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Great decision for this team. Can’t wait.


Sounds like it will, but very much hoping it leans into the horror of it all.


I’ve read that they’re going back to the horror roots of the series.


Oh no Marcus! There's no more toilet paper!!! *Throws him 3 pieces of locust that resembles seashells


That's not a crossover I was expecting to see today


Yea no robots thanks and please 😆


I've been hoping they return to their horror roots for a long time. I just couldn't get into the robots in Gears 5. Can't wait to fight a berserker again.


I need this game now


I hope they stretch this into a new trilogy because SO MUCH happens during that period. If they do the story justice like the original trilogy emotions will be at an all time high. Just thinking about Dom, Maria, their kids, Doms brother (Marcus' best friend), Marcus' mom etc etc. So much potential greatness waiting if they do it right.


This could be the greatest comeback in gaming if they get this right. It would be like 343 making a tremendous Halo game after the trash that is 5 and Infinite (I like them both but they haven't moved the needle since 3, just gone downhill).


It's okay to call them trash. Halo Infinite has a great multiplayer but the campaign/story was also shit.


I thought the campaign was a ton of fun. The story was not great and it would have been nice to have more linear 'dungeons' as levels, but I had a blast playing it - more fun than any Halo single player since Halo 3.


I found the Infinite campaign good especially the boss fights.Multiplayer on the other hand was bad due to content being absent at launch which took many months to fix.


Multiplayer is good. Multiplayer was bad. One of those is relevant.


I really enjoyed infinite’s campaign and the portrayal of Master Chief.


I'm so ready for this.


Full mast


Fucking amazing to hear them respecting and going back to the roots of the franchise and taking on all the feedback from 4 and 5. If this game is a hit then they have my complete trust when it comes time to make 6.


This alone is making me buy a Series X. Haven’t owned an Xbox since the 360


Sweet, give me a 90 hours gears campaign.


this game is going to be awesome can't wait


Can't remember the last time I was this excited for a game.


It sounds like they have a great vision for the game. This could easily be the best Gears game if they handle it correctly. I can't wait to see what the (ridiculously skilled/talented) team can do with this kind of direction instead of the gears 4/5 style.


We prob ain't seeing the Lancer


I believe I read that the game will eventually bring the lancer into the picture, but that the lancer isn't readily available at first.


The chainsaw Lancer has already been confirmed to be a part of the game in some capacity. It’s likely we’ll see the origin of it in the story.


It all depends on Marcus proximity to his dad. Tai used a circular saw in desperation against a Locust. It worked well, and he told Adam. Adam then pretty well whipped up a chainsaw on the fly.


True, though it would more than likely late into the story. I just dont see them going back to the horror roots and not have the most iconic weapon in gaming, especially when it was a huge selling point and was part of a reason some jumped to xbox at that time


If it takes place during the first couple of days , I doubt it


Well, we will see the retro lancer. The lancer with a chainsaw will most likely not be in the story. The idea of using a chainsaw actually cane from Tai when he used one to kill a locust and adam Fenix decided to make the lancer because of it


Technically the Lancer was in the trailer. The chainsaw version is the new variant. That being said, someone has to figure out chainsaws work better on Locust, so there's a chance you use a chainsaw for a bit. Edit: looking it up, it was Tai at Jannermont with Marcus and Dom.


Yeah, like the chainsaw one is technically the Lancer MK II (while bladed one is the original lancer). It's just because gameplay-wise it's the first one they're usually called lancer and retro lancer.


I could imagine a mission part way through the game where you need to retrieve a prototype lancer and which is the chainsaw variant, would be a great way of introducing it to the game


In the lore it was Marcus's dad that invented the Lancer Mk 2.


I don’t remember much of the Gears lore, but I could see something where some speciality units that travel in highly wooded have the chainsaw lancer for specialized vegetation clearing, and they realize the effectiveness against the Locusts.


I'm wondering if we'll see any new weapons. Like Judgement was a prequel and introduced a couple new ones (because of how that story used the UIR).


It will be in multyplayer, can't see them going with only Retro Lancer.


I just hope it drops the grindy, time-wasting pseudo-open-world crap from the last one. Gears has always been a cramped, dark rail shooter.




Finally Marcus and dom back. My favorite duo from the series. Couldn't care less about the new characters in the later entries


Always wanted to know how long it takes them to take off their suits to poop.


I bet it has a poophole integrated in the suit. Or it collects it and you can take it out regularly.


I honestly don't give a shit about the story of the younger Gears cast from 4 or 5. They can scrap the conclusion of that story forever. Hopefully the prequel starts a new trilogy.


This is going to be some shit


That’s perfect


I forgot if one of the books covered what Marcus and Dom got up to on E-day. I remember one of them touched on Cole enlisting a few days after.


Wish I didn’t have to wait so long!! It’s been 5 years since we got gears 5


They're certainly cooking. Can't wait for this. I hope they then release a master chief style collection


I can’t wait!


Gears of War: Reach


Cant wait for this


I am actually really excited for Gears of War E-day I loved the original three and judgment I thought 4 was good enough and I really liked 5 This looks like an interesting game that can utilize the full potential of the Series X/S and PCs , instead of being cross gen .


Every minute of multiple days. So it's a 72 hour long game, has multiple hours of catching up on sleep scenes. And multiple poop and pee scenes? Hey, can't say it isn't unique.


Pretty sure the whole thing started when Marcus peed in the big hole, and it made the Locusts mad.


I have a feeling this is going to be a launch title for the next generation xbox


It would be really funny if the final mission is “Objective: Survive” but you really do end up surviving


Stop giving me details on the story and give me a release date


ive been playing PVE Gears5 since the announcement. didn't remember how GREAT horde mode is. such a BLAST!


I’m so damn excited for Xbox to finally have a good game. Since the 360 days! It’s crazy. LFG!!!!!