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Me! I write historical fiction


Me too! Literary & historical fiction & stories.


Same! Along with realistic fiction and the occasional poem.


Historical Fiction with Horror elements focused on Christian perceptions of the Early Modern period for me. So it’s not fantasy because the magic isn’t real but maybe it is because everybody believes it is.


Add specifically French history (and a bit of fantasy) and you’ve described Chris Buehlman.


Pure curiosity, but how do you personally approach the research side of it?


Academic books mostly, I've got quite a few about the general period (mostly Medieval). Social history as well as political. I've got books about art, warfare and costume too. I'm really interested in clothing, the different fabrics and what they tell you about status. I'm old and built these up over years and years. Then I might borrow more from the library. I also read historical fiction and sometimes that sends me down a rabbit hole! I tend to write more about fictional characters with real events happening vaguely in the background. I'm more interested in domestic life and local situations and power structures. I've visited an open air museum in the UK that has Medieval buildings set up (they were all moved there to save them from demolition) and the curators/historians/archaeologists there show you how people lived. It was fascinating. The historian, Dr Lucy Worsley, did a TV series which was mostly filmed there. It was about the evolution of the rooms in the home. How about you?


I write historical fiction too, purely as a vehicle for topical research! It’s a creative outlet for sure, but it’s such a good way to learn and get deep into details.


Wow, that's interesting. I would love to read what you write someday. And as for me, I haven't really written or considered writing historical fiction on a serious level. I do want to approach it sometimes after my current WIPs are done though. The accuracy for past events and everything intimidates me sometimes, so I was wondering how others approach the research aspect.


You can never capture the past entirely. You can only convey a sense of it. I tend to narrow my focus to characters who aren't involved in "great events" because that way, there's less room for anachronism!


Wait. Are you also a writer who likes Genshin and pjo?


Me too!


Same here! Either that or what people might call literary fiction


I love historical fiction!!!


Outside of these two genres I’ve written poems, horror, slice-of-life, drama, historical fiction, and adventure stories. I’d like to give romance a try someday. My favorite at this moment are slice-of-life, scifi, and horror stories.


Me. I just like writing stories about made up peoples lives and exploring emotions and feelings.


Isn't that all of fiction?


I write literary fiction including plays, poems and stories. In the midst of what may be my first novel. It has a rhyming prologue and epilogue but the rest is in prose.


Literary fiction and creative non-fiction, here ✋️


Romance novels! My stories often take place in fantastical settings (fantasy world, ancient rome-based city, outer space) but it’s about the relationship first and foremost.


I write mostly mystery/thriller novel length stories.


I’ve been diving into post-post apocalypse lately. I really love it lol


Kind of Fallout: New Vegasy where new governments are forming from the rubble?


Usually post-apocalyptic fiction is lumped in as science fiction, I suppose because it's concerned with imagining a radically different reality.


Depends on how it’s interpreted, my rendition is relatively the same level of tech as today, maybe a bit less. And in theory, our own world is post-post apocalyptic, considering the extinction events and all that


I am a non-fiction writer. I am new to it, and currently write articles for my blog and work on my first book.


Nonfiction here, for the most part


I write mysteries and thrillers.


Lit-fic kid and (very) amateur poet reporting in. I read this sub regularly and while I don't really understand 'commercial' fiction, I am heartened by the emerging fact that it wants nothing to do with my weird neurons either. Healthiest relationship I've ever had


Horror and comedy for me.


Scriptwriter, usually for drama, thriller and action :D




How are you a post-post-modernist writer?


Very carefully lest he slip over the edge of madness into post post post post....oblivion


Being a pre-post-post-post-modernist writer


This is a vast oversimplification, but ... Modernism = search for objective structures, elements, and criteria in the creation and evaluation of literature Postmodernism = rejection of objectivity in favor of viewing literature as a way to encode and evaluate subjective perspectives and experiences Postpostmodernism = rejection of the binary between objectivity and subjectivity, seeking to instead draw from both modernism and postmodernism Despite having a very stupid name, there are some legitimate ideas underpinning postpostmodernist literature which I find compelling.


