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I actually wish they were more competitive. I miss the old days, the all or nothing days of the 360. MS was fucking hungry back the. And they were releasing a banger every year but they also had great games that didn’t sell but we ate good those years. The Xbox 360 was the best Console since the SNES. And I wish MS after more like that.


I miss the old Xbox logo and the green and silver branding. The new consoles and controllers are so boring .


I am gonna get downvoted like hell. But this sub is just like DC. DC being 2 always made their fans claim that its killing marvel and bla bla only on the basis of announcements and trailers. Xbox showcase was ungodly, no doubt at all. But those were announcements and trailers only. We need to wait and check if those games really take the gaming world by storm. Remember Starfield? Similarly I hate discussing this immature console war shit, but Xbox is really struggling in lots of metrics. Gamepas subs becoming stagnant and hardware sales at their worst. As a gamer, we all should just pray that xbox and ps remain competitive so we get to have awesome experiences. Lastly, i think you are just a troll ‘coz a full fledged ps guy saying that ps doesn’t make sense to him is just lying. Please stop taking part in console war shit. Nothing new has happened in xbox world for you to say this. Xbox gamepass has been here for quite a while and for gamers it’s worth every penny.


Eh, I actually think there’s more people on this sub with your opinion than OP’s. I’ve seen several posts like OP’s, but they all have zero upvotes and the top upvoted comment is one like this.


It's super interesting to see a post with 500 comments and 0 up votes lol


Agreed, GOAT showcase, but we seem to forget Redfall looked good until weeks before it came out.


man I still feel sorry for the ign guy that did the first preview. people got their pitchforkes out for how bad his gameplay was like when he switched to the sniper in the small room when in reality the game didn't implement a weapon swap by long and shortpress like games like destiny had 8 years before it


That DC comparison is unfortunately spot on.


Everyone forgets last years showcase was also seen as very good, but then we got the actual games and they sucked.


What are you on about? Both Starfield and Forza Motorsport is really good.


Forza fell out in record time due to missing content and degraded content and if you think Starfield was well received you may not have been paying it too much attention


Forza Motorsport is still in the top 30 of most played games on Xbox and Starfield is at 83 at opencritic and just got well recieved updates, like the 60fps update.


That's Forza Horizon a older game. lol you've helped prove my point. The only review scores that actually can be reliable are steams as you have to buy the game and it shows how long you played. It's 60% aka crappy


No I am talking about Forza 2023, Horizon 5 is like a top 10 game of most played. Steam reviews are often all over the place. Right now its getting review bombed because of the lame prices of BGS creations club/shop. So steam reviews cant really be used. They are anything other reliable.


Are you looking at the north American current most played Xbox games? Motorsport is not there, only Horizon is. Steam reviews are from actual players who bought the game. I didn't reference the recent reviews but that is indicative of the current player opinions on the game not the reviews of websites like Xboxera who are pro Xbox bias and will give anything at least a 8 of not a 10/10 slanting the review score higher than it should be.


Not sure, I think its Worldwide. It’s the list truachiments puts out. Point being is that Forza Motorsport is still fairy popular, but not nearly as big a hit Horizon 5 - but we all knew that. Steam reviews are often used to communicated something - like bad decisions on pricing on micro dlc. That’s why they are not good as a metric if a game is good/bad popular or not. CoD Warzone is at 32% on Steam. Its one of the most popular games in the world. Steam reviews tend to be a loud minority.


What? The actual listing Microsoft uses is going to be more accurate than a 3rd party site. Microsoft hasn't even acknowledged the games existence since launch. It flopped immediately.


Yea I am remember Starfield. I am 30 hours into it, its a pretty fucking cool game. The BGS formula might noget be top tier anymore, but it is still good stuff.


Everyone has their own choice so i was not judging starfield like that. Frankly all the impact it had was before it got released. There’s a reason people still call Halo, Gears, Fable and Forza the true OGs of xbox. They left an impact just like PS’ GoW, Uncharted, LoU. Do you really feel starfield had that kind of an impact, no.


No it didnt have that kind of Impact, but very few games do. But it still had a pretty big impact.


Agree. The frustrating thing that i seem to be seeing with Xbox is that they are not good with exclusives. Exclusives define the brand since people associate exclusives with consoles. Unless i am way off but Starfield didn’t have the impact for xbox that a revamped God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, LoU 2 had for PS4. Just consider this category, xbox should have had exclusives on their level. Bethesda’s Starfield should ve been huge. The reason I am excited about Xbox is because they now have 25% of the AAA industry as 1st party, lol. They should now be able to compete (if not exceed) ps. If even now they try to find a way to release games like Redfall then we will be the ones who ll lose because that will be a huge loss for AAA industry.


