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I'm trying to. I once sold a short story to a newsletter for 5$. I self-published a horror novella and made a few cents. My dream is to sell some of the screenplays I wrote!:)


Yes I'm a writing/book coach and a ghost writer


cool, I'm a ghostwriter too


In a way, yes. I’m a full-time legal proofreader, and I completely accidentallied my way into the job, which I absolutely would not have been able to do if I didn’t have the ability to write okay-ish and more importantly know what okay writing looks like. It’s a pretty sweet gig; I don’t make earth-shattering amounts of money, but I’ll get through school with no debt, I work fully remote and on a flexible schedule, and it’s AI/outsource proof because we can’t use non-native English speakers and the AI we already put our rough drafts through is garbage compared to what the humans can do. Plus not having a commute gives me a lot more time to write my own stuff, my writing is technically much better since I started, and I’ve got a never-ending wealth of hilariously ridiculous depositions to draw from if the muse needs feeding.


Yeah! But I'm not monetising my creativity.


I started writing on Medium….does that count 👀


yes, if you're getting paid, you must be doing something right


Yep, I started publishing a webnovel around 5 months ago. So far I've only made about £1000, which is awesome in a way but... I really want to be able to do this full time and around £200 a month isn't going to cut it lol. But I have faith, I think if I stick with it I'll get there. The progression fantasy webnovel market is surprisingly profitable and in due time I'll start putting stuff on Amazon, too.


No, but I would love to write for one of those really cliche bodice-ripper romance story apps. I'm pretty sure most of those stories are plagiarized or heavy on the AI though :/ But if anyone knows an in hmu lol


Nope. How does one do that?


same question


Lots of ways. Blogging, YouTube faceless channels, Instagram theme pages, email newsletter, freelance services, and more.


I have a full-time job. It involves writing and demands advanced writing capabilities. Before this job, I taught writing in college. So, basically yeah.


Yes. I write reports as part of my job. This is not terribly similar to my fiction side project, but definitely flexes a similar muscle as my big project, which is social science non-fiction. Writing isn't my only job (i also manage people and do some of the analysis & lit review that goes into those reports) but I would be at about half my wage if I couldn't do it reasonably well.


Yes, as a copywriter and translator. Sometimes as an editor as well. While I enjoy the job, it makes it kinda difficult to convince myself to write something "for free", so lots of planned stories sit waiting, while I'm making a dime.


Not really, I just write for fun or when I have something to sink my teeth into analytically


Not yet. Hopefully someday!




I’m shocked I am being paid for that I have done for free




I’m seriously saying I never expected someone would pay me to do it


My agent does that


Not really. I make a few thousand dollars a year  off my technical non-fiction. It mostly sells as ebooks and some print books with a little patreon support thrown into the mix. I haven’t sold any fiction, yet. My bills are paid by writing software. 


I wish I could. Don't think anyone is wanting someone that can barely write a page without something sexual coming up. EDIT: I didn't think making a light joke on this topic was so frowned upon. There's a reason I stopped using Reddit for advice.


That’s the majority of published work, champ.


There’s a whole market for that lol, especially specific and commissioned


Well I need to find a good place to find that market, and get over my anxiety when it comes to writing and sharing what I have written.


The anxiety of sharing is awful. I can’t really help you, as someone who doesn’t sell their (writing) labor, but look around the internet for your niche.


I don't expect help with my anxiety, that is not the realm of a public forum. I do look around at places to possibly post.