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Holy shit this looks amazing!


Vibes are off the fucking charts, everything about this looked sick as fuck. FINALLY get to drive those mechs!


And it will be, Doom always delivers.


Well i wasn’t expecting that at all


Me neither. I expected full medieval stuff, or simply a remake of the original doom but in the new engine. Not this hybrid stuff. I am interested.


why would it be full medieval game?


Hexen, heretic, the game already is medieval themed.


wouldnt it be called Hexen instead of Doom then?


Not when you consider that nobody knows what Hexen is


it would be treated as a new ip, would make no sense to make a medieval Hexen game and call it Doom..


Its medieval themed beacuse it takes place in Argent Dnur. We already knew this from DOOM Eternal.


Lore young one


I am honestly a bit annoyed they are not leveraging the Hexen IP for this, could have gone full medieval with wizardry stuff.


Probably on account of the Hexen IP having very little value out there, whereas Doom is an iconic franchise.


I agree. Only a few of us olds remember Hexen. Doom has never been bigger than it is now.


Booo 👎


You have just described the DLC! :D Any bets?


Pretty sure my low testosterone was just cured watching this trailer


Looks sick. The vibes are immaculate.


Music, style, shooting. Winnnnn....


Sorry, what are vibes?


Short for vibrations. Means how the thing feels/ how it makes you feel.


I've never heard it used like that, so it was weird.


First time on the internet or something? Or interacting with people? Vibes is not at all an uncommon term lmao


I can't believe I was down voted so much. I hear people say "good vibes," but the way it was used here was weird. It's a cringey term regardless, but I especially would have never seen it used that way.


People use "vibes" in that way all the time. You must have just not come across it.












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Bro fuck me this looks good .


You want your brother to fuck you ? 😦


What are you doing down there, Step Bro 👀


A prequel?


Between Doom64 and 2016


Ah I see. Much appreciated 


There's a time line? I never thought of it beyond the gameplay


Yep, Eternal actually had solid story stuff


Which sucked so badly. (just my opinion, not forcing it on anyone)


Yea, I absolutely loved it but I get why purist doom fans wouldn't like it.


I'm a doom purist and I loved it lol. my 4th birthday cake a cyber demon on it.


It sucked ? Eternal literally connected ALL of the DOOM Games and you somehow think it sucked... DE confirmed that its the same DOOM Guy from DOOM 1/2/64/2016/Eternal and now the dark ages.


I used to hate it but it kinda grew on me lol. I'm still a bit mixed on what they did with Sam tho


The story is bad ass. Long story short, local marine has his bunny (and maybe wife?) murdered by demons, becomes so angry he effectively turns into a weapon of mass destruction and refuses to die. Eventually goes to hell to punish said demons for all of eternity and is granted the strength of god himself. If you grew up on Doom1/2/64, the way they connect to modern Doom is equally fucking sick.


I played the original doom back in the day along with Wolfenstein. My next doom was the modern reboot.


There’s a shit ton of lore in the codex pages


Eternal itself is just a lore dump at times. I fucking loved it.


Fuck ya that looks good


Goddayum. The soundtrack, the atmosphere, the violence… sign me up and let’s rip and tear.


I’m a bit sad Mick Gordon isn’t composing the music but it looks good .


Could hear the difference in just the one track


They burned that bridge and brought on the discount 2nd-string, Andrew Hulshult. At least, it sounds like him. Still good but.. Not quite mick


People downvoting you are clueless. iD screwed Mick Gordon, and it's a damn shame because his music was a major part to what made DOOM great again. I fear that without him a major component of the game will be lacking.


The music was still awesome. This game will be plenty metal im sure


But will it be "I used a chainsaw and a lawnmower as an instrument" metal?


Yeah really sucks


How the fuck do they keep making Doomguy look more badass than he already is?




Damn that looks great.  




Not a Doom fan, been wanting to play Doom Eternal for a while now but ngl this one goes hard af. Im In


have u played doom 2016 tho it's first in modern reboot of the series


I haven’t, totally forgot about it, I’ll check it out again, Eternal is a sequel to 2016 right?


for me 2016 is superior than eternal


Yes. 2016 goes much more into the Alien/sci-fi horror vibes, and keeps it atmospheric and gritty. Eternal goes in a more arcadey direction, and sacrifices some believability'but for faster paced gameplay, and new mechanics, and a bit of worldbuilding. They are both exceptional games and should be taken on their own merits.


Yes. Both a great but eternal goes super hard.


I'm hyped for this 🔥


Holy shit are we back?


