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That is Curse, she was a new mutant created during the Krakoa era


That's not Curse unless they got her design sheet completely wrong. I think she's just a pink generic mutant child.


Agreed. I think it’s just a generic mutant child that looks slightly like Curse


Agreed², Curse would most likely give Pete a collar of stinging nettle


Curse is pink and had scales for hair. She usually has pupils


Curse is pink and smooth and has A Bart Simpson hair shaped head. She doesn't have lizard features.


Yea. No arm scales. She may have sharp features otherwise but she also wears a five star necklace too. I doubt this is suppose to be Curse


There are no design sheets. Just check Pixie's wings.


Also, is the guy is Pete Wisdom?


My thought too


That's who I think it is. I'd have to go back and check though.


It's him...frack dat guy 👦 Wannabe John Constantine


Right, she was the one that went buck wild in Realm of X! Cool character, I'm gonna miss a lot of these Krakoans.


If this is from Excalibur the guy is probably Pete Wisdom. He's missing his cigarette... but it's a different time than the 90s when he was a bigger player in Marvel. He had a big role for a good amount of years because he was the bad ass of Excalibur. Very Wolverine like. He was good at what he did and what he did was not good. He was with Black Air. England's X Factor if X Factor was full of some evil pricks. He was known for having "hot knives" that would come from his fingers. Basically, psychic knives. He was Kitty's boyfriend for a while and they had a good run. In one of the bad futures he became Professor W. He was a big leader in the mutant world. Maybe Age of Ultron or a newer telling of Days of FuturePast. I don't think it was the original Age of Apocalypse. He was a pretty cool character when Excalibur was at its peak. I'm sure there is more bit my memory is kind of shitty these days.


Sounds like Marvel's version of John Constantine.


He's like if John Constantine started gunning for Nick Fury's job.


It was absolutely pitched that way


Ellis said he’s based on Jack Reagan from The Sweeney (a British tv show from the 70s)—hard drinking and smoking cop who plays by his own rules and breaks official ones but has a strong moral compass and gives people a mouthful when pressed


Not at all. He was more like a James Bond with an attitude.


More than anything else, he was Warren Ellis' self-insert character.


So he's every Warren Ellis protagonist, then


Yup, Jack Hawksmoor was his DC version.


The character who took Kitty Pryde's virginity, no less.




If Constantine went into spycraft instead of spell craft


he was created by Warren Ellis. So it is more like John Constantine and Pete Wisdom share the same dna. NOTE: this is not saying Ellis created Constantine, just that Moore/Morison/Ellis have been influenced by the same things


The Keanu Reeves-version


The fact this is the top comment proves that people don't read captions


fr, dude's clearly asking about the red kid and not the grown man 💀


Thankfully it no longer is lol


Also, if you look closely, Pete has a cigarette in his mouth.


I agree that Excalibur was at its peak during the time they were on Muir Island and counted Pete, Douglock, and Rahne among their members. I really like that period of the book/team.


Though somewhat forgotten now, he also reformed the first X-Force from a band of orphaned X-students into the black ops cell later iterations would use as their paradigm.


Sooooooooooo D.C. was right by stealing that idea 💡 for Justice League Dark


"Hot Knives" comes from a method of smoking weed that doesn't use a lot of paraphernalia. Basically you just shove two knives under the induction coils of an electric stove (or sometimes a toaster) until they glow red hot then "spot" a small amount of, generally, cheap resin or wax (because that's all you can afford if you're using this method) on to the knives and press them together to inhale the smoke. It has a certain grungy association and people don't really do it any more due to the abundance of pipes and bongs. Warren Ellis absolutely knew why he called them that.


There’s a cigarette or something like that in his mouth. It’s just super skinny in the pic.


When they brought Pete Wisdom back after the Quesada era, they gave him an oral fixation that he tried to temper with lollipops, it’s likely a sucker in his mouth.


Whatever happened to Joe?


Left marvel in 2022. Works for Amazon now.


Matchstick by the looks of it


The cigarette is in his mouth its just thin


i love that we all came for the red thing but stayed for the "who tf IS pete wisdom?"


Looks like they were gonna draw his cigarette but settled for an unlit match or a toothpick with a tip on it, or something.


I'm reading Warren Ellis' X-Force, and he is addressed as Professor W there. Also, by far the weakest of the Ellis Counter-X books.


I was always a fan of Ellis.


Even ruins


>if X Factor was full of some evil pricks. That describes at least half of the groups ever in charge of X-Factor Corp


OP was asking about the kid


I'll forever associate him for being the creep who took Kitty Pryde's cherry.


He also hunts Dracula too right?


I don't know about that, but it sounds right!


The missing cigarette is falling from his mouth in panel


She is a recuring background character, don't think she was ever given a name. You will occasionally notice her in scene where they need a few incidental mutants in the background.


