• By -


Gambit is my top. He's just amazing, I get so upset when he's missed out of episodes and things. Reasons: •His powers are so cool, and what he did in 'Remmember it' was sick. •He looks after everyone around him, no matter what. •He is so charismatic •He's a great addition to the team and has such good relationships with all the team. •He's got such a good backstory that isn't too overcomplicated and is well presented in TAS I just love him. He's just amazing.


I think it must be mentioned that he also just *looks* cool. His eyes are awesome, he rocks pink and light blue like a friggin boss, his staff, his playing card ‘splosions (and terrible gambling related puns)… I even love his dumb gloves that can’t decide if they wanna be fingerless or not. His overcoat that 100% would not be comfortable to fight in but he wears it anyways. Just damned cool. Also the fact that he gets knocked out/beat up/captured so frequently endears him to me even more.


Oh my god 100%. He is genuinely so cool looking, I just wanted to stray away from the obvious. His outfit is amazing and compliments him so well. His eye design is absolutely brilliant. I agree with all of this.


gambit is my top too😋😋🤭


Yeah long before the recent 97 stuff he was always my fave.


Always watched X-men TAS as a child and recently rewatched it and he was always my favourite.


i agree with all of the above and also [this](https://www.indy100.com/media-library/gambit-wearing-a-burgundy-crop-top-that-says-rock.jpg?id=51809976&width=1245&height=700&quality=85&coordinates=0%2C0%2C0%2C1)


See, you can't simply choose just one favorite. Top would probably Cyclops for me, since he was the first mutant I was introduced to. I've always like his visor, his optic blasts, and while certain movies don't portray him very well, he is one of the best written characters in animated series. Colossus for his design, and that Russian accent is 🔥 Nightcrawler because he is so incredibly wholesome Spyke because atp he's a hidden gem of a character with only a single prominent appearance to his name. Storm, because of course she makes the list. Psylocke. Don't know a lot about her, but her powers are bad ass and her design slays. That purple hair 🔥🔥🔥


Rogue all the way!


I love a (physically and mentally) strong, unfazed female character who still has vulnerabilities and Rogue embodies this perfectly.  As a kid, I was first drawn to her fabulous hair, her raspy voice in TAS, and her complicated romance with Gambit, but over time it’s really been about the evolution of her inner and outer strength that have kept me intrigued.


The writing of women in X-Men is just downright amazing, especially given how long ago it started. Storm and Rogue reminds of how Sigourney Weaver is written in alien - just a character that is dealing with the situations at hand. You are not constantly reminded that this character is female, and has some chip on their shoulder, and trying to prove themselves "to the boys." In fact, as I type this I am realizing that maybe it's not so much the female characters themselves, but how these writers wrote the male characters around them. Storm and rogue and Weaver just are - they're capable and impressive, and everyone around them recognizes that and respects them. It's just so refreshing compared to media that is always unnecessarily putting people against each other. I'm glad I was exposed to this from a young age.


Seconding Rogue with an upvote *and* a comment just for that extra emphasis


Nightcrawler, I grew up religious and I was really short as a kid, so it was cool to see that in a superhero


Nightcrawler was my first comic book crush


He is really hot, can't blame you


My boy Beast. People who've spent enough time on this Reddit will know I never shut up about him, but I genuinely just like talking about him and sharing my feelings about him. He really inspired me, as a kid with body image issues growing up, and I find a lot of people don't know much about him, so, I just like getting to show people why I care about maybe the most unpopular X-Man. My favourite interpretation is his feline mutation, starting with Morrison and going through to Gillen, but I love almost every version of him, especially his goofball Avenger and his maturing New Defender selves.


My fucking man! Your story of how you fell in love with Beast is similar to mine with Nightcrawler. I have autism. So when I was in preschool I struggled connecting with the other kids. But then watching X-men Evolution I see this character whose clearly different from everyone else and struggles because of that. But he used his humor and joy to blend in. That really resonated with me and helped me find a way to become a little bit more normal and make friends.


