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HINTERBERG ON GAME PASS! I’ll consider ALL the other information here once that’s finished 😂


I'm right there with you! Kinda disapointed that this one doesn't seem to be getting more love from the fanbase so close to release, I think it looks really promising so far and they don't seem shy about showing gameplay


There are quite a few of us. I think I still remember the first reveal last showcase can't wait for it 😁


Maybe the extra gameplay shown last weekend will help once the internet digests summer game fest, it looked fantastic. I see their FB page lists Xbox and Steam… maybe it won’t catch on til the second year when it hits PS5 and superswitch?


I played the closed beta a few weeks ago. It has my attention but the gameplay looks better in the trailers than when played. They also said the goal is for early access release this year but we are a while off of the 1.0 release.


We're not doing early access. Full release on July 18th. :)


Oh great, I may have been confusing it with Immortals 33. Looking forward to dungeoning in Hinterburg.


I’m so fucking hyped for replaced I’ve been waiting man.


Same. Absolutely gorgeous art style. Here's hoping they're able to land that 2024 release date


The people who played it said they think it needs more time. Most likely 2025


Really would like to know what’s going on with 33 immortals and Towerbourne. Both were highlights of last years showcase, I haven’t heard anything in a while


The Towerborne twitter account [posted](https://x.com/Towerborne/status/1799879199018156520) that we'll hear more about the game later this summer. My guess would be that it shows up at Gamescom in August


Open Beta for 33I just finished. It’s in a solid place right now. It will likely be early access later this year (my guess is November).


Both had public betas so we should be getting close


33 immortals had a closed beta. I personally have to say that I enjoyed the beta a lot. The first time we were able to kill the first god was _so_ satisfying. I also found really cool the progression system and I hope that more hells will be done after release to keep it fresh. But yeah great game




ark 2 is not releasing anytime soon 💀


I am very, very dumb and looking forward to this game.


Haha, I suggest as much in this very post. However, the head of Studio Wildcard doubled down on the 2024 release date. I personally just cannot see it happening


It most likely doesn’t exist


If I had a nickel every time a game has 33 in its title, I’d had two cents, which isn’t much but it’s weird that it happened twice.


There's a 33% chance there will be another game with "33" in the title at the next showcase.


Yeah, I thought it was the other 33 😔


So excited for Towerborne, always been a fan of beat'em ups. Now if they would just tell us the release date...


The Twitter account for the game tweeted out after the showcase that we'll hear more about Towerborne later this summer My guess is that Xbox will show it at Gamescom


Damn there’s like 5 games on this that I really want to play. Can’t remember the last time I had this many games that I was really looking forward to coming out so soon.


Which ones are you looking forward to? I think Avowed sits at #1 on my list


Age of Mythology, Avowed, Indiana Jones, Stalker 2, and Black Ops 6 (first CoD game I’ll have played since Infinite Warfare because it’s coming to gamepass)


SOPA means soup in Portuguese...kinda funny


The full game's title is "*SOPA: Tale of the Stolen Potato*" haha


Jesus, that middle of July is going to be a battleground for peoples time on gamepass. Dungeons of hinterberg, flintlock siege of dawn and kunitsu-gami all release within 2 days of each other. And that's just what we KNOW.


I believe Frostpunk 2 is going day one to PC Game Pass at the end of July too. Absolutely stacked month I felt similarly about the fact Age of Mythology and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 are releasing a day apart from each other in September. Where do I find the time!?


Never heard of any of those before


Flintlock was definitely in the Showcase


The games are coming!!!


A good start to what is hopefully the gamepass cadence we've been looking for.


For sure. Plenty of great day-one additions outside of exclusives / first-party on the horizon too


I’ll be happy if about 10 out of the 14 are actually released in 2024. History suggests some are bound to slip.


Which ones do you think have a chance of being delayed?


Who knows but I’ll guess that 33 immortals, towerborne, ara, and Ark 2 get delayed


Interesting. The only one I'm confident will be delayed is ARK II. The rest I could honestly see hitting their target


You forgot Flintlock : The Siege of Dawn


This list is specifically about first-party titles, exclusives and timed exclusives While Flintlock will be available day one on Game Pass (*great! it looks awesome*), it'll also be playable over on PlayStation, so it didn't make the list 🙂


Ahh! I didn't know it was coming to PS5. Cool!


IMO day 1 game pass games are like a “soft exclusive”, obviously not in the sense that other platforms can’t play it, but bringing a similar level of prestige to the platform


Very exciting times


Damn, would have probaly gotten a Xbox if the games didnt release on PC


So excited for all.


I knew nothing of Sopa or Dead Static Drive thanks! I'm excited for everything here except for like 3 games. Second half of 2024 looks to be great.


Glad I could share some cool indie projects with new people 🙂 Yeah, considering how relatively quiet Xbox have been this year, it's good to see them (*hopefully*) finishing the year strong


I forgot about dead static drive lol. Im excited


Same! Hoping they pop out with a new trailer soon


Interested in 5 of those games with MSFS 2024 being the one that I am most excited for. Great compilation op.