I see your point and kinda agrees, thing is the age of exclussives are over. Microsoft will be putting out more games on the PS and PS will be putting out on PC(with a delay). I think the next DOOM could have a big impact, just like the last two had. But it will also be out on PS5 day one, so I dont know if you wanna count that?


Apparently in this era of branding, xbox seems to be promoting gamepass instead of console exclusives. But until they have a console, they’ll certainly be keeping few exclusives to build exclusives brand. Honestly not even MS can afford their 30 studios to become exclusive. Maybe they will keep either Big IPs aur 5-6 studios to release games exclusives. That seems realistic.


Yea and I dont know if that is the correct bet, but it make sense to me. But then again GamePass was the reason I choose Series X at launch and waited two years before getting a PS5


I am curious, do you like renting games or buying on dirt cheap sale? I agree that for new games there’s nothing better than gamepass but what about other AAA games? Does gamepass force you to play games even if you are not feeling it, since its a subscription and you’ll get charged


I do both man. I have been non-stop on GamePass since late 2018, I buy 3 years at time dirt cheap. But I also buy a lot of Games, I own +150 games digitally on Xbox, a good sale often gets me. I dont play something I dont like and I dont mind giving up on a game. Last game I gave up on was Atomic Heart after 10 hours on GamePass, just about two months ago. Last three games I bought Alan Wake 2 DLC (Xbox) Last of Us 2 (PS5) Prince of Persia (newest one) (Xbox)


It's a lack of quality control. They would rather release a obvious bad game like Redfall than just not do that and save the PR disaster. Unfortunately for Microsoft PR, they don't really cancel any games coming out, especially not if they already marketed it to the public. So what happens is a game like Hi Fi Rush comes out and is great, but also was going to be great regardless of Xbox as they had no involvement with it. They just let Halo come out and be a immense disappointment at a time where Halo legit could have been a major title again. They did delay Starfield but God what was like pre delay when none of the systems are well designed or deep and the exploration is the worst its ever been in since maybe Arena.


Halo should’ve crushed it tbh since it was supposed to be a face of xbox new gen. That seems disappointing.


It had no business needing to be delayed and still coming out lackluster


Hot take: but open space as in the Universe is bad choice for videogames. Its just too big, you are biting over more than you can chew. Exploartion on planets is kinda boring in Starfield and so was it in NMS I must more prefer a smaller space as in Everspace 2 or Mass Effect


Atleast with NMS it made the blast off to space fantasy feel amazing and that was at launch. It's only gotten better and for free


I kinda disagree. I played it when the co-op came out. It had a lot of extra stuff back then, but nothing gameplay wise felt good and the whole thing just felt empty to me. I really didnt get why people liked it, I bounced off after 5-6 hours of total playtime.


Hater detected


This is something a astroturfer would say


What??? Have you been living under a rock? Xbox is at an all time high right now in terms of gaming.


by what metric? if you look at market shares between ps, xbox and switch + maybe steam/pc, that is far off from all time high. the series x + ganepass is cool. i just wish we had more system selling games.


The metric of what we all just saw this past week. There is no such thing as system selling games anymore. That has been gone since last gen. The only games that sell systems now are Switch titles. And switch is an entirely different category from Xbox and Sony.


those all were announcements and trailers. while I also am pretty hyped for a lot of them, we still have no clue if they are actually good. cyberpunks hype was big. starfields hype was big. and there are tons more of examples.


And both Starfield and Cyberpunk turned put to be really good games. Sure they needed some updates. But play any of them now and you have an awesome game


cyberpunk needed a studio two years to polish the game, which led to them dropping plans for a second dlc and in a sense waive money. not many devs can do that and/or are supported by a publisher in this. the game is fantastic now, one of my favorites actually, but there is still stuff missing that was orginally teased or outright said to be in the game. starfield is solid. it is very good in stretches and boring in others. it is just too empty and big outside of the main and faction questlines. automated generation lets you find the same boring lab or outpost layouts again and again. almost all of the critique from the release is still valid, but the framerate upgrade is a step in the right direction. charging money for mini mods certainly is not. and then there is hyped up games like anthem. or redfall. and the list goes on. wait for the released product and don't buy the hype from announcements and teasers.


I agree in most of what you just wrote. :) Starfield is clearly best if you skip the exploration and stick to the named quests


Explains why people were buying Xboxes for star field?


Weren't hardware sales still down in spite of that


They spiked the month starfield came out.


Yeah all time high on that rasta you mean ☠️


I's it though?