It's amazing what these characters can do to shape us when we find them at the right age. They genuinely can inspire us and help us find our way. I'm really glad you were able to find Kurt at the right time to help you through.


Kurt’s my fav too! And for similar reasons as you and @OhMy-StarsAndGarters. I was 9, I think, when I discovered X-Men: Evolution but I’d seen bits and pieces of X-Men: TAS and I’d seen some comics. I was curious about Nightcrawler when I was introduced to XME because he was the “bad-looking-guy” on the “good-guy” team. Well, as a young girl who hit puberty ridiculously early (earlier than 9), growing up in a traditional American, white Christian environment, I was plagued with the “your body is demonic and witchy because you were born without a dick” bullshit two or three, sometimes four days a week from the pulpit (lots of religious trauma which I’m not going to go into). My mom was abusive and I endured a lot of rejection trauma pretty early…and recently learned that I would’ve been taken by CPS if one single person had said something when they saw something. 🙄 I don’t know what I did wrong but whatever I did happened between gestation and 6 mos. 🤷🏻‍♀️Anyway…Mystique vibes. I had (and still have) significant body dysmorphia (but it’s a lot better now). So, with all that, finding Kurt was like finding a friend. I always thought that if adults were out there writing a character like this, then obviously there were real people who understood what I was going through. So in that sense, he wasn’t fictional at all, rather, a cover for real people I’d never met speaking a language we all understood. I’m so glad you were able to find him when you needed him, too. 🙂💙


I like Beast as well. My favorite version is the TAS one: well spoken and kind despite probably being one of the X-Men who was getting treated the worst by the general public because of his appearance.


Especially with '97 bringing him back in strong form, it's been a joy to see everyone remember just why he's one of the most iconic X-Men.


Man I used to love goofball Avengers Beast! My favorite version of him. But i gotta admit the OG cartoon and ‘97 is the definitive version in my head.


I forget the exact issue, but there's a bit in classic Avengers where Gyrich is trying to take the team to task for government security issues, and they're at a hearing with a load of lawyers. Midway through the hearing, a big rock monster overwhelms police and S.W.A.T. Cap wants to run out and deal with it, even as Gyrich is about to nail him to the wall. Hank stops Cap, tells him, hey, maybe Petey has a point. Cap is astonished, but Hank has a plan. He breaks off a table leg and hands it to Gyrich. "If the government doesn't think we should handle this, then it's only fair that the government be the ones to do it instead. Have at 'em, Petey!" Gyrich looks up at the TV, at the giant rock monster tearing through New York. He lets the Avengers go deal with the problem. Flawless. Beautiful. Amazing. Love this man.


Beast is also my favorite! Though I will disagree because I personally hate the look of his feline mutation. I’m hopeful I can start actually reading modern Beast comics again and enjoy them soon.


Wolverine is a guy you can describe as both a brooding loner and a loving mentor at the same time and yet these seeming contradictions are both entirely true to his character. Same way his brutal nature belies a man who wishes only to be better than that, who is a man despite everything pushing him to be an animal. Logan is a character who is defined by contradictions and oppositions all in himself. I think that is why he's so appealing to me and others.


Logan really does see antsy teenage girls and goes, “I’m your dad now.” But like in a non creepy way.


Same, he's super complex and interesting plus being a badass.


Really well put. Def one of the big reasons he’s my fave. And I mean plus, snikt snikt and a “bub” or two


Well said. He is my favorite too.


Ororo Munroe - Storm. I love Storm's power, compassion, integrity, and heart. She embodies the regality, the charisma of a leader and yet is self aware and not arrogant. Lightning leaps from her fingertips and the skies when she is in battle. Phoenix - Jean Grey. I love Jean's depth and compassion. She has so much love in her heart. Her power is almost unmatched and she is a force to be reckoned with. Her flaming red hair literally whips with fire 🔥 when she battles as flames surround her as her telekinesis and telepathy light the air.


Kitty Pryde. Phasing is my favorite superpower so she’s got an edge there but I also think they’ve been able to tell some great stories with her over the years and she’s always reinventing herself. Honorable mention to my boy Rockslide. My second favorite X character and he deserves more page time.


