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The fact that this person would put you down over the school you go to says more about the kind of shitty people his school takes in than it does about you.


Thank you, that does make me feel better


If the judge is a half way decent and intelligent person what that guy said only reflected poorly on him, what he did and said was completely unprofessional. This guy embarrassed himself in front of that judge and the other people in your group probably thought he was a loser. I'm not joking, in any workplace or professional setting everyone will see that he's just trying to build himself up by insulting someone else like a child would. That he did it multiple times only makes it worse for him. Don't be afraid to network with that judge again, everyone else probably thought he was as much of an ass as you do.


Oh yeah, if I met that dude at a convention I would want to know his name only because I'd know there must be tons more stories about him behaving like a doofus.


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Oh yeah, that guy made a complete ass of himself. He hurt himself much worse than you.


its the truth, and you should have said it to his face. he would have never tried such bullshit again


I am a york alum, (I've also done degrees at Queen's and Western). Since graduating I have never heard anyone talk about another person's Alma mater either positively or negatively. It just doesn't matter. People learn from experiences, and from their own hard work more than they do from what colour their school football team wears. The opportunities may be different at different schools, but to paint a whole school with such a broad brush is ridiculously simplistic thinking (not to mention elitist a f)


Most people dont give a shit where you went to school. The only people that care are the ones who have been brainwashed to believe these things actually matter and tie all their self worth and identity to it. These are all bs labels and stories that modern society created. I know many people who haven’t even gone to university who are great people and considered successful by today’s standards. That guy sounds very immature and not someone id want to associate with. He’ll be the same type of person that continuously compares himself to others and trying to be the best, chasing everything outside of himself to increase his self worth and putting down everyone who doesn’t share the same views. There are many people like this in the world, but there are also many who see beyond the bs and wouldn’t judge you like he did. Good job for following your dreams/goals and attending York and f that prick.


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And may i ask where did mr. Asshole study?


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Everyone always post something similar to this every year. York’s undergraduate admission rate is not very competitive yes that’s true. But their grad programs are by far very competitive and hard to get into. No one cares about what school you went to as long as you get your degree.


York's BBA and iBBA have the highest admission requirements in all of Canada. Schulich is a faculty at York but people seem to conveniently forget that when it suits them.


also has (i believe) a really good BEd program, after researching all the options in ontario york seems to be regarded as one of the best


And isn’t the CS program 90% now for admission?


According to [this source](https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/blog/university-acceptance-rates-canada): * TMU (Ryerson) accepts 80% of applicants. * University of Toronto accepts 43% of applicants. * York accepts only 27% of applicants. So York is the most selective of the three schools. Is the source correct? # Edit The numbers are distorted because they aren't specific to undergraduate acceptance. See /u/TimeWalker07's comment [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/19deufw/i_got_made_fun_of_for_going_to_york/kj65uqm/).




Bump, from personal experience that source is bs lol.


The numbers are actually correct, but you just didn't understand them properly. this is what it actually says "University's overall acceptance rate is estimated to be 27%, but the undergraduate acceptance rate is estimated to be much higher at 89% "


Good catch! I looked and have now found your quoted text, [here](https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/blog/york-university#:~:text=The%20university%27s%20overall%20acceptance%20rate%20is%20estimated%20to%20be%2027%25%2C%20but%20the%20undergraduate%20acceptance%20rate%20is%20estimated%20to%20be%20much%20higher%20at%2089%25.).


Possibly, assuming York has a lower domestic application rate and a higher international one. I know the grad program I got into (MSc Comp sci) had like a 1 in 25 acceptance.


All that source says is that York has a small number of seats for masters programs, if you only count undergrad it has a similar acceptance rates to TMU.


You telling me only 27% of people can hold a fork?


The question is, if they can walk and talk AND hold a fork, do they get into Brock or York?


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Honestly I didn’t read this But stop caring what others think


>But stop caring what others think How do you do that?


