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Gold is definitely not an afterthought, these repair cost high, the consumables take tens of thousands of gold, and if you into transmog that's also a few thousands of gold


However thousands of gold is quite easy to come by as well.


Yeah 20k a week from the gold WQs and the dragon riding ones. 5 toons at max and it’s an easy 100k a week for a few hours work


There are some perks in dungeons and raids, such as alchemy giving longer phial/flask durations, specific dungeon buffs like mining nodes in uldaman gives a movement speed buff. As for mounts, there are tailoring and engineering specific ones.


I think most players don't bother with professions. Some might see professions as boring, pointless, waste of gold, not necessary, etc Personally I like doing professions for the completion aspect. Also there's things I came across that I wanted/needed crafted, and paying AH price or paying someone to craft it for me felt like a waste of gold due to overcharging. So I made sure to get every single profession so I could craft for myself, and also I use professions to make (a lot of?) gold.


1. Professions have little to no inherent bonus to them anymore; some Dragonflight dungeons have specific interactions with professions, for example Brackenhide has a strong interaction with Alchemy and Neltharus a rather weak one with Blacksmithing. The last true "profession bonus" is increased duration of Alchemy phials with Alchemy. 2. Gold is important, but doing world quests alone is enough to cover regular expenses like repairs and a decent amount of consumables for casual play 3. Some professions have mounts tied to them, for example Tailoring, Leatherworking or Engineering; Blacksmithing has one as well, but you don't need the profession to learn it (the others need the respective profession) 4. If you intend to play above a casual level (by that I mean a) play a lot and b) play relatively high level content (M+18-22 or higher, heroic raid or higher), you'll need a lot more consumables than you can afford with world quests alone; a single M+ run with full consumables costs ~300-600g and at least 50g for repairs (increasing drastically with each death) But professions aren't the best or easiest way to make enough gold for that. Like I mentioned before: world quests are an easy gold farm. If you have multiple characters, you can make anywhere between 3k and 12k per character and week from world quests alone. If only one of those needs consumables, you can make enough with 2-3 characters. Gathering professions net ~5-20k per hour, usually on the lower end of the spectrum. It's not much, but it's steady income, you'll easily sell most of your stock every day. Best ways to make gold are a) knowing and playing the auction house, you can make hundreds of thousands per day with that, but need a lot of prior knowledge and a bit of luck; b) boosting M+, raid and PvP rating - you can make anywhere from 50k to 200k an hour boosting M+ (don't know the exact figures for raid and PvP, but they tend to be higher), but this requires a decent level of skill and connections or at least patience to find customers. And finally c) - buying tokens. The amount of time spent earning money to buy a token can only be outclassed by the two methods mentioned above and even those would have to be at the highest level, meaning you'd need to be a high level trader or boosting very high content to earn that much gold per hour.


Ahh ok thank you for the in depth reply. 


It’s more of an off hand prof but cooking Iv found to be super handy.


I wouldn't say gold is an afterthought. It's a currency and a resource. I dabble in professions to get longer lasting flasks, craft my own gear, etc. I refuse to buy wow tokens to play the game, but having a strong character is expensive. Repairs, consumables, gems, hell even transmog all cost gold.


Depenig on where you live, "refuse to buy a token" can be stupid. I make a token in an hour of work. I am NOT spending my game time farming gold for hours when it's not worth it. If I worked for 5e an hour maybe, but it would be insane for me to farm gold with the time investment/cost at my current income.


Is beyond stupid. Even in my third world country. Cutting the grass of your neighbour give you around 15 dolar. I paid my first year of law school cleaning cars for less than 10 bucks AND I COULD CLEAN 4 PER HOUR. In a very, very poor country.


I mean I could buy a wow token in about 45 minutes worth of work. It's not stupid to refuse to buy a token. I can't make a choice between working an extra hour a week tokeep from farming gold. Lol what? I need irl money for bills, I'm not gonna spend my money on wow gold. I try to make gold in wow because that's how I choose to spend my free time, not because it's efficient.


If you find farming for hours is ok then find. I'll rather do an extra hour of work and buy a token and spend the extra time I would farmed with family or friends (or doing stuff I actually like in the game) but you do you. We have different priorities but your still doesn't make sense to me. You play wow to make gold I play it for m+ exclusively. A token every two months is a joke with our pay and that's more gold than I need. Farming gold in this case is literally a waste of time if you do not enjoy doing so. But nothing you enjoy doing is a waste of time, no matter what others think. So if you like it, all the power to you


Ok lemme say it like this. I'm on salary, I can't choose to work for an extra hour to make more money. Most people can't even if they are hourly. Idk what kind of work you do, but that's just not reasonable thing to expect people to be able to do. I have a decent job but in this economy, I don't want to spend an extra $20 a month to buy wow gold. My choice isn't between working or gaming, it's between gaming and something else like Netflix.