Yass! To Kitty. She's my absolute favorite bc I want her power so bad! Emma's a close second tho lol


Jubilee because her stories with Wolverine from the late 80’s until she joined Generation X are some of my favorites. They even had some great moments during Generation X, such as when he went feral and everyone told her to stay away even him, but she didn’t listen and gave him a hug.


Banshee, mainly because my first introduction to the X-Men was the shi-ar and Muir island sagas, but what really did it was Generation X which is the most underrated x-series. I own a very beat up copy of his first appearance in uncanny 28. It's the only issue I pursued and paid more than cover price for. I'm not a collector like I used to be, but that's framed, flaws and all. Probably Cyclops too tbh.


Banshee is so underrated. Wish Claremont kept him around a bit longer.


Dazzler 1.) Main thesis: Ali is a deeply flawed and complicated, yet comedic character. She doesn’t know what she truly stands for or what she wants. She wants to sell records, but can’t seem to break through and keeps being thrusted into superheroics. Her lack of priorities are things due to external shit tho: corrupt music industry, bigotry and her own trauma and family baggage. She’s pretty relatable deep down. 2.) I’m gay and love the whole *wannabe popstar accidentally turned superhero*. The reluctant hero troupe is one of my favorites. Her hero of Galactus story was dope af 3.) She can’t die and no one knows why 4.) She’s so boy crazy it ends up being her downfall. Like she was so dick-matized by a dude she didn’t realize he was a vampire? Sounds like some dumb shit I’d do! 5.) Her corruption in Inferno was pure camp comedy to me. Written well, she really is more of a comedic hero. 6.) Her powers are cool. She can hypnotize, but also is a gun and also can create solid light constructs. Love how Claremont just decided *she can be a gun!* I loved her in the Outback era, but Williams X-Terminators is her magnum opus.


Cyclops was my favorite even in the movies but in the comics he's just the best


Gambit 100%


Gambit is my personal favorite, but I submit that Nightcrawler is the best X-Man.


Nightcrawler is basically the soul of the team and their priest/conscience. I agree. Gambit is also my top favorite. Tragic backstory and a genuine attempt of a villain to reform


Rogue. The patron saint of Introverts and lonely people, she's like a metaphor on top of a metaphor.


Cyclops. I also like Nightcrawler, Iceman, and Psylocke.


wolverine. honourable mentions to rogue, cyclops, emma frost, laura, gambit edit: and quentin quire


Quentin never gets enough love! I think it's because he's always written as a super edgy melodramatic kid lol


yeah the first thing I read with him in was West Coast Avengers vol. 3 and I thought he was really cool! only found out recently that a lot of people don’t like him 😭


He's so fun in West Coast Avengers! That was an amazing team line-up and the art and writing were always great. I'm bummed that it didn't go for longer.


Why'd you say wolverine twice


A fellow Quire fan! There's dozens of us!


Cyclops particularly from whedon's run through is mutant revolution era. Second place is cable


I’m with ya.


Cyclops. (Esp when he's enjoying a sandwich) But I have others too. Aside from their abilities, here's why i like them - Archangel (Because of his dual nature) - Gambit (He's the guy you want to get drunk with) - Rogue (Evo Rogue is what made me like Rogue in the comics, as i didn't know much about X-Men before X-Men Evolution. Made me relate to her when i was a kid, so i have a soft spot for her.) - Nightcrawler (He's the sweetest and nicest guy) - Magik (She's the protege or little sister that might scare you but has a good heart) - Storm (She's the big sister you want) - Iceman (He's the guy you wanna laugh with) Since Kamala Khan is a mutant now, can she be considered as an X-Man? I'd add her too. There are more, but i forget.


Her new costume has the X on it, so I’d consider her an X-Man.




Gambit and Rogue.


Rogue. Since diapers. 2. Laura 3. Gambit 4. Kitty 5. Nightcrawler


It's Impossible to pick just one, so here's my top 10: • Cyclops • Nightcrawler • Sunspot • Storm • Rogue • Jubilee • Magik • Emma Frost • Kitty Pryde • Dani Moonstar


Emma, illyana, Jean, dani are just the best of the best


Jubilee, no contest.