By reminding yourself how alone you are in this life, in a positive way, these people do not pay your bills, write your exams, give you jobs, mate with you nothing. Think of how irrelevant they are. You are the main fkng character of your story. Stop allowing them to take up that space by, you are doing this when you keep putting aside your own value. Also hang supportive people. Hmu on dm if you wanna reach out on insta and I can drop you some voice notes I’ve been through this process myself, I know what it’s like


I went to York.  Im an emergency doctor now.  My friends went to York. Some became doctors, some became lawyers, some chiropractors, some physiotherapists, and other.  I’m grateful I went there. I don’t hang my worth on where I went or the ‘prestige of other schools’. I define me, as you define you.  That person defines nothing BUT they are bringing you to a part of yourself you’re not at peace, yet. They had the power through words to make you feel a thing, that ultimately will meaning nothing, unless it has meaning to you. So, what is it? Connect with that, and bring peace to that part of your inner world. Future you will thank you for this:)


When you know your worth, the actions of others of this nature won't bother you. As you get older, it becomes easier as well when you begin to realise that some things just do not matter. Also, remember that, "hurt people, hurt people."


No one gives a shit where you went to school after a few years of working


I never graduated from university but I’m earning more than majority UofT alumni. It’s not about the school you attend but how hard you work and what motivates you to succeed. Average income past 4 years, 187k and looks like this year is a career year 230k+


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Just by being there for yourself! Speak for yourself when people bully you. Other people may or may not come to save you. But you have to because if you can't, nobody will want to (in most cases).


Try therapy, you may have coverage but honestly even if it's out of pocket it's worth it. It's like seeing for the first time after living your whole life blind


Get married, have kids, then have your partner leave you for another person. Puts things into perspective real quick.


The only person whose opinion matters is yours. It’s your life. Insecure people tear others down to bolster their own sad sense of self. Your opinion of your self is the only thing that matters. It’s a hard lesson and I hope these small minded people help you understand your value doesn’t come from the outside and has nothing to do with where you go to school. This time of your life will be over before you know it, enjoy your youth! It’s a gift!


In a few years, no one will give a crap where you went.


You have to internally believe that you made a good choice with the school you chose. I laugh at everyone who talks down about having a york degree. York has its downsides, but going to York was one of the best decisions I made. York does not have the most academically talented students in Canada, but there are many brilliant York students (not just in schulich either).


The art of not giving a fuck


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He's a bully, and his actions reflect the type of person he is. The fact that he has to put someone down to boost his ego exposed his insecurity. In life, you can not let people's projections put you down, those are distractions.You hold your head up high, push through, and work toward your goals in life. I have networked with people who have attended York, and they have exceptional skills and have climbed their organization's ladder.


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Dude. That guy literally makes his identity about what school he goes to. It’s the cringiest fking shit. He bases his self worth off what Canadian university he goes to. Just take that in. Why? Probably because he has low self esteem and has to flaunt something, which is prob why he put you down. He’s an actual loser. After you graduate, a degree is a degree. It means very little where you get your degree unless you’re doing post grad or something. My cousin went to western and is doing her masters at York. York isn’t a bad school. Some York programs are actually hard to get into like comp sci. If none of that helps, why do you even care? You literally got into the school he goes to. You only chose York for the scholarship. It’s not like he’s smarter than you. But anyway in like 5 years you’ll look back and laugh at this! Enjoy your years at uni and don’t let a loser like that bring you down.


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Bro just ignore what they say and move on, the university you go to literally doesn’t matter.


I went to York undergrad. I was accepted at McGill, U of T, Queens. I chose York. It’s an excellent school. Don’t let jerks get you down.


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When somebody is nasty to you in a public forum, theyre actually admitting to you and everyone within earshot that theyre an asshole who is unpleasant to be around; Unfortunately for them, theyre stupid enough to think other people will perceive their behaviour as powerful. Its also just bad business, you could have been the connection that helped him land a cool job. Remember kids, you dont have to be everyones friend, but you should be friendly with everyone.


I'm gonna assume this is undergrad if it is, it really does not matter what school you go to. In my opinion, there is no prestige or good or bad school, especially undergrad. Literally, all university gives out the same degree; University has been giving that shit out like me after I eat taco bell. The mass production of bachelors makes it more useless than ever before. If it was in the past, I would differ, but now, who gives af. and the fact that a grown ass man is talking like that, I'm sure it makes no difference. its not like that university gonna teach that man manners.