Shit got me hyped!!




Banger alert ‼️‼️


The shield reminds me of Rygar, for some reason. And the dragon reminds me of Panzer Dragoon. Those are some good influences to have, to say the least. :P


I'm hoping it's more like 2016, and less like Eternal as far as gameplay is concerned . I know plenty of people loved Eternal, but for me coming from Doom 2016, I just couldn't jive with Eternal, enough that I didn't even want to play it at all after awhile, as it was just too frantic.


That trailer made it look pretty frantic!


I wasnt a fan if the self aware arcade-y presentation coming off of Doom 2016, but the gameplay was immaculate.


Doom Eternal did get a bit silly for my tastes by the end of it, wasn’t a fan of them going full sci-fi with the origins of the demons and stuff. Doom Eternal has the better gameplay loop and more variety but 2016 is superior narratively and aesthetically IMO


In various interviews and livestreams Hugo Martin has said he wants to make a game that feels like you’re a tank to Doom Eternal’s fighter jet (his words not mine) so I expect this one will feel a bit slower and more methodical. Seems to line up somewhat with what we see in the trailer. He was also really impressed with Sekiro so given that the shield seems like it’s gonna play a prominent role in this game I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind of deflect mechanic or something.


What more a man can ask? Looks amazing


I was expecting the shield to be a gimmick but turns out that thing looks fun as shit


Favourite trailer so far. I need the OST already.


I've never enjoyed a Doom game since the very first one, but this looks so freaking good. lol I want to play it now.


I didn't think Doom could get more... well, Doom. And then the Slayer pulls out a shotgun that use skull splinters as buckshot. God fucking bless Id Software.


Looks awesome cannot wait to play!!!


So excited


We are so back


Chain shield? Saw shield? Boomerang shield? All in one shield.


This looks incredible! I’m looking forward to playing it hopefully by the time it releases I’ll have set my man cave up no access to gaming / movies till then


Looks Badass as ever love it 😎


I’m so ready for this.


I wasn't expecting this but I'm here for it. LFG!!!!


iD Tech should be the future of shooter engines


I love this. They really are doing an awesome job making each iteration being even better than the last. Eternal is one of the best FPS’ of all time as far as I’m concerned. The remake was a breath of fresh air and eternal took everything that made the original great and ramped it up to 11


My body is ready.


It's like a metal album cover that you can play


I'm so hyped but I really, really hope the music is up to par. I hate how they mistreated Mick Gordon.


I was sold that this would be my game of the year as soon as they showed off the shield chainsaw, I ascended when they showed off the mech. Does this game’s levels look super open to anyone else? Interesting compared to the last 2 games




Painkiller The Dark Age looking sick


Not a Doom fan but oh my.


holy shit this looks insane. This game already has the look of greatness.


What a great follow up


Is this xbox only?


I mean, it literally says it's coming to PS5 too.


I fucking love DOOM! Gonna buy me a new Xbox just for this!


https://preview.redd.it/lfttage04p5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2292955d514e3db94126e8d1bdebde3a315c9834 # metalocalypse nutting to this


I really think the restart of the Doom franchise is underrated. First of all, this trailer is badass (music, gameplay, the demons learning to fear you). Second, There’s potential for multiplayer to take off, just because of the action and style (I had a lot of fun with Doom 2016 MP). The single player content is great; one of the few games out there where you feel like a badass and treated like one.


They should have kept it exclusive to Xbox on consoles for a while. Sony has absolutely no issue moneyhatting devs and removing games that were initially planned for Xbox and PC such as Stellar Blade. Microsoft should be giving them the middle finger too.


Surprised it's not at least timed, an IP they now own is day 1 PS5. I guess they're really under pressure to recoup.


DOOM has a history of being on just about every platform under the fucking sun, it makes sense to have that as a multiplatform IP. I, for one, wouldn't be surprised if a Switch 2 version is announced.


This is a stupid argument, so did Spiderman, so did Hellblade, so did Indiana Jones. That is not the reason why they chose to make a PS5 version for an IP they now own. Simply put, Activision burned a huge hole in their pocket, Xbox isn't doing too well and C Suite is forcing them to squeeze out extra revenue in any way possible, no matter how extreme (even the Halo remake is rumored for PS5). This is why every Bethesda game announced going forward has definetly been reverted back to being multiplat.


I'm not denying that, there's an obvious reason why "Project Latitude" exists. However, it was an early request that was made by the direction team of DOOM to develop The Dark Ages for multiplatform, dating back to 2021.


