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Machines in general aren’t functional. You can do shoulder press with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells or medicine balls and it’s so much more functional and better on your shoulders. Make sure you work on your overhead mobility and lat flexibility.


I dislike those shoulder press machines. It may be too old, or not a good fit for your body shape. I would just use dumbbells with an upright bench so you can be in the perfect form for your shoulder shape and nit a machine. Shoulders are so easily injured.


I just dislike the machine. The angle always feels wrong to me and I just find it uncomfortable.  I do dumbell shoulder press without any discomfort and recently moved from 15lb to 20lb dumbells.  It's weird. I can lift 40lbs over my head without issue with dumbells but I can't do 20lbs on the shoulder press machine without discomfort. 


if it's a cable machine, it's not a true weight number. different pulley systems can affect the resistance. you might get a different shoulder press machine and be able to do way more than ~~20lbs~~ 40lbs.


Shoulder press is the machine you press up on. It's not the lat pull down cable machine or the movable cable arm. I'm not sure how you could get a shoulder press movement from the cable machine. The cable pull down machine with the pulley on top of the weights is the one where you divide the weight in half because you're doing less work. I usually use that particular cable set up for my tricep workouts.


there are [cable shoulder press machines](https://www.lifefitness.com/en-us/catalog/strength-training/selectorized/hammer-strength-select-shoulder-press) at my gym. I've never actually seen a plate-loaded one in person, I've only ever been to gyms with cable versions. my gym recently replaced all the machines and I had to drop the weight on shoulder press, chest-supported rows, and a few other exercises because the new machines had a different level of resistance. I suppose I mixed the numbers up in my comment but the principle still applies.


Sorry I usually refer to cable machine as the cable tower and other machines by just their movement name. Not cable machine ect. My gym is actually rather small and the only plated machines are the Smith machine and one leg press.


I honestly did not know or realise this was such an important issue and I just thought I was very weak compared to others but seeing all this advice and comments of how discomfortable the shoulder press is has opened my eyes. Thank you for all the insight.


I do recommend doing shoulder press with dumbbells instead of a machine. There is a wonderful video by Eugene Teo where he goes over range of motion for the shoulder press on youtube. You’ll be able to find it if you search for it and it explains why people complain of shoulder pain when doing shoulder presses. He talks about using a barbell but it’s the same concept. Try to do the pressing with elbows tucked and see if it feels better.


Well now I'm binging his videos 😄


I will definitely give that video a watch and yes I am also definitely sticking to the dumbbells for a good while till I get the strength to move on to a shoulder press. Thank you for all the info☺️🙏🏻


Don't even bother with the shoulder press machine! Its best to stick to dumbbells, period. Eventually maybe an actually barbell. But not the machine.


I'll definitely keep this in mind. Honestly all the replies on this post have been super helpful. Thank you 🙏🏻.


Hey! So one thing I didn’t see you mention was your diet. Have you prioritized protein? Are you eating quality, nutrient dense whole foods? If you aren’t getting enough calories per day, especially enough protein, you may not have sufficient fuel to sustain muscle. Let alone GROW muscle. I’m almost 50 and I’ve found that when I eat enough protein (and eat clean) I see substantially better results with my workouts. The older we get, it’s harder to build or maintain muscle and strength - but it’s not impossible!


I'm 33 and I have definitely increased my protein intake but besides the pain in my shoulder with the shoulder press every other night my left shoulder and left side of my neck hurt so I have been having bad sleep for the last 4 days before yesterday. But I'm trying to recover sleep as much as I can since yesterday. I definitely know rest is also a HUGE thing for muscle growth and I hate the fact I have insomnia and which is paired with pain these past few days. I am definitely eating more eggs and meat these past couple of months which has helped my weight gain thankfully and is also slowly helping with muscle. I am trying my best to maintain a good routine. Thank you all for the advice! ☺️☺️


oh in your OP you meant you're now 62kg. I read it as you were 62 years old. props on the weight gain!


Thank you! I know it's not much but it's still more than I've been in most of my life. Progress is progress and that means very slowly but surely the exercise and eating well is paying off. I have to just stick to it and not give up. Thank you all for the love, support and advice!


I've had chronic neck and shoulder issues for five years and all I can say is start slow! I didn't use the shoulder press for the longest time and just focused on using resistance bands and then dumbbells until I felt strong enough to use the machine. I will say I am concerned about how you have pain in your shoulder and neck and I would just say to take it super easy and not do too much! Also I would talk to a doctor/pt if you can afford it or if that would help if it seems to not be resolving. Good luck!


You can try adding a magnesium complex too, since magnesium helps with muscle relaxation (and so much more). If you take it before bed it can help your sleep too. If it doesn’t clear up soon it sounds like you may want to see a chiropractor to make sure you haven’t knocked something out of alignment. It’s normal to be sore when you’re hitting it hard, but you shouldn’t be hurting that bad at your age. Good luck!