So many people write-off Jubilee that it's made me appreciate her more over time. I never had a problem with her and I'm a huge fan of TAS so I'm right there with you!


Colossus 100%, his design, his power, his accent and the most important: his personality. I love to see the gentle giant archetype, even more so when they can remove this trope and rage like Piotr does sometimes, and this gets even cooler when he's actually stated with his true strength, being at the levels of Thor and Thing


Sad to see that Colossus was so far down the list, but he’s been my boy forever. I love his quiet strength and that he’s kind, caring and accepting of others.


Yeah, the character is in a bad spot nowadays, but I hope he gets better with this new comics coming, I'd love to see a comic duo with him and Illyana or if he becomes an Avenger


Morph and Gambit for me


“This one’s FOR MORPH!”


Animated Morph or Exiles Morph?


I like both in equal measure


Quentin Quire and I refuse to apologize for it. I also love Jean and Storm and Emma Frost. And recently Cyclops.


I'll play early with my top 5 b/c how can you pick just one? 1. Gambit - When he's written well, he's the absolute best mix of ability, personality, and heart. 2. Rogue - She's gone through so many interesting arcs and is one of the most well rounded characters. Can't wait to see her lead the next Uncanny team! 3. Nightcrawler - Kurt, I mean, come on...who doesn't love this guy? It's hard not to write him well and his BAMF has remained the same over the years. 4. Psylocke - Kwannon over Betsy. Betsy's arc just just gotten messy, I wasn't a fan of the whole Captain Britain thing at all. 5. Havoc - Gotta have a Summers, am I right? Honorable mentions go to Shadowcat, Storm, and Monet.


Rogue. I've loved her since watching TAS as a kid and I imprinted on her like a baby duck. I still love her now, and find her really relatable.




Nightcrawler. Arcade game locked it in early


Wolverine, then Gambit, and know Charles, he’s grown on me


Wolverine is my favorite (I know, I’m a typical 90s kid, but what can I say, I love the character!). A few of my other favorites include Nightcrawler, Kitty, Storm, Rogue, and Colossus. 😁


Dani Moonstar or fuckin' Banshee man


Gambit because I grew up with TAS and he was SO awesome. Magneto for probably being the best Marvel character in general. Nightcrawler Beast Pyro -mainly because he was so so interesting in X2 and I actually really like the limitations of his power set


Cable, 100%. I will never shut up about how much I love this guy. I also love Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, and Jubilee


Storm is my favorite,then second place goes to iceman.


Scottie Summers is my favorite in all of comics


Iceman and Jean were always my favourites growing up


Gambit. Or Wolverine. I know I'm generic.


Gambit and Rogue Since childhood I’ve identified most with them for personal reasons, which is why I want to see comic book accurate casting and portrayal, thus disagreeing with many fan casts Neither has ever truly been done any sort of justice on the big screen and it’s a shame


Cyclops. He IS the X-Men.


Rogue and Gambit tied for first. The fact that they’re a couple is even better!


Rouge but a close second by Gambit


Not an X-man but Legion.


Mine too. He was an x-man for a very brief moment if I recall correctly.


husk and chamber. i'm dark like that


I love those two!




Jean fucking Grey


It’s hard to pick but my list goes; Shadowcat, Moonstar, Sage


Multiple Man and Mimic. I glommed onto a lot of random characters in my childhood and just stuck with them, their coolness being borne out over time.


i like all of the x-men no doubt, but my favourite are logan, jubilee, cable and deadpool the x-men trainee 😂


"Remember it" 🥲


Professor X started it all for me. I will always have a top 5 but he’s THE 1


Jean Grey!!!


Longshot. All the Mojo stuff is super fun, and the original Mini is one of my favorite comics ever. He's such a beautifully trope-y time capsule of a character & just a deeply underutilized figure in X-Mythology. I love the more obscure characters in Marvel (my #1 guy is Dane Whitman), so Longshot has always been right up my alley. The fact that he's not a mutant doesn't really phase me, and he's such a pure of heart type of character that any moral dilemma is immediately more interesting bc of how it will affect his powers. I think he adds a much needed bit of pizzazz to any X-Team he's on.


