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Maybe try pluging it in?




You said gps instead of gpa


Oh I meant gpa


Indeed you did


Any advice tho


Depends on what your career path is following your degree


Let’s say I want to go into finance or stocks


Just survive your degree, no one cares about your gpa unless you going to look into post graduate degrees


This. I literally test all my interviewees on the spot to see if they're not complete smooth-brains. All of the stuff you do on the job I have to train you for anyway. Your degree just means "This guy was enthusiastic enough to tough it out four years and did a lot of the shit I did when I was a student, so at least we have a common starting point I can work with." If an interviewer asks you for an official transcript (not the pdf one you can fudge) make sure you get them to pay for it.


Search up gpa calculator and put in ur marks now and figure out how many classes you’ll be taking from now on and put marks in for those to see the highest gpa u can get. U need a 5.00 I think to be eligible to graduate tho.






Once you’ve graduated, you’ve got your piece of paper, and that’s all that matters. Employers just want to see that you’ve completed your program and got your degree. I have never heard of presenting your transcript as conditional for employment, but, that doesn’t mean such a thing doesn’t exist. Keep in mind, the student who finishes at the bottom of his class in med-school is still called “doctor” when they graduate. But ….. I’ll say this: There’s no way you’re getting into a post-graduate program with those numbers. Your only way into a post-graduate program is to get another certification, like in ADMS or something …. and even in that scenario, if you try to do it at York, you might be able to do it as a mature student, but they’re going to want an explanation for your GPA to justify why they should give you a second chance. Fortunately, York is big on second chances, especially for students who were enduring hardship…. U of T would see you as a 4.8 for the rest of your life…. Which isn’t fair, but it’s the way of the world.


Thanks for the advice , so any chance of getting into a post graduate program is gone


No, but it’s going to take some time away, and you most likely will have to get another Bachelor in a different program: IF post-grad is your goal.


Curious what do you plan on doing with economics when you graduate?


Am thinking of going into finance or real estate more specifically financial or business analyst