It does matter especially for business schools and Bay Street jobs. I did york accounting and had several of these encounters with people telling me I’d do nothing with a york degree. At least for accounting, good jobs (read big 4 or mid tier accounting firms) simply overlooked York entirely and wouldn’t hire from BCOM since we had shulich on campus. I’ve subsequently gone on and landed a big 4 job, got my CPA and enrolled in the CFA program. My current group is composed entirely of target school kids and I can say it’s a toss up whether they’re complete idiots. It’s sad but true, there’s far less opportunities given to york students. These encounters still sting to this day, my first internship almost 6 years ago as the only “non-target” school kid I had to deal with several snide comments. It’s just super cringe, people find self worth in the school they attend and let it be known that it makes them better than you (or so they think)




No, couldn’t land that. Literally applied to dozens of postings for b4 during undergrad and didn’t get an interview. For my internship I applied to 50+ companies all AP/AR/bookkeeping related and got 1 interview which was the job I landed. It was rough


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You should definitely network with that judge again. Because you know who looked like an idiot at that meeting? The guy throwing around meaningless insults in a professional setting. Sounds like he was intimidated by you in some way and had an inferiority complex


Also, are you doing law?? Because York has one of the most prestigious law schools in the country…


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Honestly.. this is the common perception. I enjoyed my time at York and stopped caring. Most universities in Ontario don’t have a great reputation to be honest. Think Brock, Trent, Lakehead, Metropolitan (former Ryerson), laurentian, Laurier.. people make fun of them all too. And lots of grads from those schools are working in successful and established careers. York gets picked on because it’s commonly second choice to Uof T.. and that’s sort of true. York is not often someone’s first choice for a lot of fields of study. I find the teasing is often from Queens, U of T, Waterloo or McMaster. My anecdotal experience: Particularly Queens students are so brainwashed in their elitism that they thrive on making people feel inferior to them, and their university experience. I’m taking even Queens grads from 20 years ago. They need to grow up… they are just stuck in their glory days. Edit: I was financially significantly better off by staying at home and going to York. My savings covered my partners large student loans when we got married, and they lived away and went to an “elite school” I listed.


Honestly I went to McMaster and I hated everyone there and I also got in with like a 78 average lol it’s not that impressive a school


me too, toxic white people all over that uni.


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I promise you that judge was probably disgusted by his behaviour


In my year York University is actually looked down on quite a bit, "If you can hold a fork you can go to york", "If you can walk faster go to McMaster", " If you can pee.. you can go to UofT ", " If you smell like poo.. go to Waterloo", " Carleton, where the K stands for Quality", There are millions of these expressions everywhere. Any honestly, it's pretty funny. Try looking some up if you need a laugh


I can relate to the reasons why you chose to go to York instead. It was closer to home and easy to get to which allowed me to work a full-time job and make some money. We all have our reasons to follow certain paths in life. You're attending on of the top universities in Canada. I say this as someone who has done a degree at York and making 6 figures in a job all thanks to the education I got here. I proudly say that I went to York and no one has said anything to me so far in my career. Think of it this way, someone from a top school like MIT or Harvard could come ask that dude the same question. This dude is just an asshole. Nothing more. Just focus on yourself and the things you can control. Next time, call him out in front of everyone. I know it takes a bit of courage, but literally say something like "It's not very nice to make fun of people for where they go to school. Please don't do that." I bet you 100% he's never gonna forget that day. One thing I can tell you is that these type of people don't grow up after high school/university. It continues through their life time and you will encounter them in your career. Best thing you can do is call them out or ignore them, they are just assholes. Just be proud of your accomplishments.


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Undergrads at “elite” schools have a big head about going there, because they’re at an age where stupid things like that give them something to feel superior to others about. It’s very childish. Life hasn’t humbled them yet, trust me. Please don’t let this get you down. By the way, could you share which school he went to? I have my suspicions but am just curious. Edit: am saying this as someone who graduated from one of these schools 10+ years ago, and remember how immature and elitist a lot of my classmates were, but it was truly a function of immaturity and no real world experience.


>By the way, could you share which school he went to? Yeah he goes to TMU lol


That’s hilarious considering TMU was always regarded as “Rye High” by UofT students. The guy had no leg to stand on


By everyone old enough to remember Ryerson was a community college lol


He’s trying to put you down to make himself feel better cuz we all know TMU(Ryerson) is the inferior university of the three in the city. That place was still a college competing against George Brown not too long ago, there’s no prestige at all over there. Meanwhile Osgoode Law and Schulich Biz has been producing quality grads since the 1950’s. YorkU’s alumi list is actually quite strong. (Honourable mention Mean Girl Rachel “*Get in Loser*” Adams) But like others have mentioned, your alma mater means very little once you’re in the workforce.


Bruh Ryerson gets made fun of all the time and the guy had the audacity to make fun of York lol


Lol what? I figured he’d be some insecure Ivey or Queens Commerce guy since those programs imbue elitism into their students.


