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I have a friend who rides 300km+ brevets on his Muirwoods build. Your initial list of upgrades is great, get some cushy tyres on there and don't worry about tubeless. Drivetrain would be the next big thing, where you need to decide whether you'd want to switch to drop bars. 1x is fun but expensive, nothing wrong with 2x8 or so, I personally find 3x a bit cumbersome. As you spend more time with the bike you'll get a better idea of what upgrades you want to do and what's worth it.


I second not worrying about tubeless. Depends on the drivetrain but my 1x conversion was nothing more than removing the chainrings and adding one with alternating sized teeth (I think tall/short is the proper nomenclature). 


It’s nice to hear the other side of all the popular trends (tubeless and 1x)! I just ordered tires to throw on my current rims and will probably ride the bike for a season before deciding on drivetrain changes. I don’t mind the 3x right now although I never use the fastest gears. A 2x may be a really good middle ground in the future!


Unpopular opinion but I would much rather build a bike up for gravel than purchase a dedicated and overly marketed ”gravel” bike. Cheaper, same purpose, and has another use besides gravel.


Would say it's not unpopular opinion on this subreddit.


It certainly does seem more fun and custom. After the reassurance on this thread, I’m going to! Already ordered tires lol


Id upgrade that. Advent x 1x dtrain. New wheelset, tubeless compatible.


waste of money IMO, 3x is life


Lol this sub is hilarious.


The drivetrain and wheel set were definitely my main two concerns. I’m so torn on the 1x vs 3x debate and obviously so is this sub haha. I’m definitely going to build it out and will probably leave the dtrain until last to give it time on figuring out what I really like!


I really prefer 1x. Quiet, simple no hasty front derailleur, looks cleaner, lighter.


Thanks for sharing the why! The slight weight savings is definitely a draw for me


If you really like riding at a cadence, ppl def prefer 2x and 3x for that though. Im happy to cruise though


yeah, it's a compromise. people like the 1x setup because it's less likely to throw the chain on singletrack. its good for rolling terrain or urban cycling with a lot of starting and stopping definitely more gear choices is better for cadence and efficiency


Run it until you actually need to replace due to wear or if the part isn't suitable for your current need.


I'm thinking the same! Ride til the chainring teeth are worn out and then decide if I want to replace or rebuild to get my money's worth.


To really get your money's worth now, using it is the best option. I'm familiar with the entry level models (I have a Larkspur and before that, a Bobcat Trail 3). The parts are highly functional, the Bobcat 3 had Altus 2x8. Clunky but functional. I doubt it was worth very much if I sold it off the bike brand new, though. I'm not sure about this, but once the chainring wears out, I think you may have to replace the entire crankset and possibly the bottom bracket. It's at that point you can decide if you want to go 1 or 2x and that will also be around the time you decide on the rear gear spread and number of gears. The other benefit from using the parts that came stock is parts are on the pricey side regardless of level, so knowing what you would want before purchasing would go a long way towards spending on the right parts for your needs. Whatever shifters you end up with will feel like a major upgrade. Best things to upgrade first is the saddle (assuming your sit bone parts are already broken in), possibly pedals if you're not happy with the stock ones (I'm not even sure if the bike came with pedals) and tires. I hope that helps! 😀


That is extremely helpful. Thank you for the specifics!! And I've been researching/ testing saddles. Should be ready to pull the trigger on one soon. The ol' sit bones are as broken in as they're going to get on the stock saddle haha




I feel you made a good choice. Upgrade it. Especially for the parts you're considering, I mean once you find a seat and handlebars you love, you're gonna want to hang on to em, and move em from bike to bike. Marin makes a decent steel frame... Columbus Genius or Ritchey Logic it ain't, but it's fine, I'm happy with mine. Perfect frame to upgrade over time, if you ask me


That’s true! Those parts are not expendable and can grow with me for sure


its a cool platform to upgrade. if the sizing is right, keep and upgrade the fuck out of it over the years. biggest upgrade would be a nice wheelset and tubeless tires imo.


It definitely feels like I can build on it easily for what it is! It’s the perfect size for me which is awesome. The wheel set and drivetrain were my two biggest considerations with this post so they may be in my future!


Comfort is your most important upgrade. Handlebars make sense. Id prioritize supple tires over beefy ones unless you’re getting tons of flats. Occasional flats are acceptable. The components on this bike should be excellent for the outlined missions. 3x is dope. Has been for decades. I can’t explain the pushback. You have a bomber frame with reliable components that presumably fits you and is new. Just have fun out there!


Thank you! And it’s nice to get the 3x love. The wheel set and drivetrain were my biggest considerations here and I really don’t mind riding the 3x. I like the range and I liken it to the joy of driving a manual, but felt pressured by the more streamlined 1x trend haha


Haha glad to be a counterpoint to the 1x madness! Re wheels, I recently went from basic OEM to a mid to high tier wheel set and the difference is very subtle. Upgrading is fun and all, but more so for tires, cockpit and saddle where it really hits. Otherwise best to resist the consumption drive and spend on experiences, which your bike seems prepared for!


Are you doing the upgrades yourself? That makes a big difference on any cost/benefit analysis.


As much as I can do with YouTube! I feel pretty confident that the type of work I’m looking at here I could figure out on my own with the purchase of a few tools. After the reassurance from this thread, I think I’m going all in on building it out and growing with the bike


Look for the Marin Muirwoods video by Bike Bros on YouTube for some ideas. That bike is a keeper in my book. So many possibilities


I have this bike. I love this bike. Please keep us updated about your edits.


I definitely will! Planning on doing another post once I’ve completed some of it. Just waiting for good used items and sales to pop up. So far I’ve got 50mm tires and a new saddle plus a few bags and have been having a blast. Have you made any modifications to yours that you really love?






I rode the shit out of a Muirwoods in Santa Cruz and San Francisco from 2007-2014 before it was stolen out of my closed apartment garage (while U-locked to itself!). I miss that bike.


Sorry to hear it was stolen!


I can't edit the post since it has an image, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the sound advice! I am definitely going to build it out over time and allow the bike to grow with me as I jump into this sport. I already ordered new tires lol. So stoked get out there :)