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You can't really reliably split 100% of the time in low-elo. But you play Yorick, so you don't have to worry about it. After you take T1 tower, if you realize that; A) The enemy JG/Mid are very mobile and fed and will kill you if you show top too long. B) Your team just can't tell their head from their ass and they will lose the rest of the map if you don't babysit them. Just send 4 ghouls top... send four ghouls top and then go find your team. Land an E on a squishy, win the fight. Profit. and while I am serious; it's important to remember that it's not about splitting vs teamfighting. You can do a bit of both. Run top, push the lane, raise ghouls, go find your team, see if there's something worth forcing, an objective up and etc..., or maybe you just help push mid a bit. Top laner shows up top? Go back to match it. Top laner matches you with team? Great, your top lane will push on it's own while you cause chaos. if you absolutely don't want to group. Invest in wards and H.I.D.E. Push lane, go back, sit in a bush, watch the enemy team. Anyone coming to you? No? Push a bit more etc.. eventually they'll get tired of sending people after you and not getting you and they'll start ignoring you and then it's xcashXmoneyxtime pressure wins games


This. I figured it out the hard way Cant just permasplit or we losing the game, gotta be actually present AND ALIVE


Bonk their Bussy. "If Yorick is regarded as a low elo stomper, how tf do I climb to gold?"


Im low elo as well and I feel like if I play Yorick and split I get 4 or 5 maned every time and my team does nothing while other lanes are free and then we lose because I did not help team enough.


Because you overextend and don't track the map where the waves and players are


Yep the moment I don't see them on map I know they are coming after me I retreat do our jungles and get back on the same lane. They get extremely pissed.


Try csing better, if you can CS at 8 or 9 a minute you can solo baron early. With this you have the ability to always pressure objectives. If you can't take down a tower empty their jungle


Try BC/Shojin build, I found a lot more success with it in Emerald just due to the fact that you can statcheck 1v2 if you are more fed than opposing jungler and top. Also this build teamfights way better. Problem is, you greatly suffer in push power and it is harder to force something when opponents defend turrets, because you can't hit 2 Es and kill them anymore.


Bro, I remember trying to smurf with a low elo friend of mine, and it is hell if you want to try to splitpush, it's such a coinflip. Always try to leave ghouls in a lane before you leave, join your team and try to start a fight, oneshot their carries with your ghouls and push with your team/take objective. Rinse and repeat. Low elo matches are usually won by brute force.


I’ve learned to ping for what I want my team to do. If I want them to go towards drag I ping drag a bunch. Same goes for baron or a tower. Low elo (myself included) can’t really think for themselves or they get tunnel vision and forget everything else. So try to guide them like the Shepard you are. You also don’t need to always be the split push too. You have 4 ghouls and maiden. Send maiden one way then you take 4 ghouls and go the other. Most ppl go for maiden but if they do come for you TP to maiden. In team fights don’t be afraid to use you team as bait. Pretend you’re gonna team fight, throw an E or a wall down then once you know where the enemy is, TP to the opposite side of the map.