Seriously I thought the other guy was going to be from U of T or Queens. It is hilarious that he’s from TMU and thinks somehow he’s at a “real university”. It’s true that York isn’t the most prestigious (and this will definitely matter for some degrees) BUT it definitely isn’t at the bottom either and has a better reputation than TMU which up until a while ago (a decade or two) was a polytechnic university.


Wait, he goes to TMU and had so much to say? Bruh 💀


This randomly popped up on my feed, but I feel the need to chime in, because the loud mouth goes to Ryerson. York ranks higher than TMU on the Times Higher Education, US News Global Rankings, Masters Portal, and QS scales. These are the various ranking systems respected by the actual institutions. This person calling you down is like the janitor making fun of the CEO for wearing a suit. Quick story: 20 years ago I was working in field, deep basin gas drilling. We get guys from all over Canada, and sort of figure out little idiosyncrasies about people from different regions. It’s like a real-time geography class on sub-cultures. Anyways, we get this one kid from TO, starts at entry position, and brags around about how he’s going to Ryerson, and how he’s going to be something someday. Obviously, he didn’t last too long, but I’ll never forget the moment he was fired. We were on the drill floor, he’s tripping around all over the place, and the the driller finally lost his patience and canned him in the spot. He looks back at us, tear in eye, and says “I don’t need this! I’m going to Ryerson!” Time stood still. In a world before memes, a catchphrase was born. For the next 4-5 years, anyone from TO that washed out was handed his termination papers and told “don’t worry, there’s always Ryerson”. So, the next time someone from TMU starts chirping, just remember that there’s an entire industry of High School dropouts that look down on him, and Braggy loud mouths don’t make it in the real world. You do you. You’ll find your way in the world.


Lol hilarious. I’m a queens and McGill guy and can absolutely say that caring about how “prestigious” your school is literally does not matter to anyone after grade 12/first year university. York is a perfectly good school. Tbh, for my undergrad I wish I would have stayed closer to home and gone somewhere cheaper. I could only get into McGill for arts and had to transfer into the program I actually wanted. At York/Carleton/Trent etc. I could have gone directly into the program I actually wanted and possibly lived at home and saved a bunch of time, money, and effort. But instead I fell for the “prestigious” meme and payed too much to live in an expensive downtown.


Fuck are you on about? York has the most elite school in all of Canada, the Schulich School of Business. If you went to University in the States that's not elite, that's mommy and daddy have too much money.


That guy was very insecure. Don’t feel ashamed at all. Never allow a random idiot screw with your mind. My siblings went to York university and they both went onto bigger and more demanding careers. One is a lawyer and the other one is a physicist. At the end of the day, please remember that you make the university, you’re the one putting the effort and only you can showcase your abilities, the university is not there to do job applications or interviews. Finally, be proud you got the opportunity to attend a university that is good when a lot of people would love the opportunity to get a post secondary education and they can’t.


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LOL I'm in my 30s and I PROMISE you that no one in the real world gives a flying f#$k about what school you went to...it doesn't come up at all, and unless you're a Harvard grad, no one is impressed by where someone went to school...whoever made fun of you is an insecure loser who probably won't get very far in the "real world" because people like me who do the hiring would hear a guy like him say "If you can hold a fork you can go to York" and automatically think "What a f#$king loser, I'll make sure to not hire that kid, he sounds like an asshole" Recruiters don't care if you went to Algoma, Queens, Western, or York etc...all they care about is that you have an education. The most important thing is experience and networking...if people like you, and you have a track record, you will move up in the world Young 20-something-year-olds who believe that where they went to school will impress anyone after they're done are in for a surprise...it generally doesn't mean shit 1. Networking 2. Personality (If people like you and like spending time with you, they will be more likely to hire/promote you) 3. Experience and resume (Can you do the job and do you have a track record?) 4. Work ethic 5. Your Degree (It gets your foot in the door and that's it) That's the order of importance...where you went to school is last on the list...




Just wanted to add that I went to York too (studied accounting) and things worked out fine for me afterwards. If it's the same case competition I'm thinking about, let's just say the opinions propagated there is not really relevant to what you'll see once you start working. The only thing that matters are the letters.