Rachel Summers. I got into the X-Men via the cartoon, but the first comics I read were some old back issues from the Claremont/JRJr era where Rachel was really prominent. I thought she was really cool and the fact that she wasn’t in the cartoon or the contemporary comics made her feel more unique and special than someone like Wolverine or Rogue.


Has Magneto helped the good guys out enough at this point that I can cheat and say him?


Wolverine, always. 2nd kurt, Colossus, hank. And of course magneto.


Kitty Pryde


It started out as Wolverine when I watched TAS. That led me to the comics, and my first was the Kitty Pryde and Wolverine miniseries. Though I picked it up for Wolverine, once I finished the read, it was Kitty who had most interested me. She’s been my fave ever since.


Nightcrawler or Wolverine




I’m not going to say Wolverine. We all love Wolverine. I always like Cyclops a lot, and Cable. I also always thought Bishop was cool because he can counter-punch so hard or team up with cyclops.


Wolverine, Beast, Cyclops, Professor X, Storm and Jean Grey/Phoenix.


Gambit. I’m actually wearing a gambit shirt right now of my own design lol. So you can imagine those last two eps broke me lol


Gambit by a mile.


Beast, Kurt, Gambit, and Storm are usually my favorites. Cable if we're including him.


Gambit, the dude helped me through a tough time in my life. Second place would be Storm, why? Because she's an absolute badass.




When I was a kid, I did not like Cyclops. I was always more fond of rebelious Wolverine, and Cyclops always trying to reign that in made him a huge douche to me. Now that I'm older and I understand what real responsability is, with planning my upcoming wedding with my fiancée or the trials and tribulations of apartment hunting and renting. Even the idea of starting a family, I see his choices and I respect him and admire him for how hard he works and the sacrifices and hard calls he as a leader has to make. That being said, it's Gambit.




Gambit is him, Remember it


Gambit Logan and nightcrawler


My boy Chamber is supremely underutilized


with all honesty cyclops




Oof.... it's between Wolverine, Rogue and Gambit.... i can't choose


It’s hard to say for me because I personally didn’t grow up an X-Man fan as a kid (only recently am I truly appreciating them). Honestly, aside from the obvious one (Wolverine), my personal favorite X-Men as a kid was Nightcrawler.


WOLVERINE BABYYYY WOOOO!!!! Ever since I was a little kid, Wolverine was my dude.


When I first watched X-Men Evolution at 10 years old, I convinced my dad to let me use his phone to learn German on Duolingo because of how much I loved Nightcrawler. Rogue has always been a very close second


Havok. Since I was a little boy, something about that art with the all black suit and the way it was drawn with his powers exploding out of him. Then fast forward to the '90s and the x Factor comics. Love it through and through.


Did you read Mutant X?


nightcrawler or colossus, cool designs, cool accents, cool powers, cool dudes.


1.X-man(Nate grey) 2. Magneto 3.Archangel 4.Cyclops 5. Jean grey


Night crawler is my all time fav But Logan, Gambit, and rogue are all right behind.


As someone who hasn’t read that many newer X-comics, it’s Jean. I love her powers, but also how much of a curse and burden they are to her. Something about that struck a chord with me. It’s essentially heightened empathy burdening her and I think that’s really interesting


Hard to pick just one. Probably all time favourite Polaris. There is also Scott, Gambit became one after his heroic sacrifice,Nightclawer,Synch,Monet,Husk,Siryn, Archangel who else? It be easier to say who isn't my favourite.


Can't pick just one, Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, top three, I'd read anything with them in it.


Nightcrawler in the 2nd xmen movie and Angel in the 3rd xmen movie made my childhood and got me hooked on the comics.


Jean Grey, Cecilia Reyes, and Archangel. 


