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My senior year I was 30-5 with 28 pins and I can honestly tell you I was only happy after 1 of them.. I pinned kids I was supposed to pin. Some were fish and some were tough but just not there yet.. the only pin that meant anything to me was against a kid from a rival school that basically went on a Facebook campaign about how he was gonna beat my ass and I was over rated and I’ll probably duck him because ya know he’s the best ever…. Anyway I ran up the score and pinned him in the 2nd but even if he got out of the pin he was teched 2-1 or 3-2 matches always meant more to me because it was a serious challenge that any mistake would cost the match


Even some of those 3-2 ,2-1 I lost felt better than beating a fish. One of my favorite matches was senior year before I could cut down to 171 And me and this guy went at he was a fucking dog. At one point in the match we shook hands mutually cause it was takedown Escape take down escape back and forth I hate losing more than I like winning But if it was a tournament we woulda have got that one award Fuck... Best match or wtf ever Fight of the night but wrestling


What's the point of training my ass off , cutting 1-20 pounds to go out there and beat jv weight class filler Jiggly Jamm Jr. Just to go sit back down? If imma train for it I want a battle, a contest, a grappling scrap. I used to tell my buddy the weigh class below me , he had fish city . He was rooded and shit just fucking Brock Lesnar of his fucking weight. He boasted about his record And gave me shit about my 27-11 Record and I asked wtf did he wrestle. I switched schools later on and he went to my weight and I went to his and I laughed my ass off when he got a loss . I didn't laugh at him. But across the gym all I could think was big fish small pond no more


Most of my pins were disappointing. What's the point in pinning a pud? Also do other people still say pud? Lol


My coach calls them scoobs, everyone on the team calls em jeeds


My team used to call them fish lol


Same, never heard pud lol


fish is the way. and some are only as good as a dead fish 😂


I guess this is a regional thing lol I've never heard either of those


pud? scoobie jib bup skip jum meeb!


Yep they are puds


we always called them puds


Lmao I forgot about that word. I’d be careful saying it nowadays but just mostly cus I don’t feel right a grown dude calling some random teenager a pud, seems kinda mean.


Used the word just the other day. Even googled it just to see the status of the word. Might have thrown it in a post on here. I’ve had pud on my mind lately.


So what would you call a guy who is great at beating puds but can't beat anybody decent?


The Pudisher




For us it was Pud Whacker


A pud


Can crusher


Midwest thing it seems


Yea they are called puds here in Iowa but I’ve heard fish too




Nah my grandma was recording but she messed it up, he just pulled a really stupid duck and I just pushed him over


No a wins a win. Think about it for 30 seconds then it's on to the next one


I was wrestling this absolute hammer my sophomore year. I was pretty nervous as this was only my second year. During the match I crossed my feet like a dummy and tripped myself. My opponent jumped on the opportunity and finished with a head and arm, nuff' said. Years later I bumped into him on a job site. Well, this was a match he was disappointed in and he had asked me, "What happened? I saw you wrestling before and remembered thinking you would be a hard match".


The kid I work with in practice had this experience twice this year. We work on new techniques and try to expand his repertoire beyond middle school level moves so that when he wrestles at state this weekend and against varsity kids next year he doesn’t try easily defensible moves. Two of his pins this year were head and arms against kids he could have teched. After shaking the other team’s coach’s hand he walked back to our corner and literally stared smacking himself in the head because he missed a chance to get better and didn’t want to get easy pins against easy opponents with easy moves. Last few pins were better (3/4, double straight to a half, etc.), he had his first tech, and the tournament winner was with a smooth but brutal 1/4 Nelson into a pin after working on it in practice for a few days. Hoping he repeats as state champion tomorrow!


My senior year I was 170 and it would be pretty unsatisfying to drive an hour to a dual and then pin some fish in 20 seconds. I much preferred the competitive matches, even a close loss, because that’s where I learned the most


No one throws a match he probably was gassed and gave up


Was getting beat bad. Caught the kid pinned him. Felt like I shouldn’t have won the match that’s about the only reason I’d feel disappointed.


nah dude a pin is designed for someone who is down on points to do some risky shit and pull out a tremendous victory. my favorite pin was in our sectional tourney only the 2nd or 3rd round and the kid and i had a tight match going. i believe i was down 2 going in to the 3rd, got my escape, and as the period is closing i throw him with a head and arm straight to his back (felt like i just had more heart left in the match) for a pin. i never got to wrestle that dude again but i really appreciated that match.


I have failed to do more advance technique and the my coach says "just pin him". So I throw a wrist and half. It's frustrating a bit because it makes you feel stagnant in skill but I have never had a kid throw a match lol.


You summed it up nicely. If I win, I don't want it to be because of a technicality. I want to beat you. I want to defeat my opponent so I know my own strength




I only pinned guys if I was needed for team points. I'd rather tech them. I at least want a work out.