Hey man, don't let this guy get to you. I graduated from ubc 10 years ago and if I saw someone shit on someone's school I'd just tell them hey man once you're done school and working most times no one gives two shits about where you went so get over yourself. Where I work now people only care about your work ethic and how good of a team player you are. I honestly just think it's because the guy is young and immature, once hes done school and working he will realise being a dick doesn't do any one good. Hope you feel better about all this, I respect how you went about going to school after you could afford it and stayed local to save some money. Stay positive!


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When this kid enters the real world they will realize how little it matters where you went to school. I in a similar way as you (yorku alumni) experienced a lot of people from queens or Ivey ask if I went to Schulich instead of “regular york” (I got a job in a bank) and this guy would make fun of me … and my thought is how stupid is this guy you’re talking to… you guys are in the same place doing the same thing so clearly his degree and school is not any better given you both are getting the same opportunities. Don’t worry about it every university is what you make it. You’ll be fine. This guy is an idiot.


Nothing embarrassing. I know very successful people went to York. Think about those who went to Osgoode Hall Law School and Jennifer Keesmaat.


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This guy made a York joke in front of a judge you were both networking with, that speaks volumes about his character. I got both of my degrees from York. I got accepted into other unis but still chose York. I chose York for their program, not for their name. In Canada, the truth is, your school DOES NOT MATTER. There's more to just a name for a school. I understand you are sad and angry but people like him with their head in the ass say stuff like that because they feel empowered by putting other people down. They can only feel their worth by making others around them seem useless so they can feel good about themselves. If you show them that their words don't mean smack, watch them turn from a blabbermouth to defensive or silent because they get embarrassed. Also, people have jokes for almost every uni in the GTA. UofT is university of tears, alongside Waterloo they are known for pushing students to the point of suicide. TMU (formerly ryerson) was made fun of because TRSM is above a mall. There are jokes about every uni, the key is to not let it get to you. Perhaps a part of you letting these words get to you is because you might feel some truth to it? Just remember, you chose York for your own reasons and if you're happy with the education that you're getting, what other people have to say about your school shouldn't matter.


My dad is a corporate director with a six figure salary who, due to having children at an early age, chose not to go to university. He really wanted that experience. Some would commend him for having skipped the tuition fees. What matters most, and I can tell you this wholeheartedly, is that you recognize the work that went into getting your degree. People who mind don't matter, and people who matter don't mind


Sounds like he was trying to overcompensate for his own insecurities by picking on you and making fun of you. It’s also possible that they felt threatened by your presence (maybe you’re smarter than them or maybe you’re very charismatic) and wanted to do everything in their power to put you down. Don’t let this guy get in your head.


Some of the best profs are at York. I do research with UVIC and UBC and many of our projects are connected to York.


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Tell him to shut his trap


On a side note, who really cares? The judge probably thought he was a shitter if he made such an unprofessional comment in front of you AND him. York is not a bad school, take pride in the fact that you are able to self sufficiently partake in higher education.


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As long as you work hard and are capable of doing so, you will achieve it. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what matters is what you make of it.


I went to Brock and my cousin went to Western. I had my whole family making fun of me! Then, while I was living in Japan after I got my degree, I got into a Master’s program at one of Australia’s top universities BECAUSE I went to Brock. Brock was very highly regarded internationally in my field at that time. Just ignore them and follow your dreams. Where you go to school really means little in the end if you achieve your dreams.


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It's basically impossible for that to come from someone who isn't unintelligent. He's been fed some narrative about York and he scarfed it down like a pig. You can become smart at any school, but York is by any measure a great school. However, hanging out with someone like that is an easy way to counteract that and become... less smart. If you do want to be seen as a smart person (and if you care about your mental well-being) I would suggest ditching the dude.


People said this kind of stuff to me when I went to York 15 years ago and it made me feel bad for them that this kind of thing is important to them. Also, after you graduate, no one cares where you went to school (unless you’re in finance or something). Like, it almost never comes up. I can’t even think of the last time somebody asked me “which university did you go to?”


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Broo I know the case competition was at TMU, bro that university cannot even stick to their own name and keep changing... Why do you worry about people.. people will talk shit about everything like or dislike.. it your decision at the end of the day to prove them wrong by either keeping silent or giving them answers back on their face


Didn’t want to read this lol. But you know what they say. If you can hold a fork you can go to York.


