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Have you tried classic? If you want slower paced, easier content with more focus on steady progress that may be better for you?


Yes, Cata is the last expansion I played heavily. Endgame is entirely raid based though, and every time I've played this game NA raiding groups universally seem to play at night which does not work for my schedule. I have work at 6 AM, can't stay up past midnight every night anymore like I could 20 years ago in college. I'd need a group that starts at 3-5 PM EST and finish up around 9 so that I can have any hope of a full nights rest before work the next day. That seems to be catastrophically rare though, or at least was back then.


Raiding in retail is a lot more pug friendly these days, since you don't get locked out anymore and you can hop into any group that's on the boss you want. There are groups going at all hours, although more during peak times. This season significantly increased the difficulty of dungeons that are not on a timer (heroic and mythic 0). You can advertise groups as "chill" or "social" to avoid the gogogo type people. You might be surprised at how many people playing these days have a similar mindset to you.


Could you play on an EU server?


Have you joined the wow recruitment discord? There is a channel in there for heroic or normal daytime raiding guilds, which may or may not be suitable for what you're looking for. Otherwise, I think delves is a feature coming in the next expansion that would speak to you (solo content that strives to be somewhat challenging)


I had heard of delves in a news article, its what peaked my interest in possibly picking it back up again. Wasn't sure if the current xpac though had anything. Shadowlands did (with Torghast) but I haven't kept up with Dragonflight at all. By daytime, what does that mean? I do still work a day job haha, but I get off at 3 PM. Since I start so early in the morning (6 AM) I can not do late night raiding anymore like I could back in college. So more afternoons than middle of the day.


Ah yeah, so I would guess that you'd want a guild that does a couple hours in between like 5-9/10, which should be perfectly reasonable to find. I think 6-9 and 7-10 are the most common time periods. Something like 4-7 or something like that may be out there, but not as common. Both of the guilds I raided with this expansion were from 7-10, which worked for my schedule. When I first started raiding, I was under the impression it would be a lot of late nights, but I've come to find that's not necessarily the norm, which may be different from before, or maybe just a misconception that I had. I don't know that dragonflight has a lot of difficult solo content, there's a lot of achievements to be gained from world quest and weekly outdoor content, but I wouldn't consider any of that to be challenging in the same way that Torghast from SL or Horrific Visions from BFA.


M+ content is really solo friendly. Just hop in lfg whenever you got time to play, pug some runs with Randoms and have fun. I haven't been playing with a guild for years, simply because I don't want to commit to a fixed schedule. If you don't want to have the stress of doing difficult content, content against timers etc, then transmog farming, achievement hunting and mount collecting are the real endgame anyway. Highly recommend it, if you want to chill after a long day of work.


You could try EU servers if you want to day raid, possibly? And I do think a guild is at least part of this answer since that would solve a lot of your objections. That said, I think there is a lot you can do solo in this expansion, too. The reputation system has been completely revamped/expanded to a renown system, which has all sorts of new cosmetic rewards, extra storylines, and various activities. Outdoor activities have also been expanded, so there are several options for various short-scale events, also with some exclusive reward opportunities. Many happen on the hour so they’re also pretty easy to plan for and don’t require camping all day. The professions system got a huge revamp and honestly could be considered a game in of itself. A fair warning is that at this point in the xpac it’s hard to make professions profitable because you would be so far behind. However if you just want to learn it for your own personal benefit, and maybe pick up some fun rewards in the process, it could certainly be a viable way to play. And you could certainly practice now and then get in on the ground floor for TWW and corner a professions market if you want. There is also of course the whole wide world of old content, farming transmog and all of that good stuff. With warbands coming out, transmog farming is more effective than ever, so you might find that to be a rewarding game too.


Thanks, do you know of a good overview of how professions work now? All the times I played before, professions were near universally useless. For a short while they provided a unique buff that was incorporated into the meta, but the gear itself was always useless outside of Alchemy for flasks, cooking for food buff, and Jewelcrafting for gems (back when gear had sockets). Basically, the only thing viable were consumables. But later expansions seemed to take even all that away.


Oh yeah, it’s really different with the crafting order system, embellished gear is almost mandatory nowadays. Wowhead’s overviews would give you the basics, but yeah it’s much more overhauled and complex than in the past.


Achievements, transmogs and mounts are probably the only things you can do solo that would be considered "end game" content


Also the war within (next expansion launching in a few months) will have a progression content for solo players called "delves"


Insane in the membrane