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Is funny that Claremont complained that other writers forget about that, because he was the most inconsistent 


This is my first read through and I’m trying to figure out how long this weird power lasts for, but I can’t tell if it’s already gone or that it’ll be definitively gone at some later point.


I don't think it's ever fully resolved or explained. It just kinda goes away at some point.


I love this moment, it's so bizarre. Somehow Hodge knows that these two are DTF for each other and throws them in a cell together to create drama, and the insane thing about that is that *it worked*. The first thing Jean does when she sees Logan is make out with him. BUT that's also pretty much it for the situation, never really built upon or mentioned.


This entire story was insane to me lol. Iceman and Banshee show up and get KO’d before they can break the whole story cause they honestly are so OP that they just can’t be in the story. The New Mutants (and Cable) come off as so petty the whole time. Cable doesn’t even have established powers. He just has a metal arm, cybernetic eye, and a gun. He also memorized the ventilation duct system of the citadel based on a SHIELD report he read days before. Gambit is jealous of Storm kissing Forge. But Storm is currently a child. And Forge may have known her as an adult, but Gambit never has. He only knows her as a child. His jealousy starts as a thought bubble and ends with an actual speech bubble saying she should kiss him next. Boom-Boom is naked (or wearing just a jacket) for more panels than I care to count and everyone just shrugs it off without comment like it’s just a normal day for Boom-Boom. The news reports the X-Men like they are a band of rogue criminals even though at one point the news also acknowledged that everyone thought they died in Dallas. You know, when they died on national tv saving the whole world and were hailed as heroes. They acknowledge X-Factor as heroes in the same news reports so it’s not like the X-Men are in trouble because of this specific report. Everyone acting like Warlock is a dead mutant child and not literally a robot from outer space. A normal human magistrate beats the fuck out of wolverine in hand-to-hand combat.


Ouch that's a cold take on Warlock being tortured to death in front of Wolfsbane. Also Forge didn't kiss child Storm... I don't think? But yeah Gambit was being a creep.


Forge definitely kisses child Storm in new mutants #97 Edit: Good news. Hodge turned her back into an adult it seems. I missed that when her appearance did not really change until after this event.




Update, see edit


"Everyone acting like Warlock is a dead mutant child and not literally a robot from outer space." I think the only people who call Warlock mutant are the ones who never saw/met him. All they know is that someone from the group got killed. They just assume they are all mutants. But I may be missremembering.