What are some good post post modernism examples?


It's a bit tricky to give examples because, if post postmodernism exists (and I think it does), we're right in the middle of it right now. And it's hard to see the overall arc of this period of literature while we're in the middle of it. But two examples I would try to associate with post postmodernism would be (1) new sincerity and (2) contemporary autofiction. Zadie Smith and Edouard Louis ... to give one example of each. Smith splits the difference between modernism and postmodernism by writing very sincerely (thereby rejecting the irony of postmodernism) while still creating narratives that are implausibly intense compared to reality. Louis because his work pivots more towards the grand theory approach of modernism (he likes to structure everything under an overarching theory of class) but he also acknowledges the subjectivity of individual experiences by fiddling with his own memories.


Thanks for that informative post! 😁I’m sensing a lit-major over here somewhere.🤫


Nah, I actually never finished college. But later in my life I began writing professionally and now I teach creative writing, so I got there in a roundabout way!


That’s inspiring


Im mostly fantasy but have been dabbling a bit with mystery to an extent in a new project I’m slowly building.


Literary fiction. Fantastic in some regards but nothing you could market as fantasy. Too firmly entrenched in modernist fiction and of little interest to the mainstream market.


Great question, and I'm glad that you asked it on here, as I've been wondering the same thing. I primarily write paranormal non-fiction, and some true crime. I have only just recently started trying my hand at writing paranormal fiction. What I mean by *paranormal* might be more commonly thought of as "ghost stories" or Gothic fiction. And if I feel as if my foray into fiction writing goes OK, then I might be tempted to try writing in the thriller or suspense genre.


Crime Literary Rom/dramedy Scifi and Horror


Contemporary fiction gang rise up ✋


I'm currently writing a Western but also plan on writing a post apocalyptic novel next.




Play write, so some drama and tragedy in there. Oddly enough comedy as well. I Novels. At the moment it’s only thrillers. But that can Bend towards horror. Fantasy, maybe Eventually. I wrote a Pathfinder (DnD 3.75) adventure path during the pandemic. Written without protagonists is interesting, but they have to be involved. I could make characters and write about them in that world, effectively going through it. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve done romance, literary fiction, horror, and speculative/surrealist fiction


Poetry and horror are my jam!


I feel like most people in this subreddit are novel / short story writers? I'm neither. I write for stage, radio and television. One of the radio series I wrote could be considered sci-fi, but most things I write are grounded comedy dramas.


Id love to try my hand at fantasy, but I just dont write enough fantasy to be good at it yet. I write mostly contemporary fiction and speculative fiction


I got my MFA in poetry and used to write poetry a lot, and now I'm a romcom author. But after I finish my romcom sequel I'm going to write a thriller. 😊


Non-fiction and educational serial fiction


Post-apocalyptic stuff.


I dance between genres. I do scifi, yes, but also horror, literary fiction, historical fiction, and non-fiction about history and literary analysis.


Me! Mysteries, thrillers, and horror.


My primary focus is on poetry, but I'm about 1/3 of the way done through my first novel a Neo noir thriller and I have a short horror story collection on the back burner


Poet here!


I'm kinda an absurd comedy script writer person as my main thing, but I do try to make certain lines quite poetic in a humour kinda way. It's basically about modern day times, but a few years into the future, so don't know how scifi that makes me haha. Just weird stuff that occasionally gets deep and emotional and stuff I try to attach most things I write to this project, as almost anything can happen in the series haha


I write horror... I think lol


I'm poet, I write lyrics for songs


Long-winded Instagram captions and text replies. Not much money in it, but it fills a void.


Romance. Often genre romance, but still romance.


i write poetry, prose, and do technical writing for my profession


Cosmic horror slice of life. No comma.


Romance 🙋‍♀️


I write programming books. (Well, present tense is a little weird because I've written two and am not in the process of writing another right now.)




Contemporary romance, checking in.


I write fanfiction, romance, horror, drama though occasionally I do love a good scifi story but it definitely takes more creativity and effort


I'm not.