I doubt that request held any weight, beforehand everything was moved to being exclusive. The top game in development, Starfield, was cancelled on PS5, Redfall was too, they even took the steps to renegotiate Indiana Jones to be exclusive. Obviously all that is over now, sales are in the dirt, interest rates are up and they're putting everything on PS5. They're going to hold onto anything already announced as exclusive for the time being to avoid backlash (Indy), but newly announced stuff like DOOM won't generate that kind of backlash so they had no qualms having it PS5 day one.


I’ll play for about 20 hours and it’ll be uninstalled like the second game if there is no snap map or player created content. The first game was awesome. The second games campaign was awesome, but I felt ripped off because the second game was short and didn’t have anything to continue playing.


I made a thread on SX Reddit when there was a buncha rumour-mongering about ID making a Mandalorian game. I brought up that Doom was in the FTC leak and said the Mandalorian thing was most likely nonsense and they were probably making another Doom game. I got downvoted into oblivion. And to no surprise here's another Doom game lmao. I'll play it like all the others of course.


Man thame man who came up with using skulls as ammo for a gun is freaking awesome and needs a raise NOW!!!!


Played 2016 Doom but never got around to Eternal. I’m gonna have to give that one a go before this comes out. This looks badass


I don't know if I should bust or cry rn


Doom always finds new ways of getting me hype......that giant mech is gonna be amazing


This may be the game that finally gets me to upgrade my Xbox one to a series x.


Yes, God yes


Don't really care for Doom, but happy for the Doom bros


Painkiller called, it wants it's stake gun back


I was like meh. Then started seeing some shooting features and it look like it could be fun. Environment looks really cool.


Why is Xbox sharing with Sony when we know they wouldn’t do the same


Bungies next game is releasing on Xbox day 1 lol Sony also preferred to make the MLB game for Xbox as long as they could make it


Both are decisions forced by Bungie and the MLB respectively. Meanwhile here, they're choosing to put their own IP day 1 on PS5.


Neither force Sony to do it. Yes they are choosing to let people play a game that has been multi plat still on multiplat platforms




Don’t allowed it as a term lol and it’s not something that can’t be changed, Sony has threatened to take full control of Bungie if management didn’t shape up. “Hack Spencer” lmao so many trolls on the sub today


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Taking away an established franchise is a massive dick move.  It sucks when Son. does and sucks when Microsoft does it 


I felt exactly the same way when Sony did this with Spider Man and now future X Men games. And yet they still don't get widespread condemnation for this, in fact I saw a lot of Sony fans celebrating this over on the PS5 reddit. It's always the Xbox fans who have to take it on the chin.


Well Sonys Spider-Man games isn't really a franchise, it's an established character sure but it doesn't have anything to do with the multiplatform Spider-Man games of old, it's it's own series, there really isn't anything to condemn. If Spider-Man 1 had been a multiplatform game and 2 been was an exclusive that would be a shit move however. Fans celebrating it is just a sickness of fanboyism though.


This is a weird take, your trying to spin this and my question is why? The Spider Man games had been multiplatform for DECADES until Sony came along and secured the rights for exclusivity, there is no moving the goal post here by saying it wasn't a "franchise".


I'm not trying to spin anything, a character and a franchise is two wildly different things. To me that is like getting mad Smash Bros isn't multiplatform when it features characters from games that are multiplatform. Look, I agree that Spider-Man should be multiplatform, I'm not disputing that, the thing is Disney went to Microsoft about a potential exclusive superhero game and they declined, then they went to Sony, Sony asked Insomniac to pick any hero they wanted for an exclusive gsme and Insomniac chose Spider-Man. So the exclusive Spider-Man games on Playstation wouldn't have been made if it weren't for Microsoft saying no and Disney going to Sony. I'd rather have exclusive Spider-Man games than no Spider-Man games because no studio has touched the character in ages. All I'm saying is that is why people don't condemn Sony for it, they didn't take Spider-Man away from anyone, because those games wouldn't exist otherwise. Plus as far as I know other companies can still make Spider-Man games if they pay Disney the license fee.


So you're saying be happy to be screwed over If your a Nintendo/Xbox fan of spider man because something is better than nothing? Sorry I can't do that, as I said I grew up in a time period where Spider Man was a notable multiplatform release for **DECADES** and I will never be ok with that not being the case now. Also your Smash Brother example is another weird take, that's a ensemble game that has ALAWYS been a exclusive title and as such doesn't work here with our Spiderman discussion.


