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This is incredibly helpful! I’m shocked in a writing sub there’s only 5 upvotes and 1 negative comment. Thanks this is why I’m here.


I'm really glad you (read: *someone* lol) found it useful! I was a bit surprised tbh at the lack of response, but I guess for whatever reason people didn't see the post, or it didn't speak to them. fwiw this post is a distillation of some of what I've learned taking writing courses, teaching writing courses, and taking literature courses. If you have any specific questions I'll also be happy to answer, if I can!


What a kind offer! Thank you. I’m a hobbyist in the writing ecosystem, however I’ve been working tirelessly to make it a career. I took a 12 week class on basic fundamentals, and getting better every day. Thank you again for the reply.


No thanks I'm good. 🕊️