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Yes, I've always had writer friends, when I was unpublished, when I was just being published, and now that I'm a full-time novelist I still do. I picked people I liked, who were reliable, who could listen to my woes as well as talk about their own, who could laugh easily, even at themselves (as I can! I make ridiculous mistakes sometimes). I kept moving on in my writing career, and some of the old friends dropped away as they weren't having much success, and that's a hard place to be in. I never expressed jealousy toward people farther along than I, so I always had a few of them, who always showed me what the future would be like, and I've mentored three people, two of whom went on to good results, picking them carefully out of a more public space (F2F or online) I took writing courses and seminars and was friendly, and when I liked someone's work, I'd say "let's go out for coffee," and exchanged numbers. I joined online writers groups and when I thought someone was cool/a good match, I'd pm them. I got invited into private groups when I started doing well, and while the bigger group wasn't all that friendly (lots of real marketing go-getters, and I'm a touch more laid back), I did find a couple of people to keep as friends. Be clear in your mind about what you want. My main writing group now is online, and it's all pros, and we write together, in pomodoro sprints. No chatting/nonsense during writing hours. We call out word counts and get back to it. After the writing time is done, we chat, commiserate, share news from the business end of writing, and joke around about our personal lives. We're at a point we don't often need to talk about craft. And yes, to have people at your level in skill and success is very valuable. They know the struggles. They're living them too. When you're a beginner, you're going to find more duds than great friends, as a lot of people say they want to be a writer, but very few work hard at writing and at studying the craft and marketplace. Just keep trying, don't argue over small stuff, and keep building your network. Keep your friends as long as you can, and one day, you'll have a hundred people you can still reach out to for advice about something (is this a normal contract clause, should I do anything about the review that doesn't seem to be of my book... that kind of thing.)


if there's a poetry open mic near you go along, you will almost definitely find some poets who are also prose writers


I’m just a casual writer and doing it with the pure inspiration. Haven’t been huge into writing because of school, but now I am 23 and have found a huge passion in wanting to write. I’ve came up with a story and plot that I like and I need to build on it and the world. I’ve been working on it for months and it’s around 33k words but bits and pieces. Would be nice to talk about the craft and share techniques and critiques


I’d love to. For some reason I can’t get my dms to work, message first if you’d like to chat!


Yes if you have discord I would be down to chat!


I do! T-Haley#9858


Sent you a request


I'm asking myself the exact same question so if you find the writer friends spawning site I'd be interested! I write as a hobby and it's pretty much devouring all my free time and becoming my main topic of conversation.


I totally get you. Crit partners and betareaders are great, but sometimes you just need someone to chat with about the nitty-gritty of writing, without the pressure of a critique. I've found a few writer friends through writing workshops and online groups, and it's been so valuable to have people who "get it". Don't give up hope! Keep putting yourself out there, and I'm sure you'll find your writing buddies.


Discord fills this niche for me, I'm in a couple teeny tiny servers where I have writing pals. We have in-person groups in my area, but I'm a bit of a homebody.


I’m a writing too, been writing for a while and been getting ready for a writing contest coming this fall. I used to discuss my stories with my cousin, but we’re getting older and we have more responsibilities, so time is limited between us. I’ve been looking for more groups and friends to write with. Currently, I’m working on a dark fantasy novel for a contest. If anybody wants to link up on discord, hmu.


Add me on disc I’m down to chat and write. T-Haley#9858


My name is thorcolossus. I’ll send you a friend request




messaged ya!


Hey! I never got a dm


hmm just sent again, lmk if you got it? i've sent to both inbox and chat