Kitty, I identified with her so much as a teenager, and loved her in Excalibur


My top 5 has been set in stone pretty hard. It's after that that it gets super blurry and changes often. Top 5, in said order: 1. Emma Frost 2. Rogue 3. Cyclops 4. Northstar 5. Storm


Emma Frost! And shameless plug, but it is relevant to the question: I have a whole podcast called “Your Favorite X-Men” where I discuss with guests who their favorite x-men character is and why they resonate! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjOlNdy365fIrehrBIBVv_xvL1Y5f2WXT&si=GbDwf8hmiVqa47z6 I also will probably make a separate post but I’m always looking for folks to chat with too!


Rogue & Kitty Pryde since I was a tween girly


Rogue! I love all the Rogues, brassy brawler Rogue, moody Evolution Rogue, even quiet vulnerable teenage Rogue from X1 (don't judge it was a gateway into X-Men for me as a quiet teenager 😅).


It will always be Phoenix for me. Jean reaching her full potential as a psi and going fully cosmic. Her ability to make her very thoughts a reality. God tier, beyond omega, mother fucking Phoenix. Especially as written by Claremont “no longer am I the woman you know. I am FIRE AND LIFE INCARNATE! I am PHOENIX!” It’s just so good. And yeah…shit takes a turn but I wouldn’t give up the ride for anything.


He had me at: “BEHOLD! OPTIC BLAST!”


Magneto, Rogue, Storm, Cable and starting to get into all of Jean’s personalities.


nightcrawler FYI - in my opinion, the movies didn't do him justice.


Psylocke, Elizabeth Betsy Braddock has always been my favorite at first because she looked beautiful and and if her abilities are really cool manifesting as a scionic blade on her hands as well as the psychic butterfly manifestation of her eyes when she uses her psychic powers. But I first fell in love with the character in the 90s when she was in the Asian assassin body of Kwannon. What really drew me to the character was The duality of a British woman and Asian woman's body I am half white half Cherokee so I felt a very slim parallel because I was raised white but I have tan skin. And ultimately a personality at least utilized her powers and relationship with others let's seal the deal for me but respectfully I now have two favorite characters Betsy as Captain Britain and Kwannon as psylocke.


At this point, it's Rogue, no question.


Nightcrawler all the way


Sage, Bishop and Gambit


Beast, cannonball, angel, storm, northstar


Always been a toss up between, in no particular order, Wolvie, Rogue, and Gambit. Bishop's pretty close too.


Emma Frost


Logan. Outside: hard drinking, baddass tough guy, countless incredible adventures, exotic woman. Inside: fiercely loyal, heart of gold, just wants a simple life. Overall: indomitable spirit, takes anything (physically/mentally) & just keeps going, pushing through no matter how difficult the shit gets.


Emma Frost and Nightcrawler for completely different reasons. Cyclops makes so the trifecta especially everything after Morrisons run but I always loved him.


Emma, no contest. 💎


For me it’s too hard to pick one. Top picks would be Cyclops, Gambit, Rogue and Kitty Pryde. But I’d also want Havok, Iceman, Cannonball, Bishop, and psylocke on that list and I’d also consider Sunspot, Jubilee, BoomBoom, Storm and Warren on that list too.


Wolverine. I know he is super popular but I am not going to dislike him just because everyone else is suddenly on the band wagon. I have loved Wolverine since the early 80’s.


Cyclops has always been my favorite. I had to get glasses as a kid and understood the curse of his mutant abilities. Of course I just needed to see vs destroying everything you look at & only seeing red lol


My joint faves are Gambit and Kitty Pryde followed by Nightcrawler and Psylocke (and dazzler… and rogue) I could go on




Rogue or Hope Summers.


Oh my...... I know why I want them together: it's Wolverine and Storm!


*Oh my...... I know why* *I want them together: it's* *Wolverine and Storm!* \- Aizendickens --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jean Grey, Monet St. Croix and Madelyne Pryor. I would also add Threnody but I don’t think she was never an X-Man.


