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1. Don’t forget about her dad Cable! Scott’s more her grandpa lol 2. She had a pretty good run for the second half of Krakoa imo, from Immortal up through X-Men #35 the other week


Cap: *Heroic Fatherly advice.* Scott: *Realistic exactly what you needed to hear advice.* Cable: "Here's a gun, kid."


well to be fair, Cable was hijacked into a future by his sister who went oops, I'm dying, here are some adoptive parents (who are actually our parents but we're hiding that from you), go, be the figurehead of my cult, and fight Apocalypse. YOU GOT THIS! I BELIEVE IN YOU! He really wasn't taught how to connect to his family. lol


wdym "should be a more relevant character" - she literally just finished a story arc where she's been one of the most relevant characters of the entire Krakoa era.


She was literally referred to as the mutant Messiah I don’t know how much more relevant you can get. Several major story arcs over the last number of years were based around her specifically.


Her influence in the story seemed to really hinge on Gillen. And on Jean, ironically. Gillen wrote her at her best and involved her, but when he was gone and Time Displaced Jean was in, they moved on from her pretty fast. It's nice that Scott considers her family though.


She’s been a very relevant character lately.


Oh god the art. It's so bad. Hopes hand the,  faces, the NECKS


This art looks terrible


Nah it looks really cool


Glad someone likes it.


Fr. I love it


I see so many people say this whenever the art is posted. I love it so much. Do I have bad taste in art.


No, just different taste. Art is subjective and there's something out there for everyone.


I don't know man... I'm going through a Utopia re-read and she really takes very little from Scott. Seems like she's mostly influenced by Cable. And this interaction appears to be written by someone who ignored her sharp edges which have been present from the moment she stepped into the present. Called it: James Asmus. Famed writer of.... those Generation Hope issues that come after the Gillen run where you go "what the fuck happened here?"


There was a time there where they really tried to make Hope a true blue superhero who disliked Cable's more militant ways. She was like that through most of Cable and X-Force and the X-Force run that came after.


Uh… she shot Scott in the head through one of his eyes… not sure how much she sees him that way.


Gillen literally just made her one of the most relevant characters in the history of Marvel. But if you mean she should be and should have been more prominent I agree. The trouble was that most writers didn't know how to handle the Mutant Messiah story. And Gillen, who did, wrapped it up very neatly. I do hope we haven't seen the last of her, she's a super fun character.


Captain America looks like Captain thumb


What the fuck is going on with this art


Honestly she should have been given Jean's role and be revealed to be the pheonix's human form. Or something.


She should’ve played a larger role and there should’ve been a slice-of-life Krakoa comic centred around The Five & their social work around Krakoa. Editorial rejecting that idea was foolish. Hope essentially *was* shown to be a human form of the Phoenix. But to be the Phoenix in its entirety would’ve been reductive to both her and Jean I think. It removes a massive aspect of Jean and a huge part of Hope’s agency. At least now there’s potentially forever part of the Phoenix that will produce Hope that *can* break off and do its own thing.


She dead


I keep meaning to read that storyline


I blame AvX where the whole messiah thing that was set since 2007 end, because she is barely in the story at the begining and end. Just because the point of the story is having the Avengers in war with the X-Men. I hate that event so much. Thank god Kieron Gillen remember she was a character and not a plot device and make her important again in Immortal X-men.


Dear lord, what is that artwork?? 😳


That art is so great, I genuinely love it


I really like it too! Anyone know who the artist is?


Max fiumara. Hes great


This art is GARBAGE


"More relevant"? Did you not read any of the krakoa era books? She's pretty relevant to it all.