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to be fair i can walk, talk, and went to brock


who gives a shit about others opinions cut off people that bring your mood down and just live your life


In the end does it really matter where you went to for school for like a couple of years? It doesn’t define you and you shouldn’t care about what other’s think


you should have told him "yet, there are people who can't even hold a fork"


Just understand he’s a dickhead and move on. It’s difficult to not be affected my someone’s words towards you but at the end of the day, you have a life, family, a promising career, etc. Smile and move on, always remember how fortunate we are to be in certain circumstances and where we are today. Universities will always have its stigma just like anything else, just starts with someone saying a few words that rhymes and it just sticks. Be fortunate you go to university, no matter what you study. It’s an honor and privilege to experience that. P.S. He’s literally the type of person to say those things when things are not going his way and clearly knows you are the better, promising lawyer.


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Don’t be sad. Just know that the only benefit of going to X school or Y uni is just for networking purposes. And York has a large network in Toronto. Whether a person went to Western, UofT, York, McGill, or even Humber, you ALL will be working the same kind of jobs at the exact same companies. After graduation, where you went to school will rarely matter. Only your experience.


This type of tribalism exists everywhere. People substitute finding a real personality with making “their team” their entire identity. They emulate the type of pride they see their mentors have but they miss the part where it’s all in good fun so they turn into toxic losers. Don’t let that asshole make you feel any shame about pursuing an education. Same with the self deprecating folk. What school you went to is going to be a blip in your career in the same way you don’t remember what brand of diapers you wore as a baby.


Don’t worry about it! Hell I went to laurentian and have found great jobs lol


That sounds like it’s a him problem. He probably has low self esteem and puts others down to make himself feel better.


Well the fact that he had to say all that says a lot more about him and how insecure he is.


York is a good school, and it seems like you are making the most out of your experience That guy is a pretentious insecure asshole


I went to a prestigious US Business school + Got into a fellowship The team that won the annual case competition was from McMaster’s DeGroote business school. Mac’s rank in Canada is unknown to me, but obv quite a bit lower. No one really worth their salt cares about these things.


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Once you are beyond the age of 24 or have gone to a decent employer who isn’t toxic your school comes up a total of 0 times. Even before then it is 30 seconds total of your life. Pick up yourself and move forward. You sound like you will graduate with no to little debt. Assuming you keep handling your finances well and invest and plan for the future and health goes well you’ll be well on your way to as good a life as any other school could have provided you. It’s the person, not the school.


School doesn’t matter. It only matters to idiots. Every university (especially in Canada) can (and does) provide more knowledge than any student can absorb in 100 lifetimes. You’re working full time while in school; I wish I could say the same. You’re more of a hustler and will get further in life than that person will ever. Fuck what they taklm about.


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So basically, some people are assholes. It seems like what your issue really is, is not being able to tactfully stand up for yourself in the moment. Making fun of someone multiple times, during what is supposedly a professional setting, for their choice of school is deeply revealing of someone who is grossly immature. Staying cool in that moment is difficult at times and defending yourself with tact can be too, but it's a necessary life skill. There are bullies and straight-up assholes at every stage of your career and some will try to size you up and even belittle you. You need to stand up for yourself, even at the risk of ....gasp....making it uncomfortable for others. Obviously, in life you have to pick your battles wisely, but this was most definitely a worthy instance. For context I went to York for undergrad and did my masters at U of T, and I can tell you right now I could really care less about either school, but if anyone tried to belittle me for going to York I would 💯 put them in their place. Not because I care about the school but because as a principle you should never accept being belittled for any reason.


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You need some thicker skin, and to stop giving a fuck.


I rejected UTM offer like a chad because York is easier than uoft that's all


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I graduated from York back around '08 I have to admit that my time there wasn't the best ... but it definitely wasn't bad. It is what you make of it - a good or bad one. And I have a lifetime worth of success to thank the school at this point. Just keep going.


Sorry, but it's true. Any resume I get with a York U. undergrad degree on it is automatically met with suspicion. I am not interested in hiring activists. Probably an unfair and biased opinion, but why take the chance when I've got 20 other resumes to look at?