Rogue. It used to be Shadowcat, but the more that I have seen Rogue in pretty much any form of X media, she's become my absolute favorite. Other favorites: Storm Magneto Nightcrawler Shadowcat


I dunno if I have a single favorite, but for the sake of this I’m gonna say Angel/Archangel. I actually think his character pre-Archangel is pretty underrated. I started X-Men with the 60’s stories, and I really appreciated how positive he was in the middle of all the melodrama of the series. I liked how he valued his friendship with Scott and Jean too much to let their love triangle cause too much drama, ultimately deciding to back out of the whole thing. Him also deciding to live openly as a mutant was also a really neat and fitting direction for him, and considering how much effort it took for him to hide his wings, must have been a particularly freeing decision. I’m glad I started with those early stories, because it really made me appreciate just how horrifying his transformation into Archangel was. Especially after he sacrificed his wings defending the morlocks in the Mutant Massacre. Seeing him pull himself back together after all that has been a very satisfying character arc.


Wolverine gambit magneto


X-23 She counts right? There's 2 of her now? I am very confused but she's my favourite marvel character in general.


Rogue in many ways. I resonated with her storyline and her powers. Growing up, I had eczema and especially on my hands so when I was a kid, nobody wanted to play with me because of my “ashen” hands. Nobody wanted to touch anything I had touched, nobody wanted to hold my hand when we had to walk to the swimming baths, they didn’t include me in tag. It was quite a lonely experience. I think because of this, I’ve always been awkward when people want to hug or shake hands or just touch me in general. I thought as a kid, if they touched me, they would have lost something. Rogue’s power didn’t allow anyone to touch her so her longing for physical affection always cut deep with me. Not to mention in the animated series her dad said, “you’re not my daughter, not anymore.” This type of rejection was familiar with my own father. I was always flamboyant and “gay” and when I did certain things (put my mum’s lipstick on or pretend to be one of my female teachers), my dad made it obvious I didn’t belong to him. I felt a psychological connection to Rogue and how she then had to be physically strong; almost invulnerable to rejection taught me how to be strong how to use my presence for people to like me. Not to mention her accent (my voice never broke as a guy) so another reason to feel a connection. She has saved me from my darkest moments. I love Rogue.


Wolverine will always be my favorite x-man. Storm and Rogue are my second favorites.






WOLVERINE. I am a comic book reader since the 80s and honestly no other character in marvel come close to be as interesting to me as wolverine. Second one would be Nightcrawler.




I'm torn between Wolverine and Storm for favorite. Rouge takes second place though no question.


Nightcrawler baby!


My top 5 are probably: Storm Rogue Jean Gambit Nightcrawler Idk what the order would be because it’s always changing but Nightcrawler was my favorite growing up because he’s blue and his power is cool.


Nightcrawler all the way.




Thunderbird because of the story potential that he has. A man with his feet stuck in two worlds of the oppressed that struggles with his identity within the mutant metaphor.


Emma Frost the White Queen or Cyclops


My list is in order: Quentin Quire Nightcrawler Hope Armor Magneto


Certainly not the most popular choice right now, and the Kra’koa era has been particularly rough, but...Charles Xavier. I have loved the character since I started reading regularly in the nineties, with the Claremont area. He is a deeply flawed man, who sets impossibly high standards for himself and others, and he often fails them. But he still believes. He gets up after falling, not once but again and again. He has huge blind spots. But he is willing to risk a lot, not just to talk about his belief but to *act* on it. To offer forgiveness and a second chance even to Rogue, to Blob (who refused) and time and again, to Magneto. (Who eventually accepted). You can say that offering second chances to Sinister, Shaw and to Destiny and Mytique were mistakes, that he was naive and the advantages gained were not worth the destruction they caused. And by the standards of the world you would be right. You could rightly say that Xavier is no Saint. He has kept terrible secrets and done terrible things. But there are other standards than success or failure. Charles was, at least, a devout Catholic And God never said that only those who never screw up will go to Heaven. He also never guaranteed that the enemy you forgive will never stab you in the back. He said keep trying. Don’t give up. Do your part. Dreams are worth striving for. People are still worth believing in. Over time Charles has lost everything including his dream. He has struggled to adapt. He has accepted that his original dream will not come to be, fought for Kra’koa, and now that that is gone, he has given the last of himself in order for the *chance* for his people to survive and do it again, and do it better. To me, he is contradictory, broken, utterly bankrupt. And still a hero. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Frisson/comments/2v7um1/text_the_end_of_ulysses_by_alfred_lord_tennyson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frisson/comments/2v7um1/text_the_end_of_ulysses_by_alfred_lord_tennyson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gambit nightcrawler and wolverine are always cycling through my top pick