I write smut, specifically MM romance. 😶




Ooooooh how many stories have you written? 👀


Does that mean absolutely never writes fantasy/scifi, or doesn't only write fantasy/scifi?


Mostly horror


I like to say my book about teenagers stranded on a UFO is set in space, but it's not about space. The isolation and unfamiliarity of it all is explored as much metaphorically as scientific. I could rewrite it to take place on a torpedoed late thirties steam ship without too much effort. It's certainly not a tech-heavy hard science war epic like *The Expanse* or a swashbuckling adventure with ray guns and laser swords like *Star Wars*.


Literary fiction, contemporary, and historical. Used to write poetry. Sometimes, it feels like the vocal members of writing groups are all fantasy or sci-fi.


I've written a few thillers. But yes, I am mostly sci-fi for fantasy.


I switch between genres and I'm really worried if this will hinder my future publications as a reliable writer. Right now, I'm working on a sci-fi script and another schizophrenic cop genre at the same time.


I think more horror here


I write crime thrillers.


Settings wise I am happy to do fantasy, historical, sci-fi or contemporary and have completed stories for all of them. There are other constants to my writing instead.


Are you including the romance subgenres as sf/f? My world is science fantasy (super powers created, accidental heroes); the two POV characters become partners romantically.


Horror here.


Supernatural horror and realism mainly Occasional stream of consciousness Madness


I am writing a detective, although for now the process halted for a fantasy story


I write mysteries and thrillers, and while I write fantasy, I write the other two genres more


I'm currently writing horror murder mystery onr


I write fantasy but also social realism.


Well while I do write fantasy, considering my one published novel is Lit Fic, then I'm probably not a fantasy writer ;)


Speculative fiction here !


I mostly write poetry!!


I'm about 90% SF and maybe 9% fantasy. But I am working on a cooking themed cozy mystery so...


I'm not sure what my genre would be, but my current WIP is about a wife dealing with her husband's death on 9/11 while also trying to take care of their children who saw the whole thing. I guess maybe a drama?


I've been writing autofiction lately and some poetry.


I write mostly high and low fantasy but I’m dabbling in normal fiction as well. I just don’t like it nearly as much. It’s more fun to worldbuild when dealing with the fantastical.


Nonfiction Travel Comedy reporting for duty!


I write predominantly non-fiction articles and essays. Unfortunately I lack what V.S. Pritchett called "determined stupor" to write fiction. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it, or poetry for that matter, just don't have the talent for it.


Horror/thriller with a satire bent.


I've only just started writing, and I'm currently writing a thriller.


Literary fiction mostly. Also erotica. Sometimes those also kinda have a baby.


MEEEEE!!!! While I do write fantasy for myself (I enjoy world building and it's my preferred genre to read for pleasure) my bread and butter is romance/slightly spicy chick lit. As much as I love fantasy, I've yet to complete any of the fantasy project I've started. (wistful sigh) Perhaps one day... In terms of nonfantasy, I've written several contemporary romance novels, publishing two of them (though the second one is "his" version of the first, so perhaps its really 1.5) , currently querying a third, and working on a second draft of a 4th one. They are all set in modern, real world settings were people have regular jobs like lawyer, mechanic, computer programmer, etc.


Slice-of-life/political thriller


I write a wide variety of genres. Yes I like fantasy and science fiction, but I've also written poetry, realistic fiction, and of course lots and lots of essays


Horror and romance


If you mean "no never," not me. I write whatever strikes me. If you mean "not exclusively," that's me.


I wrote a psych/thriller with some horror elements in 2019


My current novel is fantasy but I usually do folksy slice-of-life or nonfiction.


while i do write sci-fi and fantasy, i also like to write a variety of other things particularly, i like to write crime and horror


Apart from my Fantasy projects I have one thriller project🤔 another project also plays in reality but I have no idea in which genre to put it. So, I have two projects that aren't fantasy or sci-fi :3


Hello, I write folk horror. I'll poke an eldritch finger into the ghostly and the gothic, but mostly I'm here for the ancient rituals and profane sacrifices.