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As someone who went to college (long ago), none of this shit (that person’s comments) will matter. People were shocked I chose college rather than uni and now a decade + later I’m still more “successful” than many of them 🤷🏽‍♀️ In 10 years, the person trying to shame you claim to fame will be that they went to x uni and people will laugh. Stay strong and if you want to rattle them next time, ask “why does it matter to you?” Or “What do you mean by that?” Let them feel dumb


One of my coworkers at the moment, holds a director title at a billion dollar global tech company. They graduated with an arts degree from York university and they are so freaking great at their job. People like the guy you met are truly dimwitted and have nothing of substance or value to add. That speaks volumes about their character and mentality, they won’t last too long out there tbh. You on the other hand, have made a wise choice to continue your education, learn and grow as well as find the best way to pay for everything. You’re smart and you will do very well! I really admire my coworker for the work they do, it’s so challenging and impactful. You will get there too. 100%


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If you think about it actually York is a pretty good school. The only reason why people think it isn’t is probably because of the location, the almost inconspicuous male or group of 5’10” unidentifiable males causing chaos, and the homeless people. York is probably the ultimate underdog, because you don’t realize this school is actually pretty good until you go here for a few years. Don’t let these people get you down, they just have unnecessary big university complex due to their universities reputation. It’s the complete opposite for us here. Tip: everytime someone says “if you can hold a fork you can go to York” I always say, “and I look like a baddie doing too 😚” But don’t say that in front of a judge…


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I used to be this kind of person and I'm so sorry to the people who heard me or who I directed it to. I was raised to think this way and didn't question it until after I had been shitty to some people and I regret it so much. The truth is amazing people go to all different types of universities, and it's about finding the right university for you. It sounds super cliche, but it's true. The person who said those shitty things (from personal experience) will probably realize soon how ridiculous those thoughts are, or will find themselves incredibly limited in life. It's a narrow view of life that I was raised with and unfortunately wasn't able to question and learn from until I hurt some people. After graduating, no one cared where I went to school and when I employed people I didn't care where their degree was from (other than checking to make sure its not a scam if it was a college in the states i hadnt heard of). I decided to go back to school for my masters and I'm at laurentian. I had one person say shit to me, and if you believe in karma I deserve it. Just know that as a former elitist dick, it really says more about the person than it does about you. Guaranteed the judge who heard those comments is on your side.


Takes guts to admit, you are a very mature person


Thank you! I figure if I can't admit it, I haven't really grown, and if admitting at and sharing where I was coming from can help people, then it's the right thing to do.


That guy was a jerk but he didn't lie... That institution is not well respected for a colossal set of reasons unrelated to academia.


Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words should never hurt you


It’s simple monkey social ladder shit. “I learned that York is terrible” “I can’t be more terrible than someone at York. I must do what I can to appease my monkey brain. I must push this person lower down the social ladder.” Classic person at the bottom rung trying so hard to keep their head above water by pushing others down


He’s projecting. I guarantee you he’s not doing well at that university & needs to compensate by lashing out at you. Not easy but learn to ignore & reinforce yourself with positive messaging. Acknowledge it happened, you’re allowed to be sad. But then reflect on all the good things York has given you & concentrate on doing as well as you can. Hopefully you’ll one day be this dipshit’s boss.


Honestly, you're lucky you even go to university as thats something not many people can do/afford. So many people can not fathom going to university as its not for them, yet you are brave and powerful enough to go. In the end, it does not matter. York is one of the best universities in Canada. That guy sounds like a real asshole and do not listen to a word he says!


To be honest, York doesn't really offer the greatest education. On the other hand, I would take a 4.0 from York over a 3.3 at UofT. Your undergraduate grades are so important to quick access to your graduate degrees. Some graduate degrees will take into account work experience, but again, the caveat is you have to have an intermediate job instead of direct access to further education. Also, you made a good sensible decision. Graduating debt free is huge! I wouldn't feel bad about coming from York if it means obtaining your dreams. Sorry he made fun of you. Next time you should stand up for yourself. Yes, I'm going to York. It made more financial sense, I'm graduating debt free. I'm obtaining the same degree as you, and frankly the way you insist on trying to put me down for obtaining higher education is off putting. Would you like to excuse yourself, or should I? I hate big meanies.


Mate, not everyone can go to a top school or even a good one. Even if it's not recognized by employers, I'm sure there's still a positive benefit to attending almost any university including York.


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Just remember that anyone who talks shit about a university with a blanket "it's bad" sort of statement, probably can't even find it on a map lmao. Total high school move.


I went to York from 2009 - 2013 and it really set the course for my future. In my third year I started volunteering in a psych lab, through which I was able to make connections which led me to go to grad school at U of T studying with my undergraduate supervisor’s supervisor. I didn’t finish my PhD cause I got a sweet gig with the govt as a behavioural scientist. People made fun of me going to York as well back then, but going there was really foundational to my success. It wasn’t a perfect campus, or institution, but no where is. Plus once you’re past undergrad no one cares where you went to school. In grad school people wanted to know who you studied with and now that I’m in my 30s, no even asks about undergrad. Chin up, and make the most of your experience. I went back for a conference a couple years back and couldn’t believe how much the campus has changed and grown, so take advantage of it all. Good luck!