Thanks. I had a lot of fun messing around on Flight Simulator with my housemates. Trying (badly) to show each other our families houses, our old schools, etc.


We eating good bois


Sweet. July is starting to look like a really solid month


It really is. Darkest Dungeon 2, Frostpunk 2, Bõ: Path of the Teal Lotus, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, Kinitsu-Gami, Schim and Dungeons of Hinterberg


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What a nice list. Something for everyone but puzzle game fans and adventure game fans. When will I be pandered to


At the very least, [Dungeons of Hinterberg](https://youtu.be/AhiY2BRQejs?si=-pQwEqbLNZmvv1dV) has puzzles! [SOPA](https://youtu.be/AauBvH81G9w?si=qyiupTNnnsJyKeov) is described as a narrative adventure, if that's your kinda thing.


Woah for people who spend significant time on games, this next half should give them the money's worth. I for some reason still like buying games (when those are on $10-20 sale). For new games, I normally rent out. Glad that most of these games will be coming to PS5 and I would not need to spend much on buying a new console.


Only one of the games I've listed (*Call of Duty: Black Ops 6*) is confirmed for PlayStation right now I believe S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a three-month timed exclusive for Xbox as per leaked documentation, but whether GSC Game World will have other ports ready in time given how rough their development circumstances have been is yet to be seen


Sopa always reminds me that south park episode.


Dead Static Drive is actually releasing this year??


Yep, according to the developers! They [announced](https://www.deadstaticdrive.com/releases) that they'd received funding from [VicScreen](https://vicscreen.vic.gov.au) last year and are now aiming for a Q3 2024 release


Ara is my number one. Civ 7 recently got a trailer, but I like the new features they have and hte innovations on existing things like victory conditions. I'll probably buy it because I'll play it after it leaves game pass.


While ARA is developed externally, it's being published by Xbox Game Studios. Meaning it'll remain a permanent addition to Game Pass


Anything without a firm date yet I feel is a guaranteed to be pushed to a 2025 release.


Maybe, maybe not. Who knows


I havent played a cod game in years because they just are not worth 70 dollars anymore but now that its on game pass I will probably give it a shot


Same. I feel oddly hopeful for this one. Treyarch have been cooking for four years


I’ve never played any of the stalker games, is the one coming to xbox any good and is there anything i should know beforehand?


After giving the new deep dive for Avowed a close look, this is definitely my holiday game.


OMG AGE OF MYTHOLOGY. I loved this game growing up


we are so back boys


Looks promising!


Great work, thansk for sharing with us. I am so happy with Xbox’s state now. I really hope Xbox people focus on it more and Ps bros quit port begging so we can all focus on good games.


Not an exclusive but space marine 2 comes out later this year


I remember playing the demo of the original back on my Xbox 360. Always enjoyed it but never got round to picking it up


Anyone else think they should delay Avowed to Q1 of 2025 so that it can get its own spotlight?


So it'll get it's own spotlight in a packed 2025? It's in a great spot as one of the major 2024 games..and you want to move it into 2025 which looks packed?


What’s coming out Q1 of 2025 though? I just don’t think it’s a good idea to sandwich Avowed between COD and Indiana Jones. All within weeks of each other if rumors are correct about IJ being December.


We don't know yet, but almost without fail a few games get bumped from fall 2024 to January/February. By all accounts it looks like a massive year in gaming, so you would assume at least one or two releases.


To be fair, Xbox do tend to be a bit quiet at the start of each year. While I want to play Avowed as soon as possible (*Obsidian being one of my favourite developers*), I don't think it'd be a bad idea to give it some breathing room as opposed to pushing it out in the holiday window 2025 looks like it's gonna be *extremely* stacked though. So who's to say it wouldn't get overshadowed by other titles anyway


I'm really curious how Avowed and Dragon Age treat each other. I think the lack of a release date from both of them is partially just to see what the other does. Avowed being on Game Pass makes the choice easy for me. I can be patient with Dragon Age.


They should take the Nintendo approach and just hold off some games until there are empty spaces for them to release a game in.


Anything like Stellarblade or Bloodbourne on this piece of stone ? I’m just playing 360 games ( like Fable, Metal Gear Rising ), and “a bit” envy about Ps5 guys with bunch of a great games..


Well, a quick look at your replies immediately shows that you claim to own a PlayStation 5, so I'm not sure why you'd feel envious when you can already play Bloodborne and Stellar Blade. Your reply history also seems to imply that you don't even particularly like Xbox, so it feels like maybe you're just coming here to try and trigger responses. Lies of P and Wo-Long: Fallen Dynasty are both on Game Pass. Knock yourself out. I'm looking forward to Wuchang: Fallen Feathers too. GLHF 👋


Am I the only one who just doesn’t care for most of this lineup? The only ones I’m interested in are Hinterberg and Fragopunk tbh. (That new hero shooter you can see on the preorder page)


I will definitely play 9 of these games, hyped for 4, and I'll consider the others when they come out since I know nothing about them. Flight Sim and Ark are the only ones that I don't think I'll bother installing.


Gears ?


Gears doesn't have a release date As the post explains, this is specifically about first-party, exclusives and timed exclusives in 2024 🙂