Well, I write some stuff that could be considered Fantasy or SciFi. But I also write stuff from tons of other genres. Contemporary Slice of Life, Westerns, Historical Fiction, etc.


me. mostly poetry and short stories. some non-fiction too.


Outside of those two genres I do poems, thrillers, drama, and realistic fiction. I would like to give other genres a try though


Working on an old-school mystery “whodunnit” novel rn


I'm not super active on here these days, but my current project is a Caribbean horror story!


I mostly write horror/thriller but I am currently working on SciFi and have been plugging away at a Fantasy


I’m still struggling to define my genre but I mostly write surrealist postmodern fiction


I've written romance, scifi, and thriller/mystery. So I do and don't fit in


Currently writing horror exclusively


Me! I write literary horror (and just plain horror and sci-fi sometimes).


Crime/romance (generally a mixture of two). Recently been working on a YA HS romance too, fun experience. First ever work was fantasy and I absolutely got sick of my terrible world building, plot and action sequences by the end. Wasn't my cup of tea at all.


I write mostly Horror and Horror Adjacent stuff. I've dabbled in Sci-Fantasy but stay away from actual Sci-Fi.


I write horror but I am also working on some horror fantasy. Does that count or does my genre dabbling disqualify me?


I write sci-fi and fantasy, BUT I also write historical fiction and literary fiction!


The only thing I’ve ever written professionally were scientific journal articles. I want to try fantasy writing eventually.


I do write sci fi and fantasy but also love writing poems. Wouldn't really know what genre to class them, defintely not sci fi or fantasy poems though one or two might come across as a bit sci fi but they're actually about tripping. They're usually quite sad poems.


I mean I write a little bit of everything. But right now I’m on my second draft of my horror novel and I’m outlining a fantasy novel framed as a western and a sci-fi time travel story that’s more focused on music than the science.


I am originally a poetry writer (published twice), but I dabbled in short-stories for a long time. A lot of realistic-fiction and murder-mystery. But am currently working on a fantasy novel. I wouldn’t say I’m a “one subject” writer, but rather I write whatever suits my fancy/is my ADHD hyperfixation at the moment.


I’m not sure what I’m writing because it contains pretty much everything from powers to real life to comedy to tragedy so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a multigenre writer: mystery, crime, F&SF, humor, an occasional horror, western, and mainstream. Even did a bit of a romance once, although that was a one-off. Sometimes I blend two genres.


Cosmic horror writer here!


Lurker that sometimes writes technical documentation for work. Haven't written anything (fantasy and poetry) since highschool.


I write historical fiction, although one of my books is a historical/science fiction hybrid.


I’ve been writing SF, but my latest story is a suspense/mystery.


Mostly murder mystery here, little bit of horror, some other stuff. I've done sci-fi in fanfiction form (I'm in the Portal fandom) & both fantasy/sci-fi as a DM, but outside of that it's about 80% mysteries, 15% horror, 5% whatever else


Not presently, but I'm not ruling out SciFi at some point. 


Horror in addition to the other 2


I just write standard lit fic. I'm not really committed to realism, I suppose you could say I'm a little bit surrealist and postmodern. Definitely some psychological and horror bits. But really I'm just doing whatever feels like a good idea.


I have novels that are thriller, action adventure, one historical thriller, and some romance. In short stories I've done horror and literary.


I don't. I write poetry. (themes mostly around self love, body positivity, inner child healing, feminism - something similar to let's say Amanda Lovelace or Rupi kaur but without the frustrating line breaks )


Mystery, Adventure, and horror!, i love writing those


wild west shoot 'em up, boy wins girl every time writer


I wrote a gay furry visual novel for a competition this month. It counts I hope


Poetry, rom-coms, drama, and horror! I used to write fantasy but I put it down and never picked it back up


I am working on two literary novels. One of them involves a common sci-fi conceit in its story structure. But its emphasis isn’t on the otherworldly but rather simply uses that as a vehicle to tell the story of three groups of characters.