How are you being fucked over by Sony paying someone to make a game with their character?


I've been playing games for almost 30 years, I know that spider-man was multiplatform and I just don't agree with you because this version of the character is a Sony owned franchise. If Microsoft paid Disney and made their own Spider-Man game they couldn't use Sonys version of the character, it would have to be completely new. And yes, I'd rather have an exclusive game than no game at all, no other studio has attempted anything with the character since Activisions license expired and those games sucked hard for years already. Indiana Jones was multiplatform too and I'm not complaining, I'd rather have a good game than nothing at all.


Doom was obviously never going to be one of the franchises that goes full Xbox exclusive, and neither is Fallout, and neither will Elder Scrolls. Established IPs with large player bases and games on other platforms were never on the table for going full exclusive. IIRC it was only new IPs


[That's just flat out wrong. ](https://in.ign.com/policy/188055/news/xboxs-phil-spencer-seemingly-decided-to-make-all-zenimax-games-exclusives-in-2021-meeting). Inform yourself. There is official FTC court testimony that says otherwise.


I seem to recall reports about Phil Spencer saying the opposite and people saying it made sense, that Xbox didn't spend all that money to keep giving PS games.


Exactly, he's being strong-armed by C-Suite. Everything Bethesda in the future is back to being multiplat.


I don't see why it's an obvious multiplatform at all tbh. This is just revisionist history now that they are clearly pivoting their strategy.


I mean it’s clear by now that most of the target audience for these games are hardcore PS fanboys that won’t buy an Xbox for any reason. The only way to keep this amount of quality on Game Pass is to have PS gamers pay for it and that’s much better than the alternative of not having them Day 1 on the service.


So whore yourself out while Nintendo and Playstation can continue to give a huge middle finger to Xbox by never having to share their exclusives, go it 👍.


Again, the alternative is not having this amount of quality on Game Pass. It doesn’t affect Xbox gamers in any way except for online bragging rights, which is quite fucking sad if you care about that at all. And PlayStation is doing the same thing putting their games on PC and some even on Switch as well. Game development has become extremely expensive and growth has stalled, something had to give.


It affects it more than bragging rights for the simple fact that if all the good Microsoft owned games start going to other platforms than legitimately what is the point of owning a Xbox in the future? I'm asking a simple question here, Nintendo and Playstation are full throttle on their exclusivity route and protecting their console ecosystem but for some odd reason fans like yourself think the Xbox should not do the same. And putting it on PC isn't putting it on Xbox.


I do believe Xbox will become a more niche product in the future. I see a lot of Xbox gamers switching to PC next-gen. Again, there’s no point in investing so much on a console people won’t buy. They’ll make next-gen Xbox a reference design like the Surface and focus on Xbox everywhere with Game Pass still being the flagship product.


So your on a Xbox reddit with the belief that it should fade into obscurity and thus fully be a destroyed console ecosystem...Now your outlook makes sense. You simply do not care for said ecosystem hence why your spearheading this notion of all their exclusives going multiplatorm.


That’s not what I said at all. The Xbox ecosystem will thrive, but not as a single console. The next Xbox is already being developed by the Surface team, if you expect it to be a direct competitor to the PS6 you will be sorely disappointed. It’s a losing strategy anyway, I don’t know why you’d want that in the first place.


Well yes, if there are five times as many Playstations sales as Xbox sales, then obviously most of the target (console) audience for any video game will be on PlayStation.


And surely that trend would reverse if only Doom was exclusive, am I right my guy?




If you don’t like Game Pass you’d probably be better off with the PS6, sure. I went with all 3 consoles this generation, and next one I’ll just get a PC and get the best of all worlds. I find that with Game Pass there’s way more games that I’m interested than actual time to play them anyway.


I didn't say that, though three years ago Xbox leadership was still under the impression that the trend was indeed reversible. Obviously, they shifted away from that stance, maybe cause they made the same observations you did.


Yet Starfield was. If Xbox wasn't under so much C-suite pressure, this would 100% be exclusive.


...So pretty much EVERY high selling game for Activision right? Then what is the point of even having a xbox? In a ideal world we wouldn't have exclusives and I would be fine if Sony and Nintendo returned the favor to the Xbox ecosystem but they are not and that's my whole issue with this.  Wow, Sony and nintendo fans must frequent this Xbox reddit, how dare I want your exclusives on a Xbox console...


Because the Medieval times has shotguns


r/PCGaming has more discussion about this Xbox First Party game than the Xbox subreddit. I wonder why that is. Oh wait I know