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>ok but HOW FLESHED OUT IS YOUR MAGIC SYSTEM? It's based on cum, lube and interior design.


It's the most erotic of magic systems


/uj I need to know more about this system 😭 are they just cumbenders or what


They did NOT post that in the fantasy genre. That's like the gayest genre ffs 💀


Oof! This made me so mad! Sometimes I which I could just reach through the screen and teach the op a lesson ... in punctuation.


/uj aw man the OP of the sauce deleted his comments so I can't see the username. I wanted to look through his posts and laugh at how much he's never gonna make it anyway, but now I can't :(


It was a mixture of explaining to people the rigid rules of life, and religious zealotry. We lost a real one today guys 😔


Uj/ I honestly have NO idea what they're talking about or trying to say.


They're homophobic and want to make fun of queer people in their story


The fact that someone actually said this is crazy


Yes it's absolutely fine! You can go ahead and put in some racist caricatures as well. It's bigotry 101: if you're going to write a manifesto, you better stuff in as many offensive caricatures as possible. It's why diversity is so important. How else are we supposed to make fun of minorities?


To make fun of the lgqtbs, personally I like to go to pride parades and be supportive, but like definitely in an ironic way.


Ironically become gay


Kissing your bestie to own the libs


Op deleted their post and account, from what I interpreted, I thought they didn't care what we lot thought?


I’ve never met a homophobe who begs to not be raged at. I still can’t believe they posted this in the fantasy subreddit 🤣. /uj Seriously though, don’t put gay people in your books to make fun of them. One, good luck getting anyone to sign you, unless they’re a right wing publisher. Two, we are not your token to get “diversity points”, for love of god, don’t use us as a joke.


/j ooh you're gay? Can I use you in a story? You'll have a small comedy part.


/j if you do it right- lesbian of the lake


Ok I'm quite good at diversity and inclusion - how's this for the book cover blurb: *"Arthur is the rightful owner of Excalibur, so why does the Lady of the Lake want to give it to Guinevere? When the two elope to Middle Earth, they leave behind more questions than answers. Will the Nights of Cumalot ever be the same again? Will Merlin ever get to saw a woman in half? Was Guinevere's cropped haircut a sign? What's that smell of fish?"* *Read the New York Times bestseller today!"* I've always said that no subject matter is off limits, as long as it's done sensitively.


Oh darn I was going to go raging in the comments at you but then you said not to do that.


broski i think u should put the really exotic gays because people cant get mad at you for putting gay people in only to make fun of them if your representing the gay people who don't get any representation!!! [here's a list of the really obscure exotic gays to take your pick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) (uj/ and a message to op: go fuck yourself. I'm bi and trans and would rather have no LGBTQ+ rep in a book than have one token gay dude whos used to make fun of the community. also how the fuck do u "not support" 20% of the worlds right to live just because u don't understand them? i don't understand the way scientists talk but that doesn't mean i want them to die???)


Based on my experience with Light Beer Bigots like that, it's something along the lines of he wants us to be "free" to either go back in the closet and never talk about it with anybody or else go to conversion therapy. In other words, he thinks he's not a homophobe literally *just* because he doesn't want to murder us.


Ditto to the fuck this pos. As a queer man you can go to hell previous OP.


Nice one! Though youtube putting an ad in front of it rather spoiled the effect.


In my new original story, Jesus-kun goes on a date with his crush and BFF, Peter and they help people together and bond over their shared values. You won't believe what Jealous Judas does! I included one straight woman for hetero representation but made her a prostitute LMAO


ez Downvote CIA private sector trash. Mr. God loves all of the gay guys who like other guys and all of the lesbians who like other ladies. If you put this in your story you will most likely get beheaded in real life.. it's not worth the risk man.


i think you should make one lesbian and one gay man and then have them realize they're in love with each other at the end /uj oh my god that op what the hellllll and in FANTASY?????


You should have sex with a gay first. Then decide.


I've done it before, laughed the entire time


Sorry. Let me rephrase. *Make love* to a gay.


Sorry that sounds like a joke, are you trying to be funny?


Good sir, I have never told a joke or been funny once. Not in my entire 29 years of existence. First, how dare you! Second, go fuck yourself! (Or make love to a gay)


/uj I'm assuming it was religious reasons they were vehemently opposed to queer people. If so, why the fuck is making people a joke okay?


I don’t care if you put representation in your stories or not, but you don’t use it as the butt of a joke. It’s just not okay to make fun of minorities like that, not even with flat earthers


uj/: https://preview.redd.it/y7lspqw3njpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8985ef5ee913de06590dd853ff47184e64b77dbc As someone known in my very small circle for consistently writing LGBT characters... *ay*


maybe organized religion was a mistake


You can do what you want i suppose. A lot of people wouldn’t be okay with that though. You can hold whatever opinions you like, but it would be quite insensitive of you to include lgbtq people just to make them laughing stock. I think it depends on your audience, and who you want to relate to your works, if you plan on publishing this series. You’re not missing anything by leaving them out :)


/uj Do you know what sub you are in? Also, you don't need to be nice to homophobes. Honest.