I'm in the "you can't pick just one" camp. How about a top 3? These are as portrayed in the comics and/or TAS, not the movies so far: 1. Rogue - She's an inspiring badass female character that is super powerful, not afraid to speak her mind, and is still able to be vulnerable (basically the exact opposite of how she was portrayed in the movies. They did my girl dirty) 2. Nightcrawler - Acrobat, swashbuckler, teleporter. Has had some great narrative arcs and typically somehow manages to be able to find the positives and inspire others. He's the X-Man I most wanted to be as a kid. 3. Kitty Pryde - She's another strong female character that often gets to show off her intellect and leadership abilities along with an exceptional mutant ability. Also dragon companion.


Is there a better comic character than Wolverine? Not for me.










If I have to choose *one*, it's gotta be Nightcrawler. Magik is probably second if she's handled well, I really like Laura too (All-New Wolverine came out of such a shitty era but it was *so good*) and both Storm and Cyclops are equally great. Logan is probably up there too, he can't *not* be up there, maybe not top 5 but definitely top 6 or 7. Gotta throw Gambit, Rogue, and Kitty Pryde somewhere in there, Emma's probably in there too, Jubilee too, probably Jean... that's more than 10, how the fuck am I gonna order this see you can't just ask a question like that lmao they're all my favorites


Domino has always been my favorite! She has such a cool power! I loved her appearance in Deadpool 2 specifically because they did her power justice *as well* as what it's like explaining her powers to other people. "oh, she's just lucky? That's... Cool I guess." And you're just like "No, you don't understand. She's *really* lucky, it's cool. And she kicks ass."


Magneto, actually. I explain why here: https://www.nerdsoup4u.com/post/200-favorites-as-of-2001-ish


Professor x Mutant MLK. He has so many great lines, and I'm a sucker for a superhero idealist. I also have a lot of respect for super heroes that have immense power and choose not to use most of it because of morals and ethics.


Cyclops- I related to that feeling of lacking a father figure. My father was a violent man who could be counted on for a put-down or a backhand. I can only imagine what it would be like to be taken in by someone like Xavier, and how you'd want to live up to their expectations. Having anxiety and OCD I can relate to Cykes self-doubt and consistent self-assessing, where any form of failure can be internalized as your fault. What I like is despite these hardships he works to better himself and help others. He seems to use his anxiety and fear of losing control as a strength, focusing on potential problems and working to find solutions to them. Toss in I love the way the optic blast looks. It's frequently drawn in ways to show his restraint and focus on self-control then, at other times letting himself loose when it's needed.


As an adult, I’m torn between 5 or 6. Nightcrawler was the mutant that drew me into X-Men as a kid, so for that alone, he got the number one spot for most of my life. I related to him the most as a kid, but others fight for that spot nowadays. Storm is the most iconic team member that should be on every iteration of the team. Gambit for cool factor (and because I’m a New Orleans guy). Iceman and Kitty are tied at a lower top tier for having cool powers and personalities. But Magneto gets the absolute top spot nowadays because he’s my favorite overall Marvel character.


My favourite X-Man is X-Man!


Rare pick, it seems, but Angel I just like his drip


Wolverine duh


Can I do a top three? In an ever changing order Nightcrawler, Storm and Forge.


Kitty Pryde or Jubilee. Kittys growth from the wide eyed teenager to a veteran of the x-man mythos is just a great read altogether.


Nightcrawler. Hes just so GOOD. I’m a sucker for characters who are the heart of a team and while some could argue that cyclops or colossus maybe, I’d say nightcrawler is definitely the moral compass.


Forget-Me-Not, but I can't remember why he is my favorite.