I'm in pharma/clin trials. I like my job more then farming gold so I'll chose to work more 10/10 times if I have a choice. I can work up to 10hr shifts if I want to (so 1.5hrs extra a day). HR will give me shit if I do it all the time but there's always work to be done so they shut up fast (it's a VERY fast paced environment). I have friends that freelance subtitle translations online just so they don't have to farm if they can't afford it (I did it before I moved out of Croatia as well). I hate farming gold so much I will find 10 different ways to make the money in half of the time necessary to farm it. Always have, always will. Thankfully it's much easier today than it was before. It all ends up being personal preference and how you want to spend your free time. And its not money, it's free time (in the vast majority of cases). Almost anyone can make money on the side online today, just depends on your skill set and willingness to actually start doing it. So even with no available extra hours at work, most people can do it from home whenever they want. And if you need the 20e to pay bills you shouldn't be spending the 15 for the subscription. Or Netflix. You are basically broke at this point.


“I refuse to buy tokens” lol good for you, my time is worth a lot more than the menial expense of buying tokens.


I think you guys are assuming I think I'm better than you for not buying a token. That's not it at all! The token exists, I'm not arguing for or against it. I just enjoy playing the entire game, and I don't mind spending part of my gaming time generating some gold so I don't have to buy a token. I realize this is a personal choice. I don't have a "hustler" mentality, I also get paid on salary, so my income kinda just is what it is. I also have quite a bit of free time to game. I'm not sacrificing anything i want/need to do in game or in life to make some extra gold and participate in professions. The time I spend doing that kind of stuff is really just time I would spend watching Netflix or doing laps around Valdrakken.


I still haven't maxed out my professions in DF. Enchanting and Mining. I just passively explore them in between stuff. The game has so many focus points just pick what works for you, I'm sure you can find some way to generate gold from them if you wanted. I get most of my gold from selling all the crap I get from completing weekly quests or stuff picked up in dungeon runs, I just sell all of it.


Why would you think gold is an afterthought at end game? Professions aren't super important, as you can get everything you need from the AH or from crafting orders. However, folks that have leveled up their professions and specialization can make pretty good profit on selling consumables and crafted items.


It depends on your gameplay. If you do high end end-game, repair, pots, flasks, enchantments and gems are a gold sink, so you want to have some max level to save gold. I have JC/ench on my main and alchemy on my alt.


Professions are pretty important. You can get some really good items crafted. That said, it’s not important for YOU to have them. You can just put in crafting orders for good gear from someone else who has them. I have an in game friend who has maxed every profession on one toon or another. I’m glad he did so I can just reach out to him when I need a piece of gear crafted or re-crafted. Alchemy is good to have though to get double phial duration from the phial/flask specialty you can select at level 25.


Never bothered with them since TBC.


I've ignored professions outside of gathering all xpac. Don't like the rework they did, made em too complicated for me. You can safely ignore if you want


Like anything in retail, lost all depth and meaning


They need a rework to make them more relevant, cheaper, and easier to make for self-gearing as you level. They are currently an end-game gold sink and even then, you can gear yourself quite well without them.


For each expansion, professions become more and more useless.


I only have my ingi for fun. So I can craft hundreds of fireworks and run arround and fire them up, without spending money at the ah^^


Inscription can make transmogs for your DF mount saddles.


I did not know this. Thanks for sharing. Are they account wide?


Character I think. Soul bound so you have to do a work order if you aren't an inscription.


I must be doing something wrong because even though I have never been good at making gold I feel like this xpac the cost vs rate of return to sell stuff to make money isn't great.


Gold is not an afterthought. At end game you will need : - At least two crafted pieces of gear with embellishments and an optional piece with an embellishment to make the food buff persist through death. - Stat food/feasts from cooking. - Combat/healing/mana/invisibility potions from alchemists. - Phials from alchemists. - Gems from jewelcrafters. - Enchants. - Weapon stat/Vantus Runes from scribes. - Auto-hammers from engineers. In addition to that, you'll have repair bills. End game can get pretty expensive. If for whatever reason you decide not to buy a token, I suggest you to check the r/woweconomy sub for answers other than "just buy a token".


Players who dont bother will mostlikely choose alchemy as theres an option to have flasks (phials) last 90 minutes instead of 30, which is a major money saver. Other than that, professions do take a lot of time and upfront investment, but obviously you can make some nice gold with them, if you spend the time. Personally, I dont bother. I tried, but maxing professions in DF is a lot of effort and then you sort of have to advertise your profession in chat and its a hassle I cant take. The old times of just crafting stuff and posting it on AH are gone and at this point in DF its difficult to get any profit. Your idea of "enough" gold may also be a little skewed. 20k gold is not much. Flasks cost 100-500 gold per, potions 30-90g per, food costs something, repairs do too. Regularly, I would spend 5-10k gold when I raid in the evening. Buying materials for a crafted items can can up to like 30k gold + the fee for the crafter. So its all subjective. One thing I do not recommend are gathering professions in dragonflight. Gathering in the old world still makes sense, as that can get you better gold, but dragonflight is so overgathered that you can get better gold from just world quests.


It's like every element of wow: If you're interested in it, it can be enjoyable, but if you'd rather focus on something else, there are plenty of options.