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Yorick's late game is not as strong as people think, he is strongest at around 3-4 items. Especially with new lethality build without old Hullbreaker, you get stat-checked by modt bruiser at 6 items.


I'm gonna say, the new eclipse - shoujin - cleaver build has helped me reimagine what yorick can do. Give it a try, I think it completely beats the lethality build.


So you go first eclipse then shoujin then black cleaver(if they have huge tanks for armor u go black cleaver first I imagine) then?


I find the percent health is more effective early then the armor pen from cleaver.


Yorick is kinda middle of the pack late game. You can do stuff, but will lose against other strong splitpushers and duelers. If you manage to get engage with 4 ghouls and lethality, you can nuke people. I don't play much bruiser build so I'm not sure if there is a good way to make use of the changes to Q and maiden passive to be stronger in a 1v1. All in all, Yorick is strong midgame champ, who can snowball a lead into turrets, perma push and taking enemy jungle.


Yorick solo baron at 20m then 26m and loses if u can't end by 30.


Not really sure why people are saying Yorick is meh late game, but since everyone is stating that...I guess I'll just state the truth, which is the exact opposite. ​ Yorick is stupid strong late game, but it's not as straightforward as you think. Most people look at Yorick with 4 ghouls and maiden and think he's at peak power when he's not. Look at slogdog: the guy uses 8-12 ghouls on a constant rotation nearby him (with maiden ready to summon), while also not even including the ghouls that split the other sidelanes. Do you realistically think that any champ can handle 12+ ghouls when executed right? Absolutely not. It's arguably the biggest reason why Yorick is considered a massive threat late game. The issue is that people don't know how to maximize Yorick, so they think he peaks at mid game when they blow out the unaware top laner that has no idea what Yorick does. It's a reoccurring trend that really needs to die out, because any decent player in diamond will make your "mid-game" spike look like utter fucking garbage, because every point before 4 items is garbage for Yorick if the enemy top laner is good. It's not exactly an easy thing to do, but max potential Yorick shouldn't be getting stat checked by anything at 6 items because of how your kit works + summoner spells, especially to Aatrox, who doesn't scale past lv 16 3-4 items. You WILL get stat checked at 1-4 items by a vast majority of champs if you go head-on into them, but not if you learn how to abuse more than 4 ghouls at a time. Full lethality build utilizes this strength better than bruiser, but there are certain items that should be built akin to a thanos gauntlet: profane > serylda's > shojin > steraks > edge of night/serpents for shield abusers > liandry's. That shit is nuts late game since it buffs ability damage hard (maiden + ghouls full proc liandry's), and you can keep using things like ignite/tp to get to that point so you don't need to play without grievous wounds vs things like mundo, fiora and irelia.