Guilty but also horror.


Memoir & creative non-fiction.


Mostly poetry at the moment! I'm also trying to write a novel but with poetry I can just pour every emotion in me to the text and it's very healing.


I write whatever story idea is calling to me, but I don’t pay attention to staying writing a specific genre. I have a political dystopian, an urban fantasy, historical fiction, and a sci-fi. Really want to try horror soon.


I write mysteries and horror, with most of it also being historical fiction. Only a handful of my stories actually take place in modern day. :)


I write poetry, mystery/thriller. I have a couple chicklit ideas but they mostly also include fantasy


I leapfrog genres as I please.


I write suspense/mystery/thriller novels. I write scifi/horror and mystery/thriller/suspense comedic short stories.




Slice of life drama fiction writer here. Can’t wrap my head around fantasy writing at all, I just enjoy character writing and emotional storylines


Mainly Fiction but I write Horror, Romance, Slice of Life, FanFic.


Poetry, literary fiction, historical fiction. I’m confounded by sci-fi and fantasy, honestly. It’s baffling to me. Yes, perhaps I’m daft.


I've been writing fantasy for a while, but I plan to delve into Historical Fiction soon.


I've been writing fantasy for a while, but I plan to delve into Historical Fiction soon.


Thriller writer here! Hoping to release my first in the next couple months.


I enjoy writing literary fiction


Mostly non-fiction. Technical, legal and engineering mostly. Some memoir lately. The last book I co-wrote was Fall of the Guardians by Vanessa White.


I write a sort of slice-of-life of celebrity main characters. Most have romance too but also some don't, and even with the ones with romance, it's not the only main thing.


Poetry here! I am also a variety writer because the constriction of genre makes me feel suffocated. I tend to include a lot of different elements and ideas in my work that don't mesh neatly into any mold.


I write mostly literary fiction although I do dabble in horror and fantasy at times.


Me! I write mythology themed fiction (riordanverse fanfiction)


I mostly write horror and poetry


I’m a poet as well as a fantasy writer!! Just wrote one today about premature birth


I love writing horror and mystery stories, as well as westerns, but I do also write fantasy and sci fi on occasion


I started writing as a kid and I was only into writing fantasy. Now as an adult, I'm only interested in realistic fiction (kind of sad when I think about it). But I love a good mystery with some romance!


Does loose fantasy count? I write stuff that's 97% ish based in reality, but has 1-2 fantasy elements thrown in to make up that last 1-3%


Poetry and literary fiction.


I write non-fiction.


Movie reviews, advertising scripts, and children’s books (all mostly for fun)


I can write most genres. I'm best at horror and romance, but I prefer fantasy.


I write: Middle grade: Sleuthing / Murder mystery YA / Aduly: Litrpg Cozy Fantasy Gamelit


I’ve written multiple books but I mainly write horror novels. Super fun traumatizing myself with my attention to detail.


ive never completed something, but i love writing realistic fiction, ig booktok just ruined everything else for me


Horror romance here.


Semi-fantasy; The island it takes place on has made up names, and a made-up history that \*could\* be true. But England, cambridge and Portugal do exist. Imagine it like this: Aruba. Bonaire, Curacao, Deline. yes, there are the ABC islands, but the story takes place on Deline "You probably did not pay attention at school." Or i zap the island out of existance, time, space and memory at the end of my story... i'm not quite sure yet.


non-fiction here


Rgular Fiction, though two of my book ideas got mild sci-fi elemnts despite the one being kinda historical 🤔


I write a bit of fantasy but I also write a fair amount of contemporary literary fiction


Me, I am not a writer at all


Historical romance on my own and contemporary romance with a co-writer.


I mainly do horror and mystery - so there is some overlap but not too much.


Uhh im both so guilty


Romance currently


I do a lot of action thrillers and geopolitical/techno thrillers.


I'm a young adult fiction author but I envy the imagination of fantasy writers


The thing I’m working on right now that I’ve been tweaking for years is a psychological thriller.