so far. Idk anything about playing a hunter, but having to do rattlegore every time to get the viewing room key would dissuade me enough I think. Good luck and stay safe!


Good luck to you and your guild! I levelled in a guild with fun people but 60s are very few. I’ve pugged every single dungeon since deadmines, and it’s a bit unreasonable to HR in a pug, so I might just grow old and die before I win spellpower flask :/ otherwise I wouldn’t consider the risk. What I would do is kill 1 skeleton guard and slow fall and lesser invis pot down into the room below. Avoiding ghoul aoe would be super important. Walk up to gate and shadowmeld before invis pot wears off. Wait for pot CD. When pat is far, drink invis pot and run past dragonlings. Kill some dragonlings and handlers using the corridor to Rattle room. Kill a few solo Rattle adds. Attempt to solo pull Rattlegore (the hard part!! I do not have another hunter to test this on, but maybe I can convince a group to let me try one time) Use FD and hole in ground to solo Rattle by bouncing threat between hunter and pet and kiting using the hole. (Would be great to have a LIP in case it goes wrong with FD resist). If anyone has any tips, please let me know!


Man, respect for even devising that plan. Blast one to 60 on era so you can practice, lol. I hope you pull it off... recording is a must, I'd love to see it.


Yolo!!! Great job! I'm just so happy to have been a small part of your journey, so proud of all the work you accomplished as it truly is quite difficult to do. I'll see you in Azeroth o7


Thanks Adura! Really enjoyed growing up in RYC with you all and appreciate the support! xD


I've met this guy quite a few times lately. They are a very proud people


Proud to call you a guildie your a mad lad absolute Chad


Wouldn't have made it this far without y'all!


https://preview.redd.it/44nu2kf8a1ad1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f49246943c3b33978787abf7458dc2bfa332d00 Update: Shadowcraft Cap secured! xD


Is horde SF population better on Defias Pillager or Skull Rock?


Can't speak on Skull Rock, but I think they're both pretty low.


I was there when he went to SS graveyard!


I did no such thing, lol. I camped by the river while someone else (maybe Gnomeslice?) did the Hecular's Rod quest as insurance to blind the guard if things went South (pun intended).




Yeah I see you all the time, but didn't know you were built different like that bruh


A true legend


Very impressive! Proud of you champ


Thank you o7


Feel inspired by this post to try the same thing, but just confused by one thing. I keep seeing you mention flask of supreme power, but isn’t it a consumable? Or is your intent to end with alchemy?


You need one as part of the .5 quest line, so you’ll need to farm the recipe and craft it. I did end with 300 enchanting and 300 alch and have the mats standing by to craft the flask when I get the recipe drop. 


o7 for this legend, perished recently




How did you clear the dungeons for the gear?


With the homies.


Ahhh so no trading, nice work brother 🫡


Thank you! o7


What does self fond mean.


Mainly, the character cannot trade, use mail, or the auction house.


Didn't level LW for the devilsaur set pfffff. I guess darkmantle pieces will suffice. Gz on making it that far, that's crazy


Damn a lvl 60 horde on DP. That's the real achievement 👏




But why? Why not cancel SF at 60 and just trade for stuff? Are you gonna raid as SF too? Or stop playing your character after you get full set?


Idk, guess I didn't see the point in just turning it off at 60. If I was going to play SF, I was going to play SF. Either raiding or retiring will depend on my luck with alch recipe drops.


I have hard time to believe it xD Just because u need multiple proffesion juggling to get all the materials just for set alone, not even counting juggle to get enchanting rods (arcanite one)


I mean, go find him in game if you don’t believe it.


I Did wrote this before his whole explanation. It's hard to believe something this insane just by saying he did it. Also I'm not from burger shore xD


We got self found. Self found over here. See, nobody cares.


quite a few people think it's pretty cool


It was a Jurassic park joke.. wrong crowd.


i got the joke, but the joke is telling someone that no one cares about their accomplishment I came here to tell you that you were wrong


But that was his joke…


Yeah, definitely admire the dedication and feat that this is. Way to be a Debbie downer.


But wasn’t that the whole point behind the meme. I guess I took the post as. I’m self found but nobody seems to care.


It was intended more along the lines of no-one assumes I'm SF cause my gear's solid.


Ahhh then yup I missed the point.