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I'm Emerald II so maybe I'm not the best one to give out advice BUT I've never built Thornmail and Spirit Visage. If I want to go a little tankier I will go Shojin or Steraks maybe. Depends on your playstyle of course but I usually go lethality. Frozen heart can be good, depending on matchup (Irelia, Tryndamere etc).


I have been liking the thorn mail spirit visage combo in my games lately after sunder because I find it allows me to be the front line my Eli doesn’t seem to have and it let’s me have a bit of damage to be useful in a fight, I find shojin doesn’t give me the resistances I need


The thing is, you don't want to teamfight as Yorick. You want to splitpush and force people to respond to you, so having damage is important. Yorick is on the weaker side when it comes to teamfights, he has no backline access, is not tanky, doesn't have cc (wall can be clutch sometimes) and has poor aoe damage.


that's why i go bloodmail fourth item, should i move it to third and stick to thornmail or spirit visage depending on matchup?


>91% winrate breh you are bragging : P


ahahah just had a good run of games, i will still need help as the season goes on