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On the soundtrack it's called "A Peaceful Life"


The Newton Brothers


Ace of base - "happy nation"


My bad wrong part of the episode.


“Rogue’s a dirty cheater”


How?? She’s not a cheater at all. She had an open relationship with Gambit, so she did her thing with Magneto. That was Rogues AND GAMBITS decision.


Remy must have forgot then I guess. Where do you get this bs?


Yeah? Fucking bitch told Remy “I love you, but this is going nowhere” “you need someone that you can touch” blah blah. The same very night she was dancing and rubbing her ass with Magneto’s pecker. In FRONT OF EVERYONE to humiliate Remy.


"Prelude to unnecessary genocide that takes a bunch of great characters off the board for no good reason"?


What a terrible take


In what way, they literally showed a bunch of great characters and then genocided them.


It was to show the lengths in which some humans hate those unlike them. It's not unnecessary, might be unsavory but for the story to continue the way they wrote it. It makes total sense. Magneto needed a reason to be justified in his viewsz which he usually is. Just cuz you don't like it doenst mean it was a bad narrative decision.


Just bc you like it doesn't mean it was a good one


You're the one that got downvoted. Clearly I'm not alone. And the whole show is very well reviewed, especially episode 5. Not sure what to tell you. Viewers and critics both enjoyed it. Also it's the X-Men my dude. No one stays dead.


Lol Reddit downvotes are meaningless. Jonathan Hickman wrote the resurrection protocols into Krakoa for the explicit reason that constant shock deaths and genocides are lazy fallbacks in X-Men stories, and I'm content to agree with him. You don't have to tell me a damn thing, I'm entitled to my own opinion on a story.


The downvotes just show that those people disagreed with you. That's all that means. Other than that, yeah they are meaningless. You are entitled to your own opinion. And my opinion is that yours isn't based. The narrative makes sense, and is needed to happen for the story they wanted to tell to continue. And like I said the story was received well.


"My opinion is that your opinion is wrong" thank you for your truly staggering insight my dude