THANK YOU!☺️☺️☺️ I'll definitely look into Magnesium complex. And yes definitely getting my shoulder looked at by a professional as soon as I can afford it. Thank you so much for the advice!☺️☺️


For the longest time, I could not use the shoulder press machine without a sharp pain in my right shoulder. So I stuck to dumbbell overhead press to increase my strength while adding shoulder flexibility and mobility exercises. It wasn't until recently that I've been able to use the machine with no pain. I'm still super careful when I use the machine...but I did tweak my shoulder two weeks ago using it 😅 given the choice, I usually just avoid the machines for shoulders and stick to dumbbells and cables since shoulder injuries suck. I also suspect it runs in my family as my mom had to have shoulder surgery. Could be your genetics too 🤷‍♀️


I noticed the same issue and had the same solution. Having to go easy on my right shoulder for two weeks was soooo hard. Shoulders and wrists are pains in the butt to rehab bc it’s nearly impossible to not use them on impulse, we engage them with everything


Thank you! I'll take yours and everyone else's advice here and definitely stick to dumbbells and eventually move on to cable exercises too for shoulders before attempting the shoulder press again. I'm super scared of getting a shoulder injury and I hope I don't already have one but I will check with a physiotherapist as soon as I can afford it to make sure I don't. Thank you again for the helpful advice!


Already some helpful comments here. When does your shoulder start to hurt? Is it during the eccentric or the concentric? Both? I also used to experience this with my right shoulder during the eccentric and it went away when I started taking warmups seriously and fixing my form. I don't flare my elbows out, only keep them at about 45 degrees. I brace my core and keep my back flat against the bench. For warming up, I do 6 exercises (2 rounds) + 1 warmup set (I'm not using a lot of weight yet). I do use dumbbells. But yeah, definitely get it checked when you can like the other comments suggested if the pain persists.


All the responses on this have been super helpful! It hurts on both. I try to take my warm-ups and my cool downs seriously but judging from the comments I agree and will get my shoulder checked out as soon as I can. When doing overhead extensions with dumbbells or dumbbell presses I try to keep my shoulders as close together as I can while keeping my back straight and my core braced. Thank you again, all your comments have been tremendously helpful and has encouraged me to keep at it and not give up just because I can't use one machine yet. Much love to all of you and thank you!!


Honestly shoulder press can be challenging. I can’t remember exactly the weight I do but it’s the second option from the top. So pretty light. It still humbles me lol. Don’t worry about what is ideal, listen to your body - try out a weight, if it doesn’t challenge you, go up. Over time you’ll be able to go heavier and heavier


The shoulder press at my gym is the ones you add weight plates to. I can't even use it without plates. I will hopefully get there one day. I'm not giving up. For now I will stick to the dumbbell and freehand exercises to get better form and strength before moving on to the shoulder press as to not get an injury I can't turn back from. Thank you for your advice!


Yes good idea! Honestly you can even try it with a resistance band. Even though it may not be heavy lifting or may not do much for shaping, the low intensity can be good to perfect your form and everything. Even when you do switch over to the heavy, it is still good to practice these light weight/resistance versions once in a while because a lot of people’s form starts to be not the greatest the heavier they go so it can help you maintain that form


Thank you I will definitely try that. Thank you all for the great advice. I will definitely start off light because I understand how important form can be. Thank you again, all this advice is very much appreciated


The shoulder press machine is so humbling and much harder than free weights/dumbells. I’d start there focusing on proper form so you don’t hurt yourself!


Agreed. I used it for the first time recently on the lowest weight and couldn’t believe how hard it was for me lmao.


Thank you and everyone here for the amazing suggestions and advice. I will definitely then stick to dumbbells and free weight exercises for the time being then like you all suggested. Thank you again. And yes it is very humbling definitely.Thank you all again I appreciate all this advice so much!!


Ideal weight is whatever you can do that feels challenging but with good form, and if that means no weight there is *no* shame at all in it. Are you sure your shoulders are properly aligned with the machine? Posture also has a huge impact on this movement. The dumbbell overhead presses from the previous comment are a good suggestion, as well as the suggestion to see a physical therapist if you’re in pain no matter how you vary your form.


I have been trying with good posture but it's just that one machine I can't use even without any weights on it. I am substituting it for dumbbell overhead presses like the previous comment suggested but I think I'm just curious more than anything as to why that is the only one I'm having an issue with. Thank you all for the responses and help :) it is appreciated much more than you all realise


Have you tried dumbbell overhead presses? Start with the lightest weight and learn good form. This exercise is ideal for free weights. If you have shoulder pain, don’t do this exercise until you see a physical therapist.


I am trying dumbbell overhead presses to substitute for that and can sometimes get through all 3 sets but it does make my left shoulder pain like no tomorrow. Not burn like normal good muscle workouts should but pain. The lightest weight there is 2.5kg which is what I am sticking too until I can master that weight like I can with other exercises but I don't understand how to avoid shoulder pain with overhead dumbbell presses or even overhead dumbbell extensions. And it always is the left shoulder. I can still stretch and move my left arm but I don't want to injure it by putting too much weight on my shoulder


Can you get a physiotherapist to take a look at your shoulder? If it is always on one side, it sounds like something's up with it and it wouldn't hurt to get it checked out.


I honestly can't afford it right now but I'm trying to save up. I been skinny like a twig my whole life and I'm finally very slowly but surely building up but this shoulder issue has got me worried. I will take will definitely take your suggestions and visit a physiotherapist as soon as I can afford it.


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