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Tbh posting a thread as an adult because someone teased you is more embarassing than anywhere you could have went but that's just my opinion. Good luck in the world.


This is content ?


Why did he abuse you even once? You just stood there for numerous insults? If this is what York produces, maybe he had a point. At the same time, you need some assertiveness training. You let him insult you, did nothing, and now come to Reddit. Get help.


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Not even a dork would go to York


I think it’s pretty accurate


Going to York has always been considered embarrassing, don't worry about it though lol


i don’t go to york but this post popped up on my recommended . realistically most people don’t care where u go to uni. it’s ur program that differentiates u. like if ur an english major at uoft or an english major at york it’s the same shit. but if ur in arts at uoft but doing science at york i’ll think ur smarter cus science is harder for me personally. most people have the same thought process, they judge ur “smartness” based on ur program not school


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Fuck York, but also fuck that guy. Who gives a shit where you go to uni, school pride and school rivalry is a dumb American meme. Get ya paper and get out before the next strike.


As long as you network and get good grades, no one will ever question where you went to school.


He’s an insecure tool whom everyone is going to hate when he gets into the working world. He’ll probably run afoul of HR pretty quickly and end up getting fired. I hope that offers some consolation. (I’m a York grad by the way.)


when someone tries to put you down, look through their bullshit because they are insecure about themselves


"It must suck to go through life with a micropenis."


I'll say one thing one of the basic basic things you need to be successful in commerce(I'm assuming it's a BCom case competition) is the ability to be cordial and pleasant to deal with. People that think and behave the way he does really limit their own potential in the long term....because that mentality leaks into all aspects of their life. There is a saying I was told once upon a time - never let schooling get in the way of your education - keep moving forward and learning and this memory will be ancient history before you know it


Bro, don’t get upset about the fact that some childish kid is projecting his insecurities on you, don’t care such things move on and do your job. This person has never seen the real world, he is gonna get humbled quick.


The university doesn't make the students, the students make the universities. I would shut him down with each snarky comment and make him eat his words.


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So rather than confronting him you write multiple paragraphs nice.


I go to western, York is a very fine university in Canada. There is nothing wrong and it is actually impressive you go to a pretty well known university internationally. It is not a small deal. The person was just trying to be a bully and seem funny, what a dickhead. I don’t get why anyone would put someone down for going to a uni that suited them. Be proud of where you go, it’s where you lived the experiences that made you the way you are. This goes for everything including where you live as well


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You were lucky enough to go to university. I wish I could have that! Be proud of your education!!


Be more concise in your writing.


He is insecure.  At the end of the day just remember nothing as insignificant as the school you attend matters lmao


Who is this person to you? No one?! Would you take their advice on anything? No? Then who cares what they think! Don’t give them that power over you. Their words means nothing. If not already in the work force, this is a good lesson to learn. People only have power over you if you give it to them (re peers not management… management has power over you 🙂). Also, your age in school doesn’t matter we all have our own paths. It’s completing the work to get the degree that matters not the school. Every school is made fun for something. Don’t sweat it.


When people make rude bullying comments to me, I say “ why did that make you feel good to say to me?” Best done if the jerk says it in front of a group. York is a fine school. And when you graduate - employers generally don’t give a damn which school it was from. That bully is insecure and childish. Keep it pushing 😊


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You are old enough and have enough other life experience to realize that you and this little sh!t will be competing for jobs in the near future, and nobody will be looking at diplomas or grades, just the fact that everyone has the education. Your age and maturity will be a significant advantage before even considering that this person is an idiot. Don't get caught in this school ranking BS. Get your degree, get everything you can out of your education, and never look back (unless you want to - which will also pay off!).


Fuck em


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Ignore him. It’s more about him than you.


Let them laugh. You can laugh at them when you get a better job. You just have to use their comments to motivate yourself.


Ah yes, the old "hold a fork" refrain. Nobody cares about this shit once your graduate. Next time just say something like "I guess rhyming is still a pretty exciting concept wherever you go to school"


Rachel McAdams, Malin Akerman and Kathryn Winnick went to York.


Send a letter to their dean. That’s deeply unprofessional and they need to learn it is not acceptable


You’re suffering from success.