Pete Wisdom. He's the type of character Warren Ellis inserts into everything he writes. He first appeared in Warren Ellis' run on Excalibur (which, overall, is a run I can recommend)/ His mutant power is shoot energy projectiles he called "hot knives" from his fingertips. He's not a bad character, but it's one of those situations where only the creator of the character can really write them "just right"


And fuck is it hard to justify reading Warren Ellis these days...


I mean I don't like everything he wrote/writes. Far from it, there's quite a bit of his writing that I actively dislike. But I did like his Excalibur run, also his Generation X run. And well, to a certain degree you have to separate the work from the artist. But yeah, it would be hard to justify having Ellis return to the X-Men titles these days.


He wrote a short Authority story for the WildStorm 30th anniversary special. I swear I did a double take seeing “Written by Warren Ellis” in a comic.


"Separating the art from the artist" just breeds art illiteracy and benefits awful and often abusive people. I don't understand why this is such a popular response to finding out content creators have done horrible things.


Because we can't just bury everything that was ever created because the creators might have been awful people. It is not the fault of a twentyyear old book/movie/comic that was released 20 years ago if the creator (or, as it is more often, one of the several creators or creative people involved) was found out to be scumbag today. It should not be taken to it's logical extreme (which would be having those people experience no consequences), but neither should we just treat whatever they did years ago like plutonium only they had a hand in creating it. The important thing should be keeping them from continuing to be able to do what they did. So, brought back to this example, in my opinion this should amount to not letting Warren Ellis return to the X-Books (or the Authority, or whatever else), but it should not forbid people to like his old Excalibur/Generation X/Athority runs. That's what I mean.


I agree with everything there, with the caveat that we should never give money to access those works if it will go to said awful person. Find other ways to experience the art (piracy, library lending, etc) and I fully agree. Ideally, those creators who are truly reticent should acknowledge their wrongdoing and split the proceeds between the other co-creators (in comics, the artist for example). Especially in a lot of Ellis's works which have aged like milk and often reflect his mentality in starling ways, I think this would be the best outcome. Though, of course, this is probably unlikely for several reasons. I totally agree that when it comes to art that is highly reliant on collaboration, it's important to remember that not only one person is responsible, and trying to find a way to support the other people involved is key.


dang, i just learned about the creepy/gross stuff he did :(


I was devastated. I had a number of his books.


Pink kid looks like Anole "for women."


That might be Pete Wisdom. I think he was part of a British intelligence agency and had a relationship with Kitty Pryde for a bit in the '90's.


It’s him he was involved with the current Excalibur for awhile


That little kid it's ok to punch


That was rude


I thought it was Artie from Generation X


Artie can't speak, only project images


Pete Wisdom, one of my many problematic woulds


So you've got a thing for Constantine, too, then?


Who doesn’t?


I mean...I don't sing that way, so me. He's cool though, aside from I'd never willingly spend any time around someone who smokes that much.


Fuck I love Pete Wisdom. Wants nothing to do with mutant bullshit


my dumbass currently reading east of west was like OH DUDE ONE OF THE LITTLE HORSEMEN GUYS- oh wait that’s not marvel who the hell is that😭😭😭


It's the Argonian fanboy.


It's Curse. She's just drawn inconsistently.


I don’t think that’s Curse, unless that Lei is laced with poison ivy.


God Tini Howard writing Pete Wisdom is such a jump scare.


That’s curse I thought it was curse when I read the issue


I've only known this character for five seconds, but I would protect this sweet babby with my life! XD And Pete Wisdom or whoever that is needs to go suck a cactus. How rude. Funny part is I have nothing good to say about the Krakoa arc from what I hear about it. (Haven't read a comic in 16 years.)


So is Krakoa goin away? Being the era is supposed ending? Jus wen the mutants get something they get screwed lol. Figures


Cursed Clefairy


Is Pete wisdom a mutant or is he just marvels Constantine?


He is a mutant. He can create "hot knives", and one time he melted part of Colossus when he found him kissing Kitty and tried to kill him. At least that was how I was introduced to the character.


Por Que no Los dos? But in seriousness, Pete Wisdom is in black ops, John Constantine is in black magic. Very distinct.


I think the red kid is Anole but the coloring guy made him pink by mistake? He looks exactly like Anole…




It's not though. The "hair" sand eyes are all wrong. Most people are agreeing this is just mutant girl #24 whose job is to appear in the background, and occasionally gets some dialogue. Eventually some writer will pluck her from obscurity and we'll learn she's been an omega this whole time.


Idk but thanks for reminding me Excalibur brought back Pete Wisdom just to forget about him again ten seconds later.


It's Pete Wisdom. He's awesome.


I miss his comic run with Kitty. I’ve always expected him to show up in something.


I thought it was Pete Wisdom BTW was he ever in Krakoa?


Yes. This panel literally shows him being welcomed to Krakoa.


Filler character


Probably just a random